Storybook World is an animated anthology series released on VHS. The show was produced by A.J Shalleck under Fox Lorber and distributed by Kids Klassics. Each episode is an animated retelling of classic children's stories narrated by Fred Newman.
Storybook World | |
Created by | A.J. Shalleck |
Presented by | Fred Newman |
Music by | Andy Belling |
Country of origin | United States |
Original language | English |
No. of seasons | 1 |
Production | |
Producer | A.J. Shalleck |
Animator | Tee Collins |
Production company | Fox Lorber |
Cartoons that were made include "Goldilocks And The Three Bears", "Jack And The Beanstalk", and other familiar stories. There were other cartoons that was added, such as "The Baseball Bat", and "Teddy On Time". and "The Mystery Of The Missing Fuzzy".
Most of the animation was a form of stop motion using the books original illustrations as templates. Occasionally cel animation was added, such as raindrops and the characters walking.
Several cartoons were released with the series that were previously aired on TV that were episodes of Famous Classic Tales, After School Specials, and other similar series, released by Kids Klassics.
The original books were published by Troll Associates.
edit- Written by: Michael J. Pellowski, Ski Michaels
- Illustrated by: Ed Parker, Len Epstein, George Guzzi
- Animation: Bill Foch, Willy Hartland, Luke Yeager
- Music by: Andy Belling
- Storyteller: Fred Newman
- Created, Produced, and Directed by : A.J. Shalleck
Copyright 1988 Troll Associates. Distributed by: Fox/Lorber