In functional analysis and related areas of mathematics, a Smith space is a complete compactly generated locally convex topological vector space having a universal compact set, i.e. a compact set which absorbs every other compact set (i.e. for some ).

Smith spaces are named after Marianne Ruth Freundlich Smith, who introduced them[1] as duals to Banach spaces in some versions of duality theory for topological vector spaces. All Smith spaces are stereotype and are in the stereotype duality relations with Banach spaces:[2][3]

  • for any Banach space its stereotype dual space[4] is a Smith space,
  • and vice versa, for any Smith space its stereotype dual space is a Banach space.

Smith spaces are special cases of Brauner spaces.


  • As follows from the duality theorems, for any Banach space   its stereotype dual space   is a Smith space. The polar   of the unit ball   in   is the universal compact set in  . If   denotes the normed dual space for  , and   the space   endowed with the  -weak topology, then the topology of   lies between the topology of   and the topology of  , so there are natural (linear continuous) bijections
If   is infinite-dimensional, then no two of these topologies coincide. At the same time, for infinite dimensional   the space   is not barreled (and even is not a Mackey space if   is reflexive as a Banach space[5]).
  • If   is a convex balanced compact set in a locally convex space  , then its linear span   possesses a unique structure of a Smith space with   as the universal compact set (and with the same topology on  ).[6]
  • If   is a (Hausdorff) compact topological space, and   the Banach space of continuous functions on   (with the usual sup-norm), then the stereotype dual space   (of Radon measures on   with the topology of uniform convergence on compact sets in  ) is a Smith space. In the special case when   is endowed with a structure of a topological group the space   becomes a natural example of a stereotype group algebra.[7]
  • A Banach space   is a Smith space if and only if   is finite-dimensional.

See also



  1. ^ Smith 1952.
  2. ^ Akbarov 2003, p. 220.
  3. ^ Akbarov 2009, p. 467.
  4. ^ The stereotype dual space to a locally convex space   is the space   of all linear continuous functionals   endowed with the topology of uniform convergence on totally bounded sets in  .
  5. ^ Akbarov 2003, p. 221, Example 4.8.
  6. ^ Akbarov 2009, p. 468.
  7. ^ Akbarov 2003, p. 272.


  • Smith, M.F. (1952). "The Pontrjagin duality theorem in linear spaces". Annals of Mathematics. 56 (2): 248–253. doi:10.2307/1969798. JSTOR 1969798.
  • Akbarov, S.S. (2003). "Pontryagin duality in the theory of topological vector spaces and in topological algebra". Journal of Mathematical Sciences. 113 (2): 179–349. doi:10.1023/A:1020929201133. S2CID 115297067.
  • Akbarov, S.S. (2009). "Holomorphic functions of exponential type and duality for Stein groups with algebraic connected component of identity". Journal of Mathematical Sciences. 162 (4): 459–586. arXiv:0806.3205. doi:10.1007/s10958-009-9646-1. S2CID 115153766.
  • Furber, R.W.J. (2017). Categorical Duality in Probability and Quantum Foundations (PDF) (PhD). Radboud University.