S.O.S Emergência is a Brazilian television comedy show aired by Rede Globo, created by Daniel Adjafre & Marcius Melhem and with the general direction of Mauro Mendonça Filho. Its debut occurred on April 4, 2010. The first season featured 13 episodes, ending on July 18, 2010. The second season premiered on August 2, 2010, and ended on December 19, 2010, with 26 episodes.
editThe show tells the story of the unusual routine of professionals in the hospital Isaac Rosenberg, bringing humor to the relationship between doctors and patients. The characters of the series work in the hospital and deal, in every episode, with different patients.
edit- Marisa Orth as Dra. Michelle
- Bruno Garcia as Dr. Mike (Wando in Brazil)
- Maria Clara Gueiros as Dra. Veruska (only season 1)
- Fábio Lago as Nurse Anderson
- Fernanda de Freitas as Dra. Evilyn
- Hugo Polosso as Dr. Brenon
- Cláudio Mendes as Dr. Camargo
Guest star
edit- Ellen Rocche as Lisa
- Ney Latorraca as Dr. J. Solano
editThe show debuted with an average audience of 18 million viewers, a number considered good for the time the series had been scheduled (23:00 pm). Peak audience was 23 million viewers.