Portal:Scotland/Selected article/Week 24, 2008

Charlotte Stuart by Hugh Douglas Hamilton, Scottish National Portrait Gallery

Charlotte Stuart, styled Duchess of Albany (29 October 1753 – 17 November 1789), was the illegitimate daughter of the Jacobite pretender Prince Charles Edward Stuart ('Bonnie Prince Charlie' or the 'Young Pretender') and his only child to survive infancy. Her mother was Clementina Walkinshaw, who was mistress to the Prince from 1752 until 1760.

After years of abuse, Clementina left the Prince, taking Charlotte. Charlotte spent most of her life in French convents; estranged from a father who refused to make any provision for her. Unable to marry, she herself became a mistress with illegitimate children taking the Archbishop of Bordeaux as her lover. She was finally reconciled to her father in 1784, when he legitimised her and created her Duchess of Albany. She left her own children with her mother, and became his carer and companion in the last years of his life, before dying less than two years later. Her three children were raised in anonymity; however, as the only grandchildren of the pretender, they have been the subject of Jacobite interest since their lineage was uncovered in the 20th century.

Charlotte Stuart's story did not take long to enter into the Jacobite folklore. The Scots poet, Robert Burns, a near contemporary, wrote a number of works celebrating the tragic romanticism of the Jacobite cause. Amongst them was The Bonnie Lass of Albanie, a lament to Charlotte Stuart probably written at the time of her death. Indeed, evidence from an unpublished collection of letters from Burns to Robert Ainslie reveals the Poet's fascination with Charlotte, in that he considered naming one of his own illegitimate children Charlotte after her.