
  • December 11: The protein-protein interaction between mutated Ras and Raf has been shown to prevent a cell from turning one switch off, leading to the uncontrolled cell growth of cancer. (PhysOrg)
  • July 6: An article in Science reports the recovery of DNA in ice samples extracted from southern Greenland. The age of these fragments is estimated between 400 and 800 thousand years. (BBCNews)
  • January 22: Scottish scientists have genetically engineered hens that produce useful drugs in their eggs. Furthermore, the hens are capable of passing on this trait to their offspring. (Science News Online)
  • January 18: An analysis of a rocket launch at January 11, 2007 concludes that China tested the military use of its payload by destroying an orbiting satellite. If correct, this would be the first publicly known test of that technology in at least 20 years. (BBCNews) (Reuters)

January: Launch of web site for use of taxonomists of the world www.animalsite.at.tt[1]