Portal:Bible/Featured chapter/Numbers 2

God tells Moses that the Israelites are to encamp by tribe as follows: Levi, around the Tabernacle; Judah, Issachar, and Zebulun on the front or east side; Reuben, Simeon, and Gad on the south; Ephraim, Manasseh, and Benjamin on the west; and Dan, Asher, and Naphtali on the north.

PEOPLE: יהוה‎ YHVH - Moses - Aaron - Children of Israel - Nahshon - Amminadab - Nethaneel - Zuar - Eliab - Helon - Elizur - Shedeur - Shelumiel - Zurishaddai - Eliasaph - Reuel - Elishama - Ammihud - Gamaliel - Pedahzur - Abidan - Gideoni - Ahiezer - Ammishaddai - Pagiel - Ocran - Ahira - Enan

PLACES: Biblical Mount Sinai

RELATED ARTICLES: Bamidbar (parsha) - Tabernacle - Tribe of Judah - Tribe of Issachar - Tribe of Zebulun - Tribe of Reuben - Tribe of Simeon - Tribe of Gad - Levite - Tribe of Ephraim - Tribe of Manasseh - Tribe of Benjamin - Tribe of Dan - Tribe of Asher - Tribe of Naphtali

ENGLISH TEXT: American Standard - Douay-Rheims - Free - King James - Jewish Publication Society - Tyndale - World English - Wycliffe