Graduados is a 2012 Argentine telenovela aired by Telefe from March 12 to December 19. The story involves several former high-school students who graduated in 1989 and meet again twenty years later. The main character, Andrés Goddzer (Daniel Hendler), discovers that María Laura Falsini (Nancy Dupláa) was pregnant in 1989 and married Pablo Catáneo (Luciano Cáceres), who thought that he was the child's biological father. The resulting parental dispute, the love triangle between the main characters, and 1980s nostalgia were frequent plot elements in the show.
The series was written by Sebastián Ortega, and produced by Endemol and Underground producciones. It included several cameos and guest appearances of Argentine Rock artists. Graduados was very successful, winning in the ratings race over the blockbuster Showmatch. It received the 2012 Golden Martín Fierro award, seven Martín Fierro awards and ten Tato Awards, including the Tato Award for the 2012 program of the year. (Full article...)