Kadison–Singer problem

In mathematics, the Kadison–Singer problem, posed in 1959, was a problem in functional analysis about whether certain extensions of certain linear functionals on certain C*-algebras were unique. The uniqueness was proved in 2013.

The statement arose from work on the foundations of quantum mechanics done by Paul Dirac in the 1940s and was formalized in 1959 by Richard Kadison and Isadore Singer.[1] The problem was subsequently shown to be equivalent to numerous open problems in pure mathematics, applied mathematics, engineering and computer science.[2][3] Kadison, Singer, and most later authors believed the statement to be false,[2][3] but, in 2013, it was proven true by Adam Marcus, Daniel Spielman and Nikhil Srivastava,[4] who received the 2014 Pólya Prize for the achievement.

The solution was made possible by a reformulation provided by Joel Anderson, who showed in 1979 that his "paving conjecture", which only involves operators on finite-dimensional Hilbert spaces, is equivalent to the Kadison–Singer problem. Nik Weaver provided another reformulation in a finite-dimensional setting, and this version was proved true using random polynomials.[5]

Original formulation


Consider the separable Hilbert space 2 and two related C*-algebras: the algebra   of all continuous linear operators from ℓ2 to ℓ2, and the algebra   of all diagonal continuous linear operators from ℓ2 to ℓ2.

A state on a C*-algebra   is a continuous linear functional   such that   (where   denotes the algebra's multiplicative identity) and   for every  . Such a state is called pure if it is an extremal point in the set of all states on   (i.e. if it cannot be written as a convex combination of other states on  ).

By the Hahn–Banach theorem, any functional on   can be extended to  . Kadison and Singer conjectured that, for the case of pure states, this extension is unique. That is, the Kadison–Singer problem consisted in proving or disproving the following statement:

to every pure state   on   there exists a unique state on   that extends  .

This claim is in fact true.

Paving conjecture reformulation


The Kadison–Singer problem has a positive solution if and only if the following "paving conjecture" is true:[6]

For every   there exists a natural number   so that the following holds: for every   and every linear operator   on the  -dimensional Hilbert space   with zeros on the diagonal there exists a partition of   into   sets   such that

Here   denotes the orthogonal projection on the space spanned by the standard unit vectors corresponding to the elements of  , so that the matrix of   is obtained from the matrix of   by replacing all rows and columns that don't correspond to the indices in   by 0. The matrix norm   is the spectral norm, i.e. the operator norm with respect to the Euclidean norm on  .

Note that in this statement,   may only depend on  , not on  .

Equivalent discrepancy statement


The following "discrepancy" statement, again equivalent to the Kadison–Singer problem because of previous work by Nik Weaver,[7] was proven by Marcus/Spielman/Srivastava using a technique of random polynomials:

Suppose vectors   are given with   (the   identity matrix) and   for all  . Then there exists a partition of   into two sets   and   such that

This statement implies the following:

Suppose vectors   are given with   for all   and
Then there exists a partition of   into two sets   and   such that, for  :

Here the "discrepancy" becomes visible when α is small enough: the quadratic form on the unit sphere can be split into two roughly equal pieces, i.e. pieces whose values don't differ much from 1/2 on the unit sphere. In this form, the theorem can be used to derive statements about certain partitions of graphs.[5]


  1. ^ Kadison, R.; Singer, I. (1959). "Extensions of pure states". American Journal of Mathematics. 81 (2): 383–400. doi:10.2307/2372748. JSTOR 2372748. MR 0123922.
  2. ^ a b Casazza, P. G.; Fickus, M.; Tremain, J. C.; Weber, E. (2006). "The Kadison–Singer problem in mathematics and engineering: a detailed account". Operator theory, operator algebras, and applications. Contemporary Mathematics. Vol. 414. Providence, RI: American Mathematical Society. pp. 299–355. arXiv:math/0510024. doi:10.1090/conm/414/07820. ISBN 9780821839232. MR 2277219.
  3. ^ a b Casazza, Peter G. (2015). "Consequences of the Marcus/Spielman/Stivastava solution to the Kadison–Singer Problem". arXiv:1407.4768 [math.FA].
  4. ^ Marcus, Adam; Spielman, Daniel A.; Srivastava, Nikhil (2013). "Interlacing families II: Mixed characteristic polynomials and the Kadison–Singer problem". arXiv:1306.3969 [math.CO].
  5. ^ a b Srivastava, Nikhil (July 11, 2013). "Discrepancy, Graphs, and the Kadison–Singer Problem". Windows on Theory.
  6. ^ Anderson, Joel (1979). "Restrictions and representations of states on C∗-algebras". Transactions of the American Mathematical Society. 249 (2): 303–329. doi:10.2307/1998793. JSTOR 1998793. MR 0525675.
  7. ^ Weaver, Nik (2004). "The Kadison-Singer problem in discrepancy theory". Discrete Mathematics. 278 (1–3): 227–239. arXiv:math/0209078. doi:10.1016/S0012-365X(03)00253-X. S2CID 5304663.