I didn't understand back then but now I know what I must do. I'll definitely save you mom and dad.

— Yasu Masashige, in MUDCIH's, The Mimic: Control's Book: Chapter IV
Yasu Masashige
Created byMUCDICH
In-universe information
  • Son (By Keiko Masashige)
  • Descendant of Kusonoki
  • Murderer (By Kintoru)
  • MC 1
  • Kaigiteki Character
  • The Player
  • Your Roblox Username
PositionMain Character
  • Daku Masashige (Father)
  • Keiko Masashige (Mother)
  • Kusonoki Masashige (Main Ancestor)
  • Kintoru's Puppets (Ancestors/Relatives)
ReligionBuddhism or Shinto
OriginThe Mimic

Yasu Masashige (正成安(まさしげやす): Masashige Yasu) is the main protagonist of Control's Book. He is the youngest living member of the Masashige Family, the son of his parents, Daku and Keiko, and the great-grandson (by 13 generations) of Kusonoki Masashige. Yasu is also the one who killed the Beast of Control, Kintoru, to free his bloodline from her curse.



Physical Appearance



Yasu's appearance depends on the player's ROBLOX avatar, though he is canonically male.

Concept Art

File:YasuFictional.pngYasu is portrayed as a young man with black hair and light brown eyes. He wears a black jacket, a brown shirt beneath his jacket, and a pair of black pants. His outfit is described to be made for a dark environment by Noob_Daddae.

Gameplay Appearances


He appears in every chapter of Control's Book as he is the main protagonist.



Yasu is a very determined young man, venturing out to his school to save his friends, as well as defeating Kintoru to free his parents and ancestors from her curse.



Pre-Control's Book


Not much has been known about Yasu's life before Control's Book. However, it has been confirmed that he lived with his parents, Daku and Keiko. He was born in Kyushu, one of the four main islands in Japan. At some point in his life, he and his parents immigrated to California, where he met his group of friends, William, Kayla, Jason, Leon, Daniel, and Cecil.

Control's Book


Chapter I


Yasu goes to his old school in search of his six friends, Kayla, Jason, Cecil, Leon, Daniel, and William. In one of the classrooms, he encounters an unnaturally tall girl with a pink hat before he mysteriously descends into the city. Somewhere in the city, he encounters the tall girl again in a maze, trying to avoid her on his way. He then is able to find the key to escape the maze. Yasu meets a farmer who warns him about a girl playing the biwa. On his journey, he encounters many stone statues – some of which were hostile. He then finds himself at a minka where he enters the basement, finds a cave inside, and finds a door that would lead him to a hotel. On one floor of the hotel, Yasu encounters the girl with a biwa that the farmer mentioned. He successfully evades her with ease. On the next floor, he encounters Kuriko on her hunt for him. As he escapes, a voice in his head tells him that he is now in the Imperial Palace.

Chapter II


In the Imperial Palace, Yasu encounters Megumi. Once he finds a way to unlock the exit by pulling a lever, all while evading her, he enters another part of the palace where he encounters a large samurai and manages to evade him, as well. Yasu then finds butterfly spirits to open certain doors, exiting the Imperial Palace and entering the Realm of the Forgotten. Yasu, guided by butterfly spirits, finds a certain butterfly spirit as a key to a door to the next part of his journey. At the end of walking down the hallway of the same mimicked hallways of the school and the hotel that he previously explored, Yasu finds himself in what seems to be an abandoned hospital where he was to escape and find a key to another exit while avoiding Shaku. He gets to a deeper part of the hospital where he has to avoid a more monstrous version of the doll while getting a butterfly spirit as a key to the exit. Yasu finds himself in another village-like maze where he encounters the one responsible for the voices in his head. She hunts him throughout the maze as he searches for yet another butterfly spirit that would aid in his escape from this place.

Chapter III


Yasu travels through water and enters a minka on his way. As he solved various puzzles to escape the minka, a man kept appearing by him, whom he would encounter later in a swamp to hunt him down as he plays his floating biwa. During this time, Yasu has to solve another puzzle to open up the exit to escape from the swamp.

The exit leads him to a hallway of hands that would kill him instantly in contact, which then leads him to a cave with a black pedestal in the center to place another butterfly spirit on to open up the exit.

Yasu finds himself in another minka. Here, he encounters Mihari who aggressively tries to capture him by reaching through the boarded window in the minka's basement. They meet again in another portion of the basement, with the woman trying to hunt Yasu while he tries to ring five bells around the basement. He is then tasked to take her spirit and burns it in a white flame.

Yasu wakes up in the same minka again and finds a key to unlock the door to the exit. He walks through a cave-like hallway full of endless copies of haunted paintings, leading him to Omukade's Lair. Here, he has to turn all four pillars into green by interacting with the four skulls in each pillar while avoiding Omukade, who is seen roaming around. Once he completes the puzzle, the exit opens up and he enters it to find a hallway full of the heads of all the monsters that he encountered. At the end of the hallway, he gets transported to what seems to be his house.

Chapter IV


As Yasu goes inside his house to look for his parents, he unlocks certain doors and went to the basement. He finds a door there that leads him further down to a bloody swamp. Here, he encounters groups of aggressive mannequins that try to attack him if he does not look directly at them. At the end of it, he opens a door leading to his old high school once again.

Yasu enters through the door leading him to the school gym, which then leads him to a building with classrooms. There, with one of his parents as a monster hunting for him, Yasu is tasked to collect thirteen butterflies scattered throughout the building to escape.

Yasu now finds himself in an unfamiliar village. He enters a building where he solves a puzzle to access the key to move on to the next part of his journey.

After this, he finds himself in a foggy forest. Here, he is tasked to find six cursed items that look like a samurai's equipment and burn them in white flames, all while avoiding Kusonoki Masashige.

The samurai, Kusonoki, then appears in front of him as a mirage and reveals that he is a great ancestor of his. Kusonoki instructs him to take his blessed blade to defeat the witch who bound them to this curse once and for all and warns him not to be deceived by her.

Yasu is taken to a cave and discovers his ancestors trapped in a spider web. Through a red door, he found himself in the lair of Saigomo.

Yasu uses the blessed blade that Kusunoki gave him to destroy all three of Kintoru's hearts that were found in different chambers of the lair, all while being hunted down one last time by the witch in her Saigomo form. Once he slays all three of her hearts, he gets brought to a Sakura Arena, where he must fight Saigomo face-to-face.

As Yasu ends up defeating her, she presents him with two options – to kill her, or spare her with the promise of letting him and his parents return to the real world.

Good Ending

If the player(s) choose the "Kill Sama" choice:

Yasu frees himself, his parents, and his ancestors from the witch's curse.

Bad Ending

If the player(s) choose the "Save Your Parents" choice:

Yasu has been deceived by the witch. He would then appear to be trapped in a web along with his parents, becoming one of her cursed puppets.


  • Yasu (安/康) is a gender-neutral name that translates to "peace" or "calmness." In other readings of Kanji, it also means "level" (坦).
  • He is canonically male, as confirmed in a note found in the house in Chapter IV.
  • His ethnicity is Japanese, but he was born in the U.S.A. due to migration. This was confirmed by a lore writer.
  • He is a fan of the real-life popular cartoon series, We Bare Bears, as he has both a mini-figure and a poster of it in his bedroom.
  • His room also has a white Among Us crewmate figurine on a shelf, as a reference to the 'amogus' meme.
  • He has a preference for spicy-flavored foods.
    • He also likes ramen noodles, which can be seen in the kitchen of his parents' house in Chapter IV.
  • He is the youngest living member of the Masashige Family.
  • He appears to have a teddy bear on his bed. This might show how his old bedroom remained untouched throughout his adulthood.
  • His concept art was designed by Noob_Daddae, a friend of MUCDICH.
  • A lore writer stated that Yasu did not encounter the real nor the spirit of Kusonoki, but rather a hallucination/mirage. It was simply a message that Kusonoki created for when Yasu burned the cursed items that imprisoned Kusonoki's soul and then freed him.
    • It is unknown if Kusonoki appearing as a hallucination/mirage will be changed in the Control's Book lore revamp.