“The Big Stew” is a horror/comedy ARG that started on October 12th 2024 (10/12/24) by X user @kloogans.

The first post is as follows: “i have an area in my backyard i call "the big stew" it's a pit i dug where i dump old batteries, gas, household chemicals, and dr pepper. i stir it once a month”

It is currently believed to be located in the state of Florida due to this mysterious post.

The origins or motivation of this so called “Big Stew” (beyond the location and how it looks) are yet to be known, nor is the timeline of how long said stew has been active.

The main objectives of the aforementioned “Big Stew” is that it must be created with the most toxic and horrible chemicals, ingredients and random objects and that it must be stirred at a minimum of once a month because it must be kept hot among other currently unknown reasons.

as it currently stands it seems as though the creator of “The Big Stew” does not share similar morals to the every day human, as they are willing to go as far as grand theft auto as-well as potentially murder? all in the name of upkeep of “The Stew”

the creator has been faced with many a challenge that seems to regularly keep them from the stew upkeep, like being in the hospital for “food poisoning” to people apparently stealing samples of the stew for themselves (although it seems to be lethal even at low doses and is currently known to take effect in 11 hours) as well as getting into arguments to their soon to be divorced partner about getting legal custody of 50% of “The Big Stew”

All while this drama has been unfolding the users of X have been cheering James (@kloogan) on and agreeing with the sentiment that “the stew must be stirred” and the fact that “only the stew can be stirred by the stew stirrer” less it may get cold and less viscous.