Alain Gresh (born 1948 in Cairo, Egypt) is a French communist party leader and journalist.

Alain Gresh in 2014

He is the former editor of Le Monde Diplomatique. He writes articles mainly on the Islamic world and the Arab world.[1] Alongside his career, he is a Palestinian nationalist activist.[2]



Alain Gresh was raised in Cairo, Egypt. At the age of 14, he moved to Paris to study mathematics and Arabic. As soon as he arrived in France, he joined the French Communist Party youth.[3]

After graduating from high school, he became the leader of the French communist youth. In 1978, he became secretary general of the World Festival of Youth and Students in Havana.

He was later named in charge of the French Communist Party foreign policy department. He continued studying the Near East in college, and wrote his PhD dissertation on the Palestinian Liberation Organization (PLO).[4] In 2007, he admitted he had regular meeting with leaders of the Soviet Union. Gresh claims he created the first pro-Palestinian Organization in France after Moscow decided to change its foreign policy.[5]

He was editor of Le Monde diplomatique, and retired at end of 2015. He then cofounded the website Orient XXI.

Personal life


His biological father was Henri Curiel, an Italian Jew and communist activist who later became an Egyptian citizen. After being exiled from Egypt in 1950 because of his communist activities, Curiel settled in France.

Selected articles

  • "Shadow of the army over Egypt's revolution",[6] Le Monde Diplomatique (August 2013)
  • "The Middle East: How the Peace was Lost",[7] Le Monde Diplomatique (September 2001)



In English:

  • The PLO: The Struggle Within: Towards an Independent Palestinian State (1988).
  • The Middle East: War Without End? (1988). With Dominique Vidal.
  • An A to Z of the Middle East (1990). With Dominique Vidal.
  • Ordinary Days in Dheisheh: Is the World Watching? (2000). With Munā Hamzeh.
  • The New AZ of the Middle East (2004). With Dominique Vidal.
  • Israel, Palestine: Truths of a Conflict (2007).

In French:

  • Palestine 47, un partage avorté (1994).
  • Les 100 portes du Proche-Orient, Éditions de l'Atelier (1996/2006). With Dominique Vidal.
  • L'islam en questions (2000). With Tariq Ramadan.
  • Palestine: Vérités sur un conflit (2001/2010).
  • L'Islam, la République et le Monde (2004).
  • 1905-2005: les enjeux de la laïcité (2005).
  • De quoi la Palestine est-elle le nom? (2010).
  • Un chant d’amour. Israël-Palestine, une histoire française, with Hélène Aldeguer, éditions La Découverte, (2017)


  1. ^ "Interview: Alain Gresh | Middle East Policy Council". Retrieved 2019-10-04.
  2. ^ Intifada française? De l'importation du conflit israélo-palestinien - Marc Hecker, editions-ellipses (2012), page 41,42,179,394
  3. ^ Alain Gresh, « Alain Gresh : « On peut être croyant et révolutionnaire » sur Revue Ballast, novembre 2016
  4. ^ "Alain Gresh", Le Monde Diplomatique'.
  5. ^ Marc Hecker, « Un demi-siècle de militantisme pro-palestinien en France : évolution, bilan et perspectives » [archive], sur Confluences Méditerranée, 2013
  6. ^ "Shadow of the army over Egypt's revolution". Le Monde diplomatique. 2013-08-01. Retrieved 2018-03-17.
  7. ^ "The Middle East: how the peace was lost". Le Monde diplomatique. 2001-09-01. Retrieved 2018-03-17.

See also
