2021 in paleoentomology

(Redirected from 2021 in insect paleontology)

This paleoentomology list records new fossil insect taxa that were to be described during the year 2021, as well as notes other significant paleoentomology discoveries and events which occurred during that year.

List of years in paleoentomology
In paleontology
In paleobotany
In arthropod paleontology
In paleoichthyology
In paleomalacology
In paleomammalogy
In reptile paleontology
In archosaur paleontology

Clade Amphiesmenoptera




New Lepidopteran taxa

Name Novelty Status Authors Age Type locality Country Notes Images


Gen. et 7 sp. nov


Mey, Léger & Lien


Burmese amber


A Lophocoronidae moth.
The type species is A. skalskii
The genus also includes A. bowangi, A. kuranishii, A. muelleri, A. sattleri, A. spinifera, & A. wichardi.

Acanthocorona skalskii


Gen. et sp. nov


Mey, Léger & Lien


Burmese amber


An agathiphagid aglossatan moth.
The type species is A. perdita.

Agathiphagama perdita

Phyllocnistis cretacea[2]

Sp. nov



Late Cretaceous (Cenomanian)

Burmese amber


A species of Phyllocnistis

Phyllonorycter inopinata[2]

Sp. nov




Baltic amber

(  Kaliningrad Oblast)

A species of Phyllonorycter

Lepidopteran research

  • The first known Cretaceous caterpillar armoured with spines is described from the Burmese amber by Haug & Haug (2021).[3]
  • Fossil leaf mine produced by a lyonetiid-like leaf-mining moth, representing the oldest record of such moths reported to date, is described from the Upper Cretaceous (Campanian) Kaiparowits Formation (Utah, United States) by Maccracken et al. (2021), who name a new ichnotaxon Leucopteropsa spiralae.[4]


Name Novelty Status Authors Age Type locality Country Notes Images

Archaeopolycentra achupomotet[5]

Sp. nov


Melnitsky & Ivanov

Late Cretaceous (Santonian)

Kheta Formation
(Taymyr amber)

(  Krasnoyarsk Krai)

A member of the family Polycentropodidae.

Archaeopolycentra turvalsia[5]

Sp. nov


Melnitsky & Ivanov

Late Cretaceous (Santonian)

Kheta Formation
(Taymyr amber)

(  Krasnoyarsk Krai)

A member of the family Polycentropodidae.

Cernotina fossilinova[6]

Sp. nov


Wichard & Neumann

Probably early Miocene

Dominican amber

  Dominican Republic

A caddisfly, a species of Cernotina.

Electrotrichia rasnitsyni[7]

Sp. nov


Melnitsky, Ivanov & Perkovsky

Late Eocene

Rovno amber


A member of the family Hydroptilidae.

Folindusia aenigmatosa[8]

Sp. nov


Sukacheva & Vasilenko

Early Cretaceous


A larval case of a caddisfly.

Folindusia expansa[8]

Sp. nov


Sukacheva & Vasilenko

Early Cretaceous


A larval case of a caddisfly.

Folindusia inconspicua[8]

Sp. nov


Sukacheva & Vasilenko

Early Cretaceous


A larval case of a caddisfly.

Folindusia inventa[8]

Sp. nov


Sukacheva & Vasilenko

Early Cretaceous


A larval case of a caddisfly.

Folindusia robusta[8]

Sp. nov


Sukacheva & Vasilenko

Early Cretaceous


A larval case of a caddisfly.

Folindusia tortilis[8]

Sp. nov


Sukacheva & Vasilenko

Early Cretaceous


A larval case of a caddisfly.

Holocentropus tutkaktut[9]

Sp. nov


Melnitsky, Ivanov & Perkovsky

Eocene (Priabonian)

Rovno amber


A species of Holocentropus.

Palaeopsilotreta kachini[10]

Sp. nov


Wichard, Müller & Xu


Burmese amber


A member of the family Odontoceridae.

Palaeopsilotreta succini[10]

Sp. nov


Wichard, Müller & Xu


Burmese amber


A member of the family Odontoceridae.

Plectrocnemia kirmikhia[11]

Sp. nov


Melnitsky, Ivanov & Perkovsky

Eocene (Priabonian)

Rovno amber


A species of Plectrocnemia.

Psilotreta fossilis[10]

Sp. nov


Wichard, Müller & Xu


Burmese amber


A species of Psilotreta.

Purbimodus khramovi[12]

Sp. nov


Sukatsheva & Aristov

Early Cretaceous


A member of the family Vitimotauliidae.

Terrindusia nova[8]

Sp. nov


Sukacheva & Vasilenko

Early Cretaceous


A larval case of a caddisfly.

Wormaldia denticulata[13]

Sp. nov

In press

Wang et al.

Late Cretaceous (Cenomanian)

Burmese amber


A caddisfly, a species of Wormaldia.

Wormaldia diplobifurca[13]

Sp. nov

In press

Wang et al.

Late Cretaceous (Cenomanian)

Burmese amber


A caddisfly, a species of Wormaldia.

Clade Antliophora




New Dipteran taxa

Name Novelty Status Authors Age Type locality Country Notes Images

Acartophthalmites crassipes[14]

Sp. nov


Roháček & Hoffeins


Baltic amber

(  Kaliningrad Oblast)

A member of Opomyzoidea belonging to the new family Clusiomitidae.

Acartophthalmites luridus[14]

Sp. nov


Roháček & Hoffeins


Baltic amber

(  Kaliningrad Oblast)

A member of Opomyzoidea belonging to the new family Clusiomitidae.

Acartophthalmites rugosus[14]

Sp. nov


Roháček & Hoffeins


Baltic amber

(  Kaliningrad Oblast)

A member of Opomyzoidea belonging to the new family Clusiomitidae.


Gen. et sp. et comb. nov


Krzemiński et al.


Burmese amber


A member of the crane fly family Limoniidae. The type species is A. rasnitsyni; genus also includes "Antocha" lapra Podenas & Poinar (2009).

Allarete patriciae[16]

Sp. nov



Early Eocene

Oise amber


A member of the family Cecidomyiidae.

Allodia paleoafricana[17]

Sp. nov


Bouju et al.

Early Miocene

Ethiopian amber


A species of Allodia.

Apocephalus chiapanecus[18]

Sp. nov

In press

Solórzano-Kraemer et al.


Mexican amber


A species of Apocephalus.

Apocephalus dominicanus[18]

Sp. nov

In press

Solórzano-Kraemer et al.


Dominican amber

  Dominican Republic

A species of Apocephalus.

Apocephalus miocenus[18]

Sp. nov

In press

Solórzano-Kraemer et al.


A species of Apocephalus.

Araripogon pulchrus[19]

Sp. nov

In press

Lamas, Sampronha & Ribeiro

Early Cretaceous (Aptian)

Crato Formation


A member of the family Asilidae.


Gen. et sp. nov



Middle Triassic

Röt Formation


A member of the family Nadipteridae. Genus includes new species B. franconica.

Bibio castaneipennis[21]

Sp. nov


Skartveit & Wedmann



A species of Bibio.

Bibio succineus[22]

Sp. nov




Baltic amber

Europe (Baltic Sea region)

A species of Bibio.


Gen. et 3 sp. nov


Ševčík et al.

Late Cretaceous (Cenomanian)

Burmese amber


A member of the family Bibionidae. The type species is B. antennatus; genus also includes B. conicus and B. pedicellatus.


Gen. et 2 sp. nov


Ševčík, Hippa & Burdíková

Late Cretaceous (Cenomanian)

Burmese amber


A member of the family Ditomyiidae. The type species is B. korneliae; genus also includes B. wieslawi.


Gen. et sp. nov


Ševčík, Hippa & Burdíková

Late Cretaceous (Cenomanian)

Burmese amber


A member of Sciaroidea of uncertain phylogenetic placement. The type species is B. mesozoica.


Gen. et sp. nov


Poinar & Vega

Cretaceous (Albian/Cenomanian)

Burmese amber


A member of the family Apsilocephalidae. The type species is C. tubuliferous.


Fam. et gen. et comb. et sp. nov


Roháček & Hoffeins


Baltic amber

(  Kaliningrad Oblast)

A member of Opomyzoidea, the type genus of the new family Clusiomitidae. The type species is "Acartophthalmites" clusioides Roháček (2016); genus also includes new species C. ornatus.

Crenoptychoptera gaoi[26]

Sp. nov


Liu & Huang

Middle–Late Jurassic

Jiyuan Basin


A member of the family Ptychopteridae.

Cretobibio rasnitsyni[27]

Sp. nov


Lukashevich, Amorim & Ribeiro

Early Cretaceous (Aptian)

Crato Formation


A member of the family Bibionidae.

Cretolimonia dayana[28]

Sp. nov

Kopeć in Kopeć et al.

Jurassic/Cretaceous boundary

Glushkovo Formation

(  Zabaykalsky Krai)

A member of the subfamily Architipulinae.

Cretolimonia lukashevichae[28]

Sp. nov

Kopeć & Krzemiński in Kopeć et al.

Jurassic/Cretaceous boundary

Dain Formation

(  Zabaykalsky Krai)

A member of the subfamily Architipulinae.

Cretolimonia mikolajczyki[28]

Sp. nov

Kopeć, Krzemiński, Soszyńska-Maj in Kopeć et al.

Late Cretaceous (Cenomanian)

Burmese amber


A member of the subfamily Architipulinae.

Cretolimonia pseudojurassica[28]

Sp. nov

Krzemiński in Kopeć et al.

Jurassic/Cretaceous boundary

Dain Formation

(  Zabaykalsky Krai)

A member of the subfamily Architipulinae.


Gen. et sp. nov

In press

Carmo, Lamas & Ribeiro

Early Cretaceous

Crato Formation


A member of the family Therevidae. Genus includes new species C. antiqua.


Gen. et sp. nov


Li, Zhang & Xiao


Burmese amber


A member of the family Bibionidae. Genus includes new species C. burmensis.

Culex ekaterinae[31]

Sp. nov


Giłka, Harbach & Perkovsky


Rovno amber


A mosquito, a species of Culex.

Culicoides paleopestis[32]

Sp. nov

In press

Peñalver et al.


Anglesea amber


A species of Culicoides.

Cyttaromyia freiwaldi[33]

Sp. nov


Kania-Kłosok et al.


Green River Formation

  United States

A member of the family Cylindrotomidae.

Cyttaromyia gelhausi[33]

Sp. nov


Kania-Kłosok et al.


Green River Formation

  United States

A member of the family Cylindrotomidae.


Gen. et sp. nov


Krzemiński et al.

Late Cretaceous (Cenomanian)

Burmese amber


A member of the crane fly family Limoniidae. The type species is D. podenasi.

Elephantomyia christelae[35]

Sp. nov

Kania-Kłosok & Krzemiński


Baltic amber

Europe (Baltic Sea region)

A species of Elephantomyia.

Elephantomyia prima[35]

Sp. nov

Kania-Kłosok & Krzemiński


Baltic amber

Europe (Baltic Sea region)

A species of Elephantomyia.

Forcipomyia rasnitsyni[36]

Sp. nov


Szadziewski, Sontag & Pankowski


Ethiopian amber


A species of Forcipomyia.

Helius hispanicus[37]

Sp. nov

Kania-Kłosok, Krzemiński & Arillo

Early Cretaceous (Albian)

Utrillas Group
(Álava amber)


A species of Helius.

Helius turolensis[37]

Sp. nov

Kania-Kłosok, Krzemiński & Arillo

Early Cretaceous (Albian)

Utrillas Group
(San Just amber)


A species of Helius.

Hirmoneura messelense[38]

Sp. nov


Wedmann et al.

Eocene (Lutetian)

Messel Formation


A member of the family Nemestrinidae.

Lebambromyia sacculifera[39]

Sp. nov


Badano, Zhang, Yeates & Cerretti in Badano et al.

Late Cretaceous (Cenomanian)

Burmese amber


A member of Phoroidea.

Leptotarsus andradei[40]

Sp. nov


Ribeiro, Santos & Santos

Early Cretaceous

Crato Formation


A species of Leptotarsus.

Leptotarsus gelhausi[40]

Sp. nov


Ribeiro, Santos & Santos

Early Cretaceous

Crato Formation


A species of Leptotarsus.

Leptotarsus ivoneae[40]

Sp. nov


Ribeiro, Santos & Santos

Early Cretaceous

Crato Formation


A species of Leptotarsus.

Leptotarsus lemeae[40]

Sp. nov


Ribeiro, Santos & Santos

Early Cretaceous

Crato Formation


A species of Leptotarsus.


Gen. et sp. nov


Giłka, Zakrzewska, Lukashevich & Cranston in Giłka et al.

Late Cretaceous (Santonian)

Kheta Formation
(Taimyr amber)


A member of the family Chironomidae belonging to the subfamily Chironominae and the tribe Pseudochironomini. The type species is M. kaluginae.

Meunierohelea anglesensis[32]

Sp. nov

In press

Peñalver et al.


Anglesea amber


A member of the family Ceratopogonidae.

Minyohelea nexuosa[42]

Sp. nov

In press

Pielowska-Ceranowska, Azar & Szwedo

Early Cretaceous (Barremian)

Lebanese amber


A member of the family Ceratopogonidae.

Myriophora asiatica[18]

Sp. nov

In press

Solórzano-Kraemer et al.


Zhangpu amber


A species of Myriophora.

Neoarisemus groehni[43]

Sp. nov





A member of the family Psychodidae.


Gen. et sp. nov


Men & Podenas


Burmese amber


A member of the crane fly family Limoniidae. Genus includes new species O. simplex.


Gen. et sp. nov


Giłka, Zakrzewska, Lukashevich & Cranston in Giłka et al.

Cretaceous (probably Albian–Cenomanian)

Burmese amber


A member of the family Chironomidae belonging to the subfamily Chironominae and the tribe Pseudochironomini. The type species is P. krzeminskii.

Palaeoglaesum pilosus[45]

Sp. nov


Skibińska, Krzemiński & Zhang in Skibińska et al.

Late Cretaceous (Cenomanian)

Burmese amber


A member of the family Psychodidae belonging to the subfamily Bruchomyiinae.

Palaeoglaesum stebneri[45]

Sp. nov


Skibińska & Krzemiński in Skibińska et al.

Late Cretaceous (Cenomanian)

Burmese amber


A member of the family Psychodidae belonging to the subfamily Bruchomyiinae.

Palaeoglaesum teres[45]

Sp. nov


Skibińska & Albrycht in Skibińska et al.

Late Cretaceous (Cenomanian)

Burmese amber


A member of the family Psychodidae belonging to the subfamily Bruchomyiinae.

Paleoplatyura agnieszkae[46]

Sp. nov


Ševčík, Krzemiński & Skibińska


Burmese amber


A species of Paleoplatyura.

Paleoplatyura magnifica[46]

Sp. nov


Ševčík, Krzemiński & Skibińska


Burmese amber


A species of Paleoplatyura.

Paleoplatyura miae[46]

Sp. nov


Ševčík, Krzemiński & Skibińska


Burmese amber


A species of Paleoplatyura.


Gen. et comb. et sp. nov


Curler & Skibińska


Baltic amber

Europe (Baltic Sea region)

A member of the family Psychodidae. The type species is "Pericoma" formosa Meunier (1905); genus also includes new species P. madrizi.

Polymera alexanderi[48]

Sp. nov


Krzemiński et al.


Dominican amber

  Dominican Republic

A species of Polymera.


Gen. et sp. nov


Li et al.


Burmese amber


A member of the family Bibionidae. Genus includes new species P. skartveiti.

Rhabdomastix asiatica[50]

Sp. nov


Kania-Kłosok et al.

Late Cretaceous (Cenomanian)

Burmese amber


A species of Rhabdomastix.

Rhabdomastix cretacica[50]

Sp. nov


Kania-Kłosok et al.

Late Cretaceous (Cenomanian)

Burmese amber


A species of Rhabdomastix.

Rhabdomastix krzeminskae[50]

Sp. nov


Kania-Kłosok et al.

Late Cretaceous (Cenomanian)

Burmese amber


A species of Rhabdomastix.

Rhabdomastix myanmae[50]

Sp. nov


Kania-Kłosok et al.

Late Cretaceous (Cenomanian)

Burmese amber


A species of Rhabdomastix.

Rhipidoxylomyia rasnitsyni[16]

Sp. nov



Early Eocene

Oise amber


A member of the family Cecidomyiidae.

Stempellinella gilkai[51]

Sp. nov


Zakrzewska & Jankowska


Baltic amber

Europe (Baltic Sea region)

A species of Stempellinella.

Trichoneura xavieri[52]

Sp. nov


Kania-Kłosok et al.

Early Cretaceous (Albian)

Utrillas Group


A species of Trichoneura.

Zhangsolva burmensis[53]

Sp. nov

In press

Zhang & Zhang


Burmese amber


A member of the family Zhangsolvidae.

Dipteran research

  • Baranov et al. (2021) document a high diversity of fly larvae from the Eocene Baltic amber, preserving taxonomically, morphologically, and ecologically important characters, and evaluate the implications of this finding for the knowledge of the functional ecology of the Eocene fly larvae.[54]


Name Novelty Status Authors Age Type locality Country Notes Images

Conicholcorpa longa[55]

Sp. nov

Zhang, Shih & Ren in Zhang et al.

Middle Jurassic

Jiulongshan Formation


A scorpionfly belonging to the family Holcorpidae.


Gen. et sp. nov


Poschmann & Nel


Meisenheim Formation


A scorpionfly belonging to the family Protomeropidae. Genus includes new species G. virgoferroa.

Longiphlebia incompleta[57]

Sp. nov

In press

Lian, Cai & Huang

Late Jurassic

Tiaojishan Formation


A scorpionfly belonging to the family Orthophlebiidae.

Mesopsyche jinsuoguanensis[58]

Sp. nov


Lian, Cai & Huang

Middle Triassic

Tongchuan Formation


A member of the family Mesopsychidae. Originally described as a species of Mesopsyche; transferred by Lian et al. (2024) to the genus Turbidapsyche.[59]

Mesopsyche liaoi[58]

Sp. nov


Lian, Cai & Huang

Late Triassic

Huangshanjie Formation


A member of the family Mesopsychidae. Originally described as a species of Mesopsyche; transferred by Lian et al. (2024) to the genus Turbidapsyche.[59]

Clade Archaeorthoptera



Name Novelty Status Authors Age Type locality Country Notes Images


Gen. et sp. nov


Nel & Roques

Carboniferous (Moscovian)


A member of Archaeorthoptera belonging to the order Caloneurodea. Genus includes new species A. garroustei.


Gen. et sp. nov

Nel & Roques

Carboniferous (Bashkirian)


The type species is O. bruayensis.


Gen. et sp. nov

In press

Dvořák et al.

Carboniferous (Moscovian)


A member of Archaeorthoptera belonging to the group Caloneurodea. Genus includes new species P. brauckmannii.


Name Novelty Status Authors Age Type locality Country Notes Images


Gen. et sp. nov


Nel & Roques

Carboniferous (Moscovian)


A member of Archaeorthoptera belonging to the family Cnemidolestidae. The type species is A. gui.

Ctenoptilus frequens[64]

Sp. nov


Chen et al.

Carboniferous (Bashkirian to Moscovian)

Yanghugou Formation


A member of Archaeorthoptera belonging to the family Ctenoptilidae.


Gen. et sp. nov


Nel & Poschmann

Early Permian (probably Asselian–?Sakmarian)

Meisenheim Formation


A member of Archaeorthoptera belonging to the family Cnemidolestidae. The type species is P. prokopi.


Gen. et 2 sp. nov

In press

Dvořák et al.

Carboniferous (Moscovian)


A member of Archaeorthoptera belonging to the group Cnemidolestodea. Genus includes new species P. punctatum Dvořák et al. and P. avionensis Nel & Roques.[66]



New Orthopteran taxa

Name Novelty Status Authors Age Type locality Country Notes Images


Gen. et sp. nov

In press

Du, Xu & Zhang


Burmese amber


A member of the family Tridactylidae. Genus includes new species A. cheni.

Archaboilus polyneurus[68]

Sp. nov


Gu, Yue & Ren in Gu et al.

Middle Jurassic (BathonianCallovian)

Jiulongshan Formation


An ensiferan belonging to the group Hagloidea and the family Haglidae.


Gen. et sp. nov

In press



Burmese amber


A member of the family Elcanidae. Genus includes new species C. spinocrus.

Cascogryllus setosus[67]

Sp. nov

In press

Du, Xu & Zhang


Burmese amber


A member of the family Tridactylidae.

Cratoelcana rasnitsyni[70]

Sp. nov

In press

Nel & Jouault

Early Cretaceous

Crato Formation


A member of the family Elcanidae.


Gen. et sp. nov

In press



Burmese amber


A member of the family Elcanidae. Genus includes new species H. gracile.

Panorpidium spica[71]

Sp. nov

In press

Kim et al.

Early Cretaceous (Albian)

Jinju Formation

  South Korea

An orthopteran belonging to the family Elcanidae.


Gen. et sp. nov



Late Permian

(  Kemerovo Oblast)

A member of Hagloidea. Genus includes new species P. tomica.


Gen. et sp. nov

In press

Xu et al.


Burmese amber


A member of the family Tridactylidae. Genus includes new species P. wangi.

Pseudoacrida sennlaubi[70]

Sp. nov

In press

Nel & Jouault

Early Cretaceous

Crato Formation


A member of the family Locustopsidae.

Orthopteran research

  • Revision of the fossil record of the family Trigonidiidae is published by Desutter-Grandcolas et al. (2021).[74]


Name Novelty Status Authors Age Type locality Country Notes Images


Fam. et gen. et sp. nov


Schubnel, Roques & Nel in Schubnel et al.

Carboniferous (Moscovian)


A member of Titanoptera belonging to the new family Theiatitanidae. The type species is T. azari.

Other archaeorthopterans

Name Novelty Status Authors Age Type locality Country Notes Images


Fam. et gen. et sp. nov


Nel & Roques

Carboniferous (Moscovian)


A member of Archaeorthoptera belonging to the new family Archaeogeraridae. The type species is A. schubneli.


Gen. et sp. nov


Nel & Roques

Carboniferous (Moscovian)


A member of Archaeorthoptera possibly belonging to the family Nugonioneuridae. Genus includes new species A. jouaulti.


Gen. et sp. nov

In press

Dvořák et al.

Carboniferous (Moscovian)


A member of Archaeorthoptera of uncertain phylogenetic placement. Genus includes new species C. impar.


Gen. et sp. nov


Nel & Roques in Nel, Roques & Duquesne

Carboniferous (Moscovian)


A member of Archaeorthoptera. Genus includes new species D. gallica.


Gen. et sp. nov


Nel & Poschmann

Early Permian

Saar–Nahe Basin


A member of Archaeorthoptera. Genus includes new species P. manseri.

Clade Coleopterida





Name Novelty Status Authors Age Type locality Country Notes Images


Gen. et sp. nov


Kirichenko-Babko, Perkovsky & Vasilenko


Rovno amber


A ground beetle belonging to the tribe Lebiini. Genus includes new species A. pripiatiensis.


Gen. et sp. nov


Schmidt & Maddison in Schmidt, Scholz & Maddison


Baltic amber

Europe (Baltic Sea region)

A ground beetle belonging to the subfamily Trechinae. The type species is B. kerneggeri.

Calosoma kimi[81]

Sp. nov


Lee & Nam

Early Miocene

Geumgwangdong Formation

  South Korea

A species of Calosoma.


Name Novelty Status Authors Age Type locality Country Notes Images

Jurodes shef[82]

Sp. nov


Yan, Strelnikova & Cai

Early Cretaceous (Berriasian-Barremian)

Gusinoe Ozero Group

(  Buryatia)

A Jurodid beetle.


Gen. et comb. nov


Li & Cai


Burmese amber


An Ommatid beetle
The type species is "Clessidromma" zengi (2020).

Kirejtomma zengi


Gen. et sp. nov


Li & Cai in Li et al.

Middle Jurassic

Haifanggou Formation


An Ommatid beetle.
The type species is L. daohugouense.

Limnomma daohugouense

Omma axsmithi[85]

Sp. nov

In press

Jarzembowski, Zheng & Zhao


Burmese amber


An Omma species Ommatid beetle.

Omma forte[86]

Sp. nov


Li & Cai
in Li, Huang & Cai

(Albian to Cenomanian)

Burmese amber


An Omma species Ommatid beetle.

Paraodontomma leptocristatum[87]

Sp. nov


Li, Yamamoto & Cai in Li et al.

Cretaceous (Albian to Cenomanian)

Burmese amber


An Ommatid beetle.

Paraodontomma leptocristatum


Gen. et sp. nov



Late Permian


A Coleocatiniid beetle.
The type species is P. tomiensis.


Gen. et comb. et sp. nov



Late Permian


A Triaplid beetle.
The type species is "Triaplus" sibiricus (2013),
as well as new species T. minimus.

Tunguskagyrus уani[88]

Sp. nov



Late Permian


A Triaplid beetle.

Zygadenia alexrasnitsyni[89]

Sp. nov


Strelnikova & Yan

Early Cretaceous

Zaza Formation


An Ommatid beetle.


Name Novelty Status Authors Age Type locality Country Notes Images


Fam., Gen. et sp. nov


Qvarnström et al.

Late Triassic (Carnian)

Keuper succession (Drawno Beds)


A Triamyxid beetle in the suborder Myxophaga.
The type species is T. coprolithica.

Triamyxa coprolithica


Name Novelty Status Authors Age Type locality Country Notes Images


Gen. comb. et 3 sp. nov


Li & Cai in Li et al.

Cretaceous (Albian to Cenomanian)

Burmese amber


A nosodendrid beetle.
The type species is "Nosodendron" cretaceum;
genus also includes new species A. angulare, A. explanatum and A. remotidens.


Gen. et comb. nov



Late Cretaceous

Burmese amber


A carpet beetle.
The type species is "Megatoma" atypica (2017).


Gen. et sp. nov


Tihelka et al.

Late Cretaceous (Cenomanian)

Burmese amber


A wounded-tree beetle.
The type species is M. scandens.

Petalium bruteno[94]

Sp. nov


Alekseev & Bukejs

Late Eocene

Baltic amber

(  Kaliningrad Oblast)

A Petalium species death watch beetle.

Petalium widewuto[94]

Sp. nov


Alekseev & Bukejs


Baltic amber

(  Kaliningrad Oblast)

A Petalium species death watch beetle.

Trogoderma ainu[95]

Sp. nov


Perkovsky, Háva & Zaitsev

Middle Eocene

Sakhalin amber


A Trogoderma species carpet beetle.


Gen. et sp. nov



Late Cretaceous

Burmese amber


A carpet beetle.
The type species is T. burmitica.

Xyletinus lobanovi[96]

Sp. nov


Bukejs, Alekseev & Háva


Baltic amber

(  Kaliningrad Oblast)

A Xyletinusspecies death watch beetle.

New Cucujiformian taxa
Name Novelty Status Authors Age Type locality Country Notes Images

Aberrokorynetes oceanojubilaei[97]

Sp. nov

In press

Kolibáč et al.


Baltic amber

(  Kaliningrad Oblast)

A Korynetinae checkered beetle.


Gen. et sp. nov



Late Eocene

Baltic amber


A Malachiinae malachite beetle.
The type species is A. intercalaris.

Archaeosciaphilus gyrommatus[99]

Sp. nov

In press

Legalov & Poinar


Baltic amber

(  Kaliningrad Oblast)

A Polydrusini Entiminae broad nosed weevil.


Gen. et sp. nov

In press


Late Cretaceous

Arkagala Formation


A Chilecarinae ithycerid weevil.
The type species is A. zherikhini.

Asiomira dubrovinae[101]

Sp. nov


Nabozhenko & Bukejs


Baltic amber

(  Kaliningrad Oblast)

An Alleculinae darkling beetle.

Aulacoscelis santanensis[102]

Sp. nov

In press


Early Cretaceous

Santana Group


An orsodacnid leaf beetle.

Baltocar sontagae[103]

Sp. nov


Bukejs & Legalov


Baltic amber

(  Kaliningrad Oblast)

A Sayrevilleinae tooth-nosed snout weevil.


Gen. et 3 sp. nov




Baltic amber


A Microweiseini Microweiseinae lady beetle.
The type species is B. damzeni;
genus also includes B. damgaardi and B. szadziewskii.


Gen. et sp. nov

In press

Poinar & Legalov


Dominican amber

  Dominican Republic

A Lymantini Molytinae weevil.
The type species is B. adunatus.

Cathartosilvanus perkovskyi[106]

Sp. nov


Alekseev & Bukejs

Late Eocene

Rovno amber


A silvanid beetle.

Ceutorhynchus zerovae[107]

Sp. nov


Legalov et al.

Late Eocene

Rovno amber


A weevil.


Gen. et sp. nov


Li & Cai


Burmese amber


A Colydiinae? Zopheridae tenebrionoid beetle.
The type species is C. rasnitsyni.


Gen. et sp. nov

In press

Zhao, Liu & Yu

Late Cretaceous

Burmese amber


A prionocerid beetle.
The type species is C. burmensis.

Diapus ethiopicus[110]

Sp. nov

In press

Solórzano-Kraemer et al.


Ethiopian amber


A Platypodinae pinhole borer ambrosia weevil.

Diapus resinae[110]

Sp. nov

In press

Solórzano-Kraemer et al.


Zhangpu amber


A Platypodinae pinhole borer ambrosia weevil.

Dorytomus mikhailovi[111]

Sp. nov


Legalov, Nazarenko & Perkovsky

Late Eocene

Rovno amber


A species of Dorytomus Curculioninae weevil.


Gen. et sp. nov


Alekseev & Bukejs

Middle Eocene

Baltic amber

(  Kaliningrad Oblast)

A false darkling beetle.
The type species is E. chronographica.


Gen. et sp. nov




Baltic amber

Europe (Baltic Sea region)

A longhorn beetle belonging to the tribe Crossotini. The type species is E. alekseevi.

Glaesotropis rohdendorfi[114]

Sp. nov


Legalov, Nazarenko & Perkovsky


Rovno amber


A zygaenodinin anthribine anthribid fungus weevil.

Glesoconomorphus ekaterinae[115]

Sp. nov


Telnov et al.

Late Eocene

Rovno amber


A mycterid palm beetle.


Gen. et sp. nov


Yu, Kolibáč & Ślipiński
in Yu et al.

Late Cretaceous

Burmese amber


A lophocaterid beetle.
The type species is G. burmiticus.

Heterhelus buzina[117]

Sp. nov


Kupryjanowicz, Lyubarsky & Perkovsky


Rovno amber


A Kateretid short-winged flower beetle. Originally described as a species of Heterhelus, but Kirejtshuk, Jenkins Shaw & Smirnov (2023) transferred it to the genus Antirhelus.[118]

Isomira lobanovi[119]

Sp. nov


Nabozhenko & Bukejs


Baltic amber

(  Kaliningrad Oblast)

An Isomira species claw comb darkling beetle.


Gen. et sp. nov


Legalov, Kupryjanowicz & Perkovsky

Late Eocene

Baltic amber


A cossonine weevil.
The type species is K. wanati.


Gen. et 2 sp. nov


Tihelka et al.

Late Cretaceous

Burmese amber


A tenebrionoid beetle of uncertain phylogenetic placement.
Genus includes new species K. enigmaticus and K. magnus.


Gen. et sp. nov

In press

Kirejtshuk & Reid


Baltic amber


A lobanovielline palophagine megalopodid leaf beetle.
The type species is L. andreyi.

Madelinia capillata[112]

Sp. nov


Alekseev & Bukejs

Middle Eocene

Baltic amber

(  Kaliningrad Oblast)

A false darkling beetle.


Gen. et sp. nov


Batelka & Prokop

Late Cretaceous

Burmese amber


A wedge-shaped beetle.
The type species is M. serraticornis.

Metaclisa ottoi[124]

Sp. nov


Nabozhenko, McKellar & Bukejs

Late Eocene

Baltic amber

(  Kaliningrad Oblast)

AMetaclisa species metaclisine darkling beetle.

Microscapha kugelanni[112]

Sp. nov


Alekseev & Bukejs

Middle Eocene

Baltic amber

(  Kaliningrad Oblast)

A false darkling beetle.


Gen. et sp. nov


Li & Cai
in Li et al.


Burmese amber


A Trogossitid bark-gnawing beetle.
The type species is M. qizhihaoi.

Monolepta rappsilberi[126]

Sp. nov


Bukejs et al.

Late Eocene

Bitterfeld amber


A Monolepta species skeletonizing leaf beetle.


Nom. nov




Jiulongshan Formation


A Trogossitid bark-gnawing beetle.
A replacement name for "Latitergum" Yu et al. (2014).

Oedemera girulskii[128]

Sp. nov


Szawaryn, Sontag & Kubisz

Late Eocene

Baltic amber

(  Kaliningrad Oblast)

An Oedemera species false blister beetle.


Gen. et sp. nov


Tihelka, Huang & Cai

Late Cretaceous

Burmese amber


A sooty mould beetle.
The type species is P. azari.


Gen. et sp. nov




Green River Formation

  United States
(  Utah)

A Megamerini Sagrinae leaf beetle.
The type species is P. monrosi.


Trib., Gen., et sp. nov



Late Eocene

Baltic amber


A Palaeoanoplini Curculioninae weevil.
The type species is P. horridus.


Gen. et sp. nov


Poinar, Brown & Legalov

Late Cretaceous (Cenomanian)

Burmese amber


A Chilecarinae new york weevil.
The type species is P. micrommatus.


Gen. et sp. nov


Powell & Cline


Dominican amber

  Dominican Republic

A Cillaeinae sap beetle.
The type species is P. cascus.


Gen. et sp. nov


Tihelka et al.


Burmese amber


A short-winged flower beetle.
The type species is P. vivificus .

Phloiotrya inmarinata[112]

Sp. nov


Alekseev & Bukejs

Middle Eocene

Baltic amber

(  Kaliningrad Oblast)

A Phloiotrya species false darkling beetle.


Gen. et sp. nov


Tihelka et al.

Late Cretaceous

Charentese amber


A soft-wing flower beetle.
The type species is P. cretaceus.


Gen. et 2 sp. nov


Tshernyshev in Tshernyshev & Shcherbakov

Late Eocene

Baltic amber
Rovno amber

Baltic Sea region

A Dasytinae malachite beetle.
The type species P. chaetophorata
Genus also includes P. mikhailovi.[139]


Gen. et sp. nov


Bukejs, Ślipiński & Alekseev
in Bukejs et al.


Baltic amber

(  Kaliningrad Oblast)

A cerylonid beetle. The type species is P. pandema.

Pseudomesauletes lobanovi[103]

Sp. nov


Bukejs & Legalov


Baltic amber

(  Kaliningrad Oblast)

A Rhynchitinae tooth-nosed snout weevil.


Gen. et sp. nov


Krell & Vitali


Green River Formation

  United States
(  Colorado)

A Sagrinae leaf beetle.
The type species is P. attenboroughi.


Trib., gen. et sp. nov


Poinar & Brown


Burmese amber


A Rhamphophorini Cimberidinae pine flower weevil.
The type species is R. legalovii.


Gen. et comb. nov


Batelka & Prokop

Late Cretaceous


A wedge shaped beetle.
The type species is "Macrosiagon" ebboi (2004).

Symphora glaesonauta[112]

Sp. nov


Alekseev & Bukejs

Middle Eocene

Baltic amber

(  Kaliningrad Oblast)

A false darkling beetle.

Symphora pollocki[112]

Sp. nov


Alekseev & Bukejs

Middle Eocene

Baltic amber

(  Kaliningrad Oblast)

A false darkling beetle.

Teredolaemus primigenius[143]

Sp. nov


Alekseev et al.

Late Eocene

Baltic amber

(  Kaliningrad Oblast)

A teredid beetle.

Toxorhynchus michalskii[144]

Sp. nov



Late Eocene

Baltic amber


An Apioninae straight-snouted weevil.


Gen. et sp. nov


Li & Cai
in Li et al.


Burmese amber


A slime mold beetle.
The type species is T. newtoni


Gen. et sp. nov


Lyubarsky et al.


Burmese amber


A lophocaterid beetle.
The type species is Z. pankowskiorum.


Gen. et sp. nov



late Eocene

Baltic amber


A Nanophyinae straight-snouted weevil.
The type species is Z. rarus.

Cucujiformia research
New Elateriformian taxa
Name Novelty Status Authors Age Type locality Country Notes Images

Amberophytum maculatum[148]

Sp. nov


Poinar, Vega & Legalov

Late Cretaceous

Burmese amber


A cerophytid rare click beetle.


Gen. et sp. nov


Li, Kundrata & Cai in Li et al.

Cretaceous (Albian to Cenomanian)

Burmese amber


An elateroid click beetle of uncertain phylogenetic placement.
The type species is A. lawrencei.


Gen. et sp. nov




Prussian Formation
(Baltic amber)


A soldier beetle belonging to the tribe Cantharini. The type species is A. pankowskiarum.

Balistica vetai[151]

Sp. nov




Baltic amber


A Dirhagini Melasinae false click beetle.


Gen. et sp. nov


Kundrata et al.


Baltic amber

(  Kaliningrad Oblast)

A dascillid beetle.
The type species is B. serraticornis.


Gen. et sp. nov


Jiang, Song & Wang in Jiang et al.


Burmese amber


A metallic wood-boring beetle.
The type species is B. cretacus.

Burmomiles bilineatimaculatus[154]

Sp. nov

In press

Yang et al.


Burmese amber


A soldier beetle. Fanti & Müller (2022) considered it to be a species belonging to the genus Elektrokleinia.[155]

Burmomiles laticollis[154]

Sp. nov

In press

Yang et al.


Burmese amber


A soldier beetle.

Burmomiles oblongoculus[154]

Sp. nov

In press

Yang et al.


Burmese amber


A soldier beetle. Fanti & Müller (2022) considered it to be a species belonging to the genus Elektrokleinia.[155]


Gen. et sp. nov


Li & Cai in Li, Huang & Cai


Burmese amber


A throscid beetle.
The type species is C. depressiceps.

Chelonarium andabata[157]

Sp. nov


Alekseev & Bukejs in Alekseev et al.


Baltic amber

(  Kaliningrad Oblast)

A turtle beetle.

Chelonarium dingansich[157]

Sp. nov


Alekseev & Bukejs in Alekseev et al.


Baltic amber

(  Kaliningrad Oblast)

A turtle beetle.

Chelonarium dominicanum[158]

Sp. nov


Poinar & Háva


Dominican amber

  Dominican Republic

A turtle beetle.

Coomanius balticus[151]

Sp. nov




Baltic amber


A Nematodini Macraulacinae false click beetle.


Gen. et sp. nov


Hsiao et al.

Late Cretaceous

Burmese amber


A soldier beetle.
The type species is C. veda.


Gen. et sp. nov


Kundrata et al.


Burmese amber


An Agrypninae click beetle.
The type species is C. burmitinus.


Fam. nov., Gen. et sp. nov


Li, Kundrata, Tihelka & Cai in Li et al.

Cretaceous (Albian or Cenomanian)

Burmese amber


A cretophengodid elateroid beetle.
The type species is C. azari.

Dyscharachthis frickae[151]

Sp. nov



Late Eocene

Baltic amber

Europe (Baltic Sea region)

A Dyscharachthini Eucneminae false click beetle.


Gen. et sp. nov


Li & Cai


Burmese amber


A throscid false click beetle.
The type species is E. yanpingae.

Entomophthalmus antennalis[151]

Sp. nov



Middle Eocene

Baltic amber

Europe (Baltic Sea region)

A Dirhagini Melasinae false click beetle.

Erdaia bispinulosa[151]

Sp. nov



Middle Eocene

Baltic amber


An Orodotini? Macraulacinae false click beetle.

Erdaia longicornis[151]

Sp. nov



Middle Eocene

Baltic amber


An Orodotini? Macraulacinae false click beetle.

Erdaia longitarsis[151]

Sp. nov



Middle Eocene

Baltic amber


An Orodotini? Macraulacinae false click beetle.


Gen. et sp. nov



Middle Eocene

Baltic amber


An Euryptychini Macraulacinae false click beetle.
The type species is E. magnus.

Euryptychus decoratus[151]

Sp. nov



Middle Eocene

Baltic amber


An Euryptychini Macraulacinae false click beetle.

Euryptychus excavatus[151]

Sp. nov



Middle Eocene

Baltic amber


An Euryptychini Macraulacinae false click beetle.

Euryptychus helmwigae[151]

Sp. nov



Middle Eocene

Baltic amber


An Euryptychini Macraulacinae false click beetle.

Euryptychus sieglindae[151]

Sp. nov



Middle Eocene

Baltic amber


An Euryptychini Macraulacinae false click beetle.

Euryptychus waltrautae[151]

Sp. nov



Middle Eocene

Baltic amber


An Euryptychini Macraulacinae false click beetle.

Hukawngichthyurus maha[159]

Sp. nov


Hsiao et al.

Late Cretaceous

Burmese amber


A soldier beetle.

Isorhipis balticus[151]

Sp. nov



Late Eocene

Baltic amber


An Isorhipis species melasine false click beetle

Lycocerus crassepunctatus[162]

Sp. nov



Late Eocene

Baltic amber

(  Kaliningrad Oblast)

A soldier beetle.

Malthodes aliger[162]

Sp. nov



Late Eocene

Baltic amber

(  Kaliningrad Oblast)

A soldier beetle

Malthodes headsi[163]

Sp. nov



Late Eocene

Baltic amber


A soldier beetle.

Malthodes jaredi[163]

Sp. nov



Late Eocene

Baltic amber


A soldier beetle, a species of Malthodes.

Malthodes vladiceniensis[164]

Sp. nov


Pintilioaie, Fanti & Ionesi

Middle Miocene

Bârnova-Muntele Formation


A soldier beetle.

Microrhagus (Emyirhagus) vetai[151]

Sp. nov



Late Eocene

Baltic amber


A Microrhagusspecies melasine false click beetle


Gen. et sp. nov


Li & Cai
in Li et al.


Burmese amber


A Burmolycini dexorine net-winged beetle.
The type species is M. longiantennus.

Nematodes schwertleitae[151]

Sp. nov



Middle Eocene

Baltic amber


A Nematodini Macraulacinae false click beetle.


Gen. et sp. nov



Middle Eocene

Baltic amber


A Nematodini? Macraulacinae false click beetle.
The type species is N. balticus.


Gen. et sp. nov


Hsiao et al.

Late Cretaceous

Burmese amber


A soldier beetle. The type species is P. panna.
Fanti & Müller (2022) considered the genus Palaeocantharis to a be a junior synonym of the genus Elektrokleinia, though the authors maintained P. panna as a distinct species within the latter genus.[155]

Podistra guthriei[163]

Sp. nov



Late Eocene

Baltic amber


A soldier beetle.

Poecilochrus balticus[151]

Sp. nov



Late Eocene

Baltic amber


A Eucnemini Eucneminae false click beetle.

Potergites brittoni[151]

Sp. nov



Late Eocene

Baltic amber


A Dendrocharini Eucneminae false click beetle.


Gen. et sp. nov

In press

Li, Huang & Cai


Burmese amber


A water-penny beetle.
The type species is P. burmensis.


Gen. et sp. nov


Li & Cai
in Li, Huang & Cai

( Cenomanian)

Burmese amber


A throscid false click beetle.
The type species is P. robustus.

Ptilodactyla eocenica[167]

Sp. nov


Kundrata, Bukejs & Blank
in Kundrata et al.

Late Eocene

Baltic amber

(  Kaliningrad Oblast)

APtilodactyla species toe winged beetle.

Rhacopus balticus[151]

Sp. nov



Late Eocene

Baltic amber


A Rhacopus species eucnemid false click beetle

Rhagomicrus balticus[151]

Sp. nov



Late Eocene

Baltic amber


A Dirhagini Melasinae false click beetle.


Gen. et sp. nov

Li, Chang & Muona

Early Cretaceous
(Hauterivian to Aptian)

Yixian Formation


An Anischiinae false click beetle.
The type species is R. brevicornis.

Silis curleri[169]

Sp. nov


Fanti & Pankowski


Dominican amber

  Dominican Republic

A species of Silis.

Silis hegnai[169]

Sp. nov


Fanti & Pankowski


Dominican amber

  Dominican Republic

A species of Silis.

Xylophilus balticus[151]

Sp. nov



Late Eocene

Baltic amber


A Xylophilus species eucnemid false click beetle.

Elateriformia research
  • A study on the anatomy and phylogenetic relationships of Archaeolus funestus is published by Li et al. (2021).[170]
  • A study on the morphological diversity of larvae of extant and fossil members of the family Brachypsectridae is published by Haug et al. (2021).[171]
Name Novelty Status Authors Age Type locality Country Notes Images


Gen. et sp. nov


Matalin, Perkovsky & Vasilenko

Late Eocene

Rovno amber


A tiger beetle.
The type species is G. fungifora.

Onthophagus pilauco[173]

Sp. nov


Tello et al.

Late Pleistocene

Pilauco Bajo


A scarab beetle.

Name Novelty Status Authors Age Type locality Country Notes Images

Acritus sutirca[174]

Sp. nov


Alekseev & Bukejs


Baltic amber

(  Kaliningrad Oblast)

A species of Acritus.

Bacanius gorskii[175]

Sp. nov


Alekseev & Bukejs


Baltic amber


A species of Bacanius.


Gen. et sp. nov


Yin & Cai


Burmese amber


A Brachyglutini Pselaphinae rove beetle.
The type species is B. rougemonti.


Gen. et sp. nov




Burmese amber


An Onthophilinae clown beetle.
The type species is C. maddisoni.

Charhyphus serratus[178]

Sp. nov

In press

Yamamoto & Shavrin


Baltic amber


A Phloeocharinae rove beetle.


Gen. et sp. nov

In press

Sohn & Nam

Early Cretaceous

Jinju Formation

  South Korea

A carrion beetle.
The type species is C. jinjuensis.


Gen. et sp. nov




Burmese amber


A Dendrophilinae clown beetle.
The type species is D. aeterna.

Euconnus nathani[180]

Sp. nov


Jałoszyński & Perkovsky


Rovno amber


A Euconnus species Scydmaeninae rove beetle.

Eusphalerum bukejsi[181]

Sp. nov


Shavrin in Shavrin & Kairišs


Baltic amber

(  Kaliningrad Oblast)

A Eusphalerum species Omaliinae rove beetle.


Gen. et sp. nov


Yin, Zhao & Cai


Burmese amber


A Bythinini Pselaphinae rove beetle.
The type species is M. spinitibialis.


Gen. et sp. nov



Early Cretaceous

Yixian Formation


A rove beetle.
The type species is P. fossilis.


Gen. et sp. nov




Burmese amber


An Onthophilinae clown beetle.
The type species is P. cristatus.


Gen. et sp. nov


Prokin & Strelnikova

Early Cretaceous


A water scavenger beetle.
The type species is P. buryaticus.

Proptomaphaginus alleni[185]

Sp. nov


Perreau & Haelewaters
in Perreau, Haelewaters & Tafforeau


Dominican amber

  Dominican Republic

A Ptomaphagini round fungus beetle.

Trichophya minor[186]

Sp. nov


Yamamoto & Newton


Burmese amber


A Trichophya species Trichophyinae rove beetle.


Gen. et sp. nov




Burmese amber


A Dendrophilinae clown beetle.
The type species is Y. peregrina.

other Coleopteran research

  • A study on the evolution of beetles from the Early Permian to Middle Triassic, evaluating the impact of the Permian–Triassic extinction event on beetle diversity, is published by Zhao et al. (2021).[187]
  • Revision of Notocupes undatabdominus and N. ? multituberatus from the Lower Cretaceous of South China is published by Li, Huang & Cai (2021), who argue that both species do not belong to the genus Notocupes, transfer N. ? multituberatus to the genus Lasiosyne, and consider "N." undatabdominus to be likely a member of the family Artematopodidae.[188]
  • The oldest solid wood-borer larvae reported to date (belonging to the families Buprestidae and possibly Cerambycidae) are described from the Cretaceous amber from Myanmar by Haug et al. (2021).[189]
  • Mitochondrial genomes and nuclear ribosomal DNA of beetles, in some cases identifiable to species, are recovered from pack rat middens from California (United States) and Baja California (Mexico) dating up to ~ 34,355 years before present by Smith et al. (2021).[190]

Clade Dictyoptera


New Dictyopteran taxa

Name Novelty Status Authors Age Type locality Country Notes Images


Gen. et sp. nov

In press

Vršanský et al.

Cretaceous (Hauterivian?)


A cockroach belonging to the family Corydiidae. Genus includes new species A. extincta.

Alienopterix mlynskyi[192]

Sp. nov

In press

Sendi in Vršanský et al.


Burmese amber


An alienopterid.

Alienopterix smidovae[192]

Sp. nov

In press

Hinkelman in Vršanský et al.


Burmese amber


An alienopterid.


Fam. et gen. et sp. nov


Engel & Jiang in Jiang et al.


Burmese amber


A termite belonging to the new family Arceotermitidae. Genus includes new species A. hospitis.


Gen. et sp. nov

In press


Late Cretaceous (Cenomanian)

Burmese amber


A cockroach belonging to the family Ectobiidae. Genus includes new species C. hinkelmani.


Gen. et 2 sp. nov

In press

Liang et al.

Middle Jurassic

Jiulongshan Formation


A cockroach belonging to the family Raphidiomimidae. Genus includes new species C. huntianlingensis and C. lata.


Gen. et sp. nov

In press



Burmese amber


A cockroach. Genus includes new species C. brevialata .


Gen. et sp. nov

In press


Late Cretaceous (Cenomanian)

Burmese amber


A cockroach belonging to the family Ectobiidae. Genus includes new species E. protecta.

? Elisama algeriaensis[191]

Sp. nov

In press

Vršanský et al.

Cretaceous (Hauterivian?)


A member of the family Blattulidae.


Gen. et sp. nov


Chen, Zhang Shi

Late Cretaceous (Cenomanian)

Burmese amber


An alienopterid. Genus includes new species E. burma.


Fam. et gen. et 2 sp. nov


Hinkelman & Vršanský in Vršanský et al.

Late Jurassic–Late Cretaceous (Kimmeridgian–Cenomanian)

Burmese amber


A member of Corydioidea, the type genus of the new family Fractaliidae Vršanský & Hinkelman. The type species is F. articulata Hinkelman; genus also includes new species F. aristovi Vršanský.


Gen. et sp. nov


Chen, Shih & Ren in Chen et al.

Late Cretaceous (Cenomanian)

Burmese amber


A cockroach belonging to the family Corydiidae. The type species is F. pectinata.

Glyptotermes abyssinicus[200]

Sp. nov


Bouju, Jouault & Perrichot

Early Miocene

Ethiopian amber


A termite belonging to the family Kalotermitidae.


Gen. et sp. nov


Schneider et al.

Carboniferous (Kasimovian)

Atrasado Formation

  United States
(  New Mexico)

A member of Blattodea belonging to the family Spiloblattinidae. The type species is K. huberi.


Gen. et sp. nov

In press

Vršanský et al.

Cretaceous (Hauterivian?)


A member of the family Liberiblattinidae. Genus includes new species K. gondwanensis.

? Kurablattina samsonovi[191]

Sp. nov

In press

Vršanský et al.

Cretaceous (Hauterivian?)


A member of the family Liberiblattinidae.


Gen. et sp. nov


Demers-Potvin et al.

Late Cretaceous (Cenomanian)

Redmond Formation


A praying mantis belonging to the family Baissomantidae. Genus includes new species L. guilbaulti.

Latiblattella basaltica[203]

Sp. nov

In press

Vršanský, Poschmann & Vidlička

Late Oligocene


A species of Latiblattella.

Latiblattella karlgruberi[194]

Sp. nov

In press


Late Cretaceous (Cenomanian)

Burmese amber



Gen. et sp. nov


Luo et al.


Burmese amber


A member of the family Umenocoleidae. Genus includes new species L. liuyani.


Gen. et sp. nov


Perkovsky & Nel

Eocene (Priabonian)

Rovno amber


A termite belonging to the family Rhinotermitidae. Genus includes new species L. milescaput.

Meiatermes cretacicus[206]

Sp. nov

In press

Bezerra et al.

Early Cretaceous

Crato Formation


A termite.


Gen. et sp. nov

In press

Vršanský et al.

Cretaceous (Hauterivian?)


A member of the family Mesoblattinidae. Genus includes new species M. brezinica.


Gen. et sp. nov


Jouault et al.


Burmese amber


A termite belonging to the family Mastotermitidae. Genus includes new species M. engeli.


Gen. et sp. nov

In press


Early Cretaceous (Barremian)

Lebanese amber


A cockroach belonging to the family Liberiblattinidae. Genus includes new species M. libera.

Mongolblatta sendii[209]

Sp. nov

In press



Burmese amber


A member of the family Mesoblattinidae.

Morphna cenozoica[210]

Sp. nov

In press

Šmídová, Vidlička & Wedmann


Messel pit


A cockroach belonging to the family Blaberidae.

Morphna cretacica[210]

Sp. nov

In press

Šmídová, Vidlička & Wedmann


Burmese amber


A cockroach belonging to the family Blaberidae.


Gen. et sp. nov

In press

Vršanský, Hinkelman & Sendi in Vršanský et al.


Burmese amber


An alienopterid. Genus includes new species N. postava.

Nodosigalea simplivena[211]

Sp. nov

In press



Burmese amber


A cockroach belonging to the family Corydiidae.

Ocelloblattula margarita[198]

Sp. nov


Koubová & Vršanský in Vršanský et al.

Late Cretaceous (Cenomanian)

Burmese amber


A member of Corydioidea.


Gen. et sp. nov

In press



Burmese amber


A cockroach belonging to the family Olidae. Genus includes new species O. vrsanskyi.


Gen. et sp. nov

In press

Vršanský et al.

Cretaceous (Hauterivian?)


A member of the family Mesoblattinidae. Genus includes new species O. systematicka.

Pabuonqed magna[212]

Sp. nov

In press

Song et al.


Burmese amber


A member of Mastotermitoidea belonging to the family Pabuonqedidae.


Gen. et sp. nov


So et al.

Early Cretaceous

Sinuiju Formation

  North Korea

A member of the family Raphidiomimidae. Genus includes new species P. coreanica.

Periplaneta (?) perialla[214]

Sp. nov


Anisyutkin & Perkovsky


Rovno amber


A cockroach, possibly a species of Periplaneta.

Petropterix fukuiensis[215]

Sp. nov

In press

Oyama, Yukawa & Imai

Early Cretaceous

Kitadani Formation


A member of the family Umenocoleidae.

Praeblattella arcuata[215]

Sp. nov

In press

Oyama, Yukawa & Imai

Early Cretaceous

Kitadani Formation


A member of the family Mesoblattinidae.

Praeblattella inexpecta[215]

Sp. nov

In press

Oyama, Yukawa & Imai

Early Cretaceous

Kitadani Formation


A member of the family Mesoblattinidae.


Gen. et 2 sp. nov


Sendi & Vršanský in Vršanský et al.

Late Jurassic–Early Cretaceous (Kimmeridgian–Barremian)

Lebanese amber


A member of the family Liberiblattinidae. The type species is P. occisor Sendi; genus also includes new species P. nigroalba Vršanský.

Reticulitermes grimaldii[207]

Sp. nov


Jouault et al.


Baltic amber

Europe (Baltic Sea region)

A termite, a species of Reticulitermes.


Gen. et sp. nov

Junior homonym

Vršanský et al.

Cretaceous (Hauterivian?)


A member of Holocompsinae. Genus includes new species S. equatorialis. The generic name is preoccupied by Sajda Dworakowska (1981); Jiang, Xing & Li (2023) coined a replacement name Vrsanskysajda.[216]

Spinaeblattina baekthoensis[217]

Sp. nov


So et al.

Early Cretaceous

Sinuiju Formation

  North Korea

A member of the family Mesoblattinidae.

Stavba delicata[208]

Sp. nov

In press


Late Cretaceous (Cenomanian)

Burmese amber


A cockroach belonging to the family Liberiblattinidae.

Stavba magnoculara[208]

Sp. nov

In press


Late Cretaceous (Cenomanian)

Burmese amber


A cockroach belonging to the family Liberiblattinidae.


Gen. et sp. nov


Engel & Cai in Jiang et al.


Burmese amber


A termite belonging to the family Tanytermitidae. Genus includes new species T. philetaerus.

Dictyopteran research

  • A study on the phylogenetic placement of the family Umenocoleidae, based on data from a new specimen of Umenocoleus sinuatus from the Lower Cretaceous Zhonggou Formation (China), is published by Liuo et al. (2021).[218]
  • Description of new alienopterid nymphs from the Cretaceous Burmese amber, and a study on life history and affinities of alienopterids, is published by Luo et al. (2021).[219]
  • A study on the sensory organs of Huablattula hui, and on their implications for the knowledge of the ecology of this cockroach, is published by Taniguchi et al. (2021).[220]

Clade †Glosselytrodea

Name Novelty Status Authors Age Type locality Country Notes Images


Gen. et sp. nov


Béthoux & Anderson

Late Triassic (Carnian)

Molteno Formation

  South Africa

A polycytellid Glosselytrodean.
The type species is M. parva.

Polycytella rasnitsyni[221]

Sp. nov


Béthoux & Anderson

Late Triassic (Carnian)

Molteno Formation

  South Africa

A polycytellid Glosselytrodea.



New Hymenopteran taxa

Name Novelty Status Authors Age Type locality Country Notes Images


Gen. et sp. nov


Engel in Engel & Davis


Baltic amber

(  Kaliningrad Oblast)

A bee belonging to the tribe Melikertini. The type species is A. emunctorii.

Alivespa gracilenta[223]

Sp. nov

In press

Wu et al.


Burmese amber


A member of the family Vespidae.


Fam. nov., Gen. et 3 sp. nov


Rosa & Melo

Late Cretaceous (Cenomanian)

Burmese amber


A member of Apoidea in the new family Allommationidae. Genus includes new species A. procerum, A. elongatum and A. grande.


Gen. et comb. nov


Engel in Engel & Davis


Baltic amber
Bitterfeld amber

(  Kaliningrad Oblast)

A bee belonging to the tribe Melikertini. The type species is "Melikertes" clypeatus Engel (2001).


Gen. et sp. nov


Rosa & Melo

Late Cretaceous (Cenomanian)

Burmese amber


A member of Crabroninae. Genus includes new species A. diabolicum.

Anochetus miosumatrensis[225]

Sp. nov


Ngô-Muller, Garrouste & Nel in Ngô-Muller et al.



An ant, a species of Anochetus.

Archaeovespa incompleta[223]

Sp. nov

In press

Wu et al.


Burmese amber


A member of the family Vespidae.


Gen. et sp. nov


Tribull, Pankowski & Colombo


Baltic amber

(  Kaliningrad Oblast)

A Pristocerinae Bethylid.
The type species is A. eocena.

Archeonesia eocena


Gen. et sp. nov



Late Jurassic

Karabastau Formation


A member of Proctotrupoidea belonging to the family Peleserphidae. The type species is A. leleji.

Ascogaster (Syntaphus) latitibialis[228]

Sp. nov


Belokobylskij et al.


Baltic amber

Europe (Baltic Sea region)

A member of the family Braconidae belonging to the subfamily Cheloninae.


Gen. et sp. nov


Rosa & Melo

Late Cretaceous (Cenomanian)

Burmese amber


A member of the family Heterogynaidae. Genus includes new species A. setosus.

Austroplebeia fujianica[229]

Sp. nov


Engel in Engel et al.

Miocene (Langhian)

Zhangpu amber


A stingless bee, a species of Austroplebeia.


Gen. et 2 sp. nov


Li et al.


Burmese amber


A member of the family Braconidae belonging to the subfamily Protorhyssalinae. Genus includes new species B. gracilens and B. grossus.


Gen. et sp. nov


Jouault, Perrichot & Nel

Cretaceous (Albian-Cenomanian)

Burmese amber


A member of the family Bethylidae belonging to the subfamily Lancepyrinae. Genus includes new species B. azevedoi.


Gen. et sp. nov


Zheng et al.

Late Cretaceous (Cenomanian)

Burmese amber


A sawfly belonging to the family Syspastoxyelidae. Genus includes new species B. lii.

Burmusculus angustus[233]

Sp. nov

In press

Li et al.


Burmese amber


A member of Apocrita belonging to the family Burmusculidae.


Gen. et 2 sp. nov

In press

Herbert & McKellar


Burmese amber


A member of the family Serphitidae. Genus includes new species B. applanatus and B. myanmarensis.


Gen. et sp. nov


Chen, van Achterberg & Hong

Late Cretaceous (Cenomanian)

Burmese amber


A member of the family Braconidae belonging to the subfamily Protobraconinae. The type species is C. syntoma.

Chlorepyris deploegi[236]

Sp. nov


Colombo & Azevedo in Colombo et al.

Eocene (Priabonian)

Rovno amber


A member of the family Bethylidae.

Chlorepyris engeli[236]

Sp. nov


Colombo & Azevedo in Colombo et al.

Eocene (Priabonian)

Baltic amber


A member of the family Bethylidae.

Chlorepyris hopei[236]

Sp. nov


Colombo & Azevedo in Colombo et al.

Eocene (Priabonian)

Baltic amber


A member of the family Bethylidae.

Chlorepyris jouaulti[236]

Sp. nov


Colombo & Azevedo in Colombo et al.

Eocene (Priabonian)

Rovno amber


A member of the family Bethylidae.

Chlorepyris mckellari[236]

Sp. nov


Colombo & Azevedo in Colombo et al.

Eocene (Priabonian)

Rovno amber


A member of the family Bethylidae.

Chlorepyris meunieri[236]

Sp. nov


Colombo & Azevedo in Colombo et al.

Eocene (Priabonian)

Baltic amber


A member of the family Bethylidae.

Chlorepyris neli[236]

Sp. nov


Colombo & Azevedo in Colombo et al.

Eocene (Priabonian)

Baltic amber
Rovno amber


A member of the family Bethylidae.

Chlorepyris perrichoti[236]

Sp. nov


Colombo & Azevedo in Colombo et al.

Eocene (Priabonian)

Baltic amber


A member of the family Bethylidae.


Gen. et 2 sp. nov

In press

Brazidec et al.

Late Cretaceous (Cenomanian)

Burmese amber


A member of the family Diapriidae. Genus includes new species C. myanmarensis and C. ohmkuhnlei.


Gen. et sp. nov


Rosa & Melo

Late Cretaceous (Cenomanian)

Burmese amber


A member of Astatinae. Genus includes new species C. longevus.


Gen. et sp. nov

In press

Jouault, Perrichot & Nel


Burmese amber


A member of Orussoidea. Genus includes new species C. vilhelmseni.

Curiosivespa sennlaubi[239]

Sp. nov


Jouault, Rasnitsyn & Nel in Jouault et al.

Early Cretaceous

Crato Formation


A member of the family Vespidae.


Gen. et sp. nov

In press

Santer & Álvarez-Parra in Santer et al.

Early Cretaceous (Albian)

Escucha Formation


A member of the family Spathiopterygidae. The type species is D. marveni.

Drymomyrmex rasnitsyni[241]

Sp. nov



Late Eocene

Rovno amber


An ant belonging to the subfamily Formicinae.

Elasmosomites arkadyleleji[242]

Sp. nov


Belokobylskij in Belokobylskij et al.


Baltic amber

Europe (Baltic Sea region)

A member of the family Braconidae belonging to the subfamily Euphorinae.

Electrofoenops exaltatus[243]

Sp. nov

In press

Li et al.


Burmese amber


A member of the family Aulacidae.

Embolemus brachypterus[244]

Sp. nov


Olmi et al.


Burmese amber


A member of the family Embolemidae.

Embolemus micropterus[244]

Sp. nov


Olmi et al.


Burmese amber


A member of the family Embolemidae.

Eopelecinus marechali[245]

Sp. nov



Late Cretaceous (Cenomanian)

Burmese amber


A member of the family Pelecinidae.


Gen. et sp. nov


Archibald, Aase & Nel

Early Eocene

Green River Formation

  United States
(  Wyoming)

A horntail. Genus includes new species E. lacoi.

Ephedrus rasnitsyni[247]

Sp. nov


Davidian & Kaliuzhna in Davidian, Kaliuzhna & Perkovsky

Middle Eocene

Sakhalinian amber


A member of the family Braconidae belonging to the subfamily Aphidiinae.

Exilaulacus advenus[243]

Sp. nov

In press

Li et al.


Burmese amber


A member of the family Aulacidae.

Exilaulacus eximius[243]

Sp. nov

In press

Li et al.


Burmese amber


A member of the family Aulacidae.

Formica ribbeckei[248]

Sp. nov


Radchenko & Perkovsky in Radchenko, Perkovsky & Vasilenko

Late Eocene

Rovno amber


An ant, a species of Formica.


Gen. et sp. nov


Rosa & Melo

Late Cretaceous (Cenomanian)

Burmese amber


A member of Apoidea in the new family Cirrosphecidae. Genus includes new species G. mandibularis.


Gen. et comb. nov


Colombo & Azevedo in Colombo et al.

Eocene (Priabonian)

Baltic amber


A member of the family Bethylidae; a new genus for "Epyris" bifossatus Brues (1939).


Gen. et sp. nov


Zheng in Zheng et al.


Burmese amber


A member of the family Syspastoxyelidae. The type species is G. rasnitsyni.


Gen. et sp. nov


Engel in Engel & Davis


Baltic amber

(  Kaliningrad Oblast)

A bee belonging to the tribe Melikertini. The type species is H. uraeus.


Gen. et sp. nov


Rosa & Melo

Late Cretaceous (Cenomanian)

Burmese amber


A member of Apoidea in the new family Cirrosphecidae. Genus includes new species H. apiformis.


Gen. et sp. nov


Rosa & Melo

Late Cretaceous (Cenomanian)

Burmese amber


A member of Psenini. Genus includes new species H. verrucosus.


Gen. et sp. nov


Kopylov, Zhang & Zhang


Burmese amber


A member of the family Ichneumonidae. The type species is H. rasnitsyni.

Heteropimpla pulverulenta[250]

Sp. nov


Kopylov, Zhang & Zhang


Burmese amber


A member of the family Ichneumonidae.

Holepyris rasnitsyni[236]

Sp. nov


Colombo & Azevedo in Colombo et al.

Eocene (Priabonian)

Baltic amber


A member of the family Bethylidae.

Holepyris terayamai[236]

Sp. nov


Colombo & Azevedo in Colombo et al.

Eocene (Priabonian)

Rovno amber


A member of the family Bethylidae.

Holopsenella antiqua[251]

Sp. nov

In press

Lepeco & Melo


Burmese amber


A member of Aculeata of uncertain phylogenetic placement.

Holopsenella burmitica[251]

Sp. nov

In press

Lepeco & Melo


Burmese amber


A member of Aculeata of uncertain phylogenetic placement.

Holopsenella gothica[251]

Sp. nov

In press

Lepeco & Melo


Burmese amber


A member of Aculeata of uncertain phylogenetic placement.

Hybristodryinus castaneus[252]

Sp. nov


Olmi, Guglielmino & Chen in Olmi et al.

Late Cretaceous (Cenomanian)

Burmese amber


A member of the family Dryinidae.

Hybristodryinus viriosus[253]

Sp. nov


Wang et al.

Late Cretaceous (Cenomanian)

Burmese amber


A member of the family Dryinidae.

Hybristodryinus zaifui[252]

Sp. nov


Chen, Olmi & Perkovsky in Olmi et al.

Late Cretaceous (Cenomanian)

Burmese amber


A member of the family Dryinidae.

Janzenella theia[254]

Sp. nov


Bremer & Talamas in Bremer, van de Kamp & Talamas


Baltic amber

(  Kaliningrad Oblast)

A species of Janzenella.

Karataus ryonsangensis[255]

Sp. nov

In press

Won & So

Early Cretaceous (BarremianAptian)

Sinuiju Formation

  North Korea

A wasp belonging to the family Ephialtitidae.


Gen. et 3 sp. nov


Jouault et al.


Burmese amber


A member of Evanioidea belonging to the family Othniodellithidae. Genus includes new species K. anubis, K. basilisci and K. kirin.


Gen. et sp. nov


Chen, van Achterberg & Hong

Late Cretaceous (Cenomanian)

Burmese amber


A member of the family Braconidae belonging to the subfamily Protobraconinae. The type species is K. dolichura.


Gen. et sp. nov


Radchenko & Proshchalykin

Late Eocene

Rovno amber


An ant belonging to the subfamily Myrmicinae. The type species is L. venustus.

Lonchodryinus groehni[258]

Sp. nov


Olmi et al.

Late Eocene

Baltic amber

Europe (Baltic Sea region)

A member of the family Dryinidae.


Gen. et comb. nov


Colombo & Azevedo in Colombo et al.

Eocene (Priabonian)

Baltic amber


A member of the family Bethylidae belonging to the subfamily Scleroderminae; a new genus for "Calyoza" longiceps Brues (1923).


Gen. et sp. nov


Belokobylskij & Jouault

Late Cretaceous (Cenomanian)

Burmese amber


A member of the family Braconidae. Genus includes new species M. clavicornis.


Gen. et sp. nov


Rosa & Melo

Late Cretaceous (Cenomanian)

Burmese amber


A member of Bembicinae. Genus includes new species M. paradoxum.


Gen. et comb. nov


Colombo & Azevedo in Colombo et al.

Late Cretaceous (Cenomanian)

Burmese amber


A member of the family Bethylidae belonging to the subfamily Pristocerinae; a new genus for "Epyris" atavellus Cockerell (1920).


Gen. et 5 sp. nov

In press

Herbert & McKellar


Burmese amber


A member of the family Serphitidae. Genus includes new species M. annulus, M. giganteus, M. engeli, M. scutatus and M. viraneacapitis.

Meteorus arasnitsyni[228]

Sp. nov


Belokobylskij et al.


Baltic amber

Europe (Baltic Sea region)

A species of Meteorus.

Microtypus eocenus[228]

Sp. nov


Belokobylskij et al.


Rovno amber


A member of the family Braconidae belonging to the subfamily Microtypinae.


Gen. et sp. nov

In press

Brazidec et al.

Late Cretaceous (Cenomanian)

Burmese amber


A member of the family Diapriidae. Genus includes new species M. parva.


Gen. et sp. nov


Rosa & Melo

Late Cretaceous (Cenomanian)

Burmese amber


A member of Psenini. Genus includes new species O. burmensis.


Gen. et 2 sp. nov


Gao, Engel, Shih, Gao in Gao et al.


Burmese amber


A member of the family Anaxyelidae. The type species is O. elegans; genus also includes O. thanti.


Gen. et sp. nov


Belokobylskij et al.


Baltic amber

Europe (Baltic Sea region)

A member of the family Braconidae belonging to the subfamily Exothecinae. The type species is P. bruesi.


Gen. et sp. nov


Jouault & Nel

Late Cretaceous (Cenomanian)

Burmese amber


A member of the family Aulacidae. Genus includes new species P. minutus.


Gen. et sp. nov


Jouault, Aase & Nel

Eocene (Chadronian)

Florissant Formation

  United States
(  Colorado)

A member of the family Xyelidae. The type species is P. nearctica.

Peleserphus qufuensis[263]

Sp. nov

In press

Yu et al.

Late Cretaceous (Cenomanian)

Burmese amber


A member of the family Peleserphidae.

Pheidole pauchil[264]

Sp. nov


Varela-Hernández & Riquelme


Mexican amber


An ant, a species of Pheidole.


Gen. et comb. nov


Zheng et al.

Late Cretaceous (Cenomanian)

Burmese amber


A sawfly belonging to the family Syspastoxyelidae; a new genus for "Syspastoxyela" pinguis.

Platyxyela tenuis[265]

Sp. nov


Zheng et al.

Middle Jurassic (Callovian-Bathonian boundary)

Jiulongshan Formation


A member of the family Xyelidae.

Pompilopterus ryonsangensis[255]

Sp. nov

In press

Won & So

Early Cretaceous (Barremian–Aptian)

Sinuiju Formation

  North Korea

A wasp belonging to the family Angarosphecidae.


Gen. et sp. nov


Rosa & Melo

Late Cretaceous (Cenomanian)

Burmese amber


A member of Bembicinae. Genus includes new species P. spectabilis.


Gen. et sp. nov


Rosa & Melo

Late Cretaceous (Cenomanian)

Burmese amber


A member of Psenini. Genus includes new species P. obscurus.

Prosyntexis sennlaubi[266]

Sp. nov


Jouault & Nel

Early Cretaceous (Aptian)

Crato Formation


A member of the family Sepulcidae.


Gen. et sp. nov


Jouault & Nel in Jouault, Perrichot & Nel

Early Cretaceous (Albian)

Hkamti amber


A member of the family Bethylidae belonging to the subfamily Lancepyrinae. Genus includes new species P. myanmarensis.


Gen. et sp. nov


Talamas et al.

Late Cretaceous (Cenomanian)

Burmese amber


A member of the family Platygastridae. The type species is P. kleio.


Gen. et sp. nov


Jouault, Aase & Nel

Eocene (Ypresian)

Green River Formation

  United States
(  Wyoming)

A member of the family Xyelidae. The type species is P. pankowskii.


Gen. et sp. nov


Rosa & Melo

Late Cretaceous (Cenomanian)

Burmese amber


A member of the family Heterogynaidae. Genus includes new species P. corniculatus.


Gen. et sp. nov


Jouault & Brazidec


Burmese amber


A member of the family Bethylidae belonging to the subfamily Protopristocerinae. Genus includes new species R. platycephala.


Gen. et 2 sp. nov


Kopylov, Zhang & Zhang


Burmese amber


A member of the family Ichneumonidae. The type species is R. alexandri; genus also includes R. gracilis.


Gen. et sp. nov


Olmi et al.


Burmese amber


A member of the family Dryinidae. Genus includes new species R. burmense.


Gen. et sp. nov


Kopylov, Zhang & Zhang


Burmese amber


A member of the family Ichneumonidae. The type species is R. braconidicus.

Rovenosa alexrasnitsyni[270]

Sp. nov


Manukyan in Manukyan & Zhindarev

Late Eocene

Prussian Formation
(Baltic amber)

(  Kaliningrad Oblast)

A member of the family Ichneumonidae.

Rovenosa khalaimi[270]

Sp. nov


Manukyan in Manukyan & Zhindarev

Late Eocene

Prussian Formation
(Baltic amber)

(  Kaliningrad Oblast)

A member of the family Ichneumonidae.


Gen. et sp. nov


Simutnik in Simutnik, Perkovsky & Vasilenko

Middle Eocene

Sakhalinian amber


A member of the family Encyrtidae. The type species is S. leleji.


Gen. et sp. nov


Davidian in Davidian, Manukyan & Belokobylskij

Middle Eocene

Sakhalinian amber


A member of the family Braconidae belonging to the subfamily Aphidiinae. Genus includes new species S. alexrasnitsyni.


Gen. et sp. nov


Zheng et al.

Middle Jurassic (Callovian-Bathonian boundary)

Jiulongshan Formation


A member of the family Xyelidae. The type species is S. daohugouensis.

Spalangiopelta darlingi[273]

Sp. nov


Moser in Moser et al.


Baltic amber

Europe (Baltic Sea region)

A member of the family Pteromalidae.

Spalangiopelta semialba[273]

Sp. nov


Moser in Moser et al.


Baltic amber

Europe (Baltic Sea region)

A member of the family Pteromalidae.


Fam. nov., Gen. et sp. nov.


Rosa & Melo

Late Cretaceous (Cenomanian)

Burmese amber


A member of Apoidea in the new family Spheciellidae. Genus includes new species S. aenigmaticus.


Gen. et sp. nov


Belokobylskij & Jouault

Late Cretaceous (Cenomanian)

Burmese amber


A member of the family Braconidae. Genus includes new species S. longiscapus.

Tetragonula florilega[229]

Sp. nov


Engel in Engel et al.

Miocene (Langhian)

Zhangpu amber


A stingless bee, a species of Tetragonula.


Gen. et sp. nov


Rosa & Melo

Late Cretaceous (Cenomanian)

Burmese amber


A member of the family Heterogynaidae. Genus includes new species T. longicornis.


Gen. et sp. nov

In press

Jouault & Nel


Menat Formation


An ant belonging to the stem group of the subfamily Myrmeciinae. Genus includes new species T. inopinata.

Vespula? hassiaca[275]

Sp. nov

In press

Abels & Wedmann


Messel pit


A member of the family Vespidae.

Xeris dorbnikensis[276]

Sp. nov


Manukyan in Manukyan & Smirnova


Baltic amber

Europe (Baltic Sea region)

A horntail. Originally described as a species of Xeris; Archibald & Rasnitsyn (2022) transferred it to the genus Urocerus.[277]

Zigrasimecia goldingot[278]

Sp. nov

In press

Zhuang et al.


Burmese amber


An ant in the tribe Sphecomyrmini.

Hymenopteran Research


Clade Neuropterida




New Neuropteran taxa

Name Novelty Status Authors Age Type locality Country Notes Images


Gen. et sp. nov


Badano, Haug & Cerretti in Badano et al.

Late Cretaceous (Cenomanian)

Burmese amber


An early representative of the clade Myrmeleontiformia. The type species is A. caudatus.

Astioberotha coutreti[282]

Sp. nov

In press


Late Cretaceous (Cenomanian)

Burmese amber


A member of the family Rhachiberothidae belonging to the subfamily Paraberothinae.


Gen. et sp. nov


Cao, Wang & Liu


Burmese amber


A member of the family Mesochrysopidae. Genus includes new species M. bilobata.


Gen. et sp. nov


Lu, Wang & Liu

Late Cretaceous (Cenomanian)

Burmese amber


A member of the family Babinskaiidae. The type species is C. xiai.


Gen. et sp. nov


Xu, Zheng, Shih & Wang in Xu et al.

Middle Jurassic

Jiulongshan Formation


A member of the family Ithonidae. Genus includes new species F. reticulatus.

Karenina cuneiformis[286]

Sp. nov



Early Cretaceous (Aptian)

Crato Formation


A member of the family Mesochrysopidae.

Lichenipolystoechotes fenestratus[285]

Sp. nov


Xu, Fang, Shih & Wang in Xu et al.

Middle Jurassic

Jiulongshan Formation


A member of the family Ithonidae.

Osmylidia donnae[287]

Sp. nov


Makarkin, Archibald, & Mathewes


Quilchena site

  British Columbia

A protosmyline Osmylid lance lacewing

Osmylidia glastrai[287]

Sp. nov


Makarkin, Archibald, & Mathewes


Klondike Mountain Formation

  United States

A protosmyline Osmylid lance lacewing

Osmylidia picta[287]

Comb. nov




Baltic amber


A protosmyline Osmylid lance lacewing
Moved from "Protosmylus" picta (1913)

Osmylidia taliae[287]

Sp. nov


Makarkin, Archibald, & Mathewes


Green River Formation
Parachute Creek Member

  United States

A protosmyline Osmylid lance lacewing


Gen. et sp. nov



Late Cretaceous (Cenomanian)

Burmese amber


A beaded lacewing. Genus includes new species O. simpla.


Gen. et sp. nov

In press

Nakamine et al.

Late Cretaceous (Cenomanian)

Burmese amber


A member of the family Rhachiberothidae. Genus includes new species P. chimaera.


Gen. et sp. nov


Jouault & Nel

Early Cretaceous

Crato Formation


A member of the family Babinskaiidae. Genus includes new species P. sennlaubi.


Gen. et comb. nov


Makarkin, Ansorge & Khramov

Early Jurassic (Toarcian)


A member of the family Ithonidae sensu lato belonging to the subfamily Epigambriinae. The type species is "Prohemerobius" aequabilis Bode (1953).


Gen. et sp. nov

In press

Huang & Nel in Huang et al.


Buxin Formation


A member of the family Chrysopidae. Genus includes new species S. zhangi


Gen. et sp. nov


Lu, Wang & Liu

Late Cretaceous (Cenomanian)

Burmese amber


A member of the family Babinskaiidae. The type species is S. punctata.


Gen. et sp. nov


Lu, Wang & Liu

Late Cretaceous (Cenomanian)

Burmese amber


A member of the family Babinskaiidae. The type species is X. lepidotricha.

Neuropteran research

  • Review of the known record of spoon-winged lacewing larvae is published Haug, Haug & Haug (2021), who report two specimens from the Cretaceous amber from Myanmar which might represent the first known larvae of members of the subfamily Nemopterinae in the fossil record.[293]
  • New lacewing larvae with elongated mouthparts are described from the Cretaceous amber from Myanmar by Haug et al. (2021), who also review the morphological diversity of fossil lacewing larvae.[294]


Name Novelty Status Authors Age Type locality Country Notes Images

Archiinocellia protomaculata[295]

comb nov




Green River Formation


A raphidiid snakefly.
Moved from Archiinocellia protomaculata Engel (2011)[296]

Archiinocellia protomaculata

Electrobaissoptera liui[297]

Sp. nov

In press

Jouault, Engel & Nel

Late Cretaceous (Cenomanian)

Burmese amber


A baissopterid snakefly.

Megaraphidia antiquissima[295]

Sp. nov


Archibald & Makarkin


Tranquille Formation

  British Columbia

A raphidiid snakefly.

Megaraphidia hopkinsi[295]

Sp. nov


Archibald & Makarkin


Allenby Formation

  British Columbia

A raphidiid snakefly.

Megaraphidia klondika[295]

Sp. nov


Archibald & Makarkin


Klondike Mountain Formation

  United States

A raphidiid snakefly.

Megaraphidia ootsa[295]

Sp. nov


Archibald & Makarkin


"Unnamed unit" Ootsa Group

  British Columbia

A raphidiid snakefly.

Mesoraphidia baekthoensis[298]

Sp. nov

In press

Ri et al.

Early Cretaceous (Barremian–Aptian)

Sinuiju Formation

  North Korea

A member of the family Mesoraphidiidae.

Mesoraphidia ryonsangensis[298]

Sp. nov

In press

Ri et al.

Early Cretaceous (Barremian–Aptian)

Sinuiju Formation

  North Korea

A member of the family Mesoraphidiidae.

Clade †Palaeodictyopteroidea



Name Novelty Status Authors Age Type locality Country Notes Images


Gen. et sp. nov

In press

Huang & Nel in Huang et al.

Middle Permian

Yinping Formation


A protohymenid Megasecoptera.
The type species is A. medianelongata.



New Palaeodictyopteran taxa

Name Novelty Status Authors Age Type locality Country Notes Images

Dictyoneura goujonorum[300]

Sp. nov

In press

Logghe et al.

Carboniferous-Permian (Gzhelian-Asselian)


A member of Palaeodictyoptera.

Sandiella herbigi[301]

Sp. nov

In press

Brauckmann, Herd & Leipner

Carboniferous (Moscovian)


A member of Palaeodictyoptera belonging to the family Eugereonidae.

Palaeodictyopteran research

  • A study on the anatomy of fossil specimens described as consecutive series of different larval stages of palaeodictyopteran species Tchirkovaea guttata and Paimbia fenestrata, evaluating their implications for the knowledge of wing development in palaeodictyopterans, is published by Rosová, Sinitshenkova & Prokop (2021).[302]

Clade Palaeoptera




New Ephemeropteran taxa

Name Novelty Status Authors Age Type locality Country Notes Images


Gen. et sp. nov


Brandão et al.

Early Cretaceous

Crato Formation


A mayfly of uncertain phylogenetic placement.
Genus includes new species A. cretacica.


Gen. et 2 sp. nov


Godunko, Martynov & Staniczek

Late Cretaceous (Cenomanian)

Burmese amber


A vietnamellid mayfly.
The type species is B. paucivenosa; genus also includes B. clypeata.

Protoligoneuria heloisae[305]

Sp. nov

In press

Storari et al.

Early Cretaceous (Aptian)

Crato Formation


A hexagenitid mayfly.

Triassodotes rasnitsyni[306]

Sp. nov





A misthodotid mayfly.

Ephemeropteran research

  • Sroka et al. (2021) provide new information on the morphology of Permian stem-mayflies Misthodotes sharovi and M. zalesskyi from the Tshekarda locality (Kungurian Koshelevka Formation; Perm Krai, Russia), and infer the life history traits of both the adult and larval stages of these insects.[307]
  • Possible underwater mayfly burrows are described from the Turonian Ferron Sandstone (Utah, United States) by King et al. (2021), who interpret this finding as evidence that burrowing mayflies adapted to domicile filter-feeding during or prior to the Turonian, and name a new ichnospecies Glossifungites gingrasi.[308]




New Odonatan taxa
Name Novelty Status Authors Age Type locality Country Notes Images

Chalcolestes tibetensis[309]

Sp. nov

In press

Xia et al.

Late Eocene

Nima Basin


A species of Chalcolestes.


Gen. et sp. nov

In press

Huang et al.

Early Cretaceous (Aptian)

Shouchang Formation


A damselfly belonging to the family Synlestidae. Genus includes new species C. cretacicus.


Gen. et sp. nov



Late Cretaceous (Maastrichtian)

Fox Hills Formation

  United States
(  South Dakota)

A dragonfly belonging to the family Aeschnidiidae. Genus includes new species D. spedeni.

Dysagrion pruettae[312]

Sp. nov


Archibald & Cannings in Archibald et al.

Eocene (Ypresian)

Klondike Mountain Formation

  United States
(  Washington)

A member of the family Dysagrionidae.

Dysagrion pruettae


Gen. et sp. nov


Archibald & Cannings in Archibald et al.

Eocene (Ypresian)

Klondike Mountain Formation

  United States
(  Washington)

A collective group name for any fossil species referable to the Dysagrioninae whose orthotaxon generic affinity is unclear. Includes new species D. delinei.

Epilestes rasnitsyni[313]

Sp. nov


Felker & Vasilenko



A damselfly belonging to the family Permagrionidae.


Gen. et sp. nov


Zheng et al.



A dragonfly belonging to the group Aeshnoidea, possibly a member of the family Telephlebiidae. Genus includes new species J. taoae.


Gen. et sp. nov




Maíz Gordo Formation


A damselfly belonging to the family Coenagrionidae. The type species is M. marado.


Gen. et sp. nov


Deregnaucourt et al.


Molteno Formation

  South Africa

A member of the stem group of Odonata, belonging to the group Zygophlebiida within the Triadophlebiomorpha. Genus includes new species M. lindae.


Gen. et 8 sp. nov


Archibald & Cannings in Archibald et al.

Eocene (Ypresian)

Klondike Mountain Formation

  United States
(  Washington)

A member of the family Dysagrionidae. The type species is O. threadgillae; genus also includes new species O. hobani, O. beardi, O. lochmum, O. angustum, O. dorrellae, O. liquetoalatum and O. worleyae.

Okanagrion threadgillae


Gen. et 3 sp. nov


Archibald & Cannings in Archibald et al.

Eocene (Ypresian)

Tranquille Formation

(  British Columbia)

A member of the family Dysagrionidae. The type species is O. macabeensis; genus also includes new species O. fraseri and O. jeppesenorum.


Gen. et sp. nov

In press

So & Won

Early Cretaceous (BarremianAptian)

Sinuiju Formation

  North Korea

A damselfly in the family Megapodagrionidae. Genus includes new species P. ryonsangae.


Fam. et gen. et 2 sp. nov

In press

Zheng, Jarzembowski & Nel in Zheng et al.


Burmese amber


A stem hemiphlebioid damselfly belonging to the new family Protohemiphlebiidae. Genus includes new species P. zhangi and P. meiyingae.


Gen. et sp. nov

In press

Martynov, Vasilenko & Perkovsky

Late Eocene

Rovno amber


A damselfly belonging to the group Coenagrionoidea.
Genus includes new species P. electra.


Gen. et sp. nov


Archibald & Cannings

Eocene (Ypresian)

Klondike Mountain Formation

  United States
(  Washington)

A euphaeid damselfly.
Type species is R. weatbrooki.
Not to be confused with the plant genus Republica also from the formation.

Republica weatbrooki


Gen. et sp. nov


Archibald & Cannings in Archibald et al.

Eocene (Ypresian)

Klondike Mountain Formation

  United States
(  Washington)

A dysagrionid odonate.
Type species is S. westersidei.

Stenodiafanus westersidei

Stenophlebia ryonsangensis[322]

Sp. nov

In press

Won, So & Kim

Early Cretaceous

Sinuiju Formation

  North Korea

A stenophlebiid odonate.


Fam. Nov., Gen. et sp. nov


Archibald & Cannings in Archibald et al.

Eocene (Ypresian)

Klondike Mountain Formation

  United States

The type genus of Whetwhetaksidae, a new family of uncertain placement.
The type species is W. millerae.

Whetwhetaksa millerae
Odonate research
  • Archibald et al. (2021) establish a new, extinct suborder of Odonata named Cephalozygoptera, close to but distinct from damselflies, composed of the families Dysagrionidae, Sieblosiidae and possibly Whetwhetaksidae;[312] their study is subsequently criticized by Nel & Zheng (2021), who consider evidence presented by Archibald et al. to be insufficient to support a new clade, and reject the suborder Cephalozygoptera as unfounded.[323][324]


Name Novelty Status Authors Age Type locality Country Notes Images

Kennedya kedrovkensis[325]

Sp. nov



Early Triassic


A member of Protozygoptera belonging to the family Kennedyidae.

Kennedya suchonensis[326]

Sp. nov



Late Permian


Progoneura kemerovensis[325]

Sp. nov



Early Triassic


A member of Protozygoptera belonging to the family Kennedyidae.

Other odonatopterans

Name Novelty Status Authors Age Type locality Country Notes Images


Gen. et sp. nov


Béthoux, Deregnaucourt & Norrad in Béthoux et al.

Carboniferous (Moscovian)

Sunbury Creek Formation

(  New Brunswick)

A member of Neodonatoptera of uncertain phylogenetic placement. The type species is B. norradi.


Gen. et sp. nov


Zessin, Brauckmann & Gröning

Carboniferous (Pennsylvanian)

Osnabrück Formation


Probably a basal member of Odonatoptera. The type species is O. seppelti.

Clade †Paoliidea



Name Novelty Status Authors Age Type locality Country Notes Images


Gen. et sp. nov

In press

Quispe et al.

Carboniferous (Moscovian)


A blattinopsid Paoliidan.
The type species is A. oudardi.

Blattinopsis indefinitus[330]

Sp. nov


Rasnitsyn & Aristov

Permian (Kungurian)

(  Krasnoyarsk Krai)

A Blattinopsidae Paoliidan

Glaphyrophlebia borea[331]

Sp. nov


Aristov, Rasnitsyn & Naugolnykh


Inta Formation

(  Komi Republic)

A Blattinopsid.

Glaphyrophlebia iva[332]

Sp. nov


Aristov & Rasnitsyn

Middle Permian


A member of the family Blattinopsidae.

Glaphyrophlebia komia[331]

Sp. nov


Aristov, Rasnitsyn & Naugolnykh


Inta Formation

(  Komi Republic)

A member of the family Blattinopsidae.

Glaphyrophlebia vorkutensis[331]

Sp. nov


Aristov, Rasnitsyn & Naugolnykh


Inta Formation

(  Komi Republic)

A member of the family Blattinopsidae.

Clade Paraneoptera




New Hemipteran taxa

Name Novelty Status Authors Age Type locality Country Notes Images


Trib. et gen. et sp. nov

In press

Bourgoin & Luo in Luo et al.

Late Cretaceous (Cenomanian)

Burmese amber


A member of the family Cixiidae; the type genus of the new tribe Acrotiarini. The type species is A. multigranulata Luo & Bourgoin.

Aneurus damzeni[334]

Sp. nov


Heiss in Heiss, Kairišs & Bukejs


Baltic amber

(  Kaliningrad Oblast)

A species of Aneurus.


Gen. et sp. nov


Swanson et al.


Green River Formation

  United States

A member of the family Reduviidae belonging to the subfamily Harpactorinae. Genus includes new species A. danjuddi.


Gen. et sp. nov


Kim, Chérot & Jung


Baltic amber

Europe (Baltic Sea region)

A member of the family Miridae. The type species is B. herczeki.


Gen. et comb. nov

In press

Bourgoin & Szwedo in Luo et al.

Early Cretaceous

Weald Clay

  United Kingdom

A member of the family Cixiidae; a new genus for "Cixius" petrinus Fennah.

Beaconiella cincta[337]

Sp. nov



Triassic (LadinianCarnian)

Madygen Formation


A member of Cicadomorpha belonging to the superfamily Pereborioidea and the family Curvicubitidae.

Beaconiella pulchra[337]

Sp. nov



Triassic (Ladinian–Carnian)

Madygen Formation


A member of Cicadomorpha belonging to the superfamily Pereborioidea and the family Curvicubitidae.

Burmacader bicoloripennis[338]

Sp. nov


Souma, Yamamoto & Takahashi

Late Cretaceous (Cenomanian)

Burmese amber


A member of the family Tingidae.

Burmacader grandis[339]

Sp. nov


Heiss & Guilbert


Burmese amber


A member of the family Tingidae.


Gen. et sp. nov


Liu et al.


Burmese amber


A member of the family Malmopsyllidae. Genus includes new species B. liaoyaoi.


Gen. et sp. nov


Qiao et al.


Burmese amber


A member of the family Tettigarctidae. Genus includes new species B. nervosa.


Gen. et sp. nov


Souma, Yamamoto & Takahashi

Cretaceous (Albian or Cenomanian)

Burmese amber


A member of the family Tingidae. The type species is B. anomalocapitata.


Gen. et sp. nov


Kim, Lim & Jung

Late Cretaceous (Cenomanian)

Burmese amber


A member of the family Miridae belonging to the tribe Mecistoscelini. Genus includes new species C. herczeki.

Cretodorus rostellatus[344]

Sp. nov

In press

Zhang et al.

Late Cretaceous (Cenomanian)

Burmese amber


A member of the family Mimarachnidae.


Gen. et sp. nov


Fu & Huang


Burmese amber


A member of the family Sinoalidae. Genus includes new species C. burmensis.

Dachibangus hui[346]

Sp. nov


Zhang, Yao & Pang in Zhang et al.

Late Cretaceous (Cenomanian)

Burmese amber


A member of the family Mimarachnidae. Originally described as a species of Dachibangus, but subsequently transferred to the genus Xiaochibangus.[347]


Gen. et sp. nov

In press

Bourgoin & Luo in Luo et al.

Late Cretaceous (Cenomanian)

Burmese amber


A member of the family Cixiidae belonging to the tribe Acrotiarini. The type species is D. tibiocoronata Luo & Bourgoin.

Dorytocus jiaxiaoae[348]

Sp. nov


Song, Szwedo & Bourgoin in Song et al.

Late Cretaceous (Cenomanian)

Burmese amber


A planthopper.


Gen. et sp. nov


Chen et al.

Late Cretaceous (Cenomanian)

Burmese amber


A leafhopper belonging to the subfamily Ledrinae. Genus includes new species D. electronica.

Electromyiomma herczeki[350]

Sp. nov


Kim & Jung


Baltic amber

Europe (Baltic Sea region)

A member of the family Miridae.


Gen. et 2 sp. nov


Wedmann et al.


Messel pit

  United States
(  Colorado)

A member of the family Pentatomidae. The type species is E. peterkulkai; genus also includes E. greenriverensis.


Gen. et sp. nov


Cumming & Le Tirant

Late Cretaceous (Cenomanian)

Burmese amber


A member of the family Coreidae belonging to the subfamily Coreinae. The type species is F. excalibur.

Hallex martinsnetoi[353]

Sp. nov

In press

Monferran et al.

Early Cretaceous

Crato Formation


A leafhopper.


Gen. et sp. nov


Cifuentes-Ruiz & Brailovsky in Cifuentes-Ruiz et al.

Early Miocene

La Quinta Formation
(Mexican amber)


A member of the family Schizopteridae. The type species is H. bretoni.


Fam. et gen. et sp. nov


Shcherbakov & Emeljanov

Cretaceous (Albian–Cenomanian)

Burmese amber


A planthopper belonging to the new family Inoderbidae. The type species is I. rapunzel.

Juroala pulchra[356]

Sp. nov


Fu & Huang

Late Jurassic

Daohugou Beds


A member of the family Sinoalidae.


Nom. nov



Jurassic (Bathonian-Oxfordian)


A member of the family Protopsyllidiidae; a replacement name for Carpenterella Becker-Migdisova (1968).


Gen. et sp. nov

Wang, Tang & Yao in Wang et al.

Late Cretaceous (Cenomanian)

Burmese amber


A member of the family Tingidae. The type species is L. carinbifarium.


Gen. et sp. nov

Junior synonym

Heiss & Golub


Burmese amber


A member of the family Tingidae. Genus includes new species M. leptosoma. Subsequently Heiss & Golub (2021) considered this species to be a junior synonym of Burmavianaida anomalocapitata.[360]


Gen. et sp. nov


Zhang, Yao & Pang in Zhang et al.

Late Cretaceous (Cenomanian)

Burmese amber


A member of the family Mimarachnidae. The type species is M. orthotropa.

Paleocader balticus[361]

Sp. nov


Heiss & Golub


Baltic amber

Europe (Baltic Sea region)

A member of the family Tingidae.

Paleocader pulchellus[361]

Sp. nov


Heiss & Golub


Baltic amber

Europe (Baltic Sea region)

A member of the family Tingidae.

Paleocader rovnensis[361]

Sp. nov


Heiss & Golub


Rovno amber


A member of the family Tingidae.

Parasinalda sukachevae[362]

Sp. nov


Golub, Perkovsky & Vasilenko

Late Eocene

Rovno amber


A member of the family Tingidae.


Gen. et sp. nov

In press

Bourgoin & Luo in Luo et al.

Late Cretaceous (Cenomanian)

Burmese amber


A member of the family Cixiidae belonging to the tribe Acrotiarini. The type species is P. kachinensis Luo & Bourgoin.


Gen. et sp. nov


Kóbor & Roca-Cusachs


Burmese amber


A member of the family Yuripopovinidae. Genus includes new species P. longicornis.


Gen. et sp. nov

In press

Tang, Wang & Yao in Tang et al.


Burmese amber


A member of the family Vetanthocoridae. Genus includes new species P. carinalis.

"Pyrrhocoris" rottensis[365]

Nom. nov



Late Oligocene


A member of Lygaeoidea of uncertain phylogenetic placement; a replacement name for Pyrrhocoris tibialis Statz & Wagner (1950).


Gen. et sp. nov


Dietrich, Dmitriev & Perkovsky

Late Eocene

Rovno amber


A leafhopper. Genus includes new species R. rasnitsyni.

Saltissus fennahi[367]

Sp. nov

In press

Luo, Liu & Jarzembowski in Luo et al.

Early Cretaceous

Weald Clay

  United Kingdom

A member of the family Mimarachnidae.

Scytinoptera tongchuanensis[368]

Sp. nov

In press

Zhang, Zheng & Zhang in Zhang et al.

Middle Triassic

Tongchuan Formation


A member of the family Scytinopteridae.


Gen. et sp. nov

In press

Zhang, Chen & Zhang

Middle Triassic

Tongchuan Formation


A member of Scytinopteroidea belonging to the family Granulidae. Genus includes new species S. qishuiheensis.


Gen. et sp. nov


Luo, Wang & Jarzembowski

Late Cretaceous (Cenomanian)

Burmese amber


A planthopper of uncertain phylogenetic placement. The type species is S. shcherbakovi.


Fam. nov., Gen. et sp. nov


Zhang et al.

Late Triassic

Yanchang Formation


A planthopper in the new family Szeiiniidae. Genus includes new species S. huanglongensis

Tennentsia orientalis[372]

Sp. nov

In press

Fu, Azar & Huang

Middle Triassic

Yanchang Formation


A member of Cicadomorpha belonging to the family Dysmorphoptilidae.


Gen. et sp. nov



Triassic (Ladinian–Carnian)

Madygen Formation


A member of Cicadomorpha belonging to the superfamily Scytinopteroidea and the family Paraknightiidae. The type species is T. mira.

Tuthillia maculosa[373]

Sp. nov


Poinar & Brown

Dominican amber

  Dominican Republic

A member of Psylloidea.


Gen. et sp. nov


Li, Chen & Jarzembowski

Early Cretaceous

  United Kingdom

A member of the family Procercopidae. Genus includes new species V. tonyi.

Youngeewa simillima[375]

Sp. nov


Gębicki & Walczak in Gębicki, Walczak & Zmarzły


Baltic amber

Europe (Baltic Sea region)

A leafhopper belonging to the subfamily Mileewinae.

Hemipteran research

  • Grimaldi & Vea (2021) reinterpret Mesophthirus engeli as a scale insect, and reject the interpretation of this insect as an ectoparasite.[376]
  • Redescription of the holotype specimen of Paranoika placida is published by Moura-Júnior et al. (2021), who transfer this species to the genus Lethocerus, and consider this species to be the senior synonym of Lethocerus vetus.[377]
  • A fulgorid specimen, representing the oldest occurrence of this family in the fossil record in Asia, is described from the Eocene Lunpola Basin (Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau, China) by Xu et al. (2021).[378]
  • Revision of the fossil record of Fulgoromorpha and Cicadomorpha from the Jurassic and Cretaceous of eastern Asia is published by Chen (2021).[379]



New Psocodean taxa

Name Novelty Status Authors Age Type locality Country Notes Images


Gen. et sp. nov


Yoshizawa in Yoshizawa & Yamamoto

Cretaceous (Albian–Cenomanian)

Burmese amber


A member of Homilopsocidea of uncertain phylogenetic placement. The type species is B. lienhardi.

Cormopsocus baleoi[381]

Sp. nov


Hakim, Azar & Huang


Burmese amber


A member of Trogiomorpha belonging to the family Cormopsocidae.

Cormopsocus neli[382]

Sp. nov


Hakim, Azar & Huang in Hakim et al.


Burmese amber


A member of Trogiomorpha belonging to the family Cormopsocidae.


Gen. et sp. nov


Hakim, Huang & Azar

Late Cretaceous


A member of Trogiomorpha belonging to the family Empheriidae. Genus includes new species E. rasnitsyni.

Eolepinotus zherikhini[383]

Sp. nov


Hakim, Huang & Azar

Late Cretaceous


A member of Trogiomorpha belonging to the family Trogiidae.


Gen. et sp. nov


Cumming & Le Tirant

Late Cretaceous (Cenomanian)

Burmese amber


A member of Trogiomorpha belonging to the family Archaeatropidae. The type species is H. morganae.


Gen. et 2 sp. nov

In press

Wang, Li & Yao in Wang et al.


Burmese amber


A member of the family Cormopsocidae. Genus includes new species L. edentatus and L. pedhyalinus.

Palaeosiamoglaris hammanaensis[386]

Sp. nov

In press

Hakim, Huang & Azar

Early Cretaceous (Barremian)

Lebanese amber


A member of Psocodea belonging to the family Prionoglarididae.

Palaeosiamoglaris hkamtiensis[387]

Sp. nov

In press

Jouault et al.

Early Cretaceous

Hkamti amber


A member of Psocodea belonging to the family Prionoglarididae.

Psyllipsocus myanmarensis[387]

Sp. nov

In press

Jouault et al.

Late Cretaceous (Cenomanian)

Burmese amber


A member of Psocodea belonging to the family Psyllipsocidae, a species of Psyllipsocus.

Psyllipsocus yangi[388]

Sp. nov


Liang & Liu


Burmese amber


A member of Psocodea belonging to the family Psyllipsocidae, a species of Psyllipsocus.


Gen. et sp. nov

In press

Liang & Liu


Burmese amber


A member of the family Cormopsocidae. Genus includes new species S. jiewenae.

Psocodean research

  • Four bark lice carrying sand granules and organic material atop their back are described from the Cretaceous amber from Myanmar by Kiesmüller et al. (2021), who interpret this finding as the first fossil evidence of masking behaviour in Cretaceous representatives of Psocodea.[390]

Clade Perlidea




New Dermapteran

Name Novelty Status Authors Age Type locality Country Notes Images


Gen. et 2 sp. nov


Xiong et al.

Middle Jurassic

Jiulongshan Formation


A semenoviolid eodermapteran earwig.
Genus includes the new species A. elongatum and A. cylindratum.


Gen. et sp. nov


Xiong, Engel & Ren in Xiong et al.

Middle Jurassic

Jiulongshan Formation


A member of the family Protodiplatyidae. The type species is A. oiodes.


Gen. et comb. nov



Early Jurassic (Sinemurian)

Charmouth Mudstone Formation

  United Kingdom

A dermapterid earwig.
The type species is "Brevicula" teres Tihelka (2019).


Gen. et sp. nov


Chen & Zhang


Burmese amber


A pygidicranid earwig.
Genus includes new species E. myanmarensis.

Sinopalaeodermata concavum[392]

Sp. nov


Xiong, Engel & Ren in Xiong et al.

Middle Jurassic

Jiulongshan Formation


A member of the family Dermapteridae.



New Plecopteran taxa

Name Novelty Status Authors Age Type locality Country Notes Images


Gen. et sp. nov

In press



Baltic amber

Europe (Baltic Sea region)

A nemourid stonefly.
Genus includes new species B. bulbosus.


Gen. et sp. nov

In press

Chen & Xu


Burmese amber


A perlid stonefly belonging to the family.
Genus includes new species B. starki.

Isoperla baltica[397]

Sp. nov


Jouault et al.


Baltic amber

Europe (Baltic Sea regon)

A perlodid stonefly.

Other insects


New taxa

Name Novelty Status Authors Age Type locality Country Notes Images


Gen. et sp. nov



Late Permian


A mesorthopterid Eoblattidan Polyneopteran.
The type species is A. intermittendia.

Baharellinus elegans[398]

Sp. nov



Late Permian


A member of Polyneoptera belonging to the group Eoblattida and the family Blattogryllidae.

Belmophenopterum rasnitsyni[399]

Sp. nov


Storozhenko & Aristov

Triassic (Ladinian-Carnian)

Madygen Formation


A member of the family Mesorthopteridae.


Gen. et sp. nov


Cui et al.

Early Permian

Goldlauter Formation


A member of Grylloblattida of uncertain phylogenetic placement. Genus includes new species C. magnificus.

Delopterinus alsenzensis[401]

Sp. nov


Nel & Poschmann

Early Permian

Saar–Nahe Basin


A miomopteran belonging to the family Palaeomanteidae.

Delopterum novokshonovi[401]

Sp. nov


Nel & Poschmann

Early Permian

Saar–Nahe Basin


A miomopteran belonging to the family Palaeomanteidae.


Gen. et comb. nov


Rasnitsyn & Aristov

Early Permian

  United States

A member of Polyneoptera belonging to the group Eoblattida and the family Tococladidae. The type species is "Opisthocladus" strictus Carpenter (1976).


Gen. et sp. nov


Falières, Engel & Nel

Earliest Eocene

Oise amber


A webspinner belonging to the family Embiidae. The type species is G. raholai.

Gnethoda odontophora[404]

Sp. nov

In press

Lai et al.


Burmese amber


A webspinner belonging to the family Clothodidae.

Kamopanorpa rasnitsyni[405]

Sp. nov


Bashkuev & Sukatsheva


Minusinsk Coal Basin


A member of the (stem-trichopteran or stem-amphiesmenopteran) family Microptysmatidae.

Kamopanorpa rotunda[405]

Sp. nov


Bashkuev & Sukatsheva


Minusinsk Coal Basin


A member of the family Microptysmatidae.

Kamopanorpa sivchikovi[405]

Sp. nov


Bashkuev & Sukatsheva


Minusinsk Coal Basin


A member of the family Microptysmatidae.

Liomopterites sperbersbachensis[400]

Sp. nov


Cui et al.

Early Permian

Goldlauter Formation


A member of Grylloblattida belonging to the family Liomopteridae.

Liomopterum fuscatum[400]

Sp. nov


Cui et al.

Early Permian

Goldlauter Formation


A member of Grylloblattida belonging to the family Liomopteridae.


Gen. et sp. nov


Aristov & Storozhenko

Triassic (Ladinian or Carnian)

Madygen Formation


A webspinner belonging to the family Alexarasniidae. The type species is M. rasnitsyni.


Fam. et gen. et 3 sp. nov


Yang et al.

Early Cretaceous

Yixian Formation


A member of Polyneoptera of uncertain phylogenetic placement, belonging to the new family Magicivenidae. The type species is M. sticta; genus also includes M. elegans and M. antennalis.


Gen. et sp. nov

In press

Lai et al.


Burmese amber


A webspinner belonging to the family Sorellembiidae. Genus includes new species M. curvivena.


Gen. et sp. et comb. nov


Cui et al.

Early Permian


A member of Grylloblattida. Genus includes new species P. clara, as well as "Oborella" germanica Prokop et al. (2021).


Fam. et gen. et sp. nov





A member of Embioptera belonging to the new family Rasnalexiidae. Genus includes new species R. rasnitsyni.

Uralioma thuringiensis[400]

Sp. nov


Cui et al.

Early Permian

Goldlauter Formation


A member of Grylloblattida belonging to the family Liomopteridae.

Other insect research

  • A well-preserved full-body impression of an elongate winged insect strongly resembling stick insects is described from the Permian (Wordian) Pelitic Formation (France) by Logghe et al. (2021), who name a new ichnotaxon Phasmichnus radagasti.[409]
  • A dragonfly-type odonatopteran larva, preserving ancestral morphological characters maintained in mayflies but lost in modern odonatan larvae, is described from the Cretaceous Burmese amber by Haug, Müller & Haug (2021).[410]

General research

  • Revision of the fossil record of insects from the Triassic of China is published by Zhang et al. (2021).[411]
  • A study on the diversity of insect damage types in fossil plants from the Cretaceous (Albian to Cenomanian) Dakota Formation (United States), evaluating their implications for the knowledge of the early evolution of angiosperm florivory and associated pollination, is published by Xiao et al. (2021).[412]


  1. ^ a b Mey, W.; Léger, T.; Lien, V. V. (2021). "New taxa of extant and fossil primitive moths in South-East Asia and their biogeographic significance (Lepidoptera, Micropterigidae, Agathiphagidae, Lophocoronidae)". Nota Lepidopterologica. 44: 29–56. doi:10.3897/nl.44.52350.
  2. ^ a b Fischer, T. C. (2021). "In search for the unlikely: Leaf-mining caterpillars (Gracillariidae, Lepidoptera) from Upper Cretaceous and Eocene ambers". Zitteliana. 95: 135–145. doi:10.3897/zitteliana.95.63317. S2CID 245086588.
  3. ^ Haug, J. T.; Haug, C. (2021). "A 100 million-year-old armoured caterpillar supports the early diversification of moths and butterflies". Gondwana Research. 93: 101–105. Bibcode:2021GondR..93..101H. doi:10.1016/j.gr.2021.01.009. S2CID 233548334.
  4. ^ Maccracken, S. A.; Sohn, J.-C.; Miller, I. M.; Labandeira, C. C. (2021). "A new Late Cretaceous leaf mine Leucopteropsa spiralae gen. et sp. nov. (Lepidoptera: Lyonetiidae) represents the first confirmed fossil evidence of the Cemiostominae". Journal of Systematic Palaeontology. 19 (2): 131–144. doi:10.1080/14772019.2021.1881177. S2CID 233194385.
  5. ^ a b Melnitsky, S. I.; Ivanov, V. D. (2021). "Two new species of the genus Archaeopolycentra (Trichoptera: Polycentropodidae) from Cretaceous Taimyr amber". Far Eastern Entomologist. 444: 1–7. doi:10.25221/fee.444.1. ISSN 1026-051X. S2CID 244880131.
  6. ^ Wichard, W.; Neumann, C. (2021). "The polycentropodid genus Cernotina (Insecta, Trichoptera) in Miocene Dominican amber". Fossil Record. 24 (1): 129–133. doi:10.5194/fr-24-129-2021.
  7. ^ Melnitsky, S. I.; Ivanov, V. D.; Perkovsky, E. E. (2021). "A new species of the fossil genus Electrotrichia (Insecta: Trichoptera: Hydroptilidae) from Rovno amber (Zhytomyr region, Olevsk locality)". Palaeoentomology. 4 (5): 421–424. doi:10.11646/palaeoentomology.4.5.4. S2CID 240542805.
  8. ^ a b c d e f g Sukacheva, I. D.; Vasilenko, D. V. (2021). "Caddisflies (Insecta, Trichoptera) from the upper Mesozoic Chernovskie Kopi locality (Transbaikalia): part 2. Larval cases". Paleontological Journal. 55 (5): 545–551. doi:10.1134/S0031030121050154. S2CID 238640223.
  9. ^ Melnitsky, S. I.; Ivanov, V. D.; Perkovsky, E. E. (2021). "A new species of the genus Holocentropus (Trichoptera: Polycentropodidae) from Rovno amber". Zoosystematica Rossica. 30 (2): 298–302. doi:10.31610/zsr/2021.30.2.298. S2CID 245185514.
  10. ^ a b c Wichard, W.; Müller, P.; Xu, C.-P. (2021). "The odontocerid genera Psilotreta and Palaeopsilotreta (Insecta, Trichoptera) embedded in mid-Cretaceous Burmese amber". Palaeoentomology. 4 (4): 331–338. doi:10.11646/palaeoentomology.4.4.8. S2CID 239650542.
  11. ^ Melnitsky, S. I.; Ivanov, V. D.; Perkovsky, E. E. (2021). "A new species of Plectrocnemia (Trichoptera: Polycentropodidae) from Rovno amber". Zootaxa. 5006 (1): 106–109. doi:10.11646/zootaxa.5006.1.14. PMID 34810582. S2CID 239644442.
  12. ^ Sukatsheva, I. D.; Aristov, D. S. (2021). "New data on Cretaceous caddisflies family Vitimotauliidae (Insecta, Trichoptera) from Buryatia (Khasurty locality)". Paleontological Journal. 55 (4): 391–395. doi:10.1134/S0031030121330017. S2CID 237376766.
  13. ^ a b Wang, J.; Zhang, W.; Shih, C.; Ren, D. (2021). "Two new mid-Cretaceous caddisflies (Trichoptera, Philopotamidae) from amber of Northern Myanmar". Cretaceous Research. 126: Article 104891. Bibcode:2021CrRes.12604891W. doi:10.1016/j.cretres.2021.104891.
  14. ^ a b c d Roháček, J.; Hoffeins, C. (2021). "Clusiomitidae, a new family of Eocene fossil Acalyptratae, with revision of Acartophthalmites Hennig and Clusiomites Gen. Nov. (Diptera) †". Insects. 12 (12): Article 1123. doi:10.3390/insects12121123. PMC 8705662. PMID 34940210.
  15. ^ Krzemiński, W.; Kopeć, K.; Soszyńska-Maj, A.; Skibińska, K. (2021). "Aleksiana rasnitsyni gen. et sp. nov. (Diptera, Limoniidae) to honour Alexandr Rasnitsyn". Palaeoentomology. 4 (5): 436–440. doi:10.11646/palaeoentomology.4.5.8. S2CID 240522901.
  16. ^ a b Nel, A. (2021). "New Cecidomyiidae from the Lowermost Eocene French amber (Diptera)". Palaeoentomology. 4 (6): 620–628. doi:10.11646/palaeoentomology.4.6.11. S2CID 245179601.
  17. ^ Bouju, V.; Rosse-Guillevic, S.; Griffon, M.; Bojarski, B.; Szwedo, J.; Perrichot, V. (2021). "The genus Allodia (Diptera: Mycetophilidae) in Miocene Ethiopian amber". Fossil Record. 24 (2): 339–346. doi:10.5194/fr-24-339-2021.
  18. ^ a b c d Solórzano-Kraemer, M. M.; Bourdeau, C.; Rosse-Guillevic, S.; Hammel, J. U.; Xu, C.; Brown, B. V. (2021). "Parasitic hump-backed flies (Diptera: Phoridae) from Middle Miocene ambers" (PDF). Palaeoworld. in press. doi:10.1016/j.palwor.2021.11.002. S2CID 244126413.
  19. ^ Lamas, C. J. E.; Sampronha, S.; Ribeiro, G. C. (2021). "A new robber fly from the Lower Cretaceous (Aptian) Crato Formation of NE Brazil (Insecta: Diptera: Asilidae)". Cretaceous Research. 131: Article 105114. doi:10.1016/j.cretres.2021.105114.
  20. ^ Lukashevich, E. D. (2021). "The oldest Diptera (Insecta) from the Upper Buntsandstein (early Middle Triassic) of Europe". Zootaxa. 5067 (1): 135–143. doi:10.11646/zootaxa.5067.1.10. PMID 34810754. S2CID 243901965.
  21. ^ Skartveit, J.; Wedmann, S. (2021). "A revision of fossil Bibionidae (Insecta: Diptera) from the Oligocene of Germany". Zootaxa. 4909 (1): zootaxa.4909.1.1. doi:10.11646/zootaxa.4909.1.1. PMID 33756592. S2CID 232338865.
  22. ^ Skartveit, J. (2021). "A new fossil species of the genus Bibio, with an update on bibionid flies from Baltic and Rovno amber (Diptera, Bibionidae)". Deutsche Entomologische Zeitschrift. 68 (1): 81–99. doi:10.3897/dez.68.60611. hdl:11250/2731857.
  23. ^ Ševčík, J.; Skartveit, J.; Krzemiński, W.; Skibińska, K. (2021). "A Peculiar New Genus of Bibionomorpha (Diptera) with Brachycera-Like Modification of Antennae from Mid-Cretaceous Amber of Myanmar". Insects. 12 (4): Article 364. doi:10.3390/insects12040364. PMC 8073775. PMID 33923888.
  24. ^ a b Ševčík, J.; Hippa, H.; Burdíková, N. (2021). "Just a Fragment of Undescribed Diversity: Twenty New Oriental and Palearctic Species of Sciaroidea (Diptera), including DNA Sequence Data and Two New Fossil Genera". Insects. 13 (1): Article 19. doi:10.3390/insects13010019. PMC 8779109. PMID 35055862.
  25. ^ Poinar, G.; Vega, F. E. (2021). "A new genus of Apsilocephalidae (Diptera) in Mid-Cretaceous Burmese amber". Biosis: Biological Systems. 2 (1): 183–190. doi:10.37819/biosis.002.01.0091.
  26. ^ Liu, Y.M.; Huang, D.Y. (2021). "A new species of Crenoptychoptera Kalugina, 1985 (Diptera: Ptychopteridae) from the Middle–Late Jurassic of Jiyuan Basin, China". Palaeoentomology. 4 (1): 27–29. doi:10.11646/palaeoentomology.4.1.5. S2CID 233927262.
  27. ^ Lukashevich, E. D.; Amorim, D. de S.; Ribeiro, G. C. (2021). "A Gondwanan record of the extinct genus Cretobibio (Diptera: Bibionidae)". Palaeoentomology. 4 (5): 468–474. doi:10.11646/palaeoentomology.4.5.13. S2CID 244210389.
  28. ^ a b c d Kopeć, K.; Soszyńska-Maj, A.; Kania-Kłosok, I.; Coram, R. A.; Krzemiński, W. (2021). "Morphology of the oldest fossil subfamily of Limoniidae (Diptera, Architipulinae) in the light of exceptionally preserved Mesozoic material". Scientific Reports. 11 (1): Article number 24137. Bibcode:2021NatSR..1124137K. doi:10.1038/s41598-021-03350-4. PMC 8683464. PMID 34921169.
  29. ^ Carmo, D. d.D.; Lamas, C. J. E.; Ribeiro, G. C. (2021). "The oldest fossil Stiletto fly: a new genus and species from the Lower Cretaceous Crato Formation of Brazil (Diptera: Therevidae)". Cretaceous Research. 130: Article 105039. doi:10.1016/j.cretres.2021.105039. S2CID 244212150.
  30. ^ Li, L.; Zhang, Q.; Xiao, C. (2021). "A new genus and species of Bibionidae (Diptera: Bibionoidea) from mid-Cretaceous Kachin amber". Acta Palaeontologica Sinica. 60 (2): 243–252. doi:10.19800/j.cnki.aps.2021018.
  31. ^ Giłka, W.; Harbach, R. E.; Perkovsky, E. E. (2021). "Mosquitoes (Diptera: Culicidae) in Eocene amber from the Rovno region, Ukraine". Zootaxa. 5016 (2): 257–270. doi:10.11646/zootaxa.5016.2.6. PMID 34810451. S2CID 238838914.
  32. ^ a b Peñalver, E.; Arillo Aranda, A.; Szadziewski, R.; Stilwell, J. D. (2021). "Biting midges (Diptera: Ceratopogonidae) from the middle Eocene Anglesea amber (Australia) originated in a subpolar greenhouse earth". Historical Biology. 34 (3): 425–435. doi:10.1080/08912963.2021.1924700. S2CID 236275915.
  33. ^ a b Kania-Kłosok, I.; Nel, A.; Szwedo, J.; Jordan-Stasiło, W.; Krzemiński, W. (2021). "Phylogeny and biogeography of the enigmatic ghost lineage Cylindrotomidae (Diptera, Nematocera)". Scientific Reports. 11 (1): Article number 13916. Bibcode:2021NatSR..1113916K. doi:10.1038/s41598-021-91719-w. PMC 8260593. PMID 34230501.
  34. ^ Krzemiński, W.; Kania-Kłosok, I.; Krzemińska, E.; Ševčík, J.; Soszyńska-Maj, A. (2021). "Fossils Shed a New Light on the Diversity and Disparity of the Family Limoniidae (Diptera, Nematocera)". Insects. 12 (3): Article 206. doi:10.3390/insects12030206. PMC 8000698. PMID 33804356.
  35. ^ a b Kania-Kłosok, I.; Krzemiński, W. (2021). "Recent discoveries of new Elephantomyia (Diptera, Limoniidae) fossils in Baltic amber". Scientific Reports. 11 (1): Article number 23647. Bibcode:2021NatSR..1123647K. doi:10.1038/s41598-021-03022-3. PMC 8655017. PMID 34880309.
  36. ^ Szadziewski, R.; Sontag, E.; Pankowski, M. V. (2021). "A new biting midge of the genus Forcipomyia Meigen, 1818 from Miocene Ethiopian amber (Diptera: Ceratopogonidae)". Palaeoentomology. 4 (5): 441–444. doi:10.11646/palaeoentomology.4.5.9. ISSN 2624-2826. S2CID 244172069.
  37. ^ a b Kania-Kłosok, I.; Krzemiński, W.; Arillo, A. (2021). "Two new long-rostrum cranefly species from the Cretaceous Iberian amber (Diptera, Limoniidae, Helius)". Scientific Reports. 11 (1): Article number 12851. Bibcode:2021NatSR..1112851K. doi:10.1038/s41598-021-91803-1. PMC 8213732. PMID 34145304.
  38. ^ Wedmann, S.; Hörnschemeyer, T.; Engel, M. S.; Zetter, R.; Grímsson, F. (2021). "The last meal of an Eocene pollen-feeding fly". Current Biology. 31 (9): 2020–2026.e4. doi:10.1016/j.cub.2021.02.025. PMID 33705719.
  39. ^ Badano, D.; Zhang, Q.; Fratini, M.; Maugeri, L.; Bukreeva, I.; Longo, E.; Wilde, F.; Yeates, D. K.; Cerretti, P. (2021). "Discovery of Lebambromyia in Myanmar Cretaceous Amber: Phylogenetic and Biogeographic Implications (Insecta, Diptera, Phoroidea)". Insects. 12 (4): Article 354. doi:10.3390/insects12040354. PMC 8074229. PMID 33923404.
  40. ^ a b c d Ribeiro, G. C.; Santos, R. R.; Santos, D. (2021). "Four new species of the genus Leptotarsus Guérin-Méneville, 1831 (Insecta: Diptera: Tipulidae) from the Lower Cretaceous Crato Formation of Brazil". Cretaceous Research. 123: Article 104776. doi:10.1016/j.cretres.2021.104776. S2CID 233902054.
  41. ^ a b Giłka, W.; Zakrzewska, M.; Lukashevich, E. D.; Vorontsov, D. D.; Soszyńska-Maj, A.; Skibińska, K.; Cranston, P. S. (2021). "Wanted, tracked down and identified: Mesozoic non-biting midges of the subfamily Chironominae (Chironomidae, Diptera)". Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society. 194 (3): 874–892. doi:10.1093/zoolinnean/zlab020. hdl:1885/294434.
  42. ^ Pielowska-Ceranowska, A.; Azar, D.; Szwedo, J. (2021). "New fossil biting midge from the Lower Cretaceous amber of Lebanon (Diptera: Ceratopogonidae)". Cretaceous Research. 129: Article 105004. doi:10.1016/j.cretres.2021.105004. ISSN 0195-6671. S2CID 239639779.
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  116. ^ Yu, Y.-L.; Li, Y.-D.; Kolibáč, J.; Ślipiński, A.; Ren, D.; Pang, H.; Li, Z.-Q. (2021). "A New Genus and Species of Lophocateridae from Mid-Cretaceous Amber of Myanmar (Coleoptera)". Insects. 12 (12): Article 1052. doi:10.3390/insects12121052. PMC 8709423. PMID 34940140.
  117. ^ Kupryjanowicz, J.; Lyubarsky, G. Yu.; Perkovsky, E. E. (2021). "Heterhelus buzina sp.n. (Coleoptera: Kateretidae) from Rovno amber: the first proxy for Sambucus in the Eocene of Eastern Europe". Invertebrate Zoology. 18 (1): 16–24. doi:10.15298/invertzool.18.1.02. S2CID 234840368.
  118. ^ Kirejtshuk, A. G.; Jenkins Shaw, J.; Smirnov, I. S. (2023). "A New Subgenus of the Genus Phenolia (Coleoptera, Nitidulidae) from Myanmar Cretaceous Amber with Taxonomic, Phylogenetic and Bionomic Notes on the 'Nitidulid' Group of Families". Insects. 14 (7). 647. doi:10.3390/insects14070647. PMC 10380190. PMID 37504653.
  119. ^ Nabozhenko, M. V.; Bukejs, A. (2021). "A new species and a key to Isomira Mulsant, 1856 (Coleoptera: Tenebrionidae: Alleculinae) from Eocene Baltic amber". Caucasian Entomological Bulletin. 17 (1): 51–56. doi:10.23885/181433262021171-5156.
  120. ^ Legalov, A. A.; Kupryjanowicz, J.; Perkovsky, E. E. (2021). "A new genus of the tribe Cossonini (Coleoptera: Curculionidae) in Baltic amber (Poland)". Paleontological Journal. 55 (4): 405–409. doi:10.1134/S0031030121040109. S2CID 237378812.
  121. ^ Tihelka, E.; Yamamoto, S.; Huang, D.; Cai, C. (2021). "Enigmatic tenebrionoid beetles from mid-Cretaceous Burmese amber (Coleoptera: Tenebrionoidea)". Cretaceous Research. 123: Article 104779. Bibcode:2021CrRes.12304779T. doi:10.1016/j.cretres.2021.104779. S2CID 233908153.
  122. ^ Kirejtshuk, A. G.; Reid, C. A. M. (2022). "Lobanoviella andreyi, new genus and species of Lobanoviellini trib. nov. in the subfamily Palophaginae (Coleoptera, Megalopodidae) from the Eocene Baltic amber, with discussion of similarity with Phloeostichidae". Historical Biology. 34 (9): 1894–1900. doi:10.1080/08912963.2021.1987428. S2CID 243581689.
  123. ^ a b Batelka, J.; Prokop, J. (2021). "The earliest beetle with mouthparts specialized for feeding on nectar is a parasitoid of mid-Cretaceous Hymenoptera". BMC Ecology and Evolution. 21 (1): Article number 207. doi:10.1186/s12862-021-01930-6. PMC 8607574. PMID 34809578.
  124. ^ Nabozhenko, M. V.; McKellar, R. C.; Bukejs, A. (2021). "The first described darkling beetle of the tribe Metaclisini (Coleoptera: Tenebrionidae) from Eocene Baltic amber". Zootaxa. 4999 (3): 279–284. doi:10.11646/zootaxa.4999.3.7. PMID 34810485. S2CID 237770026.
  125. ^ Li, Y.-D.; Tihelka, E.; Leschen, R. A. B.; Yu, Y.; Ślipiński, A.; Pang, H.; Huang, D.; Kolibáč, J.; Cai, C. (2021). "An exquisitely preserved tiny bark-gnawing beetle (Coleoptera: Trogossitidae) from mid-Cretaceous Burmese amber and the phylogeny of Trogossitidae". Journal of Zoological Systematics and Evolutionary Research. 59 (8): 1939–1950. doi:10.1111/jzs.12515. S2CID 238712220.
  126. ^ Bukejs, A.; Bezděk, J.; Kairišs, K.; Alekseev, V. I. (2021). "The first extinct species of Monolepta Chevrolat (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae: Galerucinae) from Bitterfeld amber, described using X-ray micro-computed tomography". Zootaxa. 4995 (2): 345–356. doi:10.11646/zootaxa.4995.2.7. PMID 34810567. S2CID 237740153.
  127. ^ Zhang, Y. (2021). "New replacement name for the genus Latitergum Yu, Ślipiński, Leschen, Ren & Pang, 2014 (Insecta: Coleoptera: Trogossitidae)". Zootaxa. 4980 (2): 395–396. doi:10.11646/zootaxa.4980.2.11. PMID 34186972. S2CID 235687049.
  128. ^ Szawaryn, K.; Sontag, E.; Kubisz, D. (2021). "The first described fossil Oedemeridae (Insecta: Coleoptera) from Baltic amber". Journal of Paleontology. 96 (2): 375–378. doi:10.1017/jpa.2021.102. S2CID 242027889.
  129. ^ Tihelka, E.; Huang, D.; Cai, C. (2021). "A new genus of giant sooty mould beetles from mid-Cretaceous Burmese amber (Coleoptera: Cyclaxyridae)". Cretaceous Research. 125: Article 104876. Bibcode:2021CrRes.12504876T. doi:10.1016/j.cretres.2021.104876.
  130. ^ Legalov, A. A. (2021). "First record of the subfamily Sagrinae (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae) from the Eocene of North America". Fossil Record. 24 (1): 135–139. doi:10.5194/fr-24-135-2021.
  131. ^ Legalov, A.A. (2021). "New tribe Palaeoanoplini trib. nov. (Coleoptera: Curculionidae) in Baltic amber". Paleontological Journal. 55 (2): 179–183. doi:10.1134/S0031030121020076. ISSN 0031-0301. S2CID 233746782.
  132. ^ Poinar, G. O.; Brown, A. E.; Legalov, A. A. (2021). "First record of the subfamily Chilecarinae (Coleoptera; Ithyceridae) from mid-Cretaceous Burmese amber". Cretaceous Research. 124: Article 104793. Bibcode:2021CrRes.12404793P. doi:10.1016/j.cretres.2021.104793. S2CID 233806293.
  133. ^ Powell, G. S.; Cline, A. R. (2021). "The First Cillaeinae (Coleoptera: Nitidulidae) Described from Amber". Annales Zoologici. 71 (1): 21–26. doi:10.3161/00034541ANZ2021.71.1.003. S2CID 232422254.
  134. ^ Tihelka, E.; Li, L.; Fu, Y.; Su, Y.; Huang, D.; Cai, C. (2021). "Angiosperm pollinivory in a Cretaceous beetle". Nature Plants. 7 (4): 445–451. doi:10.1038/s41477-021-00893-2. PMID 33846595. S2CID 233223519.
  135. ^ Bao, T.; Wedmann, S.; Grímsson, F.; Beutel, R. G.; Seyfullah, L.; Bao, L.; Jarzembowski, E. A. (2021). "Was the kateretid beetle Pelretes really a Cretaceous angiosperm pollinator?". Nature Plants. 8 (1): 38–40. doi:10.1038/s41477-021-01044-3. PMID 34949805. S2CID 245471963.
  136. ^ Tihelka, E.; Li, L.; Fu, Y.; Su, Y.; Huang, D.; Cai, C. (2021). "Reply to: Pelretes vivificus was a pollinator of Cretaceous angiosperms". Nature Plants. 8 (1): 41–44. doi:10.1038/s41477-021-01045-2. PMID 34949806. S2CID 245445815.
  137. ^ Tihelka, E.; Huang, D.; Perrichot, V.; Cai, C. (2021). "A previously missing link in the evolution of dasytine soft-winged flower beetles from Cretaceous Charentese amber (Coleoptera, Melyridae)" (PDF). Papers in Palaeontology. 7 (4): 1753–1764. doi:10.1002/spp2.1360. S2CID 234862770.
  138. ^ Tshernyshev, S.E.; Shcherbakov, M.V. (2021). "A new genus and species of malachite beetles (Coleoptera, Dasytidae) in Baltic amber". Paleontological Journal. 55 (2): 174–178. doi:10.1134/S0031030121020039. S2CID 233746774.
  139. ^ Tshernyshev, S. E.; Perkovsky, E. E. (2021). "Protomauroania mikhailovi—a new species of malachite beetles (Coleoptera, Dasytidae) in Rovno amber". Zootaxa. 5006 (1): 189–194. doi:10.11646/zootaxa.5006.1.20. PMID 34810576. S2CID 243574205.
  140. ^ Bukejs, A.; Ślipiński, A.; Mitchell, J. L.; McKellar, R. C.; Barbi, M.; Larsson, H. C. E.; Alekseev, V. I. (2021). "First fossil representative of Cerylonidae (Coleoptera: Coccinelloidea) described using X-ray micro-computed tomography, from Eocene Baltic amber". Zootaxa. 5032 (2): 225–236. doi:10.11646/zootaxa.5032.2.4. PMID 34811132. S2CID 239630223.
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  142. ^ Poinar, G.; Brown, A. E. (2021). "A new tribe, genus and species of weevil, Rhamphophorus legalovii gen. et sp. nov., (Coleoptera, Nemonychidae, Rhamphophorini tribe nov.) in Burmese amber". Cretaceous Research. 127: Article 104948. doi:10.1016/j.cretres.2021.104948.
  143. ^ Alekseev, V. I.; Bukejs, A.; Pankowski, M. G.; Ślipiński, A. (2021). "The first representative of the family Teredidae (Coleoptera: Coccinelloidea) in the fossil record". Historical Biology. 34 (11): 1–6. doi:10.1080/08912963.2021.2009474. S2CID 244917429.
  144. ^ a b Legalov, A. A. (2021). "New weevils of the family Brentidae (Coleoptera) in Baltic amber". Paleontological Journal. 55 (1): 96–100. doi:10.1134/S003103012101007X. S2CID 232071010.
  145. ^ Li, Y.-D.; Tihelka, E.; Liu, Z.-H.; Huang, D.-Y.; Cai, C.-Y. (2021). "New mid-Cretaceous cryptic slime mold beetles and the early evolution of Sphindidae (Coleoptera: Cucujoidea)". Arthropod Systematics & Phylogeny. 79: 587–597. doi:10.3897/asp.79.e72724.
  146. ^ Lyubarsky, G. Yu.; Tihelka, E.; Cai, C.-Y.; Perkovsky, E. E. (2021). "Zaiwa: A new genus of the family Lophocateridae from mid-Cretaceous Burmese amber (Coleoptera: Cleroidea)". Palaeoentomology. 4 (3): 218–222. doi:10.11646/palaeoentomology.4.3.7. ISSN 2624-2826. S2CID 237862213.
  147. ^ Batelka, J.; Engel, M. S.; Prokop, J. (2021). "The complete life cycle of a Cretaceous beetle parasitoid". Current Biology. 31 (3): R118–R119. doi:10.1016/j.cub.2020.12.007. PMID 33561406. S2CID 231848712.
  148. ^ Poinar, G. O.; Vega, F. E.; Legalov, A. A. (2021). "A New Species of the Genus Amberophytum Yu, Slipinski et Pang, 2019 (Coleoptera: Cerophytidae) from mid-Cretaceous Burmese Amber". Biosis: Biological Systems. 2 (3): 337–341. doi:10.37819/biosis.002.03.0125. S2CID 238697106.
  149. ^ Li, Y.-D.; Kundrata, R.; Packova, G.; Huang, D.-Y.; Cai, C.-Y. (2021). "An unusual elateroid lineage from mid-Cretaceous Burmese amber (Coleoptera: Elateroidea)". Scientific Reports. 11 (1): Article number 21985. Bibcode:2021NatSR..1121985L. doi:10.1038/s41598-021-01398-w. PMC 8578672. PMID 34753998.
  150. ^ Fanti, F. "A new genus of Cantharidae from Eocene Baltic amber found in Poland, with phoretic mites". Baltic Journal of Coleopterology. 21 (2): 105–110.
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  152. ^ Kundrata, R.; Gimmel, M. L.; Packova, G.; Bukejs, A.; Blank, S. M. (2021). "A new enigmatic lineage of Dascillidae (Coleoptera: Elateriformia) from Eocene Baltic amber described using X-ray microtomography, with notes on Karumiinae morphology and classification". Fossil Record. 24 (1): 141–149. doi:10.5194/fr-24-141-2021.
  153. ^ Jiang, R.; Song, H.; Zhang, H.; Wang, S. (2021). "Burmagrilus cretacus gen. et sp. nov., the first Buprestidae from mid-Cretaceous Burmese amber". Cretaceous Research. 125: Article 104866. Bibcode:2021CrRes.12504866J. doi:10.1016/j.cretres.2021.104866.
  154. ^ a b c Yang, Y.; Zhao, W.; Geiser, M.; Zhang, W.; Bai, M.; Liu, H. (2021). "Review of the genus Burmomiles Fanti, Damgaard & Ellenberger from mid-Cretaceous Burmese amber (Coleoptera, Cantharidae)". Cretaceous Research. 128: Article 104961. Bibcode:2021CrRes.12804961Y. doi:10.1016/j.cretres.2021.104961.
  155. ^ a b c Fanti, F.; Müller, P. (2022). "Fossil Cantharidae from the Cretaceous Burmese (Kachin) amber of the Patrick Müller collection, and taxonomic information". Baltic Journal of Coleopterology. 22 (2): 331–380.
  156. ^ a b c Li, Y.; Huang, D.; Cai, C. (2021). "New genera and species of the family Throscidae (Coleoptera: Elateroidea) in mid-Cretaceous Burmese amber". Insects. 12 (1): Article 63. doi:10.3390/insects12010063. PMC 7826609. PMID 33445628.
  157. ^ a b Alekseev, V. I.; Mitchell, J.; McKellar, R. C.; Barbi, M.; Larsson, H. C. E.; Bukejs, A. (2021). "The first described turtle beetles from Eocene Baltic amber, with notes on fossil Chelonariidae (Coleoptera: Byrrhoidea)". Fossil Record. 24 (1): 19–32. doi:10.5194/fr-24-19-2021.
  158. ^ Poinar, G.; Háva, J. (2021). "The first representative of the beetle family Chelonariidae in Dominican amber". Palaeodiversity. 14 (1): 1–4. doi:10.18476/pale.v14.a1.
  159. ^ a b c Hsiao, Y.; Li, Y.; Ren, D.; Pang, H. (2021). "Morphological phylogenetics provide new insights into the classification and evolution of fossil soldier beetles from Mid-Cretaceous Burmese amber (Coleoptera: Cantharidae)". Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society. 193 (4): 1271–1293. doi:10.1093/zoolinnean/zlaa184.
  160. ^ Kundrata, R.; Prosvirov, A. S.; Long, R.; Packova, G. (2021). "Cretopachyderes gen. nov., a new remarkable click beetle (Coleoptera: Elateridae: Agrypninae) from the mid-Cretaceous Burmese amber". Fossil Record. 24 (2): 347–355. doi:10.5194/fr-24-347-2021.
  161. ^ Li, Y.; Kundrata, R.; Tihelka, E.; Liu, Z.; Huang, D.; Cai, C. (2021). "Cretophengodidae, a new Cretaceous beetle family, sheds light on the evolution of bioluminescence". Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences. 288 (1943): Article ID 20202730. doi:10.1098/rspb.2020.2730. PMC 7893276. PMID 33468008.
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  165. ^ Li, Y.; Tihelka, E.; Huang, D.; Cai, C. (2021). "Murcybolus gen. nov., a new net-winged beetle genus from mid-Cretaceous Burmese amber (Coleoptera: Lycidae: Burmolycini)". Zootaxa. 4966 (1): 77–83. doi:10.11646/zootaxa.4966.1.8. PMID 34186632. S2CID 235577673.
  166. ^ Li, Y.-D.; Huang, D.; Cai, C. (2021). "Pseudomataeopsephus, a new genus of water penny beetles from mid-Cretaceous Burmese amber (Coleoptera: Psephenidae)". Cretaceous Research. 130: Article 105055. doi:10.1016/j.cretres.2021.105055. S2CID 244242362.
  167. ^ Kundrata, R.; Packova, G.; Kairišs, K.; Bukejs, A.; Hoffmannova, J.; Blank, S. M. (2021). "The First Ptilodactyla Illiger, 1807 (Coleoptera: Dryopoidea: Ptilodactylidae) Described from Eocene Baltic Amber". Biology. 10 (9): Article 877. doi:10.3390/biology10090877. PMC 8465962. PMID 34571754.
  168. ^ Li, H.; Chang, H.; Muona, J.; Zhao, Y.; Ren, D. (2021). "Subfamily Anischiinae (Coleoptera: Eucnemidae) in Early Cretaceous of Northeast China". Insects. 12 (2): Article 105. doi:10.3390/insects12020105. PMC 7910996. PMID 33530615.
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  170. ^ Li, Y.-D.; Kundrata, R.; Huang, D.-Y.; Cai, C.-Y. (2021). "Notes on the Morphology and Systematic Position of Archaeolus Lin, 1986, from the Jurassic of South China (Coleoptera: Elateroidea)". Insects. 12 (10): Article 876. doi:10.3390/insects12100876. PMC 8537516. PMID 34680645.
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  172. ^ Matalin, A. V.; Perkovsky, E. E.; Vasilenko, D. V. (2021). "First record of tiger beetles (Coleoptera, Cicindelidae) from Rovno amber, with the description of a new genus and species". Zootaxa. 5016 (2): 243–256. doi:10.11646/zootaxa.5016.2.5. PMID 34810452. S2CID 238845128.
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  174. ^ Alekseev, V. I.; Bukejs, A. (2021). "The first extinct species of Acritus LeConte, 1853 (Histeridae: Abraeinae) from Eocene Baltic amber: a microscopic beetle inclusion studied with X-ray micro-computed tomography". Fossil Record. 24 (2): 223–231. doi:10.5194/fr-24-223-2021.
  175. ^ Alekseev, V. I.; Bukejs, A. (2021). "A new Eocene Bacanius species (Histeridae: Dendrophilinae) from Baltic amber". Fossil Record. 24 (1): 93–99. doi:10.5194/fr-24-93-2021.
  176. ^ Yin, Z.-W.; Cai, C.-Y. (2021). "A new Brachyglutini from mid-Cretaceous amber of northern Myanmar (Coleoptera: Staphylinidae: Pselaphinae)". Cretaceous Research. 124: Article 104807. Bibcode:2021CrRes.12404807Y. doi:10.1016/j.cretres.2021.104807. S2CID 233577289.
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  178. ^ Yamamoto, S.; Shavrin, A. V.; Kairišs, K. (2021). "A second fossil species of the enigmatic rove beetle genus Charhyphus in Eocene Baltic amber, with implications on the morphology of the female genitalia (Coleoptera: Staphylinidae: Phloeocharinae)". Earth and Environmental Science Transactions of the Royal Society of Edinburgh. 113: 39–50. doi:10.1017/S1755691021000360. hdl:2115/86861. S2CID 244931145.
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  180. ^ Jałoszyński, P.; Perkovsky, E. E. (2021). "A new bizarre species of Euconnus (Cladoconnus) in Upper Eocene Rovno amber (Coleoptera: Staphylinidae: Scydmaeninae)". Zootaxa. 5004 (2): 395–400. doi:10.11646/zootaxa.5004.2.8. PMID 34811301. S2CID 237709269.
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  182. ^ Yin, Z.-W.; Zhao, Q.-H.; Cai, C.-Y. (2021). "Megabythinus gen. nov., a new stem-group Pselaphinae from mid-Cretaceous Myanmar amber (Coleoptera, Staphylinidae)". Cretaceous Research. 125: Article 104879. Bibcode:2021CrRes.12504879Y. doi:10.1016/j.cretres.2021.104879.
  183. ^ Liu, Y.; Tihelka, E.; Thayer, M. K.; Newton, A. F.; Huang, D.; Tian, L.; Cai, C. (2021). "A transitional fossil sheds light on the early evolution of the Staphylinine group of rove beetles (Coleoptera: Staphylinidae)". Journal of Systematic Palaeontology. 19 (4): 321–332. doi:10.1080/14772019.2021.1917705. S2CID 235172619.
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  368. ^ Zhang, Q.-Q.; Zheng, D.-R.; Teng, X.; Zhang, H.-C. (2022). "New Scytinopteridae (Hemiptera: Scytinopteroidea) from the middle Triassic Tongchuan Entomofauna of NW China". Historical Biology. 34 (11): 2259–2264. doi:10.1080/08912963.2021.2010194. S2CID 244916999.
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