World Anti-Imperialist Platform

The World Anti-Imperialist Platform (WAP) is a political organization formed in 2022, which describes itself as being opposed to American imperialism. The Platform's membership is mostly composed of Marxist-Leninist communist parties. The organization has been criticized by many communist parties and groups for ignoring Russian neo-imperialism and Chinese imperialism.

World Anti-Imperialist Platform
LeaderCollective leadership
SpokespersonJoti Brar
Founded14 October 2022; 23 months ago (2022-10-14)
Youth wingWorld Anti-imperialist Youth Platform[1]
Party flag

WAP claims that the United States and NATO are imperialist powers and that Russia and China are not imperialist nor neocolonial powers. WAP supports the Russian invasion of Ukraine[2][5] and claim that the Russo-Ukrainian War is a proxy war against Russia by imperialist powers.[6][7][8] WAP's stance sets it apart from other parties in the International Meeting of Communist and Workers' Parties (IMCWP), which have characterized the war as inter-imperialist,[9]



On 14 October 2022, WAP launched its program in Paris, France with a "Paris Declaration",[10] signed initially by 8 parties, including the Communist Party of Great Britain (Marxist–Leninist) (CPGB–ML),[11] as well as the ruling United Socialist Party of Venezuela (PSUV).[12] This declaration represents the platform's stated foundational beliefs and goals. The document was initially signed by 25 parties.[13] On 17 December 2022, the WAP organized protests again in Athens, against NATO and what they deemed "fascism in Ukraine".[14][15][16]

On 22 December 2022, the WAP released its "Belgrade Declaration". On 4 March 2023, WAP hosted a conference with the São Paulo Forum in Caracas, Venezuela, where it released a "Caracas Declaration".[17] A demonstration was organized by the PSUV, and simultaneous demonstrations were held elsewhere. On 7 May 2023, the WAP organized a Victory Day procession in Athens, in conjunction with the group Revolutionary Struggle, and the Workers Revolutionary Party.[18][19][20]

On 15 May 2023, WAP hosted a Seoul International Conference in South Korea, where it released a "Seoul Declaration", concerning what they stated as being the rising tide of global war in east Asia.[21][22] The declaration was read by Joti Brar, WAP spokesperson and CPGB-ML vice-chair.[23] The third congress of the People's Democratic Party (PDP) was held at the same time, receiving greetings from the Russian Communist Workers' Party, the PSUV, and the CPGB-ML.[24][25] Members of the Platform, as well as the People's Democracy Party joined protests against the 49th G7 summit, held in Hiroshima between the 19–21 of May.[26]

The Platform took part in an "anti-war"[vague] rally in Rome, on October 27 & 28, 2023.[27]

On 17 November 2023, members of the platform participated in protests and demonstrations marking the 50th anniversary of the fall of the Regime of the Colonels, the right-wing dictatorship that ruled Greece from 1967 to 1974.[28][29]

On 26 November 2023, members of the platform released a "Palestine Declaration", in which the group declared Zionism a "genocidal ideology".[30][31]

On 12–17 April 2024, the WAP, in conjunction with the People's Democratic Party of South Korea, organized protests in the cities of Gwangju, Incheon, Pyeongtaek, Seoul, Daejeon, Gongju, and Jeonju to commemorate the 1980 Gwangju Uprising.[32][33]

In May 2024, representatives of the WAP toured the Russian-occupied Donbas region of Ukraine.[34][35] Members of the WAP attended a demonstration in Krasnodon and met with the former secretary of the Communist Party of the Donetsk People's Republic, Boris Litvinov.[36] Members also visited the East Ukrainian National University,[37] and planned a student exchange program for Donbas youth.[38]

On June 3, 2024, associates of the Platform Chris Helali, Dan Kovalik, and Jackson Hinkle held a press conference at the UN (sponsored by the Permanent Mission of the Russian Federation), which raised the issue of the Russian administration of the Donetsk Oblast,[39] following the Platform's tour of Donbas in May 2024, which was carried out by the Union of Political Emigrants and Political Prisoners of Ukraine.[39]

In July 2024, The Daily Worker (published by the Party of Communists USA) reported that the Platform planned to hold protests and the Platform's 6th international conference in Washington, D.C. between July 7 and July 11, following the 2024 Washington summit.[40][41][42][43][44] The Platform's international conference was attended by the Workers World Party.[45]

One member party of the WAP, the Communist Party of Kyrgyzstan, claims that COVID-19 is a biological weapon, stating "Everyone already knows that Covid-19 is an artificial invention of American bacteriologists to create a pandemic situation in the world and eliminate up to 2 billion inhabitants of our Planet! Soros and Gaytos did not hide their anti-human plans!"[46]

Reception and criticism




MarxistLeninist critics, including the Communist Party of Greece (KKE), argue that WAP lacks a Leninist understanding of imperialism.[47][48] The accuse that WAP distorts reality by declaring that Russia and China are not imperialist powers. They accuse WAP of being selective in its anti-imperialist stance, focusing more on the form rather than the nature of imperialism. Following the WAP's Paris Declaration, the Communist party of Greece dissolved the Initiative of Communist and Workers' Parties (INITIATIVE) after several member parties attended the WAP's first congress. The establishment of the WAP exposed and intensified existing ideological differences within INITIATIVE, particularly on the nature of imperialism and the correct stance on global conflicts. INITIATIVE, founded in 2013, struggled with internal disagreements and inactivity among its members. These issues were exacerbated by the differing perspectives on the war in Ukraine. Some members supported one side of the conflict, while others, like the Communist Party of Greece (KKE), condemned all imperialist actions, viewing the war as driven by bourgeois interests on both sides. This lack of consensus effectively paralyzed the ECI's activities, leading to its official dissolution in September 2023.[49] Academic Vittorio Caliguri notes that shortly after the reviewed English translation of Ruy Mauro Marini's "The Dialectics of Dependency" was published, revitalized discussions on the nature of imperialism arose in Marxist circles around the same time as the creation of the WAP and dissolution of INITIATIVE . The World Anti-Imperialist Platform and the Communist Party of Greece have both engaged with Marini’s work to support their respective views on the importance of international solidarity versus national sovereignty in the struggle against imperialism[50]

Ivan Pinheiro, former General Secretary of the Brazilian Communist Party (PCB), criticized WAP as a well-funded effort to legitimize powers competing for world hegemony. He said:[51][52]

[T]he evidence that all the airfare and accommodation costs of the delegates from the organizations attending these meetings are fully covered by their main stakeholders[,] and the frenetic pace of a world event on average every two months, on different continents, should serve as food for thought and study as to what the primary reason is for the creation and financing of this platform, which is oriented against Marxism-Leninism and in uncritical and unrestricted defense of the strategic interests of powers competing for world hegemony in the imperialist chain, of which they are a part.

The Communist Party of Mexico (PCM) criticized WAP for allowing non-communist parties into its membership, such as the United Socialist Party of Venezuela (PSUV).[53][54][55] The Communist Party of Sweden reprinted the condemnation by the Communist Party of Mexico in their newspaper RiktpunKt, and labeled organizers and supporters of the WAP as a "motley crowd". Chairman of the Communist Party of Sweden, Andreas Sörensen, called the Platform opportunist and chauvinist.[56] The Communist Party of Germany (KPD) accused the WAP of defaming the KKE and that some members are "bourgeois, partly nationalist and racist parties", and criticized the separation of imperialism from capitalism in their program.[57] The Communist Youth of Denmark (DKU) has criticized the WAP for "distorting Marxist–Leninist principles" and "aligning with opportunistic and imperialist forces" under the guise of "anti-imperialism". It argues that WAP simplifies global conflicts into a binary struggle, misleadingly categorizing countries as either "victims" or "resistors" of "US–EU–NATO imperialism".[58]

The Communist Revolutionary Party of France (PCRF) criticizes the World Anti-Imperialist Platform for advocating support of Russia in the Ukraine conflict, based on a binary view of imperialism where Russia opposes a "stronger" EU-NATO axis. They argue that this perspective oversimplifies global relations into two confronting camps and incorrectly equates contemporary Russian actions with the anti-fascist alliances of the Soviet Union during World War II.[59] The New Communist Party of the Netherlands accused the WAP and its member parties of being Reformists, as well as Reactionaries, due to member parties' "racist anti-immigration positions... homophobic, transphobic and reactionary views on the role of women and the family"[60]



Trotskyist critics, including Socialist Appeal, have criticized WAP for ignoring the class struggle and contradictions within capitalist systems, as a result of WAP's over-focus on the "primary contradiction" as between the US-led NATO and humanity.[61]

Academics Ford and Svensson have used the Platform as an example of how contemporary networks of social movements and parties can embody the principles of critical pedagogy and revolutionary imagination. The authors argue that these platforms demonstrate the actuality of global revolutionary struggles and the persistence of utopian visions in real-world activism. Specifically, they use the Platform to illustrate how collective organizing and mobilization in an internationalist context can inspire and sustain a radical imaginary necessary for revolutionary change.[62]



The organizations and parties below have signed WAP's Paris Declaration:[13]

Country Native Name English Name Abbreviation Ideology
  Europe /


Antiimperialistische Koordination Anti-Imperialist Camp [de] AIK Anti-imperialism
  Europe Eastern Initiative EI Socialism
  Africa Dynamique Unitaire Panafricane Pan-African Unitary Dynamics DUP Pan-Africanism
  United Kingdom Communist Party of Great Britain (Marxist–Leninist) CPGB-ML Marxism–Leninism
  South Korea 민중민주당 People's Democracy Party PDP Communism
  Argentina Partido Comunista de la Argentina Communist Party of Argentina PCA Marxism–Leninism
  Colombia Partido Comunista Colombiano Colombian Communist Party PCC Marxism–Leninism
  Bulgaria Движение 23 септември 23 September Movement 23IX Communism
  Georgia სოციალისტური პლატფორმა Socialist Platform Marxism–Leninism
  Greece Επαναστατική Ενοποίηση Revolutionary Unification Communism
  Kyrgyzstan Коммунистическая Партия Киргизстана Communist Party of Kyrgyzstan KPK Marxism–Leninism
Кыргызстан Коммунисттеринин Партиясы Party of Communists of Kyrgyzstan PKK Marxism–Leninism
  Turkey Türkiye Komünist Emek Partisi/Leninist Communist Labour Party of Turkey/Leninist TKEP/L Marxism–Leninism
  Guinea-Bissau Partido Africano para a Independência da Guiné e Cabo Verde African Party for the Independence of Guinea and Cape Verde PAIGC Democratic socialism
  Hungary Magyar Munkáspárt Hungarian Workers' Party MM Marxism–Leninism
  Italy Partito Comunista Communist Party (Italy) PC Marxism–Leninism
Partito Comunista Italiano Italian Communist Party (2016) PCI Communism
Comitati di Appoggio alla Resistenza per il Comunismo Committees to Support the Resistance for Communism CARC Marxism–Leninism


Resistenza Popolare Popular Resistance RP Marxism–Leninism
   Swiss Partito Comunista Communist Party (Switzerland) PC Marxism–Leninism
  Serbia Нова комунистичка партија Југославије New Communist Party of Yugoslavia NKPJ Marxism–Leninism
  Chile Partido Comunista Chileno (Acción Proletaria) Chilean Communist Party (Proletarian Action) PC(AP) Marxism–Leninism
  France Pôle de renaissance communiste en France Pole of Communist Revival in France PRCF Marxism–Leninism
Association Nationale des Communistes National Association of Communists ANC Communism
  Croatia Socijalistička radnička partija Hrvatske Socialist Labour Party of Croatia SRP Democratic socialism
  Peru Partido Comunista del Perú – Patria Roja Communist Party of Peru – Red Fatherland PCdP-PR Marxism–Leninism
Partido Comunista Peruano Peruvian Communist Party PCP Marxism–Leninism
  Panama Partido del Pueblo de Panamá People's Party of Panama PPP Marxism–Leninism
  Spain Partido Comunista de los Pueblos de España Communist Party of the Peoples of Spain PCPE Marxism–Leninism
Vanguardia Española Spanish Vanguard VE Gustavo Bueno Thought
Iniciativa Communista Communist Initiative IC Marxism–Leninism
Union Proletaria Proletarian Union UP Marxism–Leninism
  Czech Republic Komunistická strana Čech a Moravy Communist Party of Bohemia and Moravia KSČM Marxism
  Venezuela Partido Socialista Unido de Venezuela United Socialist Party of Venezuela PSUV Socialism of the 21st century
  North Macedonia Левица The Left Levica Left-wing populism
  Lebanon الحزب الشيوعي اللبناني Lebanese Communist Party LCP Marxism–Leninism
  United States Party of Communists USA PCUSA Marxism–Leninism
Socialist patriotism
Center for Political Innovation CPI Socialist patriotism
American Communist Party ACP Marxism–Leninism
Socialist patriotism
  Belarus Kamunistyčnaja partyja pracoŭnych Bielarusi Workers' Communist Party of Belarus [zh] BKPT Communism
  Bolivia Partido Comunista de Bolivia Communist Party of Bolivia PCB Marxism–Leninism
  Quebec l'Action Socialiste de Libération Nationale Socialist Action for National Liberation[a] ASLN Marxism–Leninism
Quebec sovereigntism
  Netherlands Vereniging van Anti-Fascistische Oudverzetsstrijders Nederland / Bond van Anti-fascisten Antifascist Former Resistance Fighters Netherlands / Association of Antifascists [nl] AFVN Anti-fascism
  Ecuador Partido Comunista del Ecuador Communist Party of Ecuador PCE Marxism–Leninism
  Poland Komunistyczna Partia Polski Communist Party of Poland KPP Marxism–Leninism
  Russia Всесоюзная коммунистическая партия большевиков All-Union Communist Party of Bolsheviks (1991) VKPB Marxism–Leninism
Российская коммунистическая рабочая партия в составе Коммунистической партии Советского Союза Russian Communist Workers' Party of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union RCWP-CPSU Marxism–Leninism
  Pakistan مزدور کسان پارٹی Mazdoor Kisan Party MKP Marxism–Leninism
  Kenya Chama cha Kikomunisti cha Kenya Communist Party of Kenya CPK Marxism–Leninism
  Belgium Communistische Partij van België / Parti Communiste de Belgique Communist Party of Belgium (1989) CPB / PCB Marxism–Leninism
조선과의 친선협회 Korean Friendship Association (Belgian Branch) KFA Juche
  Ukraine Об'єднання «Боротьба» Borotba (Association "Struggle") Marxism–Leninism


Союз політичних емігрантів та політичних в'язнів України Union of Political Emigrants and Political Prisoners of Ukraine Donbas Separatism
  Syria الحزب الشيوعي السوري (الموحد) Syrian Communist Party (Unified) SCP(U) Marxism–Leninism
  Ireland Páirtí na nOibrithe Workers Party of Ireland PO Marxism–Leninism
  Democratic Republic of the Congo Parti Communiste Congolais Congolese Communist Party [ru] P.C.CO Marxism–Leninism
  Basque Country Bultza Herri Ekimena Push Public Initiative BHE Abertzale left
  Galicia Partido Comunista do Pobo Galego Communist Party of the Galician People PCPG Galician Independence


  Catalonia Crida Communista Communist Call CC Catalan independence


See also



  1. ^ Formerly known as the Communist Party of Quebec, not to be confused with the party of the same name, the nominally independent Quebecois branch of the Communist Party of Canada.


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