
To the User Applying, Good Luck!

(TWW Main Page - Talk - TWW Lite - Code of Conduct - Drafting Station - Created by つがる)

The 'dinosaur age' is for humor, Thanks! :-)


  • Have an account that is 30 days old, with at least 500 edits (extended-confirmed).
  • Have a clean editing history ever since becoming auto-confirmed.
  • Contributed to TheWikiWizard as a lower position for at least 3 months
  • Show and Demonstrate a solid understanding of the Code of Conduct, and Wikipedia's Policies.

Request for chief-editor (RFCE)


In order to file an RFCE you MUST FULLY UNDERSTAND and meet/exceed the guidelines listed above. Then start a RFCE below. (We're Sorry but IPs cannot be given this position due to Security and shared network Issues.) If your account is inactive for over 3 months, then you will be removed from this list. To Re-apply please add your username to the Wait-List and you will be given your position back when the Current Chief-Editor (if there is one) has resigned/become inactive, if your request is accepted, or manually through a Blink Waitlist Exception (described below). You must have at least 60 votes for support in 2 weeks to get this position. If you don't want the position anymore, leave a message on our talk page and we will remove you from the position.

You can also be given Chief-Editor position without filing a request for a temporary amount of time as this position is fairly new, as a trial run. After this trial run, if some of the editors have proven themselves, they might be upgraded to full-time Chief-Editor without request, others may have to file a request to get the position back. Currently the only editor with the position under this rule (as of right now) is PorkchopGMX.

You can also be given Chief-Editor under the Blink Rule, which means that you will have Chief-Editor for a short time under the Blink Rule (up to 1 month, which is the length of time between TWW publishings). Chief-Editors under this rule can also have a Waitlist Exception, which means after the Blink Rule expires on the user, they will be placed into the Wait-List and can become Chief-Editors under the regular rule. If you are wondering about Blink Chief-Editors that have a Waitlist Exception, the Waitlist has more info about that. More info about the Blink Rule can be found here.

Start a Request


If you have read the above, enter your name below in the box, then click “File RFCE”. If this is not your first time filing an RFCE, please type your name, and then the amount of times you have filed (for example, /PorkchopGMX (RFCE for PorkchopGMX)



Bold denotes a past Blink Chief-Editor that had a Waitlist Exception. They are free to add themselves to the Chief-Editor list, if they decide they don’t want to do anything with their role, they can just remove themselves from the Waitlist. Otherwise, if you have been inactive for more than 3 months as a Chief-Editor, please add your name here before requesting a request to re-chief (yes I know weird name). Inactive Chief-Editors may be placed here and replacements are called up from the Waitlist.

  1. NONE
  2. NONE