
Thanks for your edits to the article on zero field splitting. I am no expert, but there is one core aspect, so maybe you can help correct me.

  • Focusing on the triplet situation in cubic or spherical species, the three Ms levels in the triplet ARE degenerate in the absence of a magnetic field, period. Of course, almost nothing is spherical or cubic, so almost all triplets are subject ZFS.
  • Depending on how much the symmetry is lowered, one can obtain either two-over-one/one-over-two Ms</sub levels or, for low symmetry things, three non-degenerate Ms</sub levels.
  • the final point one could make in this article is the magnitude of ZFS relative to say, S-T splittings or Zeeman in an EPR magnet.

So please let me know if these views are correct.--Smokefoot (talk) 23:49, 7 May 2016 (UTC)Reply