Stalin (in the background) and Beria (with Stalin's daughter Svetlana in his lap).

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From the Wikipedia definition of tyrant:

In classical politics, a tyrant (Greek τύραννος, turannos) is one who has taken power by his or her own means as opposed to hereditary or constitutional power. This mode of rule is referred to as tyranny (τυραννίς turannis).
Plato and Aristotle define a tyrant as, "one who rules without law, looks to his own advantage rather than that of his subjects, and uses extreme and cruel tactics -- against his own people as well as others".
In common usage, the word "tyrant" carries connotations of a harsh and cruel ruler who places his or her own interests or the interests of a small oligarchy over the best interests of the general population, which the tyrant governs or controls. The Greek term carried no pejorative connotation during the Archaic and Classical periods and began to acquire such only during the Hellenistic period.

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