User talk:Max rspct/archive4

Latest comment: 18 years ago by Ron7 in topic No Sir: You Look Here.



Can you take another look at this, I reverted your last edit since we have a bug in Wikipedia at the moment, which if you look at the article means your content has been added to the article, doubling it in size and putting your edit summary as a comment. As such the article looks a right mess... Thanks --pgk(talk) 14:59, 11 December 2005 (UTC)Reply

Regarding the page User:Pgk: This is your last warning. The next time you vandalize a page, you will be blocked from editing Wikipedia. --Nlu (talk) 15:11, 11 December 2005 (UTC)Reply

The wikipedia bug should be resolved now. Sorry you feel you should vandalise people's userpage without knowing the full story, try seeing this edit of yours [1] look at the contents box and see how the content has been messed up by the bug?. Please see WP:AGF, WP:NPA and [2] --pgk(talk) 15:16, 11 December 2005 (UTC)Reply

You seem to be a bot. Your 'userpage' had L<enter text he> and nothing else... so i entered some pertinent text there. Sorry for any offence caused -max rspct 16:19, 11 December 2005 (UTC)Reply

Oh No!


Richard Pryor is dead! LoopZilla 19:19, 11 December 2005 (UTC)Reply

Probable False Flag Radical Boer Group.


The so called Warriors of the Boer Nation likely does not even exist at all let alone as a formally structured organization with signed up membership lists or cards. Those who are allegedly associated with this supposed group have been arrested which appears to moot the possibility that such a group could still exist now (if it ever did) given this pertinent fact. Furthermore it is associated with the discredited Boeremag which has been exposed as a suspected government front group (its leader Tom Vorster is an admited government informant with ties to the CIA of the US) further casting suspicion on the authenticity of the alleged group.

I find it most bizarre & hypocritical that you have created a page which in implication admits the existence of the Boer nation considering your recent past assertion that the Boers "belong to a particuar period of SA history" & your right wing based assertion -as the term Afrikaner & its false "unity" was promoted by the National Party & the Afrikaner Broederbond & other right wings sources- that the Boers are all somehow now Afrikaners despite the fact that the Boers -particularly of Voortrekker descent- are & have ever been a minority of the total White Afrikaner population.

This whole scenario of alleged radical Boer terrorism is likely a set up by the State to justify the pushing out of the Boers from their homeland. Classic State manipulated tactics. Furthermore: The Boers are not a racial group but a cultural / national group.

The notion that this alleged Warriors of the Boer Nation group is a White Supremacist group is a bit of a misnomer based on the fact that the alleged group is specifically aimed at Boer separatism not White supremacism nor even general White separatism. The fact of the matter is that a radical element among certain Boers would resist government repression even if the government were to be White (as Boers did in 1914) & even if the Boers themselves were to be non White. (Remember: there are Zulus who are & were also violently opposed to the racist Xhosa clique which runs the ANC) There are in fact Boer separatists who do exist, but they are striving for the self determination of specifically the Boer nation. Not a greater White alleged dominance of the British created macro State. The Boers have been struggling for independence since 1795 & achieved it for 50 years within the internationally recognized Boer Republics of the past.

There needs to be further independent verification that such as group calling itself the Warriors of the Boer nation does in fact exist before an encyclopedic article can be created about it since as it stands now the only source pertaining the the alleged existence of this group emanates solely from the word of questionable letters sent to Afrikaans newspapers. Remember: even the police are not sure that these letters (claiming responsibility under the alleged group's name) are authentic but are presuming such simply as a precaution.

All this is or can be covered in the article itself >Warriors of the Boer Nation. It might be a false flag group but this theory seems to have been circulated by Boeremag and militant Afrikaners themselves. -max rspct 18:18, 12 December 2005 (UTC)Reply

Indeed, but I just wonder if these militants are not playing into the hands of the regime by asserting to be part of organization which is either a fiction or might in fact be under the regime's control.


Well the article you created makes assumptions about a militant group which in all likelihood does not even exist. Just looking out -in this particular case- for the fair represenation of long suffering & beleaugered national group. As I stated before: I have studied their arduous history & know that the Dutch East India Co. was opposed to their very existence (post servant phase to Trekker phase) from the beginning -so it is no surprize that they are still struggling for survival from hostile regimes. Seems these apparent fictional & contrived radical groups are promoted by the State in order to create a pretext for or rationalize State repression.

No Sir: You Look Here.


No sir, you look here. I do not support Apartheid & stating such is a pure ad hominem attack & entirely wrong! I even called the Apartheidists on their use of non White labour in your talk page so you can not even attempt to feign otherwise on this matter. Nor do I support the Afrikaner per se as they have been instrumental in repressiing the Boers in the past as well. If you had bothered to read what I post to you would have known all this, but it is clear that you do not read what I write or are distortiing for reaosns I just do not understand. The Boers are not Afrikaners & you can not even spell the name right which shows your ignorance on the whole issue. Now let's get something straight here: it was you who erroneously asserted that Orania was "a revival of Apartheid" when it is to date nothing of the sort. Pure POV! on your part. It was you who asserted the right wing garbage that the Boers are all Afrikaners despite the historical record & culutural reality stating otherwise. It was you who asserted that a questionable group which probably does not even exist was "a White supremacist" group when in reality if the group does exist it is clearly a Boer separatist group.

Now you can continue to complain when I call you on your erroneous assertions & attempt to correct them as a matter of public record, but it was still you who intitially made the erroneous assertions.

Furthermore I have noticed that you have annoyed others here with your constant POV assertions. I just had to laugh when I saw you attempting to assert the the word "terrorist" does not belong in the 911 article yet you assert that a phantom group is "supremacist" when the only thing that can be fairly determined is that the supposed group is a militant Boer separatist group.

Well you seem to like to complain when I attempt to engage & set the record straight when I see you asserting POV nonsense as if what you write was holy writ & can never be questioned. Well you better come back down to Earth & realize that you are not the holy oracle of truth & wisdom you position yourself as being. When you write erroneous un-substantiated & slanted nonsense -it is my right to set the record straight particularly when I might happen to know a hell of a lot more than you do concerning given topics.

What about this then: "Today it has been fixed up and between 500 and 600 white Afrikaners, including around 100 children, live in Orania under the slogan of "selfwerksaamheid" (self-reliance). Black or coloured (mixed-race) people are not allowed to live or work here" - Source: [3] and another source from BBC, again confirming the whites-only policy [4] -max rspct

What you fail to realize is that this in itself is not "a revival of Apartheid" as Apartheid was an official State sanctioned set of public legislation & centralized laws which created internal discrimination amongst local established national & ethnic groups while the Oranians on the other hand are working to avoid this state of affairs by purposely living in a sparsely inhabited region where only they will constitute the demos. Since Orania is owned by a private company any policy that the private company chooses to have can not ever be considered "a revival of Apartheid" since a private company has the right to decide who their shareholders are & is within its discretion to decide such matters just as a proprietor of any property has the right to choose its policies & associations.

The whole point behind Orania restricting non Afrikaans peoples from living or working there is precisely to avoid the very sort of Apartheid that you claim they are attempting to revive. Do you not realize this? Orania is committed to doing all of their own labour & those that run it do not want to compromise these principles or allow non Afrikaans peoples to permanently live there as it would threaten the integrity of the project. This is not about race as English speakers are also not encouraged to live there either. What you conveniently forget is that if they allowed non Afrikaans people to live there, the newcomers would bring their language & culture to the region thereby compromising the goal of creating an Afrikaans cultural & linguistic enclave.

Remember: Orania is not a State. In fact it is the wave of the future in many ways as this sort of private sector enterprise will likely one day replace the public sector & the apparatus of the State as news reports in the past have suggested. The right of freedom of association is a recognized right of individuals & private companies & asserting that any policy enacted by such is somehow a revival of Apartheid -which has the coercive power of the State- is an intellectually dishonest statement.

I just can not figure you out. In one breath you lambaste the so called "rich white minority" -which is in fact English speaking not Afrikaans- accusing them of killing more people than the numbers of farm killing victims without a shred of evidence, yet when a small group of Boers & Afrikaners take proper measures to attain greater self determination through the peaceful settlement of a sparsely populated region of scorching desert: you accuse them of reviving Apartheid practices.

The whole aim of Orania is to create an Afrikaans population consolidation as a result of another Great Trek which in itself would prevent the revival of Apartheid practices as there would exist a natural majority demographic Afrikaans population center.