User talk:Manuela Listkiewska/Parody archives

Latest comment: 7 years ago by Listkiewski in topic External links

This page includes messages and informations about my (controversial) parody of the Anthem of the USSR. I will keep the names of users who helped me in that project, and again, I say thank you for that help. If you still want to translate that anthem into your language, you can contact me in the talk page, asking me my mail, or just go to the link I placed on the external links section of this page.

In english wikipedia


To ask list :p


This lists the languages I got translations, and the ones I wanted so. Just changed the flags.

sorry, my Armenian is not as good as it used to be. :)Hetoum I 00:10, 19 June 2007 (UTC)Reply

Hi, I got your request, on my Portugese wikipedia talk page. I can translate it into Azerbaijani, but it needs a professional touch, and I have no talent in poetry. I'll do my best. -- 17:40, 19 June 2007 (UTC)Reply
Thanks :) - Francis Tyers · 07:23, 28 June 2007 (UTC)Reply



Estou bloqueado por o partido dos sodomitas. Me acusam que sou um "virtual" do Orange303, mas eu não sé este usuário e não posso entender como posso ser um "virtual" dele. ServusDei 08:51, 5 July 2007 (UTC) (P.S. podes corregir os meus errores?)Reply

Agora estou fazendo uma acção com os meus amigos para desbloquear-me. Obrigado por a tua invitação à trabalhar na wikipédia em inglês, mas por desgraça sé esta língua mal. Creo que serei mais activo na wikipédia em espanhol. E também continuo esperando que meu bloqueio será anulado. Abraços ServusDei 16:23, 5 July 2007 (UTC)Reply

(User ServusDei told me the russian wikipedians blocked him, because they thought he was a stock puppet. Then, I invited him to english wikipedia, and he unfortunately declined, deciding to focus on the spanish wikipedia. Our dialogue was in portuguese, as he knows a lot of my language.)



Союз неустойчивым республики свободные
Покорила коварно большая Москва!
И кровъю скропивши с дьяволом совместно,
Скроила Советское государство она!

Поэтому воспоем государство обездоленных,
Рабства и предательские символ и взыскал!
Партия Ленина - монстров зажорливих
Коммунизма приближает крах!

my version

Союзом непрочным республики свободные
Коварно покорила великая Москва!
И с чёртом совместно, кровью окропив,
Скроила Советское государство она!

Так воспоём же государство обездоленных,
Рабства и предательства символ и (?взыскал - unintelligible word)!
Партия Ленина - монстров прожорливых,
Коммунизма крах приближает!
ServusDei 14:22, 29 June 2007 (UTC)Reply

Союз неустойчивым республики свободные
Покорила коварно большая Москва!
И кровъю скропивши с дьяволом совместно,
Скроила Советское государство она!
Поэтому воспоем государство обездоленных,
Рабства и предательские символ и взыскал!
Партия Ленина - монстров зажорливих
Коммунизма приближает крах!

I think this guy used a web translator. He made a horrible translation to english (from ukrainian). But the intention was good. vonusovef (wha?) 05:16, 3 July 2007 (UTC)Reply

(Yes, actually he used it. I made a test that time, probably at google's translators and the results were almost the same. ServusDei made a great favor to me noticing that, as I was going to declare that web-translated version "official".)



Regarding your request to translate this to Finnish

I'd say that this is the best I can do.

Please feel free to contact others, maybe they can still improve it.

Sosialististen neuvostotasavaltojen kansallishymni

Alistettujen tasavaltojen hauras liitto, Suuri Venäjä yhdistyi alistaakseen meidät! verellä tehty, ja pirun tahto, epäyhtenäinen, heikko, Neuvostoliitto!

Laulakaamme isänmaalle! Sorrettu kansa!
Heikko joukko mätiä ihmisiä!
Leninin puolue - kansan heikkous,
se johtaa meidät kommunistien tuhoon.

-- 03:19, 1 July 2007 (UTC)Reply

(thanks again to Ras!)

Hola Sergii


He corregido los errores simples. Sin embargo no conozco el ruso, y no puedo juzgar la exactitud de la traducción. Un saludo. Escarlati

(User Escarlati telling me he corrected some errors. He mentioned he knew no russian and could not judge if it was accurate, assuming that was the original version. Thanks again, Escarlati!)

what am i supposed to translate? (latin)


The English, or the Russian? Because they don't agree with each other...

this is what I get for the proper translation of the Russian:

 Great Russia has forcibly united us
 Into an unstable union of conquered republics
 [Thereby] creating the Soviet regime
 With blood spilled and per devil's will

--Ioshus (talk) 04:52, 1 July 2007 (UTC)Reply

The second stanza not so bad, but for the last line. Death of communism, man, not communist defeat... --Ioshus (talk) 04:54, 1 July 2007 (UTC)Reply
I am happy to help, but inconsistent! --Ioshus (talk) 04:54, 1 July 2007 (UTC)Reply

(This was the last time we talked, and I never managed to get his help.)

Lithuanian translation

   Į sąjungą trapią tautų nelaimėlių 
   Prievarta apjungė mus didingoji Rusija!
   Krauju suteršta, velnio valia,
   Susikūrė tarybinė valdžia!
      Dainuokim Tėvynei, užguitasis liaudie!
      Apgailėtinas vedlys supuvusių žmonių!
      Lenino Partija - skausmas tautos,
      Į komunizmo griutį veda mus.

few lines isn't very accurate.

Dezaz (That's enough anyway ;) Thanks, Dezaz.)

Chinese Translation

  造成血, 將邪魔, 
  團結, 脆弱蘇聯!
  歌唱祖國! 被壓迫人民! 

Some lines are not that accurate, nevertheless the overall meaning is conveyed. --

Thank you very much! God bless you!!! Sincerly, vonusovef (wha?) 00:05, 2 July 2007 (UTC)Reply

(Thanks to the guy who done it. He asked me to have his identity preserved, and I accepted this condition.)

Estonian translation


in Estonian wiki there is a page et:Nõukogude Liidu hümn, do you think this might help? the words in russian differ, though, here and there... Avjoska 06:24, 2 July 2007 (UTC)Reply

I tried some translating now...

On valitsetud riikide murtava liidu
ühendanud Suur Venemaa, et meid alla suruda!
Loodud vere ja deemoni soovi läbi,
Nõukogude Liit, tema killustatus ja haprus!

Laulgem emamaale! Allasurutud inimesed!
roiskunud inimeste nõrk maa!
On Lenini partei rahva nõrkus,
see kannab meid kommunistliku kaotuseni!

it sure needs some editing for understanding in Estonian. i read myself to be better editing than translating :). Avjoska 06:54, 2 July 2007 (UTC)Reply

someone else with Estonian as mother tongue should check the text. Avjoska 07:34, 2 July 2007 (UTC)Reply

(Thanks again to Avjoska. This version stills being my favourite one, with respect to all others, and I even decorated it to sing sometimes.)

Irish translation


I made an effort:

Aontas sobhriste de phoblachtaí smachtaithe
An Rúis Mhór aontaithe agus leatromach
Cruthaithe le fuil agus díongbháilteacht na harracht
Easaontaithe, lag, an tAontas Sóivéadach

Chan don náisiún! Pobal leatromaithe!
Bonn lag de dhaoine salach
Páirtí Lenin - laige an phobal
A iompaímid i dtreo brise Chumannachas.

I think it's fairly accurate, though I translated from the English. The grammar may be a little off though. Best I could do. Karlusss 01:15, 5 July 2007 (UTC)Reply

(Answering my request at the irish wiki. Thanks again, Karluss!)
