I'm from a small town in Monterrey Co.In California. I was born in the year of 1971. In a coastal coast line city by the name of Carmel CA. When I was about the age of 10 my class mates and I went on a field trip with are school teachers, and there Adds. At that time there was some paintings on those banks along that coastal shoreline.The teacher at that time had told us some story's of the local Indians that had inhabited the county and with in those paintings of those local Indian tribes, that had lived there. It had given there own out line of there life's that they had lived along that shore there life's.Even thou I was young i can still see them see them clearly they were fishing playing and even a small dwelling.I'm looking for help with looking up the history in Fuller detail the even thou at the time are teachers had told us of there name after all these years I'm sorry to say that I have forgotten there tribes name for that Indian name sense it has been so fare in the past when I was but a kid in school as you can tell from my editing skills it was along time ago. Here on the Monterrey coast line next to Santa Cruz Co. Lies another city my the name of Watsonville , Next to It lies Los Lamas of the side of the road heading north after the store on the left there is a fenced secession of an land ,that is of an older ranches , under that road there is a cattle crossing that is below that same road if you look right you can see that same fenced secession.In the early late 1980 into the 90es they had uncovered what at that time became to me as at leased 70 to 100 graves on that land. In that one spot sense then the elcorn slow reserve has taken all that land ? from the people of these towns when I was a young man my mother had horses so I road horses most of my juvenile life more the once i came by Indian head arrows at that time as being young I was not looking at the the history in those findings of what i had in my hands in those days not thinking of fighting back even in my school i had taking and showed others things in even staff members removed them from me never to be seen again . I find no history of those people and would like help in those details of that tribes life and if there is a right to create a form for the testing and reselection of those people that are not letting the local peoples no or in helping those same people to fill free to speak out with out retribution of there silence to the local towns ? the land being given to those that do not tell of the entirely as i did when i was young looking as i do with no experience this land has more to tell then what meets the eye the order people are going to be no more sorry to say there is a story to this land going back to the Government no lie Ive none in my fathers time of men with means land older ranches story past on in from there time with out the TV not in my life time but in there . THIS IS NOT A STORY OF TO BE TOLD ON DEATH EARS SO IF THERE IS MORE INFO OUT THERE CAN SOME COME TOGETHER TO AT-LESS FIND SOME OF THOSE TRUTH'S THANK YOU .

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