File:Vula e kryetarit.PNG
HipiZhdripi is hereby awarded the Seal of Scanderbeg award, for defending restlessly and with compassion, the Kosovo wiki article, though with limited language ability, always providing sourced information, and his attempts to ease down the situation, after attacks by Serbian nationalists. Good luck, dear compatriot!!!

Best, Ilir pz 23:09, 12 April 2006 (UTC)Reply

User talk:Hipi Zhdripi/Arkivi 000

Point zero

History of Kosovo
1991 - (UN) > Kosovo - (serbians)> Kosovo i Metohija - (kosovars) Republika e Kosoves >>>> Kosovo War
1999 - RESOLUTION 1244 (1999) - UNMIK - SM - Kosovars - Shadow goverment
UNMIK it is 12:44 Go Home
Republika Demokratike e Kosovës
The Democratic Republic of Kosova
United States of Dardania



Jom e rre ne Wikipedia, po e pash qe kishe shkru ne faqen e Pejes. Une e ndorva disa her artikujn qe e kish shkru ai "Ev" per Pejen krejt Serbisht po ai pe ndron prap pe kthen. A bon me dite qysh me ndru une ato pa e ndru ai, kush ja ka dhone drejten atij per te shkruar cfar don ne artikuj te Kosoves??? flm per mire kuptim:)dhe pres pergjegjen. --PeYonka

Hipi, ki kujdes tash e tutje, se dikush po vrojton ma me kujdes tash e mundet me ta ndalu editimin, qysh ja ka ba nja dy prej kojshive. Kerko ndihme nese ke pyetje, po mos bier pre e provokimeve edhe ofendimeve. Stay cool . te pershendes, ilir_pz 22:18, 19 May 2006 (UTC)Reply

Hahaah po ky artikull po duka me bashku Wikipedia:Staying cool when the editing gets hot--Hipi Zhdripi 22:22, 19 May 2006 (UTC)Reply

Ne perkthim po i bjen diqysh "Rri cool si kastravec" heheheh, a po i sheh fotot ? ilir_pz 22:23, 19 May 2006 (UTC)Reply

Hipi, mendoj që është ide e mirë të shuash paragrafët në faqen tënde për përdoruesët Asterion dhe HolyRomanEmperor. Janë sulmë personale dhe nuk lejohen. --Telex 22:34, 19 May 2006 (UTC)Reply

Po siq po e shehë ata Non-Stop po provokojnë. Po fusin mendime personale dhe nacionaliste ndër artikujt për Kosovën. Unë edhe e kam vështirë të gjejë burime pasi që burimet kryesore për Kosovën janë djegur apo gjenden nën kontrollin e qeveris së Serbisë, mua më kanë djegur dokumentet personale dhe ato të fakultetit gjenden diku në Serbi. Për të dashtur nxjerrur një kopje të dokumenteve të mija, origjinale ata kërkojnë nga unë së paku 1000 Euro dhe kjo mund të bëhet vetëm nëpër kanale të zeza sepse qeveria serbe e ka ndaluar rreptësisht dhënjen e dokumentacionit Kosovar. Kjo është gjendja reale.

Për mua nuk është e rëndësishme se kush je ti apo ai, unë nuk kam çka të mëshefë në fund të fundit ky projekt ka për qëllim të jetë shkencor dhe jo "forum antik" i propagandës, mendimet e mia personale mund të i mbaj në gardhin tim por si duket këta nuk munden, përderi sa të jetë kështu nuk shohë ndonjë shkakë/provë pse të tërheq mendimin tim në fleten time personale, mbi përdoruesit e Wikipedias (User:Asterion po provon që të përmbahet dhe me siguri që pasi që të jem bindur për punen e tij dhe do e tërheq atë shënim). Nëse ata mendojnë se janë sulme personale le të dëshmojnë se unë e kamë mednim të gabuar mbi ta.

Nëse ke mundësi do të ishte mirë që të formohej një si të themë ekip mbikqyerëse në krye me PANONIAN dhe Ilirin. kjo do të evitonte konfliktet e shpeshta në fletat Kosovare.--Hipi Zhdripi 22:56, 19 May 2006 (UTC)Reply



Hipi, durohu pak, mos iu shkruaj mesazhe fyese apo kercenuese, se po frikesohen disa, si psh Asterioni. Munden me te pamundesu hyrjen ne Wikipedia nese ju dergon kercenime. E di se mendimet e tyne jane krejt gabim, po mundohu me diplomaci me ju pergjigje. Te ndihmoj ne kete drejtim. ilir_pz 18:56, 27 May 2006 (UTC)Reply



Shikoj që shton emrat shqiptarë nd' artikujt për qytetët të Ish Republikës Jugosllave të Maqedonisë. U përpoqa të bëj atë dhe nuk më lejuan. --Telex 23:25, 29 May 2006 (UTC)Reply

Po e ke argumentin dhe bëne krahasimin si me me teritoret tjera nën ish-Jugosllavinë. You have a argument in officel web pages. Ther is the albanian flg witch links to the albanian Lan. The Macedoian constitution hase acceptit thate. After thate the War was stoped.--Hipi Zhdripi 23:46, 29 May 2006 (UTC)Reply

Un block


--Hipi Zhdripi 02:07, 30 May 2006 (UTC)Reply

You'sa appear'sa to be'sa fix'sa and'a unblocked'a -- Tawker 02:09, 30 May 2006 (UTC)Reply

--Hipi Zhdripi 02:15, 30 May 2006 (UTC)Reply

21:47, May 19, 2006 Prodego unblocked Hipi Zhdripi (contribs) (try to fix unblock Sceptre is the unblocker) - can you not edit -- Tawker 02:17, 30 May 2006 (UTC)Reply

I cann not edit. --Hipi Zhdripi 02:19, 30 May 2006 (UTC)Reply



Check here and let me know what you think. Your opinion is appreciated. ilir_pz 00:53, 6 June 2006 (UTC)Reply

What you mean?


Not sure if I follow what you meant to say here. Could you elaborate? --HolyRomanEmperor 14:44, 9 June 2006 (UTC)Reply

Revolving globe on Albania-geo-stub


Hi Hipi - I've removed the revolving globe icon from Albania-geo-stub. There are two reasons - first, stub template messages are meant to be discreet - any readers are more likely to want to read the article without having their eyes distracted by the template, and we already get a lot of complaints about the stub icons being too distracting. Secondly, animations like that can crash some older web browsers, so they're not a good idea in general. These two reasons are why animations aren't ever used on stub icons. Grutness...wha? 08:45, 15 June 2006 (UTC)Reply

Albanian wikipedia


Was this implanted by you? As far as I know, you were a supporter of the Montenegrin nation. What changed so that you now believe that Montenegrins are actually Serbs???

You have understde something wrong? At first you must understand the west ant east meaning of "Nation". There is term "serbs" is uset to explene the "church". In the past the church was together and dont say nothing about the nationality. After "coming in" the moto "One state one church" the serbs use this term to say thate all peopel wicht go to the serbian church are serbs, later thate is meeaning serbian nationalty, every pleace in wicht is a serbian church is serbian land. This is today "the problem" in Balkan.

Let we see the "problem" of the orthodox church in Knin (Croatia). This church it was under the Bizant and Romania church. After the Ottomans was diffedet this church we finde under the serbian church. Are this peopel serbs? I say no. My arguments about thate is the moto "one state one church" from the Belgrad propagander was modificede to "one church on nation". Agains this propagander it was Vatican. Now in Dalmatia you have Croats (catholic), Serbs (orthodox) , Arbëresh (Albanias-chatolic, in Zara and around) and Montenegrins (orthodox). This Arbëresh and Montenegrins dident "eat" the Belgrads propagander but they diden wount to be muslim, the rest of the dalmatins was part of the croatian nation in western meaning.

The Albanians in Albanias vilayets was masive convertyt in muslim, Montenegrins in the "Serb nation" and the albanians in Epir to "Grecce nation". This terms "Serb nations" and "Grece nation" you can not translete in west languges als NATION, beacose they dont have to do with state but with church.

After 1912 we fide albanians als muslim, catholic and orthodox. In north albanians vilajets (Kosova, Shkodra) we dont have orthoks albanians but we have Montenegrins and Albanians (muslim and catholic).

Let see from beginn. Is a area with orthodox and catholics in west Balkan. This area is populeted from Iliriens. In year 1000 "come to the power" some slavic aristrocatie (NOTE IT! In the history are not argumet about the population but about the aristrocati and church). Now this area is domineted from orthodox and the church is dominedet from the slavic aristrocrats influence and is called the serbian church. This is saying nothing about the population or nation. Ther are some "intern" borders chanchen inside the orthodox church but not the peopel borders. In Albanian dominedet part are some external chanche of borders betwen catholic and orthodoxs. They chanche only the church influenc or supporters.

The Ottomans "come in". Now we have external chanche of borders betwen three powers. The Ottoman Empire was multi-nationalty power. For you beter to understand. (You have USA, american-abanians but in Sovjet Union you have State members (Pasaport) als Sovjet and the nationalty German. In the USA is one nationalty american in the Sovjet Union are x-nationalty.

If you kmow a littel the histor of this part of the Word then in clear. Belgrad hase presante in Istambol, London, Paris, Washington, New York, Berlin all the orthodox in the west part of the Balkans als "Serbian Nation". This propagander was supported from Moskwa during the Rusian-Ottomans Wars. The Albanis in Kosovo they have see this aspiration during the Ottoman Empire, the montenegrin too. The answer but it was different. For some Albanians the religion was importen but the experians betwen the orthodox-chatolic or how they say "east-west-rit" wars in there land has maked thate the only thru religion is beliving in "ZOTI" (Got) with they tradition and the pristers and hoxhas witch was presated from the churchs and moshes was a "political leaders" of some powers wicht hase nothing to do with the classic meaning of the "beliwing in Got". There are some catholic and muslime prister wicht hase taket part in Prizren Leagua but the this movemed it was "Albanian National Movemend" it was not like in Serbia "Religion Movemend" witch in the western was preasendet als "Serbian National Movemend". How you see the "Albanian Nation" is natyral nation createt from the Albanias familys and folk and the cenetral point is not the religion, state or kalifat but blud. Everthing els like state, religion, economy are maked from peopel and not from "ZOTI". Some of the peopel of this blud finde out thate for they is more importen religion, state, kalifat or political partys.

This was (and is not any more) the differenc of the albanias and montenegrins. The montenegrins give they folk (National) identy for the religion. This was hapen with the Arvanites in Grecce. In the fact this peopel after the tate reform in Grece in the future are going to be presant als Greece nationalty. The albanians religion strutcur today is horisontal and vertical. The Albanians you canne say are liven with Law based on "Kanun of Lekë Dugagjini" also catholic Law, the ofical language is domineted from orthodoxs terms and in the paper are muslim (als protection agains the Serbian and Greece church).

The Albanian state is not a Califat but a western model of the state and not from now but since it was createt. In the other side Serbia is don t have tis model. The State and church in Serbia are together. Beacose of this the "serbs" think thate Kosova, Knin, Montenegro, Bosnja and Hercegovina, Makedonia are "Serbs Lands". The orthodox peopel of this contries think thate this is correct, but they dont see the differenc betwen the midde age and the modern time. They think like some fundamentalist muslims . The serbian version is "is not importen to witch nation you belong, importen is to witch church you belong, if you dont belong to the Serbian Church you dont belong to orthodox" beacose the ony reagotnesed church in Serbian Church. In the other side they presant the muslims in Jugoslavia als Serbs??????. In one side they say thate Albanians are muslims and in other side they preasent muslims in Kosovo als Serbs?????? They dont know what they wonnt. They are betwen east and west nations. They diden chois like the rest of the nations in Europe for exempel croatians "one nation one churche model ore german odel one nation two church. And the choice of Montenegro, Bosnia, Makedonia and Kosova is going more easy for Serbian Nation beacose they cane choice if they wonnt to live in past or in present. But now they cann not make trobels to the nightbours how they have maked in the past.

Your opinion on importance of religion is highly subjective. Specifically, Serbs in general place no more importance to the religion than do Albanians or any other ethnic group for that matter. While you do present academically creative points of view on religion and national identity they are factually incorrect and misleading. Nice try though! —Preceding unsigned comment added by (talk) 03:00, 13 March 2008 (UTC)Reply

The memory of the folk


The memory of the humane is stronger als every memory eaven of the paper or Commputer witch can be manipuleded. Let we see the name "MONTE NEGRO".

We know two dialects from Albanians today. Gegë and Toskë. We have a Albanian Wort about the english Wort "HIGH-LAND" witch in Albanish we writte "MALËSIA". Today is not so different but even thate we cann see the difference betwen this dialects in this Wort. The gegë man is going to say a littel bit dark and they call the HIGH LAND of Epirus MALSIA (-A- is betwen dark A and O) and the peopel of the east hight land MOLOS. In the other side the toskë man is going to say MALCIA (the A is hell and the S is so much hell like today in Albanish "C") and the peopel of the north hight land was called MALSOR. The term "MOLOS" and "MOESIA" we dont need to explean here. Let as see the user of the term "MALCIA" from the out siders after the antice. For the out siders this wort is songs like albanish wort "MAL I ZI" what is meaning "BLAC MONT" in english. In fact the teritory of Montenegro is littel domineted from dark stones (but not Black stonse). So we have a black (Negro) territory wicht is high and the rest of this teritory is White (Alba). The man of the blac teritory (albanish MALCIA =english HIGHT LAND) is Montenegrins (albanish MALËSOR-HIGHLANDER ) and the man of wiht teritory Albanians.

Today the Albanians user the terms "MALCIA E MADHE" for the larger part of North Albania, South Montenegro and wes Kosovo. This are all "Shqiptar" the term witch is knowit in the word als "Albanians" aristrokrats witch has let there land in after the Scanderbeg death and hase started after 200 years to take there land from Ottomans till they diden met the new problem with the "rusian-serbians natioalismus aspiration". This co-operation Serbian church and Rusian church has sucsed to presante the Albanias diden sucesed to presant the Albanians als Turkish volk but als muslims. In this way they haved the right to take the albanian land. (The folk of this places was newer Serbians, this place was newer Serbiens, (in the History we see for a littel time a presance from some slavic aristrocrats but othing als) there are some solders family wicht after the Serbia hase presante this teritory als Serbian teritory to the West Powers. The serbian church hase taket the land of the albanians in north and east Kosovo and givet to some solders from the Thesaloci front. This seatlers are knowit als "Solunci" they are Serbs and live in Sandjak, Presheva Field and Toplica (Nis region). In Toplica is mix serbian, albanian, bugarien, turkish, makedonian population and they are in the end of assimilation the only thing is thate they say thate they are "Gorani" but they dont have a chance, is to late they has loste ther identy witch was domineted from the seatlers "Solunci"). Ther are some citys witch hase succesed to our days to be "shqiptar" (they accept to be called with the outsider term "Albanians").

What you wount to bee


This is a natyral history. You can take or lae down. You can choice what you want. The history of the Eagel sone is this one. It was hard for more thane 1000 year. You dont have to forget they was betwen to bigers powers in this planet. ZOTI hase maket the MALËSIA (in west and east) for the Eagel childern. This children are today not anymore children. They can fly high like his mother Iliria.

No personal attacks


Please do not make personal attacks on other people. Wikipedia has a policy against personal attacks. In some cases, users who engage in personal attacks may be blocked from editing by administrators or banned by the arbitration committee. Comment on content, not on other contributors or people. Please resolve disputes appropriately. Thank you. -- ChrisO 08:22, 23 August 2006 (UTC)Reply

At first you are making provocation and second the Wikipedia policy is „not provocateur" and thirsted you have started. You won’t troubles and you are making troubles here. You like a administrator, you have tacked the leadership of the Serbian usurers group in Wikipedia and making some irrelevant voting in the Kosovo article and starting working against Wikipedia policy. Now you have masked this article clearer to Serbian propaganda page of Wikipedia (see what is not Wikipedia). Now you wonted to redirect Kosova some (org. English - Cassava)Kosava, Belarus (see redirects policy) or some from you imagined places in Europe (no verify, no references). Why? For the normal people in this planet this is crazy, a type is making new imaginer cities and villages only to keep far a way from Kosovo article the Albanians. Something like this you can see only in Serbian mythology. Even if you make every page of Wikipedia, with your stupid propaganda this doesn’t help you to find an antibiotic against your problems. Wikipedia is Encyclopedias and is not antibiotic for the people witch live in monkey-time.

It can be that you classified “my attacks” alls personal, but yours are “collectives attack”. You are attacking the Wikipedia inters.--Hipi Zhdripi 14:09, 26 August 2006 (UTC)Reply

See Talk:Grand Hotel Prishtina for reply. You need to calm down and start assuming good faith or at least do not insult or threaten people, please. Regards, E Asterion u talking to me? 16:51, 27 August 2006 (UTC)Reply
Seriously, stop making assumptions about people and address the issues themselves. Randomly throwing around insults and paranoid claims about people is unprofessional and won't help your actual arguments in any way. - Bobet 17:20, 27 August 2006 (UTC)Reply

Arbitration request on Kosovo


Dear Editor, since you have been involved in editing the Kosovo article in the last months, and that article has been the subject of long ongoing edit wars, your name is listed in the Request for Arbitration on this matter. You can make a statement here: Wikipedia:Requests_for_arbitration#Kosovo. Due to the large number of editors involved, however, I would to ask you to keep your statement concise and to the point. If you feel you have not been substantially involved in the disputes surrounding the Kosovo article, please do not remove your name from the Arbitration request, but rather make a short statement there explaining why you feel you have not been involved enough to be part it. To understand my reasons for requesting Arbitration, please read my statement on the Requests for Arbitration page. Best regards, ChrisO 00:45, 2 September 2006 (UTC)Reply

Wikipedia:Requests for arbitration/Kosovo



An Arbitration case involving you has been opened: Wikipedia:Requests for arbitration/Kosovo. Please add evidence to the evidence sub-page, Wikipedia:Requests for arbitration/Kosovo/Evidence. You may also contribute to the case on the workshop sub-page, Wikipedia:Requests for arbitration/Kosovo/Workshop.

On behalf of the Arbitration Committee, --Tony Sidaway 16:50, 4 September 2006 (UTC)Reply

How to use talk pages


Hipi, please be aware that talk pages are meant to be used for improving the related article. Wikipedia is not a chat room - please don't post lengthy off-topic messages like you just did on Talk:Kosovo. If it's getting longer than Talk:Muhammad, that's because people aren't using the talk page properly. See WP:TALK for guidelines on using talk pages. Thank you for your cooperation! :-) -- ChrisO 07:00, 14 September 2006 (UTC)Reply

Temporary injunction in the Kosovo arbitration


For the duration of this case, any of the named parties may be banned by an uninvolved administrator from Kosovo or related pages for disruptive edits.

You are receiving this message because you are one of those covered by this injunction.

For the arbitration committee. --Tony Sidaway 17:55, 15 September 2006 (UTC)Reply

Democratic Republic of Kosova and United States of Dardania

What on Earth is that? --HolyRomanEmperor 16:29, 27 September 2006 (UTC)Reply

What on Univers is thate Kosovo part of Serbia Kosmet (Kosmos-meeting-Sllobo-meeting), Kosovo i Metohia ect. Nevrermeind I have rediretet the name of Kosovo since the 2 juli 1992 in Kaçanik the day in witch the kosovars declared there independent. This is not writtet history after 1000 years but it was a historical document witch is now realty. I can understande thate you can not accept but we, Kosovars we diden accept killing of ouer peopel and we have maket war together with aleriert (like Serbia before 100 yers with Rusia) and e have taket back our land. An this land is Kosovo State and in the future (Is gut for you to lerne ) Shteti i Kosovës. OK. By, by mytologie the realty is comming over Serbia (a littel to late). You must be happy Serbia hase Sandjak of Novi Pazar and Sandjak of Nish witch are part of Dardania. Sandjak will come soone together with Kosovo the Sandjak of Nish we must disscus with Bulgrian. By, by gold age of Serbia, Welcomen Dardania age ower Iliria

Upss!! this two (Democratic Republic of Kosova and United States of Dardania) it was not me. It was somebody alse (perhaps you). I dont playe here a game, beacose I have a lot to do, you have time to make tausend of toused articels for sine-fiction serbian-figurs in Kosov. Dont forget in thate time Kosova was only a vilige (even 2km2) but you are maken Kosovo to 2 bilion km2, I can understand thate you are a fried you dont forget thate the Ilirials hase lerne your grandfather have to eat like a civil peopel.

Upss!!!Upss!!! If you dont understand see this: (If you know a latine string is easy to understande)

I did not understand what you meant that "I cannot accept". If you refer to the will of the Kosovo's Albanians to have their own independent country - then yes, I can accept that. Problem lies in the fact that many others won't accept it. And then there is, of course, International Law, which is on the side of Serbia's soveirenity over Kosovo. My question is to you - what with all the Serbs on Kosovo that won't live in an independent state? And most specificly, North Kosovo that factually isn't a part of Kosovo.

What do you mean by Sandzak of Novi Pazar? It doesn't exist since 1912. Do you know that its seperated between Montenegro and Serbia? I don't understand how on earth could it join Kosovo, except by force (in the Montenegrin part are mostly Serbs and Bosniaks/Muslims live in majority in only some districts in Serbian). If you know how will it join Kosovo - please do tell me. Also, what is Sanzdak of Nis? Do you know that only Serbs live in that thing, which doesn't exist since 1878. What does Bulgaria have to do with that?

Please respond, I am mostly interested in what would you do with all the Serbs that live in the areas of this Greater Albania. --PaxEquilibrium 16:17, 1 October 2006 (UTC)Reply

What about the peopel who live in Sanxhak. For they Sanxhak is like for you Serbia. They grandfather has live there and after the all masakers after 1912. You say don t exist since 1912. Oh, the serbian masaker was not so efektiv thanks Shaban Poluzha, Isa Boletini they are ther in Sanxhak and not in Turkey. OH, What is this ). The Sanxhak peopel dont accept Serbian State since 1912, let we see 2007-1912=95 year. Uaaaa!!! OH, let we ask this peopel if they wout to go with they mother lande Kosovo, like we se Serbian gouvermant diedent sucsese to bring the peace after 95 years. —Preceding unsigned comment added by (talk) 19:33, August 27, 2007 (UTC)

OK, but you still didn't explain about the "Sanjak of Nis", nor what would you do to all those Serbs (and Slavic Muslims and Montenegrins) that do not want a Greater Albania. --PaxEquilibrium 20:01, 28 August 2007 (UTC)Reply



can't you simply answer? Do you plan on forcefully conquering all those regions?

Zasto ne mozete normalno da odgovorite? Da li biste oruzano osvojili sva ta mjesta? Sto biste uradili s svim Srbima koji zive tuda? --PaxEquilibrium 23:10, 1 October 2006 (UTC)Reply

Sorry but I don understande Roma languge.



Blocked: I have blocked you for 24 hours for violation of the preliminary injunction in Wikipedia:Requests for arbitration/Kosovo that you and the rest of the parties are not to edit Kosovo while the case is pending. Several edits from IP addresses can be attributed to you through past history, pattern, and admission. [1] [2] [3] [4] [5]. Thatcher131 06:14, 2 October 2006 (UTC)Reply

I have reset the block, as you are still editing the article with your IP address, which is not allowed. Naconkantari 18:23, 2 October 2006 (UTC)Reply

Is not alowed to administrator witch is involt in a ofen conlflict to iuse his administrator rights. ChrisO is blocking Kosovo releatit articels every time in serbian version. Even if we have rez. 1244 in witch is standing thate Kosovo is part of Yugoslavia and the last statment from Contact Group (autorizedet from rez 1244) is confirmig thate Kosovo is Part of Yougoslava (breack Yugoslavia). This was what I have putit in Kosovo article and he with his clique hase startid edit wars. My user account was bloced before from him.

Notice of Article Ban


As an uninvolved administrator in the Kosovo case, you have been banned from editing Kosovo for the duration of the Arbitration request. Any further editing of the article will result in a block and your edit will be reverted. Naconkantari 03:03, 3 October 2006 (UTC)Reply

Make what you wount. ChricO and his clique must be banet from Kosovo article. And if you dont bring to the intro the UN version about Kosovo. I am not going to stop posting not, beacose the UN version is my wish (my wish is Kosovo state) but beacose this is a verifikebel, neutral and at the end the serbs must see thing like they are not like they wount.

You're a prominent administrator on the Albanian Wikipedia - I do not understand how you don't know the rules. --PaxEquilibrium 10:15, 4 October 2006 (UTC)Reply
Beacose I know the rules and the praxis of Wiki, I am not going to stop for fiten the anamy of the Wiki. The anamy af the Wiki are Nationalist clique in Wiki, like yours. In Alanian Wiki soucht clique dont exist. —Preceding unsigned comment added by (talk) 19:43, August 27, 2007 (UTC)

This isn't...


This isn't Roma language. This was Bosnian language, which you understand perfectly, being a minor contributor at the Bosnian Wikipedia.

Bosanski jezik. --PaxEquilibrium 19:59, 3 October 2006 (UTC)Reply

I dont understane bosanski but boshnjake. Beacose of thete I diden worked for longer there. —Preceding unsigned comment added by (talk) 19:45, August 27, 2007 (UTC)

So those are just two names for one language, right? How can you then not understand it? --PaxEquilibrium 19:48, 28 August 2007 (UTC)Reply

This case is now closed and the results have been published at the link above.

For edit warring, personal attacks, and other disruption, PerfectStorm/C-c-c-c is banned from editing Wikipedia for one year. For edit warring and incivility, Bormalagurski is banned from editing Wikipedia from one year. For edit warring and disruptive use of sockpuppets, Dardanv under any username or IP, is banned from editing Wikipedia for one month.

Hipi Zhdripi is limited to his one named account, Hipi Zhdripi. All edits by Hipi Zhdripi under another account or an IP address shall be treated as edits by a banned user.

Ilir pz, Hipi Zhdripi, Vezaso are banned for one year from editing articles related to Kosovo. Relation to Kosovo is to be interpreted broadly so as to prevent gaming. Either may be banned from any related non-article page for disruptive editing. All articles related to Kosovo are put on Article probation to allow more swift dealing with disruption. Editors of Kosovo and related articles who engage in edit warring, incivility, original research, or other disruptive editing, may be banned for an appropriate period of time, in extreme cases indefinitely.

ChrisO is warned not to engage in edit warring, and to engage in only calm discussion and dispute resolution when in conflict. He is instructed not to use the administrative rollback tool in content disputes and encouraged to develop the ability and practice of assisting users who are having trouble understanding and applying Wikipedia policies in doing so. .

Dardanv, Ferick, Laughing Man, Osli73, and Tonycdp are placed on Probation for one year. Each may be banned from any page or set of pages for disruptive edits, such as edit warring or incivility.

Ilir pz, Hipi Zhdripi, Vezaso, Dardanv, Ferick, Laughing Man, Osli73, and Tonycdp are placed on standard revert parole for one year. Each is limited to one revert per article per week, excepting obvious vandalism. Further, each is required to discuss any content reversions on the article's talk page.

For the Arbitration Committee. Arbitration Committee Clerk, 03:41, 21 October 2006 (UTC)



Are you even there? --PaxEquilibrium 10:33, 30 October 2006 (UTC)Reply

Beslidhja Skaut Albania


Beslidhja Skaut Albania has been proposed for renaming (along with other foreign-language Scouting article titles) to bring it into compliance with the spirit of both WikiProject Scouting - Rules Standards, Article names and Wikipedia:Naming conventions.

The discussion about this is currently taking place at Wikipedia_talk:WikiProject_Scouting/Translations#Proposed_article_name_changes. No one involved speaks Albanian. Since you speak Albanian, could you please help out? --evrik (talk) 15:26, 8 November 2006 (UTC) tung ju pershendesReply



Blocked: 1 week, for repeated violations of article ban imposed at Wikipedia:Requests_for_arbitration/Kosovo by editing Kosovo from your own account and while logged out. Thatcher131 19:08, 13 April 2007 (UTC)Reply

My mistake. On closer reading you are not banned from the talk page, the complaint stated you edited the article but linked to the talk page history and I didn't see it. My mistake. Thatcher131 19:15, 13 April 2007 (UTC)Reply

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Aren´t you blocked from editing Kosovo and Methohija articles? Paulcicero 20:05, 9 September 2007 (UTC)Reply



Stop editing Kosovo articles, or even making any discussion posts. No one reads your comments because they just don;t make any sense. Sorry, but learn how to speak English !

—Preceding unsigned comment added by Hxseek (talkcontribs) 04:41, 6 October 2007 (UTC)Reply

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Speedy deletion of Template:Kosova District


A tag has been placed on Template:Kosova District requesting that it be speedily deleted from Wikipedia. This has been done under section T3 of the criteria for speedy deletion, because it is a deprecated or orphaned template. After seven days, if it is still unused and the speedy deletion tag has not been removed, the template will be deleted.

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CfD nomination of Category:Kosovo music


I have nominated Category:Kosovo music (edit | talk | history | links | watch | logs) for renaming to Category:Kosovar music (edit | talk | history | links | watch | logs). Your opinions on the matter are welcome; please participate in the discussion by adding your comments at the discussion page. Thank you. Hemlock Martinis (talk) 23:41, 21 February 2008 (UTC)Reply

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March 2008


Hi, the recent edit you made to List of countries in Europe has been reverted, as it appears to be unconstructive. Use the sandbox for testing; if you believe the edit was constructive, ensure that you provide an informative edit summary. You may also wish to read the introduction to editing. Thanks. Stwalkerstertalk ] 21:13, 29 March 2008 (UTC)Reply

From who??? From constructim iusers or propagander´s???--Hipi Zhdripi (talk) 01:48, 30 March 2008 (UTC)Reply



Serbia is internationally recognized, Kosovo isn't. Serbia is recognized by 157 in its borders with Kosovo and only 36 without.

Serbia isn't disputed, as it's internationally recognized. --PaxEquilibrium (talk) 23:21, 29 March 2008 (UTC)Reply

Kosovo too.--Hipi Zhdripi (talk) 23:31, 29 March 2008 (UTC)Reply

1+1=2=1 + (0,7+0,3) in mathematic. Now in Wikipedia is 1+1=2, but in international mathematic is 1 + (0,7+0,3)=2--Hipi Zhdripi (talk) 23:34, 29 March 2008 (UTC)Reply

You are presenting 0,7 = 1, this is not correct--Hipi Zhdripi (talk) 23:35, 29 March 2008 (UTC)Reply

Please, stop complaining about every edit you disagree with and try to focus your work on constructive contributing. And, it would be a good idea if you installed a spelling checker in your browser, Firefox supports it, I think IE as well, I am not sure about the others... This will make your comments more readable. Thanks. --Tone 00:19, 30 March 2008 (UTC)Reply

Look, I am trying to make the article as good as it can get and while I realize that it is impossible to write it in the way that everyone will be happy, we can at least write it in a way that it presents all the viewpoints. So, if you are willing to help constructively, it will be appreciated. But I don't see what you want with those calculations and please, use spelling checker because your posts are really hard to read. --Tone 00:35, 30 March 2008 (UTC)Reply

Ok. Im going to instal spell checker if you install a propaganda checker´s--Hipi Zhdripi (talk) 00:37, 30 March 2008 (UTC)Reply

For beginning, how would you like the introduction to read? Propose something and then we can talk. (Propaganda checker? I would like to hear what part of my edits you consider propaganda, otherwise I can't help with this either...) --Tone 00:39, 30 March 2008 (UTC)Reply

Tone is right, please stay out of the Kosovo:Talk unless you are going to help us. Beam (talk) 01:15, 30 March 2008 (UTC)Reply

To Tony


Tony. It is in Serbians users hands in this project to decide. If they want to present Serbia as member of UN. Then they most accepted Kosovo as State. Other ways they must present Serbia and Kosovo as Disputed State.

The intro of both stats must be XXX is state in Balkan, bla, bla. Second paragraph makes clear that this states have a problem with recognised (borders, government, membership and existing at all) from UN members. This is not propaganda but the logic of international rules. Kosovo today is not Self-called state.--Hipi Zhdripi (talk) 01:31, 30 March 2008 (UTC)Reply

Upss!! And is in sys. and administrators of English Wikipedia´s hands to respect POV of the reader. I don´t have a power to work against such mashing of propaganda. You don´t have too!!!--Hipi Zhdripi (talk) 01:50, 30 March 2008 (UTC)Reply

Only think what I can make at the moment, is to make the readers indirect clear that the article about Kosovo and Serbia are not POV at all, and they cane not be taken ails Wikipedia article. Upss!!! Upss!!!--Hipi Zhdripi (talk) 01:53, 30 March 2008 (UTC)Reply

Here are chances witch this propagandas has made it [6](see the map)

Serbia's borders (recognized by UN

- The 36 states are not members of UN ????? - they don't accept this map this is not propaganda but realty. Only somebody who don´t know the UN - rules or don´t wont to know is taken this for POV--Hipi Zhdripi (talk) 02:00, 30 March 2008 (UTC)Reply

Why not?


Those 36 countries don't exactly equal the world do they? Has the UN recognized Kosovo? Has even the majority of countries in the world? Has Serbia?. Until these conditions are met Kosovo will be no where near "nationhood" and the article/'s will remain unchanged. Buttons 4:06 March 31, 2008 (UTC)

This 36 countries don´t recognise the ex-Serbia (Serbia with Kosovo as province). What is UN? Who makes UN? this 36 Stats make UN too. The number is not important.

Oh. We are talking about the Stat? Or a members of UN. Let me ask you, how do you want to call a member of the UN witch is living his place from UN? Stat!

If you want or not, Kosovo is a Stat, and Serbia must choice if they want to accept this or not. Till Serbia accept to sit together with this 36 Stats in UN, Serbia is accepting but is something else that don't wont to have diplomatic relationship (recognised) with Kosovo. Good by. The Ambassadors of the USA, Australia, GB, Germain from Prishtina wish you luck. And if you are going in this line the "HART OF SERBIA" s going to be "KOSOVO" - you are going to get your visa for Europ and USA in Prishtina--Hipi Zhdripi (talk) 21:48, 31 March 2008 (UTC)Reply

Upss!!! That it was for your provocation. Now. For me, what the hell they (Kosovo, Serbia, UN etc) do and make, is not important, for me is important Wikipedia. The people of English/German spoken countries have heard from there Government that Kosovo is a Stat, and Wikipedia in English is saying that is not! Because they present Kosovo as part of Serbia. This is not Russian, Rumen or Serbian Wikipedia. If you thing a little bit you are going to check it!

And the problem of the English Wikipedia is that more users from Serbia and Kosovo makes troubles in the article Kosovo and Serbia!!! --Hipi Zhdripi (talk) 22:06, 31 March 2008 (UTC)Reply

Upss!!! The citizens from this 36 countries must know what kind of documents they need as tourist, bissnismen etc.--Hipi Zhdripi (talk) 22:14, 31 March 2008 (UTC)Reply

A reminder


Hipi, you may not be aware that all Balkans-related articles - including anything relating to Kosovo or Serbia - are now under a general sanction imposed after Wikipedia:Requests for arbitration/Macedonia in December 2007. This provides that:

"1) Any uninvolved administrator may, on their own discretion, impose sanctions on any editor working in the area of conflict if that editor fails to adhere to the purpose of Wikipedia, the expected standards of behavior, or the normal editorial process. The sanctions imposed may include blocks of up to one year in length; bans from editing any page or set of pages within the area of conflict; restrictions on reverts; or any other measures which the imposing administrator believes are reasonably necessary to ensure the smooth functioning of the project. Prior to any sanctions being imposed, the editor in question shall be given a warning with a link to this decision."

Please note that this reminder will constitute your notification of the Arbitration Committee's decision. Given your previous topic ban on Kosovo-related articles, I'd suggest that you avoid edit warring or behaving disruptively on such articles. -- ChrisO (talk) 23:59, 31 March 2008 (UTC)Reply

Thate is mening thate you have right to do every thing what you want. Yes.--Hipi Zhdripi (talk) 00:02, 1 April 2008 (UTC)Reply

Ok. You are administrator here, yes.

Then you most tell me my right as use (In same way how you make "A reminder"). My problem, is that you are covering the Serbian government opinion about Kosovo and Serbia. Also, one Administrator is abuse and covering a vandalismus--Hipi Zhdripi (talk) 00:06, 1 April 2008 (UTC)Reply

Wat should I do? And please not it, that I have asked how are the rules and right of user in keys of a conflict with administrator.--Hipi Zhdripi (talk) 00:09, 1 April 2008 (UTC)Reply

Irrelevant question


Where I live is frankly irrelevant and non of your business but if you must know, I live in Canada. That however makes no difference. Since you make such case about English Wikipedia why then do you contribute to it if your grasp of English is truly poor as you have shown me? The UN is the United Nation and since they do not recognize Kosovo as a country it is not legal in the eyes of international law, thus it is not legal and not official. Those 36 nations cannot alter international law if you were hoping, the fact that they are members of the G8 or anything makes no difference what so ever. Besides that nothing else from your post makes any sense. And my friend Wikipedia is no place to promote tourism or business of any kind, thats is against Wiki policy. Buttons 10:11 March 31, 2008 (UTC)

I'm liven in Mars and is making a different. If you are living in Canada then you are a Canadian and not a Serb. I´m living in Germany and the germans call my Kosovo-Albaner event if I have or not German Pass!!! I don´t cover thate I´m SHQIPTAR=Eagle Son (albaner) . This was and it is since the history begins in this Earth.

Secend if you are living in Canada then you know thate for Canada, Kosovo is a State, and if you live in Balkan this is not the case. This is meaning the Map of Serbia withing Kosovo don´t exist anymor for Canada --Hipi Zhdripi (talk) 22:23, 5 April 2008 (UTC)Reply

Upss!!! Hawe a look at relevant TV - State news. They (Kosovo and Serbia) are sepereted.--Hipi Zhdripi (talk) 22:27, 5 April 2008 (UTC)Reply

Newspapers and Encyclopaedia


So what's your point? Chwyatt (talk) 07:52, 1 April 2008 (UTC)Reply

File source problem with File:Kosova subdivisions.PNG


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Your account will be renamed


00:34, 20 March 2015 (UTC)



13:48, 22 April 2015 (UTC)

ArbCom elections are now open!


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Speedy deletion declined: User talk:Zhdripi Hipi


Hello Hipi Zhdripi~enwiki. I am just letting you know that I declined the speedy deletion of User talk:Zhdripi Hipi, a page you tagged for speedy deletion, because of the following concern: You will need to provide a reason for the speedy deletion, otherwise it can't be decided what to do with the page. Thank you. Shirt58 (talk) 10:04, 18 July 2017 (UTC)Reply

Proposed deletion of Përballja (radio show)


The article Përballja (radio show) has been proposed for deletion because of the following concern:

No evidence this radio program passes WP:NMEDIA/GNG.

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Nomination of Përballja (radio show) for deletion


A discussion is taking place as to whether the article Përballja (radio show) is suitable for inclusion in Wikipedia according to Wikipedia's policies and guidelines or whether it should be deleted.

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