Name: DEO KUMAR PASWAN Date of birth: 05.04.1959 Place of birth: Gaya, Bihar Father's name: Late Dahu Paswan Wife's name: Malti Devi

Education: Schooling : Sarvodaya Vidya Mandir, Guraru Graduation : B.A(Hons) Gaya college (Magadh University) Joined politics: In 1980, at age 25, he contested an Assembly as official candidate of Janta Dal in 1990 from Barachatty, Gaya Bihar.

Political party: Always with Bhartiye Janta Party from last 25 years.

Political mentor: Yashwant Sinha, a former Finance Minister of India.

Constituencies: Barachatty (SC) Assembly Constituency, Gaya Bihar

Political journey: Contested an Assembly election as official candidate of Janta dal in 1990 from Barachatty (SC), Assembly Constituency, Gaya Bihar Ex-Member of District B.J.P working committee, Gaya Bihar and work to increase the manpower for the party . Vice President – SC/ST Vikash manch Vice President – Dusadh Maha Sabha, Bihar State. Ex-Member of Industrial Tripartite Committee, Ministry of Labour & Employment, Government of India. Member National Ground Water Advisory Council, Ministry of Water Resource, Government of india. Has been participating in Parliamentary Election and Assembly Election also from 1990 to 2014 as lection expert. Other roles: His polite behaviour and healthy relation makes him popular in his circle due to which he work as a election expert and result fruitful for Bhartiya Janta Party. He has participated in various election with his political colleagues, Paswan was with Honourable Yaswant Shinha in his Lok Sabha Election 2004 in Hazaribagh. His son Jayant Sinha, a consultant and investor, won the 2014 elections for the Hazaribagh Cintituency and is currently serving as Minister of State in Finance in Mr. Narendra modi’s cabinet. He spread the awareness of Swachh Bharat Abhiyan amoung the people of city Gaya and play an impotant role in making the city neat and clean.

Interesting facts: In 1977 Paswan was very famous in his college days so he decided to be a politician. In college, he was a very good speaker. He always stayed with BJP.

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