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Latest comment: 18 years ago by The Ungovernable Force in topic Raye Makhfi

Raye Makhfi


This film is awesome, I used it in my Masters dissertation (which I'm writing up now). There is an awesome few lines:

So anyone can vote?
- Of course.
- As long as they are citizens and of legal age.
Then those smugglers can vote,  too?
- Yes. Everyone can vote.
- Every citizen has rights.
- Even smugglers.
If those crooks vote,  I'll be out of a job!
- That's irrelevant.
- The voting process helps countries improve.

- FrancisTyers · 14:25, 10 August 2006 (UTC)Reply

Yeah, I watched it about a year ago right as I started going out with a girl who emigrated from Iran. She was really surprised that I liked it. She smuggly thought I wouldn't appreciate it, I wondered why she made that assumption since she knew I was really interested in social commentary--we had those issues a lot, part of why we broke up. Still friends though. I really think our relationship could have been turned into a sitcom though, it was always really funny. We were so wrong for each other, but we got some good laughs out of it. I'd be interested in reading your dissertation when it's done. I'm sure it will be quite interesting. As for the content of the movie, I (and I'm guessing you too) saw it as a stab at how useless electoral politics are, but some people have interpreted it as a film that shows the importance of voting, but does so in a flawed way. It just goes to show that we filter things to fit in with our preconceived views of the world. Ungovernable ForceThe Wiki Kitchen! 21:52, 10 August 2006 (UTC)Reply