XylyX - Xavier Yeran Lister Yuan Xavier

XylyX is prounounced as "Zhai-Liks"

Joined Wikipedia recently. Interests include world history, metal, funk, business administration and books. I am a guitarist. I love Malmsteen, George Lynch, Eric Johnson, McAlpine, Greg Howe and John Petrucci !!!!

This user is interested in
ancient civilizations.
This user is interested in Ancient Anatolia.
This user is interested in ancient Persia.

Significant Contributions


I have added quite a bit of information to the English Wikipedia esp. the history of the near east. I have also created quite a few articles. Significant contributions include -

Sarduri II | Ashurbanipal | Marduk-apal-iddina II | Rusas I of Urartu | Shammuramat | Assur-danin-pal | Shamshi-Adad V | Kizzuwadna | Urartu | Enlil-nadin-apli

Other Interests


I like music and I am a guitarist. I love Latin music as well as heavy metal and blues-rock.

 This user plays the guitar.
Blue This user enjoys The Blues.
 This user enjoys
heavy metal music.

 This user is a bibliophile.
 This user reads self-help books.
BOOKThis user is working on publishing a book.

My Signature


Here's my Wiki-signature -