Hi! I'm WingedSkiCap and this is my page.
I'm an astronerd and ASTRONOMY IS AWESOME!!! w00t! (Hey, no one edit this, 'cuz this is MY page, 'k?)
However, just because I'm an astronerd doesn't mean that I know everything about astronomy, so sorry if I'm wrong or if I misinform you!!! =D
Anyways, I also play the clarinet, piano, and...sorta quit the cello. In my spare time, I... edit wikipedia pages to ENLIGHTEN MANKIND WITH KNOWLEDGE (XD LOL) and stare at astronomy pictures and eat spaghetti and drink coffee and then I sigh and get back to work.
Also, I am too lazy to put all that much content on my userpage so my userbox list is probably where you will find the most information about me (if you care to read them all) and that is why the userbox list is longer than my actual content.
I am totally in love with the movie WALL-E and with books that are really too far below my reading level and I DON'T CARE WHAT YOU SAY ABOUT THAT!!! *sticks out tongue*
*Sigh* *Sips coffee* Well, nothing much else to say in the introduction... back to work, then.
Happy 2009!
Hey, by the way, happy International Year of Astronomy!!! I hope that everyone in the world will get to participate in this STELLAR (haha bad pun) event and learn more about astronomy! This year, 2009, is exactly 400 years from the day that Galileo Galilei pointed the first telescope at the heavens for the first time and saw the craters of the Moon, the cycles of Venus, the rings of Saturn, and the moons of Jupiter! W00t to you, Galileo, and thanks for telling mankind that the solar system goes around the sun, and w00t to all astronomers out there for making today the way it is! The world would not be the same without astronomy!
No! Wait! Don't go! I wasn't finished bothering you yet!
Okay, now I can bother you, because you're reading this right now, right? (Or am I wasting my time typing this..?) Oh, whatever. Anyways. Time for a brief biographical briefing about me. Get ready to hear a story that is the best thing ever since the end of pi!!!
The Abnormally Normally Abnormal Life of WingedSkiCap
I deleted my life story (or what I had written of it, anyways) because it was getting too long and it was probably against the Wikipedia user page rules. But here is a simplified version:
I'm from Europa, one of Jupiter's moons. I never believed that life existed on Earth until this gargantuan Earthling satellite went crashing through the atmosphere of Jupiter. Then, my parents, who were all for meeting some aliens, dragged me along with them to Earth, this puny blue and green rock which is the third from the sun. We didn't think that the Earthlings were quite ready to meet us yet, so we decided to just stay in orbit inside our spaceship. However, while there, we kept getting these annoying signals, and when I studied and reconstructed an Earthling laptop, I realized that these signals were the internet! It was then that I discovered this wonderful resource called Wikipedia!! I soon decided that it was the best resource in the solar system (which it is, by the way) so I joined Wikipedia to further the information on it and make the solar system a better place with all knowledge of solarkind free for all!!! (w00t)
"Real" Stuff About Me
This section is for all those loosers who are too grounded in "reality" to believe my previous story.
Just kidding, you're not a looser.
Anyways. Away from that topic now, so we can focus on ME!!!
I am a person who has lived in three states, which will not be displayed for the sake of mocoshroomnuts (don't ask what a mocoshroomnut is). I like to read books that are probably below my reading level (wait...did I already say that in the introduction..? oh, whatever), buy giant candy canes, draw, write, and make HTML pages (though I miserably fail at those last three things ((I bought three giant candy canes for fifty cents each hehe)) ).
My Wikipediholic score (as of December 2008) is 7334.
Wikipedia is the coolest thing since the end of pi -- and that hasn't even been discovered yet!!!
The colors cornflower blue and neon orange are way better than any other color!
Jupiter is the most bestest planet everer, and Europa, one of its four main moons, is the OSMest astronomical object in the whole existence of the solar system.
Algol is an awesome binary star system because...it just IS, okay?
I should probably make this page better.
I am the only normal alien on Earth. Be jealous!
- Make userpage a whole lot better
- Try and get a life
- Check watchlist
- Make user subpages
- Make the habitable zone article a whole lot better
- Don't phail