Hello, I am The Redcurrant. I am a leftie and my interests include marxism, and working class and irish history.

This user is an advocate of democracy.
This user believes if voting changed anything, it would be made illegal.
Este wikipedista es Chavista y está luchando para reescribir la república de Wikipedia.
RLThis user is on the religious left.
This user identifies as a leftist.
This user is straight but not narrow.
This user supports the Zapatista Army of National Liberation.
This user believes that both capitalism and state socialism are inherently unjust systems that concentrate most wealth and power in the hands of a few, and that humans can do better.
This user wonders how this can be a free country when everything is for sale.
This user thinks that stock exchange is immoral.
This user opposes corporate welfare and bailouts.
This user wants to tax the rich to provide health care, education and welfare for everyone.$ £
¥ €
This user believes in the concept of "By any means necessary"
This user identifies as a communist.
This user identifies as a Marxist.
This user is a
This user identifies as a Leninist.
This user identifies as a Titoist
This user identifies as a Trotskyist.
This user supports Green politics.
This user is against
monarchism and nobility titles when they were abolished, because they are not democratic and give no respect to the freedom of the peoples.
This user supports
universal health care.
This user believes in
universal college tuition.
This user supports Amnesty International.
This user supports equality for everyone.

This user believes, based on experience, that society favors the "straight christian white male".

This user supports affirmative action.
This user believes that the death penalty should never be used.*
"No smoking" sign with text This user supports the ban on smoking in public places.
This user is pro-cannabis.
This user does not trust politicians who praise public schools while sending their own children to private schools.
This user believes the world would be a better place if everyone had access to a quality, free education.
This user believes in the separation of religion and state.*
This user knows that the mainstream media is just a brainwashing tool.
This user expresses disgust at the way celebrities choose to live their lives.
This user opposes NATO
End the embargoThis user favors free trade between the United States and Cuba.
This user believes that sweatshops in poor countries do more good than harm.
This user wants a
World government.
DemsThis user knows both major US parties have been hijacked by special interests, can no longer identify with either one, and has no hope that the situation will ever improve.Reps
This user is interested in Irish history
This user is an Irish Roman Catholic.
This user believes in a non-partisan, direct democracy.