
This template is used to generate external links to catalog records at the United States Library of Congress] by Library of Congress Control Number (LCCN). See the Library of Congress LCCN FAQ for information on LCCNs and their permalinks.



The required parameter is the LCCN. If this is the only parameter specified, the article title is used as the anchor text:

{{LoC catalog record|LCCN}}

To have the anchor text be something other than the article name, specify the second parameter, as well:

* {{LoC catalog record|LCCN|Title}}

This can be used when the Wikipedia page name is not the name of the work whose catalog record is desired. This will most often be the case where the article name includes a parenthetical disambiguation. See the examples, below.


Without specifying the title, causing the article name to be used

In the article Dr. Seuss's Sleep Book:

  • {{LoC catalog record|62017157}}

will produce:

  • Catalog record for Dr. Seuss's Sleep Book at the United States Library of Congress
Specifying the title, rather than using the article name

In the article Picnic at Hanging Rock (novel):

  • {{LoC catalog record|68108151|Picnic at Hanging Rock}}

will produce:

Note that the examples include the "*" for a bulleted list since this is most likely to be used in an "External links" section.

Detailed instructions

  1. Go to and use either the Basic Search or Guided Search to search for the book or other work of interest.
  2. Select the desired work from the list returned. This will present you with a "Brief Record" for the work.
  3. The field LCCN Permalink will link to a permalink page whose URL has the format, where x is the required LCCN.
  4. Use this LCCN as in one of the examples above.

See also

