Top 8 reasons of why you should move to Canada.

1. Canada is not that populated: have you ever wanted to go to a mall to do some shopping and you realize that the parking area is too full, or all of the shops are way too crowded for your liking? This does not happen in Canada. Canada is not a very populated country and that has its benefits.

2. Canada is multi seasonal: are you attracted to the heat, then how about live in Windsor or Vancouver? Or do you prefer the cold? Well, then Canada can surely be what you are looking for. Canada is a multi seasonal country with beaches in British Columbia and mountains in the Hudson Bay lowlands.

3. The best community ever: in Canada, you never have to worry about living next to a mean neighbour or going to school with many kids that can be classified as bullies. Canada is one of the nicest places with the kindest people that you will ever meet.

4. Easy transportation: did you know that Canada has two bridges that connect to America, one in Windsor Ontario and the other in Vancouver British Columbia! It also has large airports that an fly you to The other side of the world.

5. Great jobs: inn Canada, you get payed well for everything that you do and can be whatever you want without having To worry. From a mechanic to a teacher.

6. The best view: Canada has the best views that you will find, from oceans to mountains to forests. Whatever you want!

7.We support nature: here in Canada, we believe that breathing that good fresh air and being able to walk in pure nature is important. We have built big city’s and we still try to let nature thrive!

8. Multi religious; in Canada, we have many religions and we believe that no matter who worships what we should all be treated equally, we support all people because we are all worth the same!

Please come to Canada!