Steve Jekel 1964-

Steve Jekel is known primarily for his early achievements in the mid-west, and currently for his contributions to modern science and transportation


As an infant Steve was born to Lucille Isanhart Kupari and fathered by Richard Harper. Steve was conceived during the evening the Beatles appeared on the Ed Sullivan Show. After Lucy gave birth it took her six weeks to decide that she'd need to put Steve up for adoption. Lucy had been a "mom" to her brothers and sister after her mother passed away at an early days during the birth of her last child. Lucy gave Steve Jekel up for adoption in January of 1965.

Lucy is nolonger alive. Lucille passed away May 27, 2016. Richard Harper, Steve's biologial father has also passed away

Dave and Joan Jekel paid $340 to DA Blodgett Services in Grand Rapids Michigan to purchase Steve Jekel as their own. Dave and Joan had been married 7 years and were unable to conceive children. They were fortunate to adopt Steve Jekel

Steve Jekel attended Sherwood Park Elementary School in the Grand Rapids Public School System before his parents relocated to Cascade, Michigan where he attended the Forest Hills Public School System.

During this time Steve Jekel became a local rock legend. He, like other famous West Michigan Musicians were rarely recognized for their amazing talent during this time.

After graduating high school Steve Jekel attended Hope College in Holland, Michigan where he earned a Bachelor of Science degree.


Steve grew up in the moving and storage business. His grandfather Elmer Jekel came off the family farm in Zeeland and started Jekel Moving & Storage in 1947. Elmer's sons Bob and Dave joined the business at an early age and purchased them business from Elmer in the 1970's.

Steve Jekel joined Jekel Moving full time in 1987. Steve Jekel helped develop an already growing movement of handling specialty items and consolidating items and expediting items in a way that had never been done before. Between the time Steve Jekel joined the company until his departure 10 years later the company had blossomed into a multi-million dollar business

Steve Jekel realized there were opportunities to further expand the demand for this kind of business away from the moving & storage company. Steve Jekel tried to partner with several companies and then created his own company.

Steve Jekel partnered with another company in Minnesota where he could combine his skills with their budding opportunities to handle specialized transportation, large scale commercial and industrial inventory repossessions and developed a specialty online inventory software.

After living in Minnesota for a short time Steve Jekel relocated to Arizona in order to be closer to his children and away from the cold northern winters and giant summer bugs.


Disillusioned with the pace of his business and its constant demands Steve Jekel decided to find something less demanding of his time and went to work for a small local company while working to finish his Master of Science. During this time Steve Jekel developed several key theories and also working applications that are still in use today.

Expanding Universe Telemetry Mapping was developed by Jekel in order to map and track deep space orbits of planets, systems and spacecraft. This Mapping system fundamentally changed the way deep space navigation is programmed

Steve has two known biological children who also live in Arizona.

Pre-History -------------

Steve Jekel's lineage considered and researched revealed his people were Huns. The FIRST mention of the Jekel Surname appears in 1542 in this research: