Stick/Block A wonderful game from the Viking era. It is great to play at BBQs or any outdoor event.

The premise: It an elegant blend of strategy and luck that promises for all.

The game: 6 sticks and 11 blocks. Set up 5 small blocks along each teams’ throw line. The 1 large block goes in the middle of the field. This block will be covered later. Each team throws all 6 sticks at the other team’s line of small blocks. If any small blocks are knocked over, they are tossed into the other team’s field. These blocks ( the front line) now must be eliminated before the main line can be targeted. Once one team throws the 6 sticks, any small blocks knocked over will be tossed, then the other team gets to throw the 6 sticks. Once all small blocks of the opposing team are knocked over, the large block in the center can be targeted. This block being knocked over ends the game. If all opposing small blocks are knocked over, this team wins. If all opposing blocks are NOT knocked over, this team loses.

The Vikings called this game “Kubb” (koob).