

I was born in California [USA] and grew up in Hollywood until the mid-1960's when I moved to Israel: I speak, read and write English and Hebrew with a smattering of Spanish and French, and a toothpick of Latin.

My formal education amounts to 4 years - but I am also an autodidact and bookworm with catholic tastes. I worked mainly in tourism for over 25 years before becoming executive secretary to an FDA consultancy, then 'retired' (!) into marriage. Widowed in 2008, I went back to work part-time in 2010 and finally retired in 2017.

My name means “Song of God” in Hebrew.

I joined Wikipedia to broaden my horizons, discover new interests and enjoy contributing to something so worthwhile.


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Luciano Pavarotti, 1935-2007, R.I.P. - He made our hearts soar on the wings of his voice

March 14, 2018: Einstein's birthday, Pi Day, Stephen Hawking's death day:

"It would not be much of a universe if it wasn't home to the people you love."
quoted in a statement to the BBC by his children Lucy, Robert and Tim Hawking

"To Dr. Li Wenliang THE HERO of our time. R.I.P." 1986-2020

(note on floral tribute left at Central Hospital of Wuhan)

Articles added or expanded


  This user has been on Wikipedia for 17 years, 1 month and 6 days.
 This user lives in Israel.
<ref>This user recognizes the importance of citing sources.