Ebony magazine, September 1984, Page 131, "The Quanders:America's Oldest Black Family"
Quander Family
Nellie Quander
NPR article
Fairfax County Library article
Smithsonian Magazine
Quander Historical Society
Freedom in My Heart: Voices from the United States National Slavery Museum by Cynthia Jacobs Carter Page 91
Voices From Within the Veil edited by William H. Alexander, Cassandra L. Newby-Alexander, Charles H. Ford Page 193
I Cannot Tell a Lie by Linda Bryant(West Ford descendant) Page 441
Sarah Johnson's Mount Vernon: The Forgotten History of an American Shrine by Scott E. Casper, Pages 58-78
Page 36 & Page 11 Interpreting Food at Museums and Historic Sites by Michelle Moon
West Ford Legacy website
Chicago Tribune "Race splits Washington kin" by James Janega October 1, 2004
Mount Vernon burials
WAMU program @ Gum Springs
Hidden History of Northern Virginia by Charles A. Mills
Gum Springs Museum
West Ford family timeline
West Ford (ca. 1784/1785-1863) was a notable landowning African-American former slave in antebellum Fairfax County, Virginia who in 1833 founded the settlement of Gum Springs, the oldest African-American settlement in Fairfax County, Virginia. Ford was one of the last living people with personal knowledge of General George Washington's daily life. A former slave of Hannah Bushrod Washington (George Washington's sister-in-law) Ford was freed by her will and given land by the Washington family. He later purchased [200?] additional acres. Though his descendants state that West Ford was George Washington's son by Venus, a woman held as a slave by Hannah Bushrod Washington, that assertion remains unproven or many historians differ on that possibility.