Hier kan ek die pynbladsy ontwikkel


  • Intro
  • 1 Types of pain
  • 2 Selected common and serious causes of pain by region o 2.1 Head and neck o 2.2 Thoraxo 2.3 Abdomen o 2.4 Back o 2.5 Limbs o 2.6 Joints
  • 3 Physiology of nociception (commonly Physiology of pain) o 3.1 Pain receptors o 3.2 Transmission of pain signals in the central nervous system o 3.3 Analgesia
  • 4 Survival benefit
  • 5 Children and pain
  • 6 Phenotype and pain
  • 7 Pain and alternative medicine
  • 8 Philosophy of pain
  • 9 See also
  • 10 References
  • 11 External links



Pyn word op 2 maniere gedefn: In mense is dit die klagte of simptoom wat die persoon geskryf, en hierdie gebruik word weerspieel deur die iasp defn van: iasp def. Hierdie defn beklamtoon die feit dat 'n persoon wat pyn ondervind 'n subjekietwe emosie ondevinding beskryf, en betekn dat die bewustelose persoon dan nie pyn kan ondervind nie. In soverre as wat die pynlike stimulus nie deel van die persoon se bewuste geue en lewensondervinding word nie, is dit dan nie pyn nie. Behalwe hierdie ondervinding, kan pyn ook beskryf word as 'n biologiese geburtenis, en sekere skrywers meen dat dit voorkeur behoort te geniet. Lg kan egter 'n probleem veroorsaak, in soverre as wat plante en eenslleige diere ook 'n reaksie op skadelike stimuli toon, en dat dit moeilik is om hierdie reaksie gelyk te stel aan menslike pyn. Fisiologie van pyn In mense en die hoër diere is daar drie duidelik onderskeibare vorms van pynwaarneming, psigies emosioneel. fises lokaliserend en tiperend. onbewuste subkortikale pynresponse. lg is response op besering, nie noodwendig pyn nie. mens kan dieselfde respons ontlok met nie-pynlike stimuli in bewuste normale persone.

Pain Threshh


The term pain threshold refers to the minimum intensity or duration of a sensory stimulus at which it becomes interpreted as painful. In scientific literature the term is clearly differentiated from the term pain tolerance. Pain threshold is the minimum stimulus which elicits pain and involves measurement of stimulus intensity, whereas pain tolerance is the degree of pain which a subject can tolerate, and involves a measurement of a subject's response to pain.



Consider, as examples, the potentially painful stimuli of heat applied to the skin, pressure on a shin bone, or interruption of blood supply to a muscle. When applied at low intensity, or for a short time, these events are recognised as non-painful sensations. On progressively intensifying or prolonging the stimulus, a stage is reached where the subject/person would say "that is painful", or, in the case of animals, when some observable response occurs which is presumed to be indicative of pain. The temperature, pressure or duration of muscle ischaemia at which that change from ordinary sensation to pain occurs, is the pain threshold - it is a measure of the stimulus when the response occurs, but not a measure of the response.

Increased and decreased pain threshold


Pain threshold is mostly a function of how healthy the pain nerves and central pain processing pathways are, and of the chemical milieu in the tissues which the nociceptors innervate. It is commonly reduced by inflammation in the vicinity of nociceptors, such that normal touch becomes painful in the area of inflammation (allodynia). In such circumstances, the use of anti-inflammatory medications or physical therapies such as cooling or mild heat may return the nerve sensitivity or threshold to normal - it does not increase the threshold to above normal. Short of damaging pain nerves - such as may occur in nerve injuries or neuropathies - changing the pain threshold upwards usually requires pharmacological or physical interventions that last little longer than the duration of the intervention. Over a longer period, it is not changed by any mental or physical practice or training. In contrast, pain tolerance may be increased by physical, cognitive and affective measures.