Hello! I'm a brand new Wikipedian, hoping to contribute to the vast knowledge on this site. Unfortunately, formatting is not my strong suit, so please forgive me if I make any mistakes, screw something up, or make things look ugly in general. Thanks!

About Me


I am in my third year of college at the Univeristy of Wisconsin - Madison, but am currently studying abroad in London for the semester. I plan to graduate with a Bachelor's in English, with an emphasis in Creative Writing. I live in the Madison area with my parents and four younger siblings.

My interests lie mostly in the arts and pop culture: books, films, literature, video games, and music. In particular Star Wars and its Extended Universe, Lord of the Rings, the Temeraire series, and Assassin's Creed. I'll probably most active in these sorts of topics.

As for hobbies, I enjoy reading, writing, baking and cooking, playing guitar, and puttering around on the internet.