About me


Thank you for viewing my page, here's a little about myself. My name is Jori and I'm a Junior in high school currently enrolled at a college through a running start program. I'm interested in majoring in the healthcare field and hope to continue furthering my education in the medical field. Some hobbies I enjoy are traveling and hiking. Hiking is a great way to improve your cardiovascular fitness.[1] I'm from the PNW where there are numerous national parks and places to explore.

My Wikipedia interests


If I'm active on Wikipedia in the future, I'll probably do some work involving my community. This would include creating pages about local businesses and business owners. I enjoy sharing stories of those who pursue in their dream of becoming an entrepreneur.

Article Evaluation


The Civil Rights Movement has always been a topic admired since my freshman year of high school. I've studied books, viewed documentaries, and engaged in events that furthered my understanding of the topic. Wikipedia is a public, notable source for topics regarding the movement and fights for social justice over the years. I visited the Seattle Movement article on Wikipedia and found three aspects worth commenting on; citations, lack of emphasis, and structure.



There are a few citations in this article. Some of the sources I clicked on lead me to reliable websites about the subject. However, when I went to click links to other sources, one of the references was missing a title and another source was a dead link. The reference source without a title was a link to a website discussing segregation in Seattle. The dead link was what looked to be a timeline of The Seattle Opening House Campaign. This article could not only use more reliable and informative sources but up-to-date sources about each topic discussed.

Lack of Emphasis


When reviewing parts of the article, I was able to obtain new information on the movement and what occurred in Seattle during the 1960s. I was delighted to see different events presented in the article that happened about the time of the uprising. However, I felt that certain events that were discussed should have been elaborated a bit more. Since this article focuses on a significant period where the Civil Rights Movement was shifting, more information about particular activists and movements that occurred during the time of the uprising in Seattle should have been elaborated more. It’s important not only to speak on the topic that is presented but to compare how different activists and protests impacted the nation. It would also be helpful that more information about the Seattle Movement was added to the article.



The structure of the article is not all that bad. There are remarkable viewpoints as well as sources included that add to the topic addressed. However, the only thing I struggled with was correlating how each event rolled into the other.  Though the article does include critical information and embellishes many movements across the nation, the composition was difficult to grasp fully. I found it challenging to understand the movement in Seattle with multiple references tossed into random sections in the article. Placement of information in an article or paper can change how the audience comprehends it and can process information inaccurately if not presented structurally.



Overall, I think this article has some great information about the Seattle Movement. Some sources lead to more information about the Civil Rights Movement. Though the sources do need to be up to date and accessible. The information was elaborate and did cover a few movements that occurred in 1950, but could emphasize how those movements impacted society and the people of Seattle. The structure of the article does need to be fixed, yet it does not lack information about the event.


  1. ^ Corliss, Julie (28 September 2016). "Health benefits of hiking: Raise your heart rate and your mood". Harvard Health Publishing. Retrieved 12 April 2021.{{cite web}}: CS1 maint: url-status (link)