All translations below are my own. Copyright, if not expired, is held by the original authors.
editTranslation of Jałta by Jacek Kaczmarski
Like new tsars' residence, Servants know their duties, Far were the Tatars resettled, From where the world is judged.
Windows now see, the walls listen How coughs with his cigar the Lion, How squeaks the wheelchair pushed with the broken Democrat inside.
But nobody sees and nobody hears, Highlander's doings in the Crimean night, When with faithful comrades gesture He speaks with his legendary power.
Don't blame Stalin, He was not pulling the strings, It was not his fault, That Rooslvelt in Yalta had no strength. When the triumvirate together formed the history of the world, - It's obvious who played the Caesar's role and such is the truth behind Yalta.
In the weak light of cigar's butt Floated the face of Albion's lion: Let's not talk about the Baltic, Why would Europe need so many states? Poles? - after all there is just the matter that they have to live somewhere... Poland, it was always trouble... The Cripple cares and shakes.
But sooths them master of the house, Stroking his yellowish mustache: My country will lend them a helping hand, Later they can do what they want. Don't blame Churchill, He was not pulling the strings, After all, the triumvirate was only there So Stalin would get what he wanted. Who values peace, Will always back out of the fight - Win will the one who fears not the wars And such is the truth behind Yalta. The palace's walls strain to hear When to the Cripple speaks the Lion - - I believe in Stalin's truthful words He seems to care for Soviet's blood. And so the Cripple nods to that, Undaunted guardian of democracy Stalin, he's the man of the century The men of state, the leader! As alliance of great ones, it's not a cabal It's the world's future - freedom, order - With them, the weak will survive, And receive his share... of losses. Don't blame Roosevelt, Think what he had to endure! Pipe, cigar's smoke and bottle, Churchill, who cared not for alliances. After all, three empires talked about the borders, unclear ones: - and in the detail, Beria laid, And such is the truth behind Yalta.
So delegations flew away, Quiet became the tsar's Crimean castle. And when the West was loud with guns, Humans like cattle were hearded East. The free world later celebrated freedom, The fronts suddenly became empty - Flowers fell on the president's grave, And there were transports, so many transports.
The red dawn follows the night The voters voted, and Churchill left! And there the transports of live people, And there the camps of long death.
So don't blame the Trinity, History's judgment was behind it Designed in every detail - Each of them protected, what they had. They could have erred, in the moment - He was not a Pole, not a Balt... Only the victims are always right! And such is the truth behind Yalta.
editTranslation of Mury by Jacek Kaczmarski
He had youth and vision, they were legion He aided them with the song, singing of near dawn. They lit a thousand candles for him, their heads in smoke, He sang that it is time for the wall to fall, They sang together with him:
Pull the bars from the walls! Loose the chains, break the whip! And the walls will fall, fall fall! And bury the old world!
Soon they knew the song by heart and the melody itself Carried the old words, shivers of heart and heads. So they sung, the clapped in the rythm, like shots, And the chain was a burden, delayed was the dawn... And he still sung and played:
Pull the bars from the walls! Loose the chains, break the whip! And the walls will fall, fall fall! And bury the old world!
And they saw their numbers, they felt the strenght and time, And with the song that the dawn is near, they marched in the streets; They fell the monuments and cried out - He is with us! He is against us! Who's alone he is our worst enemy! And the singer was also alone.
He looked at the steadily marching crowds, In silence he listed to the thunder of their steps, And the walls grew, grew, grew The chain moved at their feet...
About the etiquette at the table
editTranslation of O Zachowaniu się przy stole by Jacek Kaczmarski (not finished).
Polish table prepared. On the tablecoth of standards Amidst sweat, honey, blood - millennium old pattern shines. On it dined the king, chancellor, priest, peasant and hussar, Threads come from the Ottomans, Germans added the skills. Lithuanian sew stubbornness into Poles carelessness. Wild emotions of heart the Cossack brought, sadness - the Jew. Italian latin sentences braided in the patient material, Esthetical conflict causing with the cyrillic.
Penelope of the nations - what she weaved she undued, Greed of the suitors sealed her fate; Until the work was taken by cold Deianira Weaving funeral clothes for doomed armies of Herculeses. On tragicomedic brocade we dine, When from straw in the boots we take out our spoons! Maybe not like we used too, not richer, not wealthier But - on ours we reach for the bowls and chalices!
Great hunger is caused by lords' fresh pâté, Strong cordial of ciuta throws a spark into the dry souls! We bite into the bloody meat And for holidays - we savor the holy bread. For delicate stomachs this is to serious a meal, The heads filled with thought have no room for more! Bodies shiver amids the golden crockery,
I gave up on that one... it gets way to difficult at that point - too many (old) words that are hard to translate...
editTranslation of Meldunek by Jacek Kaczmarski
In the quarries my people are fast and precise, We can see enthusiasm and honest engagement Every day everybody reports for work nobody is slacking off nobody steals All chains and tools are always in perfect condition
Work goes according to plan local marble is of the highest class Death rate is low physical condition is monitored Efficiency of work constantly rises and is independent of race Although on all fronts of work most endurance have the Germanics tribesman
We all realize how important is our toil for the state, Because of it buildings will raise that will amaze the world Squares streets straight roads triumphal arcs for the emperors Ports temples monuments inns and brothels
In them our part pride that will last centuries And so from that we draw strength even if we are forgotten Loyal and trustworthy till the end we will mine the marble That is the report like all the previous ones of older slave Spartacus the Thracian
editTranslation of Zegar by Jacek Kaczmarski
Those who cry "Freedom" - tighten ropes Those who cry "Bravery" - shake with fear He who cries "Memory" - forgot Those who cry "Mercy" - dream of executions "Wisdom" - repeats the fool "Honesty" - applauds lier For peace pleads the berseker For vegetarianism - the cannibal.
In the clock that is winded every days Arrows have fallen long ago And the weights of unknown events Predict two directions of the pendulum...
Those who cry "Strength" - their voice falters Those who cry "Loyalty" - betrayed Those who cry "Greatness" - so little "Transparency" - declares a hidden voice Demand the rules of the game - cheaters For death vote the defenders of life Who calls to believe - doesn't.
In the clock that is winded every days Arrows have fallen long ago And the weights of unknown events Predict two directions of the pendulum...
For recognition calls the belittled For piety - pride in chasuble For quiet - the bell ringer For honor - bulletproof head "I" - squeks one in the crowd "We" - who is afraid to act alone He who values love - unloved Who has hope - measures the ropes.
In the clock that is winded every days Arrows have fallen long ago And the weights of unknown events Predict two directions of the pendulum... When the thread of time goes back - It will sound again...
The conversion of Kniaz Jarema
editTranslation of Kniazia Jaremy Nawrócenie by Jacek Kaczmarski
Tremble in fear Cossack masses, horsers rear high, Knyaz Jarema is converting, Discarding Orthodox faith. Storm is coming, hearts are uneasy, Peasants - bearded priests and icons, And him - Lord King of Rus, Duchy bringing to the Crown.
Twenty years his soul slept, Till he saw Rome's cross' light, Knyaz Jarema, Knyaz Jarema, His children will fear his wrath.
Louldy plead Ruthenian folk: - Look into your soul, lord, Cause you give up all for nothing! And forsake us with your politics! Their pleas powerless, Knyaz prayed all night, - Who loves me - will go with me Or I will see him on stake!
Twenty years his soul slept, Till he saw Rome's cross' light, Knyaz Jarema, Knyaz Jarema, Blood of Rus' he offers to God.
- You will not reach through piety, Royal antechambers, Firestorm will grip Zaporizhia , Your inheritance will burn! - Before the inheritance is my homeland, Before my homeland is salvation, For Christ's wounds, Let the generations burn!
Twenty years his soul slept, Till he saw Rome's cross' light, Knyaz Jarema, Knyaz Jarema, He inflamed the souls of many.
- Blood for you, not the offices, Hate, not love, for prince of Rus', We are for Rzeczpospolita, Like nails to be shortened! - If he shortens, he will be burnt, For I will block with my cross, The Coroniers will yet see, Wisniowieccy's on their trone.
For hearts content the topic, Lies in the crypt under glass, Knyaz Jarema, Knyaz Jarema, Father of children put on stake, Knyaz Jarema, Knyaz Jarema, Neophite, as politician.
September's Ballad
editTranslation of Ballada Wrześniowa by Jacek Kaczmarski.
Long have we waited for this day, With hope impatient in our soul, When without words, Comrade Stalin, Would move the arrows on the map.
A single hurrah was heard along the borders, And before it ended, the guns spoke. Into the battle, with lightning speed, The Red Army was rushing.
What is this new history? Surprised will ask the Europe. What? Those are the boys of Molotov, And allies of Ribbentrop.
Victories mark their advance, Banner of freedom is full of glory. Heads of Polish owners, Are paving the entire Ukraine.
Podolia falls, Volhynia pays homage, The people welcome new system with a song, Mansions and churches burn And Christ with a bullet in the back of his head.
On the battlefields hands rise Into a breathtaking common fist Innumerable children of Stalin, Invincible spawn of Hitler.
The Versailles bastard is gone from the maps Jew and Belorussian are now free No more will Polish hand Force them against their will.
New freedom is told to them by Pravda The entire world is now informed That one banner will unite from now on The star, the sickle, swastika and hammer.
Those days will not be forgotten by history When Old World stood still in suprise And our descendants will celebrate After the first September - the seventeenth
Black Oceans (fragment)
editTranslation of Black Oceans by Jacek Duka.
Now on official pages here
University's poem
editREKTOR Przeskakuje najwyższe budynki za jednym zamachem Jest silniejszy od lokomotywy Jest szybszy od pocisku Chodzi po wodzie Rozmawia z Bogiem
PROREKTOR Przeskakuje niskie budynki za jednym zamachem Jest silniejszy od lokomotywy parowej Czasami dogania pocisk Chodzi po wodzie, gdy morze jest spokojne Rozmawia z Bogiem, jeżeli otrzyma specjalne pozwolenie
DZIEKAN Przeskakuje niskie budynki z rozbiegu i o tyczce Jest prawie tak silny jak lokomotywa parowa Potrafi strzelać z pistoletu Chodzi po wodzie na krytym basenie Czasami Bóg zwraca się do niego
PRODZIEKAN Ledwo przeskakuje budkę portiera Przegrywa z lokomotywą Czasami może trzymać broń bez obawy o samookaleczenie Bardzo dobrze pływa Rozmawia ze zwierzętami
PROFESOR Obija się o ściany próbując przeskoczyć jakikolwiek budynek Może zostać przejechany przez lokomotywę Nie dostaje amunicji Pływa pieskiem Mówi do ścian
DOKTOR Wbiega do budynków Rozpoznaje lokomotywę dwa na trzy razy Moczy się pistoletem na wodę Utrzymuje się na wodzie tylko dzięki kamizelce ratunkowej Bełkocze do siebie
PANI Z DZIEKANATU Podnosi budynki i przechodzi pod nimi Zwala lokomotywę z torów Łapie pocisk zębami i go rozgryza Zamraża wodę jednym spojrzeniem... ...Jest Bogiem
The Coming of Titans
editTranslation of Przybycie tytanów by Jacek Kaczmarski.
The titans are coming Sent to the world To remedy evil! And it just came, That they have already remedied it somewhere
Their steps have been felt for a while But their silhouettes are still not seen We only feel the earth shake Under their steps which drive it deep To East, to West we carefully look Whether we can see them over the horizon But still nothing, except their steps Some are holding their breath... Others don't hide a new thought - Maybe it is only ours heartbeat?
The titans are coming Sent to the world To remedy evil! And it just came, That they have already remedied it somewhere
Press criticizes false beliefs, But people are painting their houses Prisoners are being released early Army doubles the recruitment Flowers are hiding artillery Tanks are ready in the forests Agencies TASS and PAP are silent But we can still hear the titans step! They can be felt in every move and word - The titans are coming! The titans are coming! The titans are coming! The titans are coming!
Thunder! Boom! Creak! Dust!
The titans came To Earth descended To remedy evil We were too small - They didn't see Trampled