Original author(s)Chair for programming systems (TU Dortmund)
Developer(s)Sven Jörges, Marco Bakera
Written inJava
Operating systemWindows, Linux, Mac OS
Available inGerman, Englisch

ConnectIT is a computer program that allows for modeling of strategies for the famous board game Connect Four in a playful way. No programming skills are needed since strategies are modeled in a graphical way. It has been developed by the Chair for Programming Systems at Dortmund University of Technology.

Das Programm wurde bereits mehrfach erfolgreich in Veranstaltungen für Schüler und Studenten eingesetzt.[1][2][3] Entstanden ist es für Do-Camp-Ing - einer jährlich stattfindenden Orientierungsveranstaltung, die versucht, interessierte Schülerinnen und Schüler für ein Studium der Ingenieurswissenschaften zu motivieren. At Do-Camp-Ing ConnectIT soleley represents the computer science faculty.[4][5]

During the ISoLA (International Symposium on Leveraging Applications of Formal Methods, Verification and Validation) 2008 ConnectIT was first introduced to a scientific audience.[6]

Graphical Modeling of Strategies


Connect Four strategies in ConnectIT are build from components in a graphical way. A strategy is realized as a control flow graph that resembles the computation of the value of a column for the current game situation. The more valuable it is to insert the token into the current column, the higher is the current column's score. For the modeling process a pre-build collection of componentns is shipped with the software. These allow for scoring, a pattern-based board game analysis, and a primitive prognostic approach for forecasting.


