
is the pseudonym of the author who has combined several of his own creative facets: composer, arranger, sound engineer, video editor.

Instrumental music for mood: new age, ambient, relaxation, chill out, lounge, neo-classical.

The phrase is derived from the names of two loving people. Roman (author of music) and Oxy (his inspired muse and companion). It has nothing to do with the concept of "oxygen Rome".


Roman Shovikov was born 03.03.1973. He did not show musical talents until the age of 11, when he suddenly asked his mother to buy a trumpet instrument and take him to a music school. For the next year there were no more places in the class for a new trumpeter and my mother said: "Let's go to the clarinet? There are places and there is no difference what to play." Roman refused and began attending rehearsals of the orchestra of the district house of culture, gradually preparing himself for admission to a music school.

The next year, Roman enters the trumpet class and quickly enough his photo takes a place on the honor board of the best students of the school. In parallel with his studies in music and general education schools, Roman regularly attends rehearsals of the city's largest children's brass band in the central Palace of Pioneers. Thanks to the performances of this orchestra, Roman managed to visit the main stage of the Bolshoi Theater and even look into the famous semicircular window-door leading to the roof of the main entrance, where four symbolic horses - the Quadriga of Apollo - rise.

But in addition to spiritualized performances at such concert venues, the teenager Roman did not forget to visit his regional orchestra, which often performed at communist subbotniks and funerals. It was there that Roman earned his first $ 6.5 when he was 13 years old. When he proudly brought home the fee, my mother said that music should be given to people free of charge and forced Roman to transfer these funds to the account of the Peace Foundation. There was such a fund in the Soviet Union that helped the children of Africa, as they said on television at the time.

After graduating from general education and music schools, Roman decides to become a graduate of a military orchestra. The people called it "the son of the regiment", when the musicians live in the barracks, eat in the soldiers' canteen and hone their skills at the rehearsals of the orchestra, marching. Thanks to military discipline and the strengthened sound of the trumpet, Roman participates in the Parade of Troops on Red Square, as a member of the combined orchestra in 1988.

After that, Roman begins to attend rehearsals of a jazz orchestra and lessons of the famous trumpet-composer, Honored Artist of Russia Oleg Stepurko. The teacher's lessons were a real revelation for Roman, and completely changed his fate. The teacher said that the positioning of the mouthpiece and the habit of playing was completely unsuitable for a jazz trumpeter, since the high notes were physically unattainable. All attempts to change something were unsuccessful and playing the trumpet had to be left in the past. Oleg Stepurko saved the world from another trumpeter, but in return presented an arranger and composer. The teacher opened Roman's great interest in improvisation and since then Roman began to perceive music, laying it out "for parts", constantly mentally adding something to any piece. So a new stage in creative development began ...

In the following years, Roman worked actively in the studio with various musicians, making arrangements, producing recordings of numerous vocalists, organizing performances by famous artists, releasing collections and gradually coming to create his own sound project.

In 2021, the first Oxiroma single "Ascetic" is released.

To be continued...

Links to creative materials:

Youtube channel: Oxiroma

SoundCloud: Oxiroma

Spotify: Oxiroma

Apple Music / iTunes: Oxiroma

Music.Yandex: Oxiroma

Musicbrainz: Oxiroma