Ma numesc Osolos Cristian Daniel, sunt din Constanta - Romania si detin un Cavia porcellus in varsta de 8 luni, femela, pe nume: Misha. As vrea sa obtin pe aceasta cale cat mai multe informatii despre acest tip de rozatoare cat si despre eventuale concursuri in care sunt implicate astfel de animale. Este un exemplar extrem de frumos, fotogenic si inteligent.

My name is Osolos Cristian Daniel, from Constanta - Romania and i own a Cavia porcellus, female, cca 8 months, named: Misha. I would like to get all the possible information about this kind of animal, particulary on the one i own ( see photos ) as well as about beauty contests( if they exist ) which involve these kind of animals. My pig is an extremly beautiful, photogenic and inteligent animal.