This is a sandbox, nothing here is real. These are a bunch of alliances and wars from the game Call of War. These stories are from several matches from said game.

Central Pact

Central Pact
Централни пакт
Formation14 May 1932; 92 years ago (1932-05-14)
DissolvedJanuary 6, 1945; 79 years ago (1945-01-06)
HeadquartersBelgrade, Socialist Republic of Serbia, Socialist Federal Republic of Yugoslavia

The Central Pact was a coalition founded in 1932 by the Socialist Federal Republic of Yugoslavia, Yugoslavia created it with the purpose of gathering an alliance for the increasingly tense political scenario in Europe. Originally it consisted of it's founding member, SFR Yugoslavia, along with Poland and the Russian Empire, however due to the Tsar falling to a coup in the country and their inability to keep fighting, Russia was forced to part ways with the coalition. It was at this moment that the German Empire, who was part of the Allied Powers, which was the Central's Pact greatest enemy as Greater Romania, a member of the Allied Powers, invaded Yugoslavia, on France's orders. Yugoslavia however, repelled the invasion annexing the entirety of Romania within a matter of weeks. Germany, was disatisfied with the Allied Powers, as they did not approve of the Yugoslav invasion, and as such started working with the Central Pact to defeat France, commencing the Battle of France. After Germany proved they were not going to betray the Central Pact, they were approved into it.

The Central pact was dissolved on January 6th, 1945 after the coalition won the Great European War and brought peace and freedom to millions. After their victory was achieved, the countries that were part of it kept greet economic and political relations, however the coalition itself was dissolved as there were no ongoing war. One thing that was stated on the dissolution document was that if there were to be another war of such scale, the Central Pact would unite once more, to restore the peace that they brought with their victory.





Krasniy Pact

Krasniy Pact
FormationJuly 9, 1932; 92 years ago (1932-07-09)
Nikolai Tasković

The Krasniy Pact was created by Yugoslavia after the dissolution of the monarchy and establishment of a Socialist Federal Republic by Nikolai Tasković on July 9th 1932, not soon after Poland joined the alliance. In 1932 Greater Romania declared war starting a World War, Romania lost the war as Yugoslavia. Yugoslavia and Poland won the war achieving great territorial gains. Finland received and invitation to become the alliance's third member and accepted it, thus making the Krasniy Pact the strongest military alliance in Europe. Many more wars were to come, such as the sucessful Polish and Finnish invasion of the USSR, the Yugoslav invasion of Greece, Finnish invasion of Sweden, Yugo-Italian invasion of Albania, which would lead to Italy capturing Tirana with Yugoslavia annexing the rest. However on July 16th Tirana would be bought for 25,000 USD by Yugoslavia. Another war was the Yugoslav invasion of Bulgaria which led to Yugo-Turkish War.

Yugo-Turkish War


During the Yugo-Turkish war, the 3rd Light Tank Division of the JNA annexed Ankara on the first day of the invasion, and despite heavy Turkish attacks, did not take any casualties. Afterwards the 6th Light Tank Brigade came to help, annexing Nazilli, and moving through out the southern part of Turkey. On July 17th, 1946 Turkey had been fully annexed by Yugoslavia, with the exception of Jawf, which had revolted to Turkey some years prior, however it was later annexed by Italy during it's invasion of Egypt.

Krasniy-Ukrainian War


After the successful invasion of Turkey, Yugoslavia and Poland invaded Ukraine keeping the promise that they would end the KKK alliance which consisted of Ukraine, Turkey, and Egypt. Ukraine was divided in half, between 2 zones, Yugoslav and Polish. The southern half was to be Yugoslav while the northern, Polish. Chisinau was the first to fall in the surprise attack from Yugoslavia, which started the war on July 18th, 1946. Poland commenced their attack the following day.

Krasniy-Proximus War


On July 23rd 1950 the Spanish Prime minister announced he would close the Gibraltar straight by saying the following :

SPAIN - Official government communiqué, 08:02

The Spanish Government and Navy will be enforcing new regulations on maritime transportation between the Mediterranean Sea, and Atlantic Ocean. As a result, in the coming days, the Strait of Gibraltar will be heavily fortified on the naval frontier. Meaning that, if you try to pass, you will be fired upon.

However, in the need of passing through, there is a fee of: 2 tons of: Metal or Oil 3 tons of: Any other Resource

Sorry for the inconvenience.

From the Spanish Prime Minister, Salazar Martínez


After that France announced that they would also fortify the straight with battleships and submarines.

The following day, July 24th, 1950, the Yugoslav President Nikolai Tasković declared war on the Proximus pact after Spanish Blockade of the Gibraltar straight, which he called a direct insult to the Krasniy Pact.

YUGOSLAVIA - Official government communiqué, 20:22

For 16 days we have maintained peace, however in light of the recent Proximus blockade of the Gibraltar Straight, this peace must be broken as this is a direct insult to us.

We have the intention of freeing the Gibraltar straight and establishing a lasting peace.

As of now I declare war against the Proximus pact

— Nikolai Tasković, Declaration of War

After this declaration multiple 2K11 Krug rockets were shot to Italy, and within a matter of days the entire Italian Peninsula had fallen to Krasniy control. Prior to the declaration of war Italy had been split in two zones, of Polish and Yugoslav influence to the north and south respectively, this was declared in the Ljubljana Treaty, which stated the war was to start on July 25th, however due to Italian concern the Krasniy pact had to invade on the same day. Sankt Pölten was the first city to fall. Rome fell on July 25th, 1950 which resulted in Italy having to change their capital to Sirte. However the people of Sirte revolted and joined the United Kingdom which was being invaded by Finland.

After the declaration of war Finland released their declaration of war to the newspaper.

GREATER FINLAND - Official government communiqué, 23:02 At 17:21 The Krasiny pact declared war on the Proximus pact, Finnish people celebrated and the army has begun to deploy because soon the plauge that is known as "Proximus pact" shall be crushed and squeezed out of western Europe and Northern Africa. Finnish troops shall fight to the last man, the last shell, their last breath alongside their comrades in the Polish Republic and Yugoslavia They have taken an oath to free western Europe and Africa for a brighter future. Long live the Republic of Poland! Long live Yugoslavia! And Long live Greater Finland! Onward to Rome! Paris! And Madrid!


SFR Yugoslavia and Poland invaded the European part of Italy and France, however their African parts were solely invaded by SFR Yugoslavia. Finland however attacked the United Kingdom, parts of France and Spain.

During this time the Polish monarchy came to an end under Wasilij Kovalczenko due to Yugoslavia's strict anti-monarchy policy Poland became a Republic.

The JNA annexed Luxor on July 26th, 1950 at 12:08 this marked the end of the Proximus Pact and victory for the Krasniy Pact, as with the fall of that city the had become the most powerful Military alliance in the world, and had gathered strong support from various countries.

At 10:14pm Yugoslavia's President Nikolai Tasković announced their victory over the Proximus Pact and the victory of the Krasniy Pact in regards to the war which was called the Liberation War.

YUGOSLAVIA - Official government communiqué, 22:17

After mere days of fighting, every capital belonging to members of the Proximus Pact have fallen, and now Madrid, the capital of the Proximus Pact's leader Spain has fallen into Yugoslav hands. We said we would liberate the Gibraltar straight, Europe and Northern Africa and we will stay true to those promises! The middle east has already been fully liberated along with the Italian peninsula, and now we will keep on marching forward!

Comrades all of you have fought well, this victory would not have been possible without the collaboration of the Finnish Army, and the Polish Army and of course the brave men of the Yugoslav People's Army!

The Krasniy Pact is the strongest alliance in the world as of right now and we will use all of our strength to maintain the peace that we have worked so hard to establish, in honor of all of those who fought by our side, the one's who fell and those who lived to tell the tale of how the bravely liberated Europe and Africa from the selfish Proximus Pact, thank you! For without you it would not have been possible.

May this peace that we establish last on!

Long live the Socialist Federal Republic of Yugoslavia, The Polish Republic and Greater Finland!

The Liberation War has been a victory for the Krasniy Pact

Glory to the Krasniy Pact!


