This page is used for investigating how different postal entities categorize the tracking numbers of mail packages based on the S10 standard published by the Universal Postal Union.

Code Name (en)
L International
33 Parcel Post
Code Name (en) Name (fr)
C International Parcel Surface Colis de surf.-Intl
L Tracked Packet - USA[a]
International Inbound Express[b]
Paquet repérable - É.-U.[a]
Exprès international arrivant[b]
Expedited Parcels Colis accélérés

Tracking statuses

Text (en) Text (fr)
Electronic information submitted by shipper Les renseignements électroniques ont été soumis par l'expéditeur
Delivery preference - Front door Préférence de livraison - Porte d'entrée
Item accepted at the Post Office
International item mailed in originating country Article international expédié dans le pays d'origine
International item processed in originating country Article international traité dans le pays d'origine
International item being forwarded to destination country
International item has left originating country and is en route to Canada Article du régime internat. sorti du pays d'origine et en route pour le Canada
International shipment has arrived in a foreign country
Item has arrived in foreign country
Item has arrived in Canada and will be presented for review L'article est arrivé au Canada et sera présenté aux fins d'examen
Shipment arrived in Canada and will be presented for customs review L'envoi est arrivé au Canada et sera présenté aux fins d'examen douanier
Item was released by Customs and is now with Canada Post for processing Dédouanement complété. Article fut expédié au centre du traitement de courrier.
Item arrived Article arrivé
Item processed Article traité
Item departed L'article est parti
Item in transit Article en transit
Item has arrived at the delivery office in the destination country
Item redirected to recipient's new address
Item out for Delivery
Item successfully delivered
Delivered Livré
Delivered to recipient's front door Livré à la porte avant du destinataire
Code 邮政称呼 EMS称呼
A 国际非邮 国际商业快件
C 国际普邮包裹 国际包裹
E 国际特快 国际特快专递 (EMS)
FT 两岸快捷邮件 (台湾快件)
KH 快递包裹
L 国际特快 e邮宝 (EMS)
LW 国际 (地区) 特快
R 国际给据函件 国际平信、国际挂号信刷
U[c] 小包
XA 国内给据信函 邮政挂号信
1 国内特快专递 特快专递 (EMS)
9 国内快递包裹 快递包裹
Code Name (da)
L Sporbare breve[a]
T&T brev fra udlandet[b]

PostNord MyPack Home
Code Name (de) Name (en) Abgewickelt von (de)
Handled by (en)
DHL Sendung DHL shipment DHL Parcel
GM DHL eCommerce Solutions
DHL Express
L Warenpost International Tracked Tracked International DHL Parcel
R Einschreiben
Brief mit Einschreiben
Registered Item Deutsche Post

Tracking statuses

Text (de) Text (en)
Die Sendung wurde elektronisch angekündigt. Sobald die Sendung von uns bearbeitet wurde, erhalten Sie weitere Informationen. The instruction data for this shipment have been provided by the sender to DHL electronically.
Die Sendung befindet sich im Weitertransport zu DHL. The shipment is in transit to DHL.
Die Sendung ist im Start-Paketzentrum eingetroffen. The shipment has arrived at the parcel center of origin.
Die Auslandssendung wurde an DHL übergeben und wird für den Weitertransport in das Zielland/Zielgebiet vorbereitet. The international shipment has been processed in the parcel center of origin.
Die Sendung ist im Export-Paketzentrum eingetroffen. The shipment has arrived at the export parcel center.
Die Auslandssendung wurde im Export-Paketzentrum bearbeitet und ist auf dem Weg in die Region des Empfängers. The international shipment has been processed in the export parcel center.
Die Sendung wird ins Zielland/Zielgebiet transportiert und dort an die Zustellorganisation übergeben. The shipment will be transported to the destination country/destination area and, from there, handed over to the delivery organization.
Die Sendung ist im Zielland/Zielgebiet eingetroffen. The shipment has arrived in the destination country/destination area.
Die Sendung wurde im Paketzentrum bearbeitet. The shipment has been processed in the parcel center.
Die Sendung wird zum Weitertransport vorbereitet.[d] The shipment has been processed in the parcel center.
Die Sendung wurde in das Zustellfahrzeug geladen. Die Zustellung erfolgt voraussichtlich heute. The shipment has been loaded onto the delivery vehicle.
Die Sendung wurde erfolgreich zugestellt. The shipment has been successfully delivered.
Code Name (zh-t) Name (en)
E 出口特快專遞
Outward Speedpost
Inward Speedpost
L 出口易網遞
Outward e-Express
Inward e-Express
R 出口掛號信件
Outward Registered Letter
Inward Registered Letter

Tracking statuses

Text (zht) Text (en)
Sender is preparing item for posting
已投寄郵件 Posted
已投寄郵件 (電子報關資料已提交) Posted (Electronic customs information submitted)
抵達處理中心 Arrived at processing centre
已完成處理,準備離開 Process completed for departure
已交付運輸公司/出發前往目的地 Handed over to carrier / Left for destination
送達處理中心(目的地互換局) Arrived at processing centre (inward office of exchange)
Presented to customs
海關查驗中 Held by customs
準備離開海關/處理中心(目的地互換局) Released from Customs / Despatched from processing centre (inward office of exchange)
已離開海關 Released from customs
已離開海關/處理中心(目的地互換局) Released from Customs / Despatched from processing centre (inward office of exchange)
送達派遞局 Arrived at delivery office
Not yet delivered (delivery held up at addressee's request)
未能完成派遞 (無人收件 - 將再次派遞) Delivery incomplete (recipient not available - to be re-delivered)
成功派遞 Delivered
成功派遞到信箱 Delivered to letter box


Code Name (is) Name (en)
C Pakki til útlanda International Parcel


Code Name (is) Name (en)
Pakki frá útlöndum International Parcel


Code Name (ja) Name (en)
C 国際小包 Parcel
L 国際eパケットライト International ePacket Light
R 国際書留・保険付書状 Registered Mail / Insured Mail


Code Name (ja) Name (en)
C 国際小包一般 Parcel
L 国際eパケットライト International ePacket Light
R 国際書留 Registered Mail
外国来郵便 International Mail Service (Inbound)

Tracking statuses

Text (ja) Text (en)
引受 Posting/Collection
中継 En route
国際交換局に到着 Arrival at outward office of exchange
Arrival at inward office of exchange
国際交換局から発送 Dispatch from outward office of exchange
Departure from inward office of exchange
保税運送中 Dispatch to overland transport
保税運送到着 Arrival at over land transport
税関検査のため税関へ提示 Item presented to import Customs
通関手続中 Held by import Customs
輸入取止め Import stopped
税関から受領 Item returned from import Customs
区分局に到着 Item into sorting centre
区分局から出発 Item out of sorting centre
到着 Processing at delivery Post Office
配達予定日 Scheduled delivery date
持ち出し中 Allocated to delivery staff
配達局から出発 Item out for physical delivery
ご不在のため持ち戻り Absence. Attempted delivery.
保管 Retention
配達局で保留 Item held at delivery depot/delivery office
配達希望受付 A request for re-delivery was received.
配達予定日: Scheduled delivery date:
午前 From 08:00 to 12:00
午後1 From 12:00 to 14:00
午後2 From 14:00 to 16:00
夕方 From 16:00 to 18:00
夜間1 From 18:00 to 20:00
夜間2 From 19:00 to 21:00
受取拒否 Refused by Addressee
差出人に返送 Returned to Sender
差出人に返送済み Returned to sender
留置局に到着 Item arrival at collection point for pick-up
お届け済み Final delivery
窓口でお渡し Final delivery - Collected at counter
Code Name (ko) Name (en)
E 국제특급 International Express
L 국제일반 Ordinary Mail
Code Name (zh-t) Name (pt) Name (en)
C 郵政包裹 Encomenda Parcel
E 特快專遞 Correio Rápido EMS
R 掛號郵件 Objectos Registados Registered Item
Code Name (en)
E Express
J Overnight
L Economy
Code Name (no) Name (en)
3707 Pakke levert hjem Home delivery parcel
Code Name
E Speedpost Priority (Intl)
LZSGD Speedpost Standard (SG)
R Registered Mail
Code Name (sv) Name (en)
R Registrerat Registered
0025 PostNord MyPack Collect
Code Name (de) Name (fr) Name (it) Name (en)
E Internationale Sendung Expédition internationale Spedizioni internazionali International shipment
R Einschreiben Ausland Recommandé Étranger Raccomandata Estero Registered International
U[c] Warensendung Ausland Envoi international Spedizione internazionale International consignment
99 PostPac Priority

Tracking statuses

Text (de) Text (fr) Text (it) Text (en) Text (API) (en)
Zeitpunkt der Aufgabe Ihrer Sendung Moment du dépôt de l'envoi Impostazione Time at which your consignment was mailed Mailed
Ankunft an der Verarbeitungs-/Abholstelle Arrivée à l'office de traitement/retrait Arrivo presso il punto di lavorazione/ritiro Arrival at the processing/collection point Arrival at origin border point
Abgang ins Ausland Expédition à l'étranger Inoltro all’estero Forwarding abroad The consignment has left the origin border point
Ankunft Bestimmungsland Arrivée pays de destination Arrivo nel paese di destinazione Arrival in destination country Arrival at border point in the destination country
Sendung wurde sortiert und weitergeleitet Envoi trié et transmis L'invio è stato spartito e inoltrato Sorting - forwarding Handover to domestic sorting
Zugestellt durch Distribué par Recapitato attraverso Delivered by Delivered
Code Name (zh-t)
C 國際及大陸包裹郵件
E 國際快捷郵件
大陸快捷、兩岸速遞 (快捷)
LH 兩岸郵政e小包郵件
LT 國際e小包郵件
0208 國內快捷/掛號/包裹
9522 包裹

Tracking statuses

Text (zht)
已出口 — 資料如右方
Code Name
E Parcelforce (International)
FN Parcelforce (Domestic)
G Royal Mail Tracked 48
L International Tracked
O Royal Mail Tracked 48
R International Tracked and Signed
Code Name
C Priority Mail
E Priority Mail Express (EMS)
H Priority Mail (ECOMPRO)
L First-Class Package International Service: Small Packets
R Registered Mail
U[c] First-Class Package International Service: International Letter
7 Certified Mail
9 USPS Tracking

Tracking statuses

Text (en)
Shipping Label Created, USPS Awaiting Item
USPS in possession of item
Departed Post Office
Accepted at USPS Origin Facility
Arrived at USPS Regional Facility
Departed USPS Regional Facility
In Transit to Next Facility
Origin Post is Preparing Shipment
Processed Through USPS Regional Facility
Held in Customs
Customs Clearance
Customs Clearance Processing Complete
Processed Through Facility
Arrived at Post Office
Out for Delivery
Awaiting Delivery Scan
Attempted Delivery - Item being held, addressee being notified
Notice Left (No Authorized Recipient Available)
Delivered, Front Desk/Reception/Mail Room
Delivered, Individual Picked Up at Post Office


  1. ^ a b c Outbound mail only.
  2. ^ a b c Inbound mail only.
  3. ^ a b c Tracked in origin only.
  4. ^ This sentence translates to: "The consignment is prepared for further transport."