Hello mates, my name is MrActiniuM, and I'm from the Philippines.
Just a quick summary here, I am a great photographer, but unfortunately, I use an old Samsung Galaxy S6 edge to photograph places. However, just on 3 November 2024, i've got a new TCL 505 phone with better resolution (4096x3072).
I like travelling to natural places, and love bushwalking and photographing.
Now I am actually a child, and here are some photos of me (some not showing my face)
And yes, I do grow very long hair at around September to January. (January's when I have a haircut). And I like beanies like shown in my photos.
I play the guitar, (see audio file) I can whistle,(see end of audio file) and I can pronounce the longest word in english: Pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanoconiosis. (see video)