Temporary files


I need a note here.[a] And another here. [1]

Dynasty templates

Inscription to Valentinian I and Valens from Esztergom on the Danube, dedicated:
Imperatores Caesares dd nn
Valentinianus [e]t Valens fratres
concordissimi victores maximi
ac triumphatores [s]emperque Augusti...
("the Imperatores Caesar, Our Lords Valentinian and Valens, most concord brothers, greatest victors and triumphatores, and eternal Augusti …")

History of Anatolia Project
Prehistory 500,000 BC – 700 BC
Classical Era 700 BC – 400 AD
Byzantine Era 400 AD – 1,000 AD
Modern Era 1,000 AD – Current

Michael Goodyear/sandbox

Crisis of the Third Century
Barracks emperors235-
Crisis of the Third Century
Roman imperial dynasties
Severan dynasty
Septimius Severus 193198
-with Caracalla 198209
-with Caracalla and Geta 209211
Caracalla and Geta 211211
Caracalla 211217
Interlude: Macrinus 217218
Elagabalus 218222
Alexander Severus 222235
Severan dynasty family tree
Category:Severan dynasty
Preceded by
Year of the Five Emperors
Followed by
Crisis of the Third Century

version as of November 17

Roman imperial dynasties
Valentinianic dynasty
Eastern Empire
Show list
Valens 364–378
Gratian, as sole Emperor 378–379
Western Empire
Show list
Valentinian I 364–375
Gratian 375–383
Valentinian II, in competition with 383–392
Magnus Maximus (usurper) 383–388
Interregnum: Eugenius (usurper) 392–394
Interregnum: Honorius (Theodosian dynasty), with 393–423
Constantius III 421
Interlude: Joannes (usurper) 423–425
Valentinian III 425–455
Preceded by
Constantinian dynasty (306–363) and Jovian (363–364)
Followed by
Petronius Maximus (455), Palladius & Eudoxia (455), and non dynastic emperors (455–480) in the west (Fall of the Western Roman Empire), Theodosian dynasty (379–457) in the east

Category:Valentinianic dynasty Dynasties Category:Ruler navigational boxes



Use this template for Roman royalty related to the Severan dynasty. For Emperors, use Template:Infobox monarch. For non-(blood)related, military persons connected to the Severans, use Template:Infobox Military Person.

{{Severan dynasty|
|image  	= [[Image:X|Xpx]]
|caption        = image caption
Roman imperial dynasties
Constantinian dynasty
Constantine I as Caesar 307311
-with Maximinus II as Caesar 307311
-with Galerius and Severus as Augusti 307308
-with Galerius and Licinius as Augusti 308311
-with Maxentius as usurper in Rome (and Asia Minor 311-312) 308312
Constantine I as Caesar (self proclaimed Augustus) 311312
-with Maximinus II and Licinius as Augusti of East and West 311312
Constantine I as Augustus of the West 312324
Licinius as Augustus of the East 312324
-with Constantine II, Crispus and Licinianus as Caesares 317324
Constantine I as sole Emperor 324337
Constantine II as Augustus of Gaul, Britannia and Hispania 337340
Constans as Augustus of Italy and Africa (and Gaul, Britannia and Hispania 340-350) 337350
Constantius II as Augustus of Asia and Egypt 337350
Constantius II as sole Emperor 350361
Preceded by
Followed by
Jovian and Valentinian dynasty