Be sheekee/Buffalo by Francis Vincenti in the U.S. Capitol. He was a Leech Lake War Chief that meet Governor Ramsey on 15 Sept. 1862 and offered to fight the Sioux.[1]
Aysh-ke-bah-ke-ko-zhay/Flat mouth Bust in the U.S. Capitol. He was the head Leech Lake War Chief who meet the Governor on 15 Sept. 1862 offering to fight the Sioux.[1]

Lost Chippewa/Ojibwa History

On 15 September 1862 Gull Lake Chief Hole-in-the-day offered to fight the Sioux meeting with Gov. Ramsey at Crow Wing.[1] NARA identifies him as Sioux in this image.
U.S. Indian Commissioner William P. Dole seated, John G. Nicolay (Lincoln's private Secretary) standing at the Big Lake, Minnesota encampment in mid-August 1862. They were enroute to make a treaty with the Chippewa on the Red River that was cancelled due to the Uprising. Nicolay had been sent as Lincoln's personal representative to the Chippewa.
U.S. treaty Commission mid-August 1862. Enroute to meet the Red Lake and Pembina bands on the Red River. Lincoln's private secretary Nicolay on horse at left with the militia escort.[2]

Tales of the Ojibwa, The New York Times, Jan 19, 1890, p.10,, 2024 [1]

1850 The Minnesota Pioneer reported that Little Crow had challenged Hole-in-the-day to a knife duel.[3]

1855 The Chippewa joined the Yankton Sioux and "Missouri half breeds" in a large battle versus the Mdewakanton near the Lower Sioux Agency.[4] The "half breeds" were Ojibwa Metis.[5]

Multiple papers published, that early St. Paul, without Chief Hole-in-the-Day, would have been like the play "Hamlet" with no Hamlet.[6]

Hole-in-the-Day was made a citizen of the State of Minnesota by special act in 1855.[7] In Anishinaabe culture leadership is divided between civil administration and military operations with leaders specific to one or the other.

In 1858 the Leaman Rifle Works delivered rifles to the Chippewas of the Mississippi, Pillagers, and Lake Winnibigoshish as part of their annuity payments.[8][9]

Less than a month after the attack on Fort Sumpter a Chippewa and Sioux delegation traveled to Washington to tender 300 warriors to the Government. California Farmer and Journal of Useful Sciences, Vol 15, No. 11, 10 May 1861, California Digital Newspaper Collection, UC Riverside, CA, 2024 [2]

10 August, 1861 a significant engagement was reported between the Chippewa and Sioux on the Pembina River. Nevada Democrat, Vol 8, No. 510, 12 Sept. 1861, California Digital Newspaper Collection, UC Riverside, CA, 2024 [3]

On August 13, 1862 a train of 30 wagons with treaty goods intended for the Red Lake and Pembina bands of Chippewa, departed St. Cloud, Minnesota for the Red River Valley.[10] The two bands were supposed to sign a treaty on the 25th of August 1862 with the U.S. Government.[10]

On 17 August Lt. Sheehan, with his C Co. 5th Minn. men, departed the upper Sioux Agency to return to Fort Ripley to escort the Chippewa treaty commission, to the Red River valley.[11] Instead, they were called to the defense of Fort Ridgely leaving Fort Ripley incapable of providing an escort. The treaty commission arrived at St. Cloud on 18 August and organized a militia escort.

When the Mdewkanton uprising began Gov. Ramsey sent former Territorial Supreme Court Judge David Cooper, who was legal adviser to Hole-in-the-Day, to ascertain what the Chippewa were thinking. When Judge Cooper arrived he reported to Ramsey the Chippewa were dancing around Sioux scalps. Newspapers reported the Sioux had forced the Chippewa to leave their village at Otter Tail with no details about how the Ojibwa acquired the scalps. The newspapers also reported that the Chief had sent requests to Ojibwa bands in Wisconsin to send all their warriors because the Sioux had killed a woman.

Just prior to the uprising Little Crow sent Hole-in-the-Day a letter informing that he had tried to stop a war party from departing the lower agency looking for Chippewa to fight.

The Sisseton warrior Other-Day said a large war-party had just departed the upper agency, looking for Chippewa, when lower reservation uprising started. Highly Interesting Narrative, Other-Day, St. Cloud Democrat, Sept. 4, 1862, Library of Congress, 2023 [4]

The Pillagers Otter tail Village

On 28 August 30-40 Sioux departed Otter Tail City for the Chippewa Otter Tail village 20 miles away at Pine Lake. The Difficulty With the Chippewas News from Chippewa Country, Sioux attack at Otter Tail, Settlements at Ottertail cleaned out, Dancing around Sioux Scalps,, The Weekly Pioneer and Democrat, Sept. 05, 1862, p.2,, 2023 [5]

On 28 August a paper reported the war party numbered 100 and intended to fight the Red Lakers. The Origin and Extent of Our Indian Difficulties, St Paul Daily Press, 28 Aug. 1862, Minnesota Digital Newspaper Hub, 2023, MNHS, 3435 Kellogg Blvd, St Paul, MN [6]

100 Sioux to attack Red Lake, Hokah Chief, 9 Sept. 1862, p.2, Minnesota Digital Newspaper Hub, 2023, MNHS, 3435 Kellogg Blvd, St Paul, MN [7]

100 Sioux to attack Red Lake, The origin and extent of our Indian difficulties, Chicago Daily Tribune, Sept. 1, 1862, p.2, Library of Congress, 2023 [8]

News from Chippewa Country, 100 Sioux attack at Otter Tail, Settlements at Ottertail cleaned out, Dancing around Sioux Scalps, Winona Weekly Republican, Sept. 10, 1862, Minnesota Digital Newspaper Hub, 2023, MNHS, 345 Kellogg Blvd, St Paul, MN [9]

News from Chippewa Country, 100 Sioux attack Chippewa Otter Tail, Dancing around Sioux Scalps, Detroit Free Press, 6 Sept 1862, p.1,, 2023 [10]

The Receiver at the Otter Tail Land Office reported Sioux camped on Chippewa land when he arrived at St. Cloud, Indian War, St. Cloud Democrat, Aug. 28, 1862, p.2, Library of Congress, 2023, [11]

Red Lakers offer to Fight the Santee Sioux

Also reported at the time, was that the Santee Sioux had learned that the Commission had been sent to treat with the Red Lake Chippewa. The commission was comprised of U.S. Senator Wilkinson, Indian Commissioner Dole, Indian Superintendent Thompson, A.S.H. White Bureau of Indian Affairs, and J. G. Nicollay Lincoln's private secretary.[12] The Sioux thought that the commission was going to give their annuities to the Red Lakers and sent a war party to intervene.[12]

About the same time, the Santee Sioux made a raid on Fort Abercrombie driving off the Fort's livestock and horses.[13][14] Included in this was a herd of 200 annuity cattle intended for the Red Lake band.[15][16] [17] The cattle and 30 wagons of treaty goods had been diverted to Abercrombie for safe keeping from a Santee Sioux attack.[18] These actions contributed to the cancellation of the treaty Commission meeting with the Red Lake band and the failure of the expected treaty goods distribution unbeknownst to the Chippewa.[19] That caused the Chippewa to raid a goods shipment intended for the Selkirk settlement for supplies they needed. The Red Lakers objected to the Pembina band taking the cattle and saw that the cattle were returned.[14] However, when the Red Lakers were informed that the Santee Sioux actions were the cause of the delay of the Treaty Commission meeting them and that they had their treaty cattle, they offered to defend the frontier from the Santee.[20][21]

Men that committed the murders at Acton on 17 August were a returning Santee Sioux war party that had gone looking for Chippewa to kill and found none. The Sioux War, The Weekly Pioneer and Democrat, Apr 17, 1863, p.7, Library of Congress, 2023 [12]

Men that committed the murders at Acton on 17 August were a returning Santee Sioux war party that had gone looking for Chippewa to kill, Bishop H. Whipple's eulogy to Shaw-Bosh-Kung in 1890. Shaw-bosh-king, Bishop H. Whipple, St. Paul Daily Globe, Mar 10, 1890, p.4 Minnesota digital Newspaper hub, 2023, MNHS, 345 Kellogg Blvd, St Paul, MN [13]

Prisoner #29 of the 38 hung at Mankato claimed he was on a war party against the Chippewa at the time of the uprising. Prisoner # 29, The Indian Execution, The Goodhue Volunteer, Jan 07, 1863, p.2, The Library of Congress, 2023 [14]

Detailed Indian agent account of Chippewa activity in early September with no mention of Chippewa offers to fight. Letter from Shaw-Bosh-King states he will relay his message in person. The agent does not include it. The Saint Paul Daily Press, Oct 2, 1862, Minnesota Digital Newspaper hub. [15]

On August 27 a mixed-race Chippewa was detained at St. Cloud. He said he had been employed as the runner for the trading outpost at Big Stone Lake. The post had been attacked with the staff killed, three Frenchmen, five Germans, and he escaped.

August 1862 Hole-in-the Day and the Pillagers upset with Indian agent


Hole-in-the-day threatened to go to war in August 1862 because Chippewa Agent Walker was cheating his people egregiously. The timing was purely coincidental to events on the Sioux Reservations. Many people attempted to link the events when there was little to do so beyond speculation. The people of the state did not understand why the Chippewa were unhappy because they were unaware of their situation, [22] the same as they were unaware of the Santee Sioux Indian Agents. When Agent Walker was called out for his swindles he committed suicide. That made national news. To make the situation more concerning the Pillagers had taken six families captive at Leech lake.[23] They injured no one, however it made Chief Big Dog so unhappy that he went to Fort Ripley.[24] He reportedly was given a U.S.Army tunic to wear and he did. Gull Lake Chief Bad Boy also did not like what he was hearing and went to Fort Ripley with three of his men also. The fort used their skills as advanced guards for the post. It happened that Lt. Beaulieu, a biracial Chippewa from G Company 9th Minnesota, was at the fort.[23] Ripley's Commander tasked him as a messenger to Hole-in-the-Day. The Chief had the prisoners released in exchange for an investigation of Agent Walker.[23] The next day Lt. Beaulieu was sent to deliver a letter to Gov. Ramsey requesting the other G Company Chippewa be sent.[23] The St. Cloud newspaper absolutely could not believe that any hostilities would happen between the Chippewa and the settlers. However, Hole-in-the Day's posturing fueled the anti-Indian hysteria in other papers and would not be forgotten by his own people. The Red Lakers in particular called him out at council. His posturing would overshadow his actual actions in the historic narrative. The principle complaint of the Chippewa was their Indian Agent Walker, they wanted his removed. He attempted to have Hole-in-the-Day arrested and even shot at the Chief. Walker committed suicide south of Monticello, Minnesota out of fear the Chippewa were coming for him.

25 August 1862 was the date set for the Red Lake and Pembina bands Treaty that was cancelled by the Mdewakanton uprising A.S.H. White of the Indian Bureau arrived in Minnesota for the treaty on 6 August. He had been the Secretary for the 1851 Traverse des Sioux treaty and had been sent again.

2 Sept 1862: Wisconsin Fond du Lac letter to Lincoln offered to fight the Sioux

Chicago Times 16 September 1862 with letter from two Wisconsin Fond du Lac Chiefs to Lincoln offering to fight the Minnesota Sioux
(Fond du Lac Band of Lake Superior Chippewa reservation archives) The letter ends send reply: Joseph Gurrol/Gurnoe (Shing-wāk-onse) a Red Cliff band translator who transcribed for the FDL Chiefs.[25][26]

On September 2, 1862 two Chiefs of the Fond du Lac band sent a letter for Gov. Ramsey to forward to President Lincoln. They volunteered to fight the Sioux so Minnesota's troops could be sent to fight the south. That letter made national news. It is not known if Lincoln got the letter as it is not in his Presidential Archives or the Minnesota's archives. If he didn't the entire country knew the Chippewa sent it offering to fight. The FDL letter was reprinted in a dozen newspapers and referenced in dozens more. What is known is he did not act upon it. In less than a week Mille Lacs band Chiefs showed up at Fort Ripley with the same offer with 750 warriors. In addition, they voluntarily provided security to the fort and the nearby town of Little Falls without compensation, in the event it was attacked by anyone. At that time it was rumored that Gull lake Ojibwa were considering to do that. Another Mille Lacs Chief took his warriors to St. Cloud with another offer to fight the Sioux. The Fort Ripley's commander, Captain Hall, sent a mixed race Chippewa officer to Chief Hole-in-the-Day with an offer the Chief accepted.

Within a week Gov. Ramsey went north to have council with the Chief and the legislature appointed a commission to go with. It was comprised of U.S. Senator H. Rice and Judge Cooper both respected by the Chippewa. E.A.C. Hatch whom the Chippewa had had many dealings and trusted as well as Rev. F. Ayer a missionary amongst them for twenty years. The group arrived at Crow Wing to find ten Chiefs waiting. They all offered to fight the Sioux. The Governor and commission were taken with the proposal. A treaty was made to get the missing annuities and commission returned to St. Paul. Minnesota's other U.S. Senator was informed of the Ojibwa offers and was also in favor of accepting. Ramsey was so taken with the Chippewa offers that he invited the Chiefs of 22 bands to St. Paul. They all came thinking that their offers to fight the Sioux had been accepted. However, President Lincoln, Major General Pope, and Col. Sibley were opposed.

Why Lincoln did not act upon the offers is unknown. However, Pope's statement for turning down the Chippewa service "as not being good for the public interest" sounds like a politician not a general. He may have been repeating what Lincoln wrote him, but that is unknown. What is known, is that had Lincoln accepted the Fond du Lac offer he would have had no control over how the other Chippewa bands responded. How fast word would have spread that the FDL band had an OK can only be guessed at, but word would have spread. The two northern Santee tribes had headed for the plains. That would have left the Mdewakanton force against nearly the entire Minnesota-Wisconsin Ojibwa based upon the 22 bands that came for Gov. Ramsey. The Dacotah would not have surrendered to the Ojibwa. Without a surrender the trials would not have happened and there would have been no sentences for execution. The outcome for the over 3-1 outnumbered Mdewakaton force is unknown. It is possible it would have been different from the 38 executed in the historic narrative. The Fond du Lac specifically requested the use of native rules on war, making woman, children, and elderly acceptable targets. They also suggested that they receive the Santee Sioux annuities as compensation for their assistance. The Chippewa would have had the advantage of surprise that the Sioux had had with the settlers. The Sioux would have had their families to get out of harms way and the Chippewa would have been on a mission to remove the "evil spirit" from Minnesota for Lincoln.

2 Sept 1862: Wisconsin FDL letter to Lincoln(complete text) offered to fight the Sioux

FDL letter paraphrased, Grant County Witness 8 Sept 1862, p.2,, 2023 [16]

FDL letter, The Chicago Times 16 Sept 1862 (Fond du Lac Band of Chippewa reservation archives)

FDL letter, The Chicago Daily Tribune. 17 Sept 1862, p.1, 2023 [17]

FDL letter, Quad-City Times, 18 Sept 1862, p.2,, 2023 [18]

FDL letter, Daily Democrat and News, Sept 18, 1862, 2023, p.2, Library of Congress, 2024 [19]

FDL letter, The Weekly Pioneer and Democrat, 19 Sept 1862, p.3, 2023, Minnesota digital Newspaper Hub, 2024 MNHS, 345 Kellogg Blvd, St. Paul, MN [20]

FDL letter, The Weekly Pioneer and Democrat, 19 Sept 1862, p.3, Library of Congress, 2023 []

FDL letter, The Cleveland Morning Leader, 20 Sept 1862, p. 1, Library of Congress, 2023 [21]

FDL letter, Burlington Hawkeye, Sept 20, 1862, p.3, Library of Congress, 2023 [22]

FDL Letter, The Brooklyn Daily Eagle, 23 Sept 1862(New York), p.1,, 2023 [23]

FDL letter, The Vermont Chronicle, 23 Sept, 1862, p.3, 2024 [24]

FDL letter, The Waukegan Weekly Gazette, Sep 20, 1862 p.1,, 2024 [25]

FDL letter, The Manitowoc Herald, Sep 25, 1862 p.1,, 2024 [26]

FDL letter, Die Wisconsin "Chippewas erbieted sich gegen die Sioux zu kampfen", Baltimore Wecker Vol. 13, No. 225, Sept 20, 1862, p.2, Chronicling America, Library of Congress, 2023 [27]

2 Sept 1862: Wisconsin FDL Lincoln letter stub articles

Lake Superior Chippeways, Mankato Semi-weekly Record, Sept. 13, 1862, p.2, Minnesota Digital Newspapers hub, 2023, MNHS 345 Kellogg Blvd, St. Paul MN, [28]

An Offer of Aid from the Chippewas., New York Times, Sept. 14, 1862, p.9, ProQuest Historical Newspapers, 2023 [29]

2 Wisconsin Chippewa Chiefs, The New York Herald, Sept 14, 1862, p.5, Library of Congress, 2023 [30]

2 Wisconsin Chippewa Chiefs, Indian Outrages in Minnesota, Vol. XX No.2983, The Evening Star Washington D.C., Sept. 15, 1862, p.1, Library of Congress, 2023 [31]

2 Wisconsin Chippewa Chiefs, The Indian War in Minnesota, The Chicago Tribune, Sept. 15, 1862, Library of Congress, 2023 [32]

2 Wisconsin Chippewa Chiefs, More Indian Barbarities, The Pittsburgh Gazette, 15 Sept. 1862, p.3,, 2023 [33]

2 Wisconsin Chippewa Chiefs, The Portland Daily Press, 15 Sept, 1862, p.3, Library of Congress, 2023 [34]

2 Wisconsin Chippewa Chiefs, The Daily Gate City Vol. 9 No.170, Sept 15, 1862, p.3, Keokuk, Iowa, Library of Congress, 2023 [35]

2 Chippeway Chiefs, The Indian War, Hartford Courant,(Mass.) 15 Sept 1862, p.3,, 2023 [36]

The Chippewas of Lake Superior offer to fight the Sioux for their annuities if they whip them The Smoky Hill and Republican Union 27 Sep 1862, p.2,, 2023 [37]

2 Wisconsin Chippewa Chiefs, The Daily Evansville Journal Sept 15, 1862, p.3, Library of Congress, 2023 [38]

2 Fond du lac Chiefs, Daily Intelligencer Vol. XI No. 20, 15 Sept 1862, p. 3, (Wheeling, West Virginia), Library of Congress, 2023 [39]

2 Wisconsin Chippewa Chiefs, Worcester Daily Spy (Massachusetts), Sept 15, 1862, p.3, Library of Congress, 2023 [40]

2 Wisconsin Chippewa Chiefs, Daily State Sentinel Vol. X, No. 3730, Sept 15, 1862, p.3, Library of Congress, 2023 [41]

2 Wisconsin Chippewa Chiefs, Bangor Daily Whig and Courier (Maine), 15 Sept 1862, p.3,, [42]

2 Wisconsin Chippewa Chiefs, The Pittsburgh Gazette, 15 Sept 1862, p.3,, 2023 [43]

2 Wisconsin Chippewa Chiefs, From Minnesota The Evansville Daily Journal(Indiana), 15 Sept 1862, p.3,, 2023 [44]

2 Wisconsin Chippewa Chiefs, The Buffalo Commercial, 15 Sept 1862, p.1,, 2023 [45]

2 Wisconsin Chippewa Chiefs, The Kingston Daily News 16 Sept 1862, p.2,(Kingston, Ontario, Canada),, 2023 [46]

2 Fond du Lac Chiefs, The Weekly North Iowa Times, Vol. VI, No.309, 17 Sept, Library of Congress. 2023 [47]

2 Wisconsin Chippewa Chiefs, Charles City Republican Intelligencer Vol. VI, No. 38, Sept 18, 1862, p.2, Library of Congress, 2023 [48]

2 Wisconsin Chippewa Chiefs, Lewiston Falls Journal(Maine), 18 Sept 1862, p.2,, 2023 [49]

2 Wisconsin Chippewa Chiefs, Muscatine Weekly Journal, Vol. XIV, No.12, Sept 19, 1862, p.4, Library of Congress, 2023 [50]

2 Wisconsin Chippewa Chiefs, St Paul, Minnesota 13 Sept, Newry Examiner and Louth Advertiser, North Ireland, 1 Oct 1862, British Newspaper Archives, 2023 [51]

2 Wisconsin Chippewa Chiefs, Saunders's News-Letter, Dublin, Ireland, 29 Sept 1862, p.2 The British Newspaper Archives, 2023 [52]

2 Wisconsin Chippewa Chiefs, St Paul, Minnesota 13 Sept, Dublin Mercantile Advertiser, and Weekly Price Current, Dublin, Ireland 3 October 1862, The British Newspaper Archives, 2023 [53]

2 Wisconsin Chippewa Chiefs, The Leeds Mercury 30 Sept 1862, p.4 (Leeds, West Yorkshire, England),, 2023 [54]

Shin-gwack and Naw-Gaw-Nub, 2 Wisconsin Lake Superior Chippeways, Indiana State Sentinel Vol. XXII No. 17, Library of Congress, 2023 [55]

Mule-de-Sack(sp=Fond du Lac) requests to fight the Sioux, The Indian Difficulties, The Philadelphia Inquirer 18 Sept 1862, p. 4,, 2023 [56]

"The best thing that could be done , in my judgement, would be to say to Hole-in-the-Day:  Get your young men and warriors together, and go on the war path against the Sioux: drive them back and rid the country of them, and your forces shall receive the pay of U.S. soldiers during the time you are engaged in the expedition."  "From Northern Minnesota",  The Weekly Pioneer and Democrat Vol XIV, No.12, Sept 05, 1862, p.6, Chronicling America: Historic American Newspapers. Library of Congress, 2023 [57]

4 September Mille Lacs band offer to fight Sioux at St Cloud


75 Mille Lacs St Cloud, Chippewas on the Warpath, Goodhue County Republican Sept 12, 1862, Minnesota Media hub, 2023, Minnesota Historical Society, 345 Kellogg Blvd, St Paul, MN,

100 Mille Lacs St Cloud, Mill Lacs Indians St Cloud Democrat, 4 Sept 1862, p.2, Minnesota Digital Newspaper hub, 2023, MHS 345 Kellogg Blvd, St. Paul, MN [58]

100 Mille Lacs St Cloud, Mille Lacs Indians, The Weekly Pioneer and Democrat 12 Sept 1862, p. 1,, 2023 [59]

100 Mille Lacs St Cloud, Mille Lacs Indians Hokah Chief Sept 16, 1862, p.2 Minnesota Digital Newspaper hub, MHS 345 Kellogg Blvd, St. Paul, MN [60]

Indian Agent Dole's account of meeting Hole-in-the-Day in every paper claimed the Chief was insolent. This is the only newspaper to give Hole-in-the- Day's POV The Chippewa War 1862: Danial S. Mooer's Account of interview with Hole-in-the-Day, The Anaconda Standard, 8 Nov 1898, p.12,, 2023 [61]

5 September 1862

Gull lake Chief Bad Boy supported the "whites". He disagreed with Hole-in-the-Day and took a few warriors to Fort Ripley where they served as advanced sentries

The St Paul Daily ran the opinion that the entire Chippewa nation was waiting to to go to war against their hereditary enemy., the Philadelphia Inquirer reprinted. 1862, Sept 8. Crow Wing situation,, 2023, [62]

The Stillwater Messenger ran the same opinion on September 9 Will We Have Troubles With the Chippewa? Stillwater Messenger, 9 Sept, 1862, p.2 Minnesota Newspaper Digital Hub, 2023, MNHS, 345 Kellogg Blvd, St. Paul, Mn [63]

6 Sept 1862 Mille Lacs, Sandy Lake, Snake River and Chippewa River bands offer to fight Sioux at Fort Ripley


In his obituary for Mille Lacs Chief Shaw-bosh-kung, Bishop Henry Whipple wrote the Chief brought all the warriors he could to Fort Ripley on 6 September 1862. He did, men from the Sandy Lake band, Snake River band, Chippewa River band were all recorded to have accompanied the Mille Lacs band. At Ripley the Chief offered the Fort Commander to fight the Sioux and protect the Fort from an attack by Chief Hole-in-the-Day. The fort was taken by their arrival waving the American and Mille Lacs flags, beating drums and recorded it was a sight to be seen. Indian Commissioner Dole happened to be present and told Shaw-bosh-kung the Mille Lacs could remain on their Reservation for 1,000 years, but that they should return home and they would be contacted if needed. However, War Chief Mou-zoo-mau-nee chose to remain as did 300 warriors. When he did that the townspeople of Little Falls asked for protection and he sent them 150 warriors. It is not recorded if that number came out of the 300 or that they were in addition to. In a nutshell, the Chippewa voluntarily provided security to U.S. military installation and the town of Little Falls. There is nothing comparable in U.S. history. The U.S. response has no comparable either. The Ojibwa Chiefs were invited to Washington DC right after the Mankato executions. Lincoln took Shaw-bosh-kung's hand and repeated what the Indian Commissioner had said. The Mille Lacs could remain 1,000 years on their Reservation. Then it was included in the 1863 Chippewa treaty they signed. Additionally, the treaty states that the Sandy Lake band cannot be removed without Presidential review. That stipulation indicates that they did something extraordinary in the eyes of the writers of the document. Then those same provisions were included in the Chippewa treaty signed in 1864. The contrast with what was happening with the Santee Sioux at the time could not be greater. That continued with the two tribes Historic narratives. The actions of the Sioux overshadowed those of the Ojibwa immediately and knowledge of that could not be greater.

Mille Lacs letter 3 Sept requesting council at Fort Ridgely and requesting that it not be thought strange that many of their men were absent. They would be helping in the rice harvest. The Saint Paul Daily Press, Oct 2, 1862 Minnesota Digital Newspaper Hub, 2023, MNHS, 345 Kellogg Blvd, St. Paul Mn [64]

Mille Lacs request to fight the Sioux, The Chippewa for Peace, The Saint Paul Daily Press Sept 9, 1862, Minnesota Digital Newspaper hub, 2023 MNHS, 345 Kellogg Blvd., St Paul, Mn,[65]

Mille Lacs request to fight the Sioux, The Chippewa for Peace, Winona weekly Republican, Sept. 17, 1862, Minnesota Digital Newspaper hub, 2023 MNHS, 345 Kellogg Blvd, St Paul, Mn[66]

Mille Lacs arrival at Fort Ridgely Interview With the Chippewa, The Philadelphia Inquirer, 10 Oct 1862, p.1, 2023, [67]

The Mille Lacs, Snake River, and Chippewa River Bands are clamorous to join the extinction of the Sioux. Will We Have Troubles With the Chippewa? Stillwater Messenger, 9 September, 1862, p.2, Minnesota Digital Newspaper Hub, 2023, MNHS, 345 Kellogg Blvd, St. Paul Mn [68]

Mille Lacs, Snake River, and Chippewa River bands The Chippewas The Goodhue Volunteer [volume], Sept 10, 1862, p.2, Library of Congress, 2023 [69]

Mille Lacs, Snake River and Chippewa River bands at Fort Ripley, The Chippewas, Prescott Journal, Sept 10, 1862, p.1, Library of Congress, 2023 [70]

Mille Lacs, Snake River and Chippewa River bands at Fort Ripley, The Saint Paul Daily Press, Sept. 7, 1862, Minnesota Digital Newspaper Hub, 2023, MNHS, 345 Kellogg Blvd, St. Paul Mn [71]

Mille Lacs, Snake River and Chippewa River bands at Fort Ripley, The Chippewas, Rochester Republican, Sept 10, 1862, Minnesota Digital Newspaper hub, 2023, MNHS, 345 Kellogg Blvd, St Paul, MN [72]

Mille Lacs offer, Chippewas on the War Path, Goodhue Republican Vol. 6 No. 3, Sept 12, 1863, p.2 , Minnesota Digital Newspaper hub, 2023, MNHS, 345 Kellogg Blvd, St Paul, MN [73]

Mille Lacs offer Fort Ripley. The Dakota conflict and its reverberations in Mille Lacs, The Moccasin Telegraph Feb 7, 2007 [74]

Mille Lacs role in the Uprising, Tell the Mille Lacs what Danger they are in, Chapter 5, "Reminiscences of Life among the Chippewa (Part III)", Anthony Godfrey, U.S. West Research, POB 2172, La Cross, WS, Minnesota Historical Society Contract #92-C-2763, 1973, p. 100-118 [75]

A Social History of the Mille Lacs Ojibwe 1640-1993, Minnesota Historical Society contract #92-C-2763, p. 111-18 [76]

Mille Lacs sent Indian Commissioner letter requesting to fight the Sioux The Chippewas for Peace, The Saint Paul Daily Press Sept 9, 1862, Minnesota Digital Newspaper hub, 2023, MNHS, 345 Kellogg Blvd, St Paul, MN, [77]

War Chief Mou-Zoo-Mau-Nee words at Fort Ripley: "When you make war upon the white settlers, you make war upon us: and if you fight them you will have to fight us", Mille Lac Indians Little Falls Transcript, 1 Feb 1884, p.5,, 2023 [78]

War Chief Mou-Zoo-Mau-Nee actions at Fort Ripley, Loyalty of the Mille Lacs, D.H. Robbins, The Princeton Union, 16 May 1907, p.6,, 2023 [79]

The Mille Lacs were loyal The Government owes them a DEBT, The Minneapolis Journal,26 Aug 1902, p.11,, 2023 [80]

Description of the Mille Lacs' flags, drums and camp population recorded a month later, Headquarters 27th Iowa The Buchanan County Guardian 18 Nov 1862, p.2,, 2023 [81]

White Earth Chief Wain-ge-ma-dub wrote that he remained 8 days at Fort Ripley with Mou-zoo-mau-nee. About Mou-Zoo-mau-Nee, Little Falls Herald, 4 Sep 1914, p.2,, 2023 [82]

6 September Mille Lacs band protection of Little Falls


The Mou-zoo-mau-nee sent 150 warriors to safeguard the Little Falls when the townspeople requested protection. About Mou-zoo-mau-nee, Little Falls Herald, 4 Sept 1914, p.2,, [83]

People of Little Falls send a letter to President R. B. Hayes in support of Mille Lacs for sending 100 warriors in 1862, History of Morrison County, Little Falls Transcript, 16 Apr, 1880, p.1,, 2023

This event is maintained in the Mille Lacs band oral history.

The State of Minnesota erected a 10' granite monument at Fort Ridgely in recognition of these Chippewa actions.

9 Sept 1862 Hole-in-the-Day requests all warriors from Wisconsin


Hole-in-the-Day requests all warriors from Wisconsin because Sioux killed a Chippewa woman, The Goodhue Volunteer(Red Wing, Goodhue County, Minn.), Sept 10, 1862, p.2, Library of Congress, 2023 [84]

Hole-in-the-Day requests all warriors from Wisconsin because Sioux killed a Chippewa woman, Prescott Journal, Sept 10, 1862, p.1, Library of Congress, 2023 [85]

Hole-in-the-Day requests all warriors from Wisconsin because Sioux killed a Chippewa woman, Chatfield Democrat Sept 13, 1862, Minnesota Newspaper Digital hub, 2023, MNHS 345 Kellogg Blvd, St Paul, MN [86]

Hole-in-the-Day requests Wisconsin warriors for Chippewa woman murdered by the Sioux, The Hamilton Spectator(Ontario,Canada), 18 Sept 1862, p.8,, 2023 [87]

Hole-in-the-Day requests Wisconsin warriors for Chippewa woman murdered by the Sioux, The Saint Paul Daily Press, Sept. 7, 1862, Minnesota Newspaper Digital hub, 2023, MNHS 345 Kellogg Blvd, St Paul, MN [88]

Hole-in-the-Day requests Wisconsin warriors for Chippewa woman murdered by the Sioux, Rochester Republican Sept. 10, 1862, Minnesota Digital Newspaper Hub, 2023, MNHS, 345 Kellogg Blvd, St. Paul MN [89]

Interview with the Chippewa, Nicolay attending, The Indina War in Minnesota Daily Alta California, Vol XIV, No. 4640, 5 Nov. 1862, California Digital Newspaper Collection, UC Riverside, CA, 2024 [90]

9 September St Croix bands


Nothing would please the Chippewa Nation more than to be asked... they are ready on both sides of the river and from Chengwatana to Superior, Wisconsin. Will We Have Troubles With the Chippewas? The Stillwater Messenger September 9, 1862, Minnesota Historical Society Media hub, 2023, 345 Kellogg Blvd. St Paul, MN, 2024 [91]

A trader at Taylors Falls claimed he could get 500 Chippewa to fight.

The Snake River band is mentioned as being at Fort Ripley with Shaw-Bosh-Kung.The Chippewas The Goodhue Volunteer, Sept 10, 1862, p.2, Library of Congress, 2023 [92]

The Wisconsin Chippewa River band is also mentioned as being with Shaw-Bosh-Kung, The Chippewas, Prescott Journal, Sept 10, 1862, p.1, Library of Congress, 2023 [93]

Inter-tribal warfare between the St. Croix and Long lake bands made news in October 1862.[27]

15 Sept 1862 Chippewa Embassy at Crow Wing, Mississippi, Pillager, and Leech Lake bands offer to fight Sioux


Both the State Senate and State House of Representatives agreed to send Gov. Ramsey and a Commission with the authority to resolve the Chippewa issues by meeting Hole-in-the-Day at Crow Wing. [28] Instead twenty Chippewa leaders, of which at least 10 were Chiefs, were there and offered to fight Sioux when they met the Governor and the Commission. The Governor and Commission "taken with the offers" and returned to St. Paul. Minnesota's other U.S. Senator was taken when he was informed. Those opposed to Chippewa military service were President Lincoln, Major General Pope and Brigadier General Sibley.

Treaty with the Chippewa Indians (15 Sept), The Stillwater Messenger, September 23, 1862, p.2, Minnesota Digital Newspaper Hub, 2023, MNHS, 345 Kellogg Blvd, St. Paul, MM [94]

Hole-in-the-Day, 15 September 20 Chippewa leaders offer, Appendix, Journal of the House of Representatives, State of Minnesota 1862, Wm R. Marshall, Press Printing Company, St Paul, pp.135-8 m[95] (Chief May-Zhuc-Ke-Ge-Shig mis-spelled)

Hole-in-the-Day, 15 Sept. meet Senator Rice, Judge Cooper and Major Hatch, Minnesota History Magazine [96]

The Chippewa Embassy, The Weekly Pioneer and Democrat Vol. XIV, No.14, Sept 19, 1862, p.5, Library of Congress, 2023 [97]

Harrisburg Sept 14 Grant County Herald Vol. XX No. 1054(Wisconsin), Sept 16, 1862,p.2, Library of Congress, 2023 [98]

Chippewa Embassy, The New Your Herald 25 Sept, p.5, Library of Congress, 2023 [99]

Chippewa Embassy, Delegation of Chippewa's, Goodhue County Republican Red Wing, Minnesota, Sept 26 1862, Minnesota Digital Newspaper hub, 2023, MNHS 345 Kellogg Blvd. St Paul, MN [100]

Chippewa Embassy, The Goodhue Volunteer, Vol.7 No 10, 1 Oct 1862, 2023[101]

Chippewa Embassy, Hole in the Day, the Buffalo, Flat-mouth list of Chiefs[1]

Chippewa Embassy, The Indian War, Winona weekly Republican, Sept. 24, 1862, Minnesota Digital Newspaper hub, 2023, MNHS 345 Kellogg Blvd. St Paul, MN [102]

Hole-in-the-Day, 15 Sept. meet Senator Rice, Judge Cooper and Major Hatch, Minnesota History Magazine [103]

North American Indians, Liverpool Albion, 20 October 1862 [104]

Hole-in-the-Day, the Buffalo, Flatmouth offer, The Weekly Pioneer and Democrat 26 Sept 1862, p.6,, 2023 [105]

Hole-in-the-Day, the Buffalo, Flatmouth offer[1]

Crow Wing Agency reports 13, 14, 15, Sept, St. Paul Daily, 2 Oct. 1862, p.2 Minnesota Digital Newspaper Hub, 2023, MNHS, 345 Kellogg Blvd, St. Paul, Mn [106]

Commissioner Dole tried for 12 days to get a meeting with Hole-in-the-Day. When the Chief did show up, he surprised Dole by bringing 300 warriors who quickly encircled Commissioner's party. Daily Alta California, Vol XIV, No. 4592, 18 Sept 1862, California Digitall Newspaper Collection, UC Riverside, CA. [107]

Interview with the Chippewa, Nicolay attending, The Indian War in Minnesota Daily Alta California, Vol XIV, No. 4640, 5 Nov. 1862, California Digital Newspaper Collection, UC Riverside, CA, 2024 [108]

19 September Ojibwa Warriors sent to Fort Snelling to be armed


Senator Rice opined the Chippewa could be "induced to unite with the whites against the Sioux." The Weekly Pioneer and Democrat 19 Sept 1862, p.5, 2023 [109]

19 Sept about 40 warriors offer to fight the Sioux at the Crow Wing Agency and were sent to St Paul to be armed. From the Upper Mississippi, The Stillwater Messenger, September 30, 1862, Minnesota Digital Newspaper Hub, 2023 MNHS, 345 Kellogg Blvd, St. Paul, Mn [110]

John George Nicolay


John Nicolay was President Lincoln's private Secretary sent to represent the President at the Chippewa treaty on the Red River. He was a member of the group accompanying Indian Commissioner Dole and was at Fort Abercrombie when the Red Lakers treaty cattle were raided. He was present when Commissioner Dole met the Chippewa and Hole-in-the-day pulled his surprise of having 300 warriors with. He and the treaty commission were still at Abercrombie when the fort was attacked on September 3. He would have learned of the Chippewa in G Company that helped repulse the Sioux attack which allowed him and the treaty party to escape back to Sauk Rapids and St. Cloud. He would have shared his first hand Chippewa/Sioux experiences with Lincoln.

22 Sept 1862: Gov Ramsey invited Chiefs of 21 bands of Chippewa to St Paul to fight the Sioux

Chippewa Chief Big Dog offered to fight the Sioux for Lincoln.[29][30] The St Paul paper felt his appearance was the epitome of an indigenous warrior.[31]
Leech Lake Chief Now-we-ke-shick (Noon Day) noted for his support of the "whites" in 1862

Chiefs of 21 Bands tendered their services to fight the Sioux, Delegation Of Chippewas Goodhue County Republican, Sept 26, 1862, p.2 Minnesota digital hub, 2023, MNHS 345 Kellogg Blvd, St Paul, Mn, [111]

Chippewa Warriors Offer to Fight the Sioux; Hole-in-the-Day offered a strong war party to act as scouts on the frontier; Pope will not recognize them as a branch of the service. The Weekly Pioneer and Democrat, Oct 10, 1862, p.1, Library of Congress, 2023 [112]

They Offer to Fight the Sioux 42 Warriors, The New York Herald No. 9511, Sept. 28, 1862, p.4, Library of Congress, 2023 [113]

42 Warriors, Hole-in-the-Day offered a large number of warriors to be scouts. New York Herald correspondent 22 Sept The Chester Chronicle 25 Oct, 1862, Chester England, p.2, The British Newspaper Archive 2023 [[114]

40-50 Chippewa, The Chippewa Warriors, The Weekly Pioneer and Democrat, Sept 26, 1862, p.4, Library of Congress, 2023 [115]

40-50 Chiefs The New York Herald, Sept 25, 1862, p.5, Library of Congress, 2023 2023[116]

40-50 Chippewa Chicago Daily Tribune Vol. XV, No. 68, Sept 25, 1862, p.1, Library of Congress [117]

40-50 Chippewa, Buffalo Evening Post 25 Sept 1862, p.3,(New York), 2023 [118]

40-50 Chippewa, The Indian War in Minnesota, The Philadelphia Inquirer 25 Sept 1862, p.4,, 2023 [119]

40-50 Chiefs The Portland Daily Press, Sept 25, 1862, p.3, Library of Congress, 2023 [120]

40-50 Chippewa, From St Paul, Cleveland Morning Leader Vol. XVI, No. 229, Sept 25, 1862, p.3, Library of Congress, 2023 [121]

40-50 Chippewa, Muscatine Weekly Journal, Sept 26, 1862, p.3, Library of Congress, 2023 [122]

40-50 Chippewa, From the Minnesota Indian War, Fremont Journal, Sept 26, 1862, p.2, Library of Congress, 2023 [123]

40-50 Chippewa, The Weekly Ottumwa Courier Vol. XIV, No.29, Sept 27, 1862, p.3, Library of Congress, 2023 [124]

40-50 Chippewa, The Chippewa Warriors Detroit Free Press Vol. XXVI No. 105, 28 Sept, p.1,, 2023 [125]

40-50 Chippewa, The Daily Gate City Vol. 9 No. 179 (Keokuk, Iowa), Library of Congress, 2023 [126]

40-50 Chippewa, The Kansas State Journal 2 Oct 1862, p.3,, 2023 [127]

40-50 Chippewa, The Chippewa Warriors, The Courier-Journal Vol. XXXII, No.263,(Louisville, Ky), 2 Oct, 1862, p.4,, 2023 [128]

40-50 Chippewa came thinking their offers accepted, The Indian War in Minnesota Memphis Daily Appeal, 2 Oct, 1862, p.2, Library of Congress, 2023 [129]

40-50 Chippewa braves, The Emporia News Vol. V No. 50, 4 Oct, 1862, p.2, Library of Congress, 2023 [130]

40-50 Chippewa, The Indian War in Minnesota The Times-Picayune, 8 Oct, 1862, p.2, 2023,, [131]

40-50 Chippewa, The Daily Delta Vol XVII No.238 (New Orleans), 11 Oct, 1862, p.1, 2023, [132]

42 Warriors, North America Indians, Liverpool Albion (England) 20 Oct 1862, British Newspaper Archive, [133]

40-50 Chippeway braves, The Zanesville Daily Courier 25 Sept 1862, p.3,, 2023 [134]

4 or 5 Chippewa, Indian Troubles Daily State Sentinel, 25 Sept, 1862, p.3, Library of Congress, 2023 [135]

4 or 5 Chippeway, The Indian Troubles, The Indianapolis Star 25 Sept, 1862, p.3,, 2023 [136]

50 Chippewa came ay the invitation of the Governor with understanding their offer to fight the Sioux was accepted, planted American flag. The Chippewa Warriors, Nashville Daily Union, 17 Oct. 1862, Library of Congress, 2023 [137]

Our Chippewa Visitors, Carried the American Flag and were told they would be told when to go on the warpath against the Sioux, The Saint Paul Daily Press 24 Sept, 1862 Minnesota digital newspaper hub, MNHS, 345 Kellogg Blvd, St Paul, Mn, 2023 [138]

Chippewa visitors, Gov Ramsey told them word would be sent when they were needed to fight the Sioux St Paul Daily Press 24 Sept, 1862, No. 149, p.1, 2023 , Minnesota digital newspaper hub, 2023, MNHS 345 Kellogg Blvd, St Paul, Mn [139] Chief Berry Hunter

The Ojibway Indians volunteered to fight the Sioux, The Bedford Gazette, Vol. 58, No.3024, 3 Oct, 1862, p.1, Library of Congress, 2023 [140]

A number of Chippewa Chiefs have offered to fight the Sioux, The Baltimore Sun, 26 Sept, 1862, p.2,, 2023 [141]

The Ojibway Indians offer, The Potter Journal, 22 Oct, 1862, p.2, Library of Congress, 2023 [142]

Gov. Ramsey and the Chippewa offers

Ramsey and Legislative Commission liked Chippewa offer, Hole in the Day offered large party of scouts. The Chippewas have a long standing hostility to the Sioux The Weekly Pioneer and Democrat, 10 Oct, 1862, p.1, Library of Congress, 2023 [143]

Ramsey and Legislative Commission like the Chippewa offer, Hole in the Day offered large party of scouts. Chester Chronicle (England), 25 Oct 1862, British Newspaper Archives, [144]

Many of the Chippewa visiting St. Paul in 1862 had their images recorded at one of the city's two Photo Studios

  • Chippewa Chiefs at Whitney Gallery, Peabody Museum [145]
  • Aw-Ke-Wen-Zee, Head Chief of the Lac Centre Orielle bands of Chippewa, St. Paul, Minnesota, 1862[32]
  • Aamoons or Little Bee, Chief at Lac du Flambeau ca. 1862[33]
  • Ah Ah Shaw We Ke Shick Chief of Rabbit Lake Chippewas,[34]
  • Be-She-Kee or Buffalo Head Chief Leech Lake band c.1862[35]
  • Ne-bah-quah-om (Big Dog), Chief of the Pillager band Chippewa [146] [147]

Late September the noted frontier guide Pierre Bottineau encountered 750 Red Lakers on the prairie who informed him of the events he had missed. He also learned that they were "friendly" in the colloquialism of the day.[36] On 29 September the Chippewa preformed the Pipe Dance for the people of St. Cloud conveying their friendship.[36] On October first The Red Wing newspaper reported that the special session of the State Legislature passed a bill calling for a memorial to President Lincoln for ratifying resolutions of Legislature with the Chippewa.[37]

  • Naw-Gaw-Nub, [148]
  • Ne-Bah-Quah-Om (Big Dog) [38]

Chengwatana village 1862-66


A military outpost established at the Chippewa village on the Snake river for 4 years in response to the Mdewakaton uprising. History of Pine city and Chengwatana,

The first unit posted to Chengwatana were the Ramsey Picket Guards militia[39]

Chippewa and U.S. Flag


When the Mille Lacs, Sandy Lake, Chippewa River and Snake River bands showed up at Fort Ripley they were waving the U.S. flag as well as one of their own. A month later the 27th Iowa Infantry reported that those flags were flying at the Mille Lacs village. When all the Chippewa Chiefs came to St. Paul to meet Gov. Ramsey they planted a U.S. flag at the Capitol. When Chief Red Bear heard Little Crow was waving a British flag in Pembina he got the U.S. colors to wave back.

Little Crow raised the Hudson Bay Company flag the Chippeways raised the American flag, Little Crow, Memphis Bulletin 15 Jun 1863, p.2,, 2023 [149]

Red Bear waves the American colors at Little Crow Little Crow at Pembina, The Weekly Pioneer and Democrat , June 12, 1863, Minnesota media hub, Minnesota Historical Society, 345 Kellogg Blvd, St Paul, Mn[150]

Red Lake and Pembina bands


Fort Abercrombie, DT, was initially attacked twice and then encircled. In desperation of assistance, Captain Van der Hoeck, Abercrombie's commander, sent a request to the Chippewa at La Grand Fourche for assistance. Pierre Bottineau reported 60 warriors volunteered immediately. After a day of discussion the request was denied.[40]

3 October the Red Lake and Pembina bands informed commissioners that Hole-in-the-Day asked them to join him against the Government for the violations of the Chippewa Indian Agent. Red Lake Chiefs said no, he felt Hole-in-the-Day was asking Red Lake to join the Sioux and he would not Hole-in-the-Day forget that.[41] Some in the southern part of the state equated the Chippewa issues with the Dacotah issues and assumed the tribes were unified.

7 November it was reported that the Red Lakers plundered a Fort Gerry supply train at Grand Forks while waiting for the Government to show up to sign a treaty and give them annuities so that they could buy supplies. It was a matter of hunger and urgency for the Ojibway. Pioneer and Democrat, 7 Nov. 1862.

Included in the Red Lake and Pembina bands annuity goods were 50 shotguns that were distributed to the civilian defenders at Fort Abercrombie.

White Earth Band ~ 9th Minnesota Infantry


G Company 9th Minnesota had a large contingent of Chippewa and biracial Chippewa that was mustered in at St Cloud in mid-August 1862. One Drop In A Sea Of Blue, John B. Lundstrom, Minnesota Historical Society Press, 345 Kellogg Blvd, St Paul, MN, 2012, p.10

One man was killed by "friendly fire" near St Cloud by militia that did not know Chippewa were in Government service and was assumed to be Dacotah. Letter From Capt. McCoy, St. Cloud Democrat, 30 April, 1863, p.2, Minnesota Historical Society Media hub, 2023, MNHS, 345 Kellogg Blvd. St Paul, MN [151]

Captain Hall Commander of Fort Ripley made a request for Lt. Beaulieu and G Company be sent to the fort. His request was reported in many papers. The Winona Daily Republican, 28 Aug 1862, p.2,, 2023, [152] The Philadelphia Inquirer,2 Sep 1862, p. 2,, 2023, [153],

G Company was posted forward to Fort Abercrombie. They arrived on 3 Sept. 1862 to find the Fort under attack which they help rout. G Company became part of the Fort's garrison. The Sioux returned in force laying siege to the Fort until 23 Sept. One Drop In A Sea Of Blue, John B. Lundstrom, Minnesota Historical Society Press, 345 Kellogg Blvd, St Paul, MN, 2012

G Company arrived in St Louis, Mo. on May 21, 1863 They immediately came to the attention of the St Louis Republican and the were the subject of an article "Big Injuns". It predicted that "they would give a good account to themselves in action", One Drop In A Sea Of Blue, John B. Lundstrom, Minnesota Historical Society Press, 345 Kellogg Blvd, St Paul, MN, 2012, p.105

G Company Chippewa saw action as part of the rear guard at Brices Crossroads. There their marksmanship enabled 400 men of the 59th U.S. Colored to not be overtaken by confederate cavalry while crossing a bridge. After which the Chippewa and African Americans fell back together.[42]

G Company losses and commendation at Battles of Guntown and Ripley Mississippi, Ninth Regiment, St. Cloud Democrat, Jun 30, 1864, p.3, Chronicling America, Library of Congress, [154]

100 Chippewa in 9th Minnesota, The Weekly Union Record [volume], Jul 02, 1864, Image 2, Library of Congress, [155]

White Earth Minn.The Minneapolis Journal, 09 May 1904, p.13, [156]

Zhuck-Ke-Ge-Schick showed Roosevelt medal Lincoln gave him for his 1862 U.S. support. Minnesota Chief sees Roosevelt The Minneapolis Tribune, Feb 16, 1908, Minnesota Historical Society Media hub, 345 Kellogg Blvd. St Paul, MN [157]

Killed in service fighting the Sioux


John Strong G Co, 9the Minnesota was killed by "friendly fire" near St Cloud by milita that did not know Chippewa were in U.S. service and was assumed to be Dacotah. Letter From Capt. McCoy, St. Cloud Democrat, 30 April, 1863, p.2, Minnesota Historical Society Media hub, 2023, MNHS, 345 Kellogg Blvd. St Paul, MN [158] G Co. John Strong, 1st KIA , a St Cloud GAR post named for him The Sauk Centre Herald 01 Oct 1931, Thu · Page 4[159]

Capt. Van der Horck, Fort Abercrombie commander, ordered messengers be sent to St. Paul. He sent a 10 man escort assuring them if there was any trouble he would send reinforcements with a howitzer. The group was attacked nearby crossing the Red River. Help was called for and Van der Horck refused to send troops. Eight of the escort made it back to the fort. One of the dead is identified as one of the G Co. Chippewa. Fort Abercrombie, St. Cloud Democrat, Oct. 2, 1862, Minnesota Historical Society Media hub, 2023, MNHS, 345 Kellogg Blvd. St Paul, MN , [160]

In 1885 the war dead were transferred from the Fort Abercrombie cemetery to Fort Lincoln. The interred native American scouts were included. One was identified as Matatabnahee.[43]

Hanging Cloud: the "Chippewa Warrior Princess", of the Rice Lake Wisconsin Band of the Lac Courte Oreille Chippewa, Ogimaakwe: warrior Queen of the Pembina Band, Turtle Mountain


Hanging Cloud's father is identified as the Chief at Rice Lake Wisconsin. His band was a sub-band of the Lac Court Oreille.

A Real Amazon or Hanging Cloud (Ah-shah-way-gee-she-go-qua)The Southern Enterprise Vol X No. 2, 14 May 1863, Library of Congress, 2023 [161]

A Chippewa Princess, New York Herald 13 Jan 1856, Chronicling America: Library of Congress, 2023 [162]

A Chippewa Princess New York Dispatch 20 Jan 1856, Chronicling America: Historic American Newspapers. Library of Congress, 2023 [163]

Ogimaakwe (Oh-gih-maah-quay) Pembina band's oral history as Head-woman, boss-lady, Warrior-Queen. Is said to have lead war parties.[44]

Aazhawigiizhigokwe: Hanging Cloud, Across the Sky Woman, Jaguar Bird, Youtube, 2024 [164]

1863 Chippewa effort's


In January Gov. Ramsey told the Lake Superior Chippewa Chiefs that the Sioux would be chastised and made penitent by the upcoming expeditions.[45] The Chippewa did not give up trying to offer to help fight the Sioux in the campaigns of the ongoing war. Minnesota's politicians attempted to go around General Pope by going directly to the Secretary of War, to create a Indian Battalion of 1,000 Chippewa reporting to him. Pope had sufficient rank to undo the effort. Chief Hole-in-the-Day offered Gen. Sibley 600 warriors for his Dakota Expedition and was turned down. Sibley was one of those that objected to Chippewa service from the start. E.A.C. Hatch had been given the rank of Major and was chosen to command the Indian Battalion due to his past with the Ojibwa. Hole-in-the- Day knew him well and endorsed him "as the man for the job" offering his warriors service. However, the Secretary Of War had made Sibley and Pope Hatch's commanders and they opposed Chippewa service. In 1865 Hole-in-the-Day lamented that the Chippewa were denied to opportunity to fight the south had their service been accepted.

1863 Washington delegation lead by the Fond du Lac, Delegation of Chippeway Chiefs, Cleveland Daily Leader 3 Feb 1863, p.1,, [165] The Chippewa Delegation boarded the river boat the Golden Star at Reads Landing, St. Paul, 19 March 1863. The St. Paul Daily Press, 20 March 1863.

Eight Lake Superior Chiefs go to Washington to gain permanent possession of their lands: Fond du Lac, Lac Courte Oreille, and Lac La Flambeau Chicago Tribune, 28 Jan 1863, p.4,, 2023, [166]

Lamoille News Dealer, Hyde Park, VT, February 19, 1863, Image 4 Feb.19, 1863, Library of Congress 2023, [167]

Chippewa Chiefs, The Weekly Pioneer and Democrat, 23 Jan, 1863, p.10, Chronicling America, Library of Congress, 2023, [168]

Chiefs have beautiful names. Prescott Journal, 28 Jan. 1863, p.1, Chronicling America, Library of Congress, 2023 [169]

1863 Offered to fight the Sioux or the South for Lincoln, The Chippewa Chiefs Homeward Bound, Chicago Tribune 17 Mar 1863, p.4,, 2023 [170]

1863 Chippewa Treaty (Article 12 Mille Lacs), The Saint Paul Daily Press Apr 7, 1863, Minnesota Digital Newspaper hub, 2023, MNHS, 345 Kellogg Blvd. St. Paul, Mn []

In April, while the Santee Sioux treaties were abrogated the canceled Chippewa Old Crossing Treaty of 1862 was finally signed. Article IX had unusual stipulations that set aside 2 one mile square (640 acres) Reservations. One for Chief Red Bear and one for Chief Moose Dung.[46] Trouble among the Chippewa, 4 Chiefs killed for signing treaty including Chief Crossing Sky, The Weekly Pioneer and Democrat, May 15, 1863, Minnesota Digital Newspaper Hub, 2023, MNHS, 345 Kellogg Blvd, St Paul, MN, [171] Later reported that there was no treaty issue and just Crossing Sky was killed in family altercation.

Hole in the Day offer,  Can do more with 100 warriors than 1000 white soldiers, The Weekly Pioneer and Democrat Vol.XV, No.7, Jul 24, 1863, p.2, Library of Congress, 2023 [172]

Hole-in-the-Day offer to fight the Sioux, Chicago Daily Tribune Vol XVI, No.297, Jun 04, 1863, p.1, Chronicling America: Library of Congress, 2023 [173]

Hole-in-the-Day Sibley offer, Rochester Republican, June 10, 1863, Minnesota Digital Newspaper Hub, 2023, MNHS, 345 Kellogg Blvd, St Paul, Mn [174]

Hole-in-the-Day Sibley offer, Der Indianierkrieg Minnesota Staats-zeitung, Jun 11, 1863, p.1, Library of Congress, 2023 [175]

Hole-in-the-Day Sibley offer, Weiteres aus Minnesota, Illinois Staats-zeitung Vol. 16, No.12, Jun 11, 1863, p.1, Library of Congress, 2023 [176]

Hole-in-the-Day offer, Der Indianierkrieg in Minnesota, 'Baltimore Wecker, Jun 09, 1863, p.2, Library of Congress, 2023 [177]

Hole-in-the-Day offer, Weiters aus Minnesota, Illinois Staats-zeitung, Jun 11, 1863, p.1, Library of Congress, 2023 [178]

Hole-in-the-Day Hatch offer, Minnesota Staats-Zeitung, Jul 18, 1863, p.3, Library of Congress, 2023 [179]

Hole-in-the-Day Hatch offer 100 warriors, Hatch right man Chatfield Democrat Vol. 7 No. 30, Jul 25, 1863, Minnesota Digital Newspaper Hub, 2023, MNHS, 345 Kellogg Blvd, St Paul, MN [180]

Hole-in-the-Day, Chatfield Democrat Vol. 7 No. 30, Jul 25, 1863, p.2, Minnesota Digital Newspaper Hub, 2023, MMHS, 345 Kellogg Blvd, St Paul,Mn [181]

Hole-in-the-Day offer to Hatch to fight the Sioux , Hatch right man, The Goodhue Volunteer Vol. 8, No.1, Jul 29, 1863, p.1, Library of Congress, 2023 [182]

The media viewed combat between the Chippewa and Sioux as being Diamond on Diamond. In other words, the indigenous combat skills were viewed as top grade.

Hole-in-the-Day offer, "Diamond on Diamond", The Ottawa Free Trader, Jul 25, 1863, p.1, Chronicling America, Library of Congress, 2023 [183]

Hole-in-the-Day offer "Diamond on Diamond", The Pantagraph 20 Jul 1863, p.1,, 2023 [184]

Hole-in-the-Day offer "Diamond on Diamond", Janesville Weekly Gazette 24 Jul 1863, p.1, 2023 [185]

Diamond on Diamond, Hole in the Day offer to fight the Sioux, Janesville Weekly Gazette 18 Jul 1863,, 2023 [186]

Diamond on Diamond, Hole in the Day offer to fight the Sioux, Janesville Weekly Gazette 24 Jul 1863,, 2023 [187]

Diamond on Diamond, Hole in the Day offer to fight the Sioux, The Pantagraph Bloomington Ill Vol VII No. 125, 20 Jul 1863,, 2023 [188]

June 1863, Indian Battalion Minnesota Volunteers aka Hatch's Battalion

A force of Chippeways, The Buffalo Commercial, 20 Jun 1863, p. 2,, [189]

A Washington Special to the New York Times, A force of Chippeways.. The Saint Paul Daily Press, Jun 25, 1863, Minnesota Digital Newspaper Hub, Minnesota Historical Society, 345 Kellogg Blvd, St Paul, MN, [190]

Hatch Chippewa Battalion, St Cloud Democrat, 25 Jun 1863, 2023, [191]

Hatch The War In Minnesota, 1000 mounted Chippewa and half breeds, Col Hatch, Daily Alta California, 18 Jul 1863, Vol. 15, No. 4890, 18 July 1863 [192]

A company of Red River half-breeds for Hatch's battalion, Sioux scalps taken at St.Jo, The Weekly Pioneer and Democrat, Aug 21, 1863, p.5, Library of Congress, 2023 [193]

Hatch Indian Battalion Minnesota Volunteers letterhead, The Weekly Pioneer and Democrat, Dec 11, 1863, p.3, Library of Congress, 2023 [194]

Hatch - Hole-in-the-Day says Hatch is the man. Offers Warriors for Hatch, The Goodhue Volunteer, July 29, 1863, p.1, Library of Congress, 2023 [195]

Hatch - Hole-in-the-Day says Hatch is the man, The Weekly Pioneer and Democrat, Jul 24, 1863, p.2, Library of Congress, 2023 [196]

Hatch - Hole-in-the-Day says Hatch is the man, Offers to fight the Sioux with 100 and offer accepted. From Washington, Chatfield Democrat, July 25, 1863[197]

Gen Pope No Chippewa, The Portland Daily Press, Oct 04, 1862, p.2, Library of Congress, 2023 [198]

Gen Pope No Chippewa, Cleveland Morning Leader, Oct 06, 1862, p.2, Library of Congress, 2023 [199]

Hole-in-the-Day offers Sibley scouts 1862, The Weekly Pioneer and Democrat, Oct 10, 1862, p.1, Library of Congress. 2023 [200]

Hole-in-the-Day offers Sibley 1863, Chicago Daily Tribune, Jun 04, 1863, p.1, Library of Congress, 2023 [201]

Pembina 1863 Red Bear American Flag, The Goodhue volunteer, Jun 17, 1863, p.1, Library of Congress, 2023 [202]

British Empire and Minnesota Sioux Chippewa [203]

Canada Minnesota Sioux Chippewa July 1866, Bradford Reporter, Jul 19, 1866, p.2, Library of Congress, 2024[204]

The Canadian Sioux Refugees from Minnesota, Roy W. Meyer Minnesota History Magazine, p.16, Minnesota Historical Society, 345 Kellogg Blvd, St Paul, MN [205]

Canada- Minnesota Sioux Chippewa attack 1864, St. Cloud Democrat, Jun 09, 1864, p.2, Library of Congress, 2023 [206]

Canada Minn Sioux Chippewa attack 1864, Daily Davenport Democrat, Jun 11, 1864, p.2, Library of Congress, 2023 [207]

The Princeton University Library Chronic..., Vol. 67, No. 2, Winter 2006, Photographs of the 1862 Sioux Revolt: [208]

Sen.Ramsey stealing from the Chippewa, The Weekly Pioneer and Democrat, Sept 04, 1863, p.2, Library of Congress, 2023 [209]

Red Lakers ~ Pembina Turtle Mountain ~ Lake of the Woods


May 1863 Little Crow with 64 warriors held council with 200 Chippewa at Pembina. The St. Joseph, Red Lake, and Lake of the Woods bands participated. After having shared the peace pipe a Red Laker killed a Sioux. The Saint Paul Daily Press, June 11, 1863, Minnesota Digital Newspaper Hub, 2024, MNHS, 345 Kellogg Blvd, St Paul, Mn. [210] When Little Crow arrived at Pembina, Chief Red Bear went to Judge Lemay and borrowed an American flag to display for Little Crow to see. The Weekly Pioneer and Democrat, June 12, 1863, p.4, Minnesota Digital Newspaper Hub, 2024, MNHS, 345 Kellogg Blvd, St Paul, Mn. [211]

By Oct 1863, the Red lake and Pembina bands had more than once volunteered to fight the Sioux, Indian Expedition, Semi-Weekly Wisconsin 09 Oct 1863, p.2,, 2023 [212]

Red lake offers to fight Sioux, The Chippewa Delegation, Sioux City Register, 16 Apr 1864, p.1, Vol VI, No.31,, 2023 [213]

Red Lake Band offer to fight Sioux. Fond du Lac, The Saint Paul Daily Press, Jun 25, 1863, Minnesota Digital Newspaper Hub, 2023, MNHS, 345 Kellogg Blvd, St Paul, Mn, [214]

Red Lake dance around 9 Sioux scalps taken at St Jo, The Red Lake Treaty Expedition, Fremont Journal, Oct 16, 1863, Image 1, Chronicling America, Library of Congress, 2023 [215]

Two Chiefs known to have attacked the Sioux during the war; Chief Es-En-Ce (Litte Shell) of the Pembina band and Chief Me-Jaw-Key-Osh of the Red Lake band. Chippewa Indian Tribe Photo Descriptions, Catalogue of Photographs of North American Indians, Access Genealogy, 2022, image 1001 and image 1073 [216]

Chief Me-Jaw-Key-Osh, Amon Carter Museum, 3501 Camp Bowie Blvd. Fort Worth, TX [217]

Red Lake-Pembina 1863 Treaty. Hole in the Day attended the signing and was accused of supporting Little Crow by the Red Lake chiefs. The Daily Standard(Raleigh, N Carolina) 20 Mar 1866, p.4,, 2023 [218] CHIEF Mons-o-mo Moose dung, Chief Kaw-wash-ke-ne-kay Crooked arm, Chief Ase-e-ne-wab Little rock, Chief Naw-gaun-e-gwan-abe Leading feather

Red lake Chippewa attack Minnesota Sioux at Fort Gerry, Chicago Tribune, Jul 14, 1866, p.1, Chronicling America, Library of Congress, 2023 [219]

Gov Ramsey asks Gov Swift to engage 50 Red Lake Chippewa to pursue the murderers at Sauk Centre, The Weekly Pioneer and Democrat, Sept 18, 1863, p.3, Library of Congress, 2023 [220]

'Gov Ramsey to engage 50 Red Lake Chippewa to pursue the murderers at Sauk Centre, Another Indian Murder, Rochester Republican p.2, Sept 16, 1863, Minnesota Digital Newspaper Hub, 2023, MNHS, 345 Kellogg Blvd, St Paul, MN [221]

Gov Ramsey Red lake Chippewa dance around 9 Sioux scalps taken at St Joseph, Fremont Journal, Oct. 16, 1863, p.1, Chronicling America, Library of Congress, 2023 [222]

300 Red river halfbreeds meet Sibley News from St Paul. Chicago Daily Tribune, Aug 08, 1863, p.1, Library of Congress, 2023 [223]

300 Red river halfbreeds meet Sibley, Little Crow Killed, Charles City Republican Intelligencer, Aug 13, 1863, p.3, Library of Congress, 2023 [224]

Cree and Assiniboine go to attack the Sioux News from Pembina, The Weekly Pioneer and Democrat. Vol. XV, No. 9, Apr 01, 1864, p.5, Library of Congress, [225]

Red Lakers winter at Georgetown 1863-64 occupying the abandoned Georgetown/Hudson Bay Post on the Red river. St. Cloud Democrat, Mar. 10, 1864, Minnesota Digital Newspaper Hub, 2023, MNHS, 345 Kellogg Blvd, St Paul, MN [226]

Sibley's Ojibwa Scouts and Messengers, 1863 Mille Lacs offer to fight the Sioux


Two biracial Chippewa hired to deliver mail to Sibley's expedition at $6.00/day.[47]

7 Chippewa "half-breed" messengers sent to Sibley From St. Paul, Chicago Daily Tribune, Aug 14, 1863, p.1, Library of Congress, 2023 [227]

7 Chippewa "half-breed" messengers sent to Sibley Interesting from the Expedition, The Kenosha Telegraph, Aug 20, 1863, p.4, Library of Congress, 2023 [228]

Chippewa scouts report Sioux holding two "white" females and children at Devils Lake. Winona Republican, 8 Jan. 1863, p.2,, 2024 [229]

Two scouts picked up the Sioux trail for Sibley's expedition on 18 July that lead to the Battle of Big Mound on July 24, 1863. North Iowa Times, 22 Sept 1863, p.2,, 2023, [230]

Two of Sibley's Chippewa messengers encountered Sioux scouts, Philadelphia Inquirer, 20 Aug. 1863, p.3,, 2023 [231]

Kegg, Mille Lacs scout for Sibley, Kegg’s Message Helped Preserve the Reservation, June 1st, 2017, Mille Lacs band of Ojibwe, 2023 [232]

Gen. Sibley received that 10 canoes of Otter Tail Chippewa were encountered returning from the hostile Sioux encampment at Devils Lake. From Fort Abercrombie The Weekly Pioneer and Democrat, May 19, 1865, p.5, Library of Congress, 2023 [233]

Ramsey intends to accept Chippewa offer and put 1000 Chippewa in the field, Semi-Weekly Wisconsin Milwaukee, 9 Oct, 1863, p.2, 2023 [234]

1863 Chicago February 21, names of Chippewa delegation to Washington, Baltimore Wecker, Feb 25, 1863, p.2, Library of Congress, 2023 [235]

Sen. Ramsey stealing from the Chippewa, The Weekly Pioneer and Democrat, Sept 04, 1863, p.2, Library of Congress, 2023 [236]

Sen. Rice Opinion, believed the Chippewa could be induced to unite with the whites against the Sioux., The Weekly Pioneer and Democrat 19 Sept 1862, p.5, 2023[237]

"The best thing that could be done , in my judgement, would be to say to Hole-in-the-Day:  Get your young men and warriors together, and go on the war path against the Sioux: drive them back and rid the country of them, and your forces shall receive the pay of U.S. soldiers during the time you are engaged in the expedition."  

Sen. Rice Opinion, believed the Chippewa could be induced to unite with the whites against the Sioux. "From Northern Minnesota", The Weekly Pioneer and Democrat, Sept 05, 1862, p.6, Library of Congress 2023 [238]

1863 Treaty names of Chiefs, The Saint Paul Daily Press Apr 7, 1863, Minnesota Digital Newspaper Hub, 2023, MNHS, 345 Kellogg Blvd. St. Paul, MN []

Red Lakers castigate Hole in the Day The Saint Paul Daily Press Oct 4, 1863, Minnesota Digital Newspaper hub, MNHS, 345 Kellogg Blvd. St. Paul, Mn , [239]

Bloody war between Chippewa in Crow wing. Minnesota Staats-Zeitung, Nov 21, 1863, p.3, Library of Congress, 2023 [240]

June 1863, Indian Battalion Minnesota Volunteers aka Hatch's Battalion

A force of Chippeways.. The Buffalo Commercial 20 Jun 1863, p. 2,, [241]

A Washington Special to the New York Times, A force of Chippeways.. The Saint Paul Daily Press Jun 25, 1863, Minnesota Digital Newspaper Hub, MNHS, 345 Kellogg Blvd, St Paul, MN, [242]

Hatch Chippewa Battalion, St Cloud Democrat 25 Jun 1863, 2023 [243]

Hatch The War In Minnesota, 1000 mounted Chippewa and half breeds, Col Hatch, Daily Alta California 18 Jul 1863, Vol. 15, No. 4890, 18 July 1863, California Digital Newspaper Collection, Center for Bibliographical Studies and Research UC Riverside, CA 2024 [244]

A company of Red River half-breeds for Hatch's battalion, Sioux scalps taken at St.Jo, The Weekly Pioneer and Democrat, Aug 21, 1863, p.5, Library of Congress, 2023 [245]

Hatch Indian Battalion Minnesota Volunteers letterhead, The Weekly Pioneer and Democrat , Dec 11, 1863, p.3, Chronicling America, Library of Congress [246]

Hatch - Hole-in-the-Day says Hatch is the man. Offers Warriors for Hatch, Library of Congress, 2024 The Goodhue Volunteer, July 29, 1863, p.1. Chronicling America, Library of Congress, 2023 [247]

Hatch - Hole-in-the-Day says Hatch is the man, Library of Congress, The Weekly Pioneer and Democrat [volume], Jul 24, 1863, p.2 , Chronicling America. Library of Congress, 2023 [248]

Hatch - Hole-in-the-Day says Hatch is the man, Offers to fight the Sioux with 100 and offer accepted. From Washington, Chatfield Democrat, July 25, 1863. Minnesota Digital Newspaper Hub, 2023, MNHS, 345 Kellogg Blvd, St. Paul, MN 2023 [249]

From Hatch's Battalion, St. Cloud Democrat, Vol VII, No. 24, 7 Jan. 1864, p.2, Minnesota Digital Newspaper Hub, 2023, MNHS, 345 Kellogg Blvd, St. Paul, MN 2023 [250]

Gen. Pope: "No Chippewa Service"

The Portland Daily Press, Oct 04, 1862, p.2, Library of Congress, 2023 [251]

Cleveland Morning Leader, Oct 06, 1862, p.2, Library of Congress, 2023 [252]

Hole-in-the-Day offers Sibley scouts 1862

The Weekly Pioneer and Democrat, Oct 10, 1862, p.1, Library of Congress, 2023 [253]

Hole-in-the-Day offers Sibley 1863

Chicago Daily Tribune, Jun 04, 1863, p.1, Library of Congress, 2023 [254]

Pembina 1863 Red Bear American Flag, The Goodhue volunteer, Jun 17, 1863, p.1, Library of Congress. 2023 [255]

Canada Minn Sioux Chippewa [256]

Canada Minn Sioux Chippewa July 1866, Bradford Reporter, Jul 19, 1866, p.2, Library of Congress, 2023 [257]

The Canadian Sioux Refugees from Minnesota, Roy W. Meyer Minnesota History Magazine, p.16, Minnesota Historical Society, 345 Kellogg Blvd, St Paul, MN [258]

Canada Minn Sioux Chippewa attack 1864, St. Cloud Democrat, Jun 9, 1864, p.2, Library of Congress, 2023 [259]

Canada Minn Sioux Chippewa attack 1864, Daily Davenport Democrat, Jun 11, 1864, p.2, Library of Congress, 2023 [260]

The Princeton University Library Chronic..., Vol. 67, No. 2, Winter 2006, Photographs of the 1862 Sioux Revolt:[261]

Mille Lacs and Sandy Lake bands ~ Lincoln ~ 1863 & 1864 Treaties, (non-removable/removable bands)

  • The Mille Lacs Band of Chippewa voluntarily provided security to a U.S. military installation and the town of Little Falls without compensation during a time of war.

12 Stat. 1249 1863-64 Chippewa treaties Article 12, 1863 & 1864: Land Cession Treaties with the Ojibwa (Mississippi, Pillager, Lake Winnibigoshish Bands), Minnesota Indian Affairs Council, 161 Saint Anthony Ave, St. Paul, MN [262]

Article 12 makes the Milles Lacs Band and Sandy Lake band unique amongst indigenous peoples, no other tribes have the same protection. Treaties with Minnesota Indians [263]

1875 Chippewa Indian Agency record: Chief Shaw-Bosh-Kung described his 1863 meeting with Lincoln:

"The President took our hands and promised us faithfully and encouraged us and he said we could live on our reservation for 10 years and if faithful to whites and behave ourselves [and are] friendly to whites you shall increase the number to 100 and you may increase it to 1,000 years if you are good Indians, and through your good behavior at the time of war (we were good and never raised our hands against the whites)  The Secretary of the Interior and the President said that we should be considered good Indians and remain at Mille Lacs so long as we want." Tell the Mille Lacs what Danger they are in, Minnesota Historical Society Contract #92-C-2763, 1973, p. 100-118, Chapter 5, "Reminiscences of Life among the Chippewa (Part III)", Anthony Godfrey, U.S. West Research, POB 2172, La Cross, WS,

The Mille Lacs band and Sandy Lake bands self identified those members that did not participate at Fort Ripley and not deserving of 1000 year protection thus creating the "removable" bands of Mille Lacs and Sandy Lake.

Mille Lacs, Red Lake, Pembina 1864


January 19 it was reported that 47 Sioux with their families turned themselves in to Major Hatch. Before they were transferred the Chippewa killed six.[48] [49]

Chippewa Treaty 7 May 1864, Lincoln Proclaimed 20 March 1865, Article 12 Mille Lacs Band, Amendment to Article 12 for the Sandy Lake Band no included in 1863, Presidential approval required for removal Laws of the U.S., The Daily Standard, Raleigh, North Carolina, 3 Jan 1866, p.3,, 2023 [264]

A couple weeks later Minnesota newspapers reported 4 Chiefs were killed at Rabbit lake for signing the treaty based upon misinformation. Trouble among the Chippewa, Chatfield Democrat, May 16, 1863,Minnesota Media hub,2023, MNHS, 345 Kellogg Blvd, St Paul, MN, [265] The Late Emute amone the Chippewa, The Weekly Pioneer and Democrat, May 22, 1863, Minnesota Media hub, 2023 MNHS, 345 Kellogg Blvd, St Paul, MN, [266]

20 Mille Lacs warriors offer to scout for Sibley, The Chippewas offer to fight the Sioux, Chicago Tribune 12 May 1864, p.2,, [267]

20 Mille Lacs warriors offer to scout for Sibley, The Saint Paul Press May 6, 1864 Vol. IV, No. 20, Minnesota Media hub, 2023 MNHS, 345 Kellogg Blvd, St Paul, MN, [268]

20 Mille Lacs warriors offer to scout for Sibley, The Owatonna Plain Dealer May 12, 1864, Minnesota Media hub, 2023 MNHS, 345 Kellogg Blvd, St Paul, MN [269]

June 1864 Chippewa attack Minn Sioux at Lake Manitoba, Library of Congress, 2024 [270]

Red Lake amd Pembina bands frequently solicited the Government to employ them as scouts and warriors against the Sioux, The Chippewa Delegation, Sioux City Register, 16 Apr 1864, p.1,, 2023, [271]

1865 Hole-in-the Day laments that Chippewa Battalion was not formed


Hole in the Day regrets offer to raise a Battalion to fight the south not accepted, The Weekly Pioneer and Democrat 11 Aug 1865, p. 10,, 2023 [272]

Hole in the Day regrets offer to raise a Battalion to fight the south not accepted, The Union-Press 24 Aug 1865, p.1, Lawrenceburgh, IND., 2023 [273]

Hole in the Day regrets offer to raise battalion to fight the south not accepted. Carbondale Advance 19 Aug 1865, Sat · Page 1, 2023, 2023 [274]

Hole in the Day regrets offer to raise a Battalion to fight the south not accepted, The Wheeling Daily Register 18 Aug 1865, p.1,, 2023 [275]

Hole in the Day regrets offer to raise a Battalion to fight the south not accepted, Daily Missouri Republican 09 Aug 1865, Wed, p.2,, 2023 [276]

Hole in the Day regrets offer to raise a Battalion to fight the south not accepted,, Burlington Daily Times 05 Sept 1865, p.2,, 2023 [277]

Hole in the Day regrets offer to raise Battalion to fight the south not accepted. The Journal-Press 24 Aug 1865, p.1, 2023, 2023 [278]

Hole in the Day offer, Louisville Daily Vol XXXIII No.208, 11 Jun 1863, p.1,, 2023 [279]

Hole in the Day offer to fight the south. The Journal-Press 24 Aug 1865, p.1,, 2023 [280]

On 11 August 1865 The Pioneer and Democrat opined it was unfortunate that Hole-in-the-Day was unable to raise the Battalion Chippewa to fight the south.

1866 Red Lakers and Pembina


Red Lakers vs Minnesota Sioux, Chicago Tribune 14 Jul 1866, p.1,, 2023 [281]

Red Lakers vs Minnesota Sioux, The Belvidere Standard(Illinois) 17 Jul 1866, p.2,, 2023 [282]

Red lake Chippewa attack Minnesota Sioux at Fort Gerry, Chicago Tribune, Jul 14, 1866, p.1, Library of Congress, 2023 [283]

Private Letters to St Paul, Red Lakers vs. Minnesota Sioux, Chatfield Democrat July 21, 1866, Minnesota Digital Newspaper hub, 2023, MNHS, 345 Kellogg Blvd. St. Paul, Mn [284]

Red Lakers vs Minnesota Sioux, Fight Between Indians at Fort Gerry, The Hillsdale Standard(Michigan), 24 Jul 1866, p.1,, 2023 [285]

Minnesota Sioux vs Red Lake Chippeways, The Sunbury Gazette, and Northumberland County Republican(United Kingdom) 28 Jul 1866, p.2,, 2023 [286]

Red Lakers vs Minnesota Sioux, Topeka Weekly Leader 19 Jul 1866, p.2,, 2023 [287]

Within the Anishinaabe culture Cannibalism is an element of the Victory ritual after combat.  It is not a dietary component of the people.  Reports of cannibalism made the newspapers in 1866.

Red Lakers vs Minnesota Sioux, Indian Battle Cannibalism Fall River Daily Monitor(Massachusetts), 19 Jul 1866, Vol. II, No.85, p.2,, 2023 [288]

Red Lakers vs Minnesota Sioux, Indian Battle Cannibalism, The Pittsfield Sun 26 Jul 1866,(Massachusetts) p.4,, 2023 [289]

Red Lakers vs Minnesota Sioux, Indian Battle Cannibalism The Manitowoc Pilot Vol 7, No. 52 (Wisconsin), Jul 20, 1866, p.1, Library of Congress, 2023 [290]

Chippewa and Sioux fight at Fort Gerry on 22 June 1866. The Sioux had 6 dead and many wounded. Dodgeville Chronicle, Wisconsin July 19, 1866, p.2, Library of Congress, 2024 [291]

Red Lakers vs Minnesota Sioux, Indian Fight Cannibalism, Rochester Republican Vol. 6, No.36, Jul 12, 1866, Minnesota Digital Newspaper hub, 2023, MNHS, 345 Kellogg Blvd. St. Paul, Mn [292]

1868 Ojibwa welcome in St. Paul


Chief Wabon-o-quot (Wawegon) with a small group attended a presentation by the Fusi Yama Japanese Troupe in St. Paul's Ingersoll Hall. The Chief was very impressed with the show requesting an audience. He invited the Japanese north for the best Ojibwa meal in his tepee. He was told it did not fit their schedule, but the preformers spent some time with the Ojibwa. Meeting between Japanese and Chippewa, The Lake City Leader, June 12, 1868, Minnesota Digital Archives, 2023 Minnesota Historical Society, 345 Kellogg Blvd. St. Paul, Mn [293]

1890 Mille Lacs head chief Shaw-Bosh-King memoriam by Bishop H. Whipple, "brought all the warriors he could to Fort Ripley


Shaw-bosh-king, Bishop H. Whipple St. Paul Daily Globe, Mar 10, 1890, p.4 Minnesota Media hub, 2023, Minnesota Historical Society, 345 Kellogg Blvd, St Paul, MN [294]

Shaw-bosh-king, The Minneapolis Tribune Mar 9, 1890 Minnesota Media hub, 2023, Minnesota Historical Society, 345 Kellogg Blvd, St Paul, MN [295]

Shaw-bosh-king, Indian Humor Public Press (Northunberland, Penn.) 16 May 1890, p.2,, 2023,[296]

Shaw-bosh-king, Indian Humor St. Louis Globe-Democrat, 11 May 1890, p.7,, 2023, [297]

Shaw-bosh-king, Still had his brains The Fort Worth Record and Register, 26 Dec 1909, p.15,, 2023 [298]

Shaw-bosh-king, Indian Keeness, Manchester Weekly Times and Examiner(England), 14 Jun 1890, p.14,, 2023 [299]

Shaw-bosh-king, Not to be Gulled The Whitstable Times and Herne Bay Herald(Kent England) 15 Nov 1890, p.6,, 2023 [300]

Shaw-bosh-king,(obit) The Wahpeton Times 13 Feb 1890, p.5, 2023 [301]

Shaw-bosh-king,(obit) The Sun(Morris Minn) 13 Feb 1890, p.3,, 2023 [302]

Shaw-bosh-king,(obit) The Great West(St Paul, Minn.) 14 Feb 1890, p.3,, 2023 [303]

Shaw-bosh-king,(obit)New Ulm Review, 12 Feb 1890, p.3,, 2023 [304]

Shaw-bosh-king,(obit) The Mercury(Spring Valley, Minn.) Feb 13, 1890,, 2023 [305]

Shaw-bosh-king,(obit) The Record and Union(Rochester, Minn) Feb 14, 1890 [306]

Shaw-bosh-king,(obit) Willmar Argus(Willmar, Minn) February 13, 1890 [307]

Shaw-bosh-king letter to President Hayes 1880Little Falls Transcript, Apr 16, 1880, p.1, Library of Congress, 2023 [308]

Shaw-bosh-king Mille Lacs Reservation, More About the Mille Lacs Indians, Little Falls Transcript, Nov 01, 1889, p.3, Library of Congress, 2023, [309]


Minnesota has 27 State Monuments with two dedicated to the Chippewa.

Minnesota Statues: Section 138.585 State Monuments, Subdivision 17 Chief Mou-zoo-mau-nee State Monument The State also erected a monument to Chief Wabanquot aka White Cloud who supported the "whites". Flags flew at half staff when he died.[50]

Chief Shaw-bosh-kung who lead the Ojibwa forces to Fort Ripley has a road, park, and point named for him at Mille Lacs lake.

Minnesota monument to Mille Lacs war Chief Mou-Zoo-Mau-Nee and his 300 Mille Lacs and Sandy Lake warriors who offered to fight the Sioux and defend Fort Ripley during the Sioux uprising. Dedicated 1914 at the Fort Ridgely because Fort Ripley was abandoned by then. The monument is the same size as the State monument for the men the 5th Minnesota lost at Ridgely and Redwood Ferry.
Dedication to Chief Mou-Zoo-Mau-Nee and the Mille Lacs band.

The Mille Lacs stood as a unit on the side of the "whites" in 1862. Little Falls Transcript, 23 Apr 1880, p.1,, 2023, [310]

"The Mille Lacs may stay as long as they are good" Chief Moose-o-ma-na(Mou-zoo-mau-nee)Letter to President R.B. Hayes, Little Falls Transcript, 16 Apr 1880, p.1,, 2023, [311]

Leech Lake head Chief Naw-wa-ge-schick, noted for good services during dark days of 1862. Little Falls Transcript, 23 Apr 1880, p.1,, 2023, [312]

The Mille Lacs The Attempt to Dispossess of their lands thwarted. The Saint Paul Globe 19 Jun 1884, p.3,, 2023, [313]

Hole in the Day III Late in 1885 ex-Governor Ramsey escorted Hole-in-the-Day's youngest son Joseph to Washington D.C. as a candidate to West Point.[51][52][53][54] The trip's mission made national news with all accounts reporting he was a fine candidate. They also expected he would be accepted. In April 1866 he made his petition in person to President Cleveland.[55] There are no news accounts for his not being accepted. He made news again in November 1887 when his stepfather adopted him and he took his surname Woodbury.[56] The following December he made news again for giving the USPS his notice of resignation to become Chief on the White Earth Reservation. In 1898 he enlisted as a private in the 14th Minnesota Infantry.

Mille Lacs NON-REMOVAL, An Indian's Answer, Toronto Saturday Night 29 Oct 1898, The British Newspaper Archive, 2023 [314]

Mille Lacs NON-REMOVAL, Not to be Gulled Kilburn Times 14 Nov 1890, The British Newspaper Archive, 2023 [315]

Loyalty of the Mille Lacs Chippewas in 1862, D.H. Robbins, The Princeton Union, 16 May 1907, p.6, Library of Congress, 2023, [316]

1894 The death of Chief Naganub was reported in many newspapers with no mention he sent Lincoln letter offering to fight the Sioux.

1902 The Mille Lacs were Loyal, Government Owes them a Debt, The Minneapolis Journal, Aug 26, 1902, p.11, Library of Congress, 2023 [317]

1902 The Mille Lacs Ojibways... "were given absolute possession" The Princeton Union, Aug 28, 1902, p.2, Library of Congress, 2023 [318]

War Chief Mou-Zoo-Mau-Nee (Mazomanie-Iron Walker) widow Legislation introduced to the Minnesota legislature to provide a $120/year pension for his widow. ($4,328.00 today) The Princeton Union April 8, 1897, Minnesota Digital Newspaper hub, 2023, MNHS, 345 Kellogg Blvd, St Paul, MN, [319]

War Chief Mou-Zoo-Mau-Nee widow Legislation re-introduced H.F.688 The Saint Paul Globe Apr 14, 1897, Page 5, Library of Congress, 2023, [320]

War Chief Mou-Zoo-Mau-Nee widow Legislation H.F.688 failed due to Major R.B. Basford(ex 16th Wis) The Saint Paul GlobeJul 22, 1897, Minnesota Digital Newspaper hub, 2023, MNHS, 345 Kellogg Blvd, St Paul, MN, [321]

About Mou-Zoo-Mau-Nee, Little Falls Herald, September 04, 1914, p.2, Library of Congress, 2023, [322]

War Chief Mou-Zoo-Mau-Nee Monument Little Falls Herald Sept 4, 1914, Minnesota Digital Newspaper hub, 2023, MNHS, 345 Kellogg Blvd, St Paul, MN, [323]

New Monument at Fort Ridgely, New Ulm Review, 29 Jul 1914, p. 10,, 2023 [324]

Mou-Zoo-Mau-Nee Monument dedication, Celebration at Fort Ridgely New Ulm Review, Aug 12, 1914, Minnesota Digital Newspaper hub, 2023, MNHS, 345 Kellogg Blvd, St Paul, MN, [325]

War Chief Mou-Zoo-Mau-Nee Large Crowd See Memorial Unvailed The Redwood Gazette Sept 1, 1914, Minnesota Digital Newspaper hub, 2023, MNHS, 345 Kellogg Blvd, St Paul, MN, [326]

Monument to the Big Chief The Redwood Gazette, 11 Aug 1914, p.11,, 2023 [327]

War Chief Mou-Zoo-Mau-Nee Monument, Star Tribune 9 May 1921, p.6,, 2023 [328]

War Chief Mou-Zoo-Mau-Nee (Mazomanie) Monument, The Tomahawk (White Earth) May 12, 1921, p.1 p.4, Minnesota Digital Newspaper hub, 2023 MNHS, 345 Kellogg Blvd, St Paul, MN,[329]

Dedicate Monument to Friendly Indians, The Hattiesburg News, Aug 20, 1914, p.4, Library of Congress, [330]

Monument to Indians, Las Vegas Optic, Aug 20, 1914, CITY EDITION, p.3, Library of Congress, [331]

Monument to Indians, The Daily Missoulian, Aug 21, 1914, Morning, p.3, Library of Congress, 2023 [332]

Chief Zhuck-Ke-Ge-Schick, in 1908 showed Roosevelt the medal Lincoln gave him for his 1862 U.S. support. Minnesota Chief sees Roosevelt The Minneapolis Tribune, Feb 16, 1908, Minnesota Digital Newspaper hub, 2023, MNHS, 345 Kellogg Blvd. St Paul, MN [333]

1922 Big Lake on the Mille Lac Reservation identified that name was changed to Lake Na-ga-nub for Chief Na-ga-nub, Boy Scout Camp Will Open, The Duluth Herald, May 27, 1922, Minnesota Digital Newspaper hub, 2023, MNHS, 345 Kellogg Blvd, St Paul, MN [334]

Mille Lacs Indian Reservation, Little Falls transcript , Mar 26, 1880, p., Library of Congress,2023 [335]

1863 Chippewa Treaty: Sandy Lake and Mille Lacs bands get to stay on their 1855 Reservation because of their help during the uprising. "Treaties with Minnesota Indians" [336]

Noted Sioux Uprising historians did not know of the Chippewa offers or the actions of Chief Mou-zoo-mau-nee and made biased- bigoted comments


M.P.Shatterlee stated the Mou-Zoo-Mau-Nee Monument was a mistake because Maza-Mani was a Dakota not a Chippewa when there were two men with the same name with the same translated meaning. Estimating the killings of the Sioux Uprising, M.P.Shatterlee., The Minneapolis Journal, 10 Sept 1922, p.31,, [337]

R.I. Holcombe stated the Chippewa had no chief named Mou-zoo-mau-nee, but there was aa Sioux named Mah-zo-mannee St. Paul August 5, The Mankato Free Press, Aug 07, 1914, p.3, Library of Congress, 2023 [338]

Civil War Chippewa/Ojibwa - White Earth, Minnesota



2nd Minnesota Cavalry M Company six mixed-race Chippewa at South Bend, Blue Earth County, Pioneer and Democrat, 10 June 1864, p.5 Minnesota Digital Newspaper Hub,2023, MNHS, 3435, Kellogg Blvd, St. Paul Minnesota

Sept 2-3 News accounts indicate A Company 6th Minnesota had troops in the Battle of Birch Cooley that were mixed-race Dacotah/Ojibwa. During the battle the attackers called out to them telling them to leave, their blood was not wanted just the "whites".[57]

9th Minnesota G Company fought Sioux at Fort Abercrombie, 2 dozen White Earth men were in the company

List of G Company Chippewa as well as names of Chippewa in other Minnesota Civil War units. White Earth Chippewa Civil War Veterans, Gichiziibiwinini(David Beaulieu), Big River Man News-American Indian Education, Tuesday, May 04, 2010, [339]

Joseph Charette(Way ond ji-mah dub or Wain-ge-ma-dub) joined G Company winter 1862-3, was elected to Chief of the White Band and made chairman. 85 year old chief still joins in dances, The Tomahawk 18 Sept 1919, p.1 ,, 2023 [340]

G.A.R. button- Joseph Charette, Star Tribune 24 Aug 1919, p.36,, 2023 [341]

White Earth MinnesotaThe Minneapolis Journal, 09 May 1904, p.13,, 2023 [342]

G Co. John Strong, 1st KIA , St Cloud GAR post named for him The Sauk Centre Herald 01 Oct 1931, p.4,, 2023, [343]

Captain Charles H. Beaulieu, G Co. 9th Minnesota (White Earth) Big River Man News-Beaulieu Family History, June 2010 [344]

Captain Bealieau Dies, Minneapolis Daily Times, 9 May 1904, p.7,, 2023 [345]

G Co. Charles Foster obituary, The Minneapolis Journal 6 Jan 1902, p.5,, 20023 [346]

G Co. Thomas Warren obituary The Milligan Times(Nebraska), 06 Mar 1908, p.2,, 2023 [347]

Minnesota State Senator Charles S. Marden did all he could to get official State recognition for the Chippewa efforts during the Sioux uprising as well as the Civil War

1912, State Senator Charles S. Marden, Moorhead, authored bill for Mau-zoo-mau-nee monument, EastSide Notes, The Fargo Forum and Daily Republican, Aug. 07, 1914, Library of Congress, 2023 [348]

1912, State Senator Charles S. Marden, Moorhead, attempted to get a State monument to the 300 Chippewa that served in various Minnesota Regiments About Mou-zoo-mau-nee Little Falls Herald 4 Sept. 1914, p.2,, 2023 [349]


The Taylor Falls Reporter newspaper published that Sam Fifield editor of the Polk County Press opined Wisconsin should organize a Brigade of Chippewa Braves to fight the south. Taylors Falls Reporter July 17, 1862, Minnesota Digital Newspaper hub,2023, MNHS, 345, Kellogg Blvd, St. Paul Minnesota [350]

190 Wisconsin Chippewa are known to have enlisted[58]

Wisconsin Chippewa "Half-breed Regiment", Superiour Journal, Sept. 1892

Wisconsin Chippewa "Half-breed Regiment", The Saint Paul Daily Press, Sept 20, 1862, Minnesota Digital Newspaper Hub,2023, MNHS, 345, Kellogg Blvd, St. Paul Minnesota [351]

Wisconsin Chippewa "Half-breed Regiment", Prescott Journal, Sept. 24, 1862, p.1, Library of Congress, 2023 [352]

1st Wisconsin received 14 Chippewa replacements, ... zu den zur Auffüllung nachrekrutierten Soldaten gehörten 14 Chippewa Indianer, die bald zu den besten ... auf der Homepage von Eberhard Ref - Wisconsin Eberhard, › wisconsin [353]

3rd Wisconsin received 12 Chippewa replacements in Atlanta 1864

7th Wisconsin, Ojibwa Warriors volunteer, The Polk County Press, Apr 1864

7th Wisconsin, Ojibwa Warriors volunteer, Janesville Daily Gazette, 22 Apr 1864, p.2,, 2023, [354]

7th Wisconsin, some 30 Ojibwa Warriors join, Madison Journal, Jun 1864

7th Wisconsin, some 30 Ojibwa Warriors join, State News, Janesville Weekly Gazette, 24 Jun 1864, p.2 , 2023 [355]

7th Wisconsin, Ojibwa Warriors Join the Battle of Spotsylvania, Wisconsin Historical Society [356] The 7th Wisconsin arrived at Gettysburg on July 1 and counterattacked Archer's Confederate Brigade.

8th Wisconsin, Lac du Flambeau Band gave the Regiment a Bald Eagle as the Regimental Mascot

30th Wisconsin K Company had a number of Chippewa that went to Dakota territory with Gen. Sulley 1863 [357]

190 Chippewa served in Wisconsin Civil War Regiments, [358]

The Lac du Flambeau Band of Lake Superior Chippewa and the Great War, Gary Entz, WXPR, June 23, 2021, Public Radio, Rhinelander, Wisconsin [359]

Spanish American War. A full blood Civil War veteran Louis Beche, offered President McKinley a band of 500 Lake Superior Chippewa warriors. Chippewa Warriors, Stockton Record, Vol. VI, No. 133, 14 Mar. 1898, California Digital Newspaper Collection, UC Stockton, CA [360]


1ST Michigan Sharpshooters(historic record identifies K Company as both Chippewa/Ottawa, both speak Ojibwe) The Hillsdale Standard 21 Jul 1863, p.2,, [361]

1st Mich. sharpshooter Sergeant Ne-o-de-geshick(Thomas Ke-Cittigo)

1st Mich. sharpshooter , Henry Wassagezhic(Henry Condecon)

American Indians in the Civil War? 1st Michigan Sharpshooters graves at Petersburg National Battlefield, Jim Burnett, National Parks Traveler, Dec 17, 2010, [362]

Why We Serve, Civil War, National Museum of the Native Americans, Smithsonian, Washington D.C. [363]

Michigan Indians in the Civil War, Petersburg National Battlefield, Kate Fort, Dec. 21, 2010 [364]

Civil War soldier’s grave dedicated at Chippewa burial ground, Lania Rocha, Swartz Creek View, Michigan, June, 18, 2015 [365]

Michigan indigenous soldiers in the Civil War, Steve Charnley, Daily News, Montcalm County and Ionia County Michigan, October 14, 2023 [366]

Michigan's Company K: Anishinaabe Soldiers, Citizenship, and the Civil War, Michelle K Cassidy, Michigan State University Press, Sept, 2023, ISBN 9781611864632 [367]

The story of Company K: Native Americans from Michigan who saw tough action in the Civil War, Michigan Radio, By Staff, Aug. 23, 2017, Michigan Radio NPR, 535 W. William St, Suite 110, Ann Arbor, MI [368]

Two Famous Red Men, Mille Lacs The Minneapolis Journal, Jan 2, 1904, p.3, Minnesota Digital Newspaper Hub, 2023, MNHS 345 Kellogg Blvd. St Paul, MN [369]

Chippewa: Steatite/soapstone Pipes


Just north of Rainy Lake, in Canada, the Chippewa had found a jet black stone, steatite/soapstone, that they used to make pipes.[59][60][61] It is slightly harder than the Red Pipestone from southern Minnesota and is less well known in comparison.[62] The Chippewa also quarried steatite near Devils Lake, Sauk County, Wisconsin and other sites in Ontario.[63] [64] [65] [66] [67] Another source has a quarry at Pillager, Minnesota and a quarry north of Duluth that produced a jet black material that took a high polish.[68]

Longfellow's poem places the Red Pipestone quarry in Ojibwa lore stating Gitche Manitou called the tribes together there.[69]

The Smithsonian: Chief Aysh-ke-bah-ke-ko-zhay (Flat Mouth), Leech Lake steatite pipe, collected 1866[70]

Harvard University Peabody Museum steatite pipe, pre-1874 (stylistically similar to Flat Mouth's pipe) [71]

Nelson Atkins Museum: Ojibwa lead and steatite pipe, ca.1875 [72]

Harvard University Peabody Museum: Bois Forte steatite pipe with lead and catlinite inlays, ca. 1900[73]

Cass Lake pipe with lead and catlinite inlays of unknown Chief[74]

Smithsonian: Lake Winnibigoshish/Leech Lake steatite pipe.[75]

Smithsonian: Chippewa steatite pipe of Unknown history.[76]

PITS ~ Pipestone Indian Training School and the Chippewa

Obverse: 1901 Bronze Award, Pan-American Exposition, Buffalo, New York. The Pipestone Chippewa students earned 12 of these medals.
Reverse: Bronze Award, 1901 Pan-American Exposition. The medals depicted Native Americans with a pipestone pipe, South America left, North America right.

In 1855 Henry Wadsworth Longfellow places the Chippewa at Pipestone in his Song of Hiawatha. He wrote "Here Gitche Manitou called all the tribes together".

In 1889 plans and specifications for a Indian School at Pipestone were drawn up.[77]

In 1890 it was reported tribes had requested a school at the Yankton tribe's Pipestone Reservation.[78] An approbation of $30,000 was requested and $25,000 was approved. The Bureau of Indian Affairs took 100 acres of the reservation land to build the Pipestone Indian Industrial School adjacent to the Pipestone Quarry. The Yankton people long contested that loss and won before the Supreme Court years later. It was one of the BIA's 25 non-reservation boarding schools and amongst the last to be closed. When the school opened the majority of native Americans in Minnesota were Ojibwa and they dominated the school's enrollment throughout it's history. The school had grades 1-8 with a split curriculum, mornings and afternoon groups switching: academics and occupation skills. The school fielded both girls and boys sports teams[79] [80] [81] Post WWI, the Pipestone student body became more diverse, but White Earth remained the primary source of students until the school closed. Attendance appears to have been entirely voluntary which explains why the School superintendent made visits to the various reservations outside Minnesota to recruit students. The circumstances for the attendance of orphans at the school are not published. In 1952, last year the school was supposed to be open, over 300 students wanted to attend, however due to budget reductions just 130 from Minnesota were accepted. Post WWII newspapers portray the school as also being an orphanage in it's last years of operation.[82] [83] Leaders of the Chippewa were against closing Pipestone School until something could be done to place the kids in permanent situations.[84]

1891 The Yankton tribe filed a complaint that the school would be placed on the Yankton Pipestone reservation not adjacent to it.[85][86]

1893 The Pipestone Superintendent passed through Marshall,MN with three groups of kids. Two were from White Earth and Mille Lacs. The third were Sioux he brought via St Paul.[87]

1894 the Avoca Catholic boarding school for Indian girls closed. The students were transferred to Pipestone and Flandreau after permission was received from the parents.[88]

1895 The Superintendents of the Indian schools at Pipestone and Pierre S.D. both went to White Earth looking to enroll students. Pipestone got 8 or 9.[89]

1897 Six bright students were escorted back to the Rosebud Agency when classes ended in the Spring [90] In the Fall it was reported 67 Ojibwa children from the Detroit Lakes area were enroute to Pipestone.[91][92]

1899 C.J. Crandall, the first Superintendent of Pipestone wrote that the legends surrounding the red Pipestone were mostly the creations of the "white man".[93][94]

1900 Congress considered buying the Pipestone Reservation[95]

1901 Pipestone's students won 12 bronze medals in Agricultural Products at the Pan-American Exposition in Buffalo, New York.[96]

1902 School enrollment reported at 135 mostly Chippewa.[97][92]

1904 Bids were solicited to provide 35,000 pounds of beef for the school. The desired cuts were specified as well as what would be rejected.[98]

1905 The White Earth Tomahawk reported the Pipestone School matron, Miss Roy, returned for the new school year accompanied by many White Earth students.[99] White Earth Chief William Madison was the Boys Advisor at Pipestone.[100]

1906 The first 3 students to graduate at Pipestone were Clem Fairbanks, Willie Coffey, and Willie McIntosh from White Earth. In 1906 enrollment was 215.[101]

1908 the BIA prohibited non-reservation school superintendents from going to reservations and recruiting students.[102] The head of the BIA felt too much money was being spent on the training programs at the non-reservation schools and that they should have the same curriculums as public schools.

1912 the students began publishing a school newspaper that some claim make it the first indigenous newspaper in the country.[103] However, The Oglala Light began publishing at the Oglala Indian Training School in Pine Ridge, South Dakota in 1900.

ca. 1914 Two girls displaying a large example of Ojibwa beadwork at Pipestone.[104]

1916 The BIA allocated Indian schools $167/student while PITS was spending $224/student[105] In 1914 the boys made the Tri-state Indian school championship.[106]

1918 School enrollment reported at 165: Chippewa 75, Sioux 55, Winnebago 19, Omaha 19.[92] During commencement PITS displayed a service banner with 35 stars for former students in uniform for WWI.[107]

1927 school enrollment was 340 the school's maximum, many applications were turned down[108]

1930 school enrollment was 315. 375.In 1930 the football team went 7-3 scoring 220 pts vs. their opponents 72. It was notable as almost all their opponents were High schools and Pipestone only went to the 9th grade. The team represented 11 tribes: Chippewa 5, Sioux 5, Gros Ventre 2, Akira 2, Sac-Fox 2, Winnebago 1, Omaha, 1, Oneida 1, and Cheyenne 1. The hardest fought contest was against the team from the Flandreau Indian School.[109]

In 1932 Pipestone had the largest enrollment. That year a Hospital was built on the school campus.[110] The building was demolished in 1999.

1940 Applications for enrollment far exceeded school capacity with many turned down to get to the preferred number of 320.

1941 The boys basketball team made the news. It was reported that they had won a tournament two years running and were returning. They were noted for defeating the opposition routinely by 15-25 points. Because of this they had to travel over 100 miles to play teams they would or could compete with them.[111]

1947 enrollment demographics and costs per student reported. [112]

1948 the BIA proposed closing all Indian schools. The people of Pipestone said all the other schools could close except Pipestone. Because of the historical significance of the adjoining Reservation it should be exempted. In 1948 the Minnesota Welfare Board insisted that the Pipestone Indian School reopen. The governor of Minnesota wrote numerous letters that "many of these children have no homes, family's, or places to go". [113] that year the school and hospital closures were put off for a year.[114]

1949 The school had nearly 400 applications but only 125 were accepted due to reduced funding. Most of those were year round residents. They did not have homes to return to during summer because they were orphans.[115] That year Minnesota U.S. Senator H.H. Humphrey made efforts on behalf of keeping Pipestone open. Le Sueur News-Herald, Mar. 9, 1949, Minnesota Digital Newspaper Hub, 2024, MNHS, 345 Kellogg Blvd, St. Paul MN [370]. Communities throughout Minnesota and South Dakota opposed the closing of the Indian School and the Hospital.[116]

In 1952 $135,000 was authorized to fund Pipestone's a last year of operations. That figure equals $1,582,819.32 in 2024 dollars or $12,662/student for 125 students.

1953 the School was scheduled to be closed however, $250,000 was appropriated for the 1953-54 school year. The Indian Bureau diverted $72,000 on that money for the Minnesota foster care program for the placement of Pipestone students. The Bureau was ordered to return the monies as well as any Pipestone students it had placed.[117] The Chippewa opposed the closing of the Pipestone school[118][119]

  • Th solution to the closing of Pipestone was placing the kids in the Foster Home Program.
  • A student's opinion of Pipestone and "The Writings of Ward Churchill Fulsome and Inflammatory", The Ojibwe News, June 10, 2005, p. 4,5, Minnesota Digital Newspaper Hub, 2024, MNHS, 345 Kellogg Blvd, St. Paul MN [371]
  • PITS, Keeping Victimhood in Perspective, Chuck Trimble, FEB 25, 2012 Indian Country Today, [372]

Chief William Madison

  • 1940 held a press conference with the media concerning the failure of the State to erect monuments acknowledging significant Chippewa history,[120]
  • 1950 Chief Madison ran for the office of State Senator for Minneapolis.[121]
Marie Louise Baldwin Bottineau ca. 1910-15

Marie Louise Bottineau Baldwin A Member of the Turtle Mountain Pembina band appointed by President Theodore Roosevelt to the Office of Indian Affairs in 1904. Native American rights activist, and suffragist that graduated from the American University Washington College of Law in 1914. The school was the first law school founded by women for women in 1896.

Stereoscopic photo card of John Beargrease and his dog team ca. 1870-1890s

John Beargrease Dog Sled Race Makwabimidem or "Beargrease," was the chief of a small band of Ojibwe that settled at Beaver Bay on the north shore in 1858. His son John became famous as the mail carrier on the north shore for which the dog race is named. John made his last mail run in April 1899.

Bandolier bag, Ojibwa/Chippewa
Pouch, southeastern Ojibwa/Chippewa with porcupine quills,

1883 Minnesota State Senator J.B. Gilfillan offered the Chippewa resolution for citizenship and the right to vote citing the preamble of the Minnesota Constitution.[122] [123] The bill passed under suspended rules.[124] All native Americans were made U.S. citizens by The Indian Citizenship Act of 1924.[125] The right to vote was determined by the States.[126]

1913 Congress Approbations for the Minnesota Chippewa: $185,000 to be withdrawn from the tribal funds for the support and civilization of the tribe of which $20,000 was to purchase land for the nonremovable Mille Lacs band as well as $25,000 for a hospital at either Leech Lake or Red Lake, $1 000 for a bridge at Cass Lake, $49,000 Pipestone School, $4,000 support of the Chippewa School of the Mississippi bands,[127]

1915 Congress Approbations for the Minnesota Chippewa: Pipestone School $51,725, $4,000 support of the Chippewa school of the Mississippi bands. A request was made to reserve the mineral rights of all tribal land taken by the whites. Another provision was made for a welfare payment be authorized for any tribal member that was destitute, ill, or incapacitated.[128]

1916 At one time Minnesota had two Chippewa Indian Agents, one oversaw White Earth, Red lake, Leech lake, Winnebegosish, Cass Lake and White Oak Point, the other had the Fond du Lac, Bois Forte, and Grand Portage bands. The BIA changed that, giving each band its own agent. Each band then had to pay for its Agent and his support staff draining the annuities of all the bands. In 1916 a delegation went to Washington with the propopsal for a single Minnesota Chippewa Agent.[129][130]

1925 The Minneapolis Star Tribune ran an article that the State should erect a monument for Chief Hole-in-the-day.[131]

Chippewa remedies[132]


  1. ^ a b c d e The Weekly Pioneer and Democrat 26 Sept 1862, p.6,, 2023 [373] Cite error: The named reference "Chiefs" was defined multiple times with different content (see the help page).
  2. ^ Narrative Of the Indian War of 1862-1864 and Following Campaigns in Minnesota, Charles Eugene Flandreau, 1890, p.789, Forgotten Books, 2018, ISBN-10: 0266767648
  3. ^ The Indiana Herald, Jul 17, 1850 p.2, 2024 [374]
  4. ^ Great Indian Battle in Minnesota, The Daily Dispatch, Oct. 11, 1855, p.1, Library of Congress, 2024 [375]
  5. ^ Indian Battle, 19 Sioux Killed, Demoine Courier, Ottumwa, Iowa, Sept. 27, 1855, p.2, Library of Congress, 2024 [376]
  6. ^ Arizona Weekly Citizen, July 26, 1890, p.2, Library of Congress, 2023 [377]
  7. ^ The Goodhue Volunteer, Jan 28, 1863, p.1, Library of Congress, 2023 [378]
  8. ^ Several Hundred boxes of Rifles, The Daily Exchange, May 17, 1858, p.1, Library of Congress, 2024 [379]
  9. ^ Leman Indian Rifle, Green River Rifle Works, GRRW Collector, Phil L. Meek, 2024 [380]
  10. ^ a b Letters from Abercrombie, St. Cloud Democrat, Oct. 2, 1862, p.1, Library of Congress, 2024 [381]
  11. ^ Fort Ridgely, The Weekly Pioneer and Democrat, Sept 5, 1863, p.1, Minnesota Digital Newspaper hub, 2023, MNHS, 345 Kellogg, Blvd. St. Paul MN [382]
  12. ^ a b Indian Rising, St. Cloud Democrat, Aug. 21, 1862, p.2, Library of Congress, 2023 [383]
  13. ^ From the Red River, The Saint Paul Daily Press, Sept. 6, 1862, Minnesota Digital Newspaper Hub, 2023, MNHS, 345 Kellogg Blvd, St Paul, MN[384]
  14. ^ a b The Indian War, The Saint Paul Daily Press, Sept. 28, 1862, Minnesota Digital Newspaper Hub, 2023, MNHS, 345 Kellogg Blvd, St Paul, MN [385]
  15. ^ From Fort Abercrombie, The Weekly Pioneer and Democrat, Sept. 12, 1862, p.5, Library of Congress, 2023, [386]
  16. ^ From the Red River, White Cloud Kansas Chief, Sept. 18, 1862, p.2, Library of Congress, 2023 [387]
  17. ^ Narrative Of the Indian War of 1862-1864 and Following Campaigns in Minnesota, Charles Eugene Flandreau, 1890, p.745, Forgotten Books, 2018, ISBN-10: 0266767648
  18. ^ The St. Paul Daily, 28 Aug. 1862, Minnesota Digital Newspaper Hub, 2023, MNHS, 345 Kellogg Blvd, St. Paul,Mn
  19. ^ The St. Paul Daily, Aug. 24, 1862, Minnesota Digital Newspaper Hub, 2023, MNHS, 345 Kellogg Blvd, St. Paul, Mn [388]
  20. ^ News from Abercrombie, The St. Paul Daily, Sept. 9, 1862, Minnesota Digital Newspaper Hub, 2023, MNHS, 345 Kellogg Blvd, St Paul, MN [389]
  21. ^ From Fort Abercrombie, The Chicago Tribune, Sept. 12, 1862, p.2, Library of Congress, 2023 [390]
  22. ^ The General we Want, The Goodhue Volunteer, September 17, 1862, Minnesota Newspaper hub, 2023 [391]
  23. ^ a b c d From Chippewa Country, Winona Weekly Republican, Sept 3, 1862, Minnesota Digital Hub 2023, MNHS, 345 Kellogg Blvd, St. Paul, MN [392]
  24. ^ Indian War, St Cloud Democrat, Vol.5, No. 5, 28 Aug 1862, p. 2,, 2023 [393]
  25. ^ Joseph D. Gurnoe/Chequamegon history, Amorin Mello, 2024 [394]
  26. ^ An Indian PowWow, The Weekly Pioneer and Democrat, Mar 27, 1863, p.1, Chronicling America 2024, Library of Congress [395]
  27. ^ Fighting between the St. Croix and Long lake Indians, The Weekly Pioneer and Democrat, Oct. 23, 1863, Minnesota Newspaper Digital hub, 2023, MNHS 345 Kellogg Blvd, St Paul, MN [396]
  28. ^ Letter of Commissioner Dole, 11 Sept, 1862, The Goodhue Volunteer Vol. VII, No.8, September 17, 1862, Minnesota Digital Newspaper Hub, 2023, Minnesota Historical Society, 345 Kellogg Blvd, St. Paul, Mn [397]
  29. ^ Ne-bah-quah-om (Big Dog), chief, Pillager band Chippewa, Consortium of Academic and Research Libraries in Illinois, [398]
  30. ^ Ne-Bah-Quah-Om (Big Dog), The Dakota War of 1862, A Case Study on the Minnesota Dakota War of 1862, William Clements Library, University of Michigan, 909 S. University Ave. Ann Arbor, MI [399]
  31. ^ The Indian War, Pioneer and Democrat Vol. XIV No. 17, 10 October 1862, p.1, Chronicling America, 2023, Library of Congress, Washington D.C. [400]
  32. ^ Head chief of the Lac Centre Orielle Chippewa, St. Paul, Minnesota, c. 1862, Aw-Ke-Wen-Zee, The Autry Museum of the American West’s Collections Online, 4700 Western Heritage Way, Los Angeles, CA,2023 [401]
  33. ^ Lac du Flambeau Reservation: 1842 Boundaries, 23 Oct, 2021, Chequamegon History, [402]
  34. ^ Lot 470, Joel E. Whitney CDV of Chippewa Chief, Ah Ah Shaw We Ke Shick (Crossing Sky), Cowan's Auctions, 7/28/2014 - American History: Timed Online Auction, 5030 Oaklawn Drive, Cincinnati, Ohio [403]
  35. ^ Buffalo aka Be-she-kee aka Pezeke aka Bizhiki - Chippewa Chief, First People: American Indian Photographs: Gallery I Page 7 [404]
  36. ^ a b Letter from St.Cloud, The Weekly Pioneer and Democrat, 3 Oct, 1862, p.6,, 2023 [405]
  37. ^ The Volunteer, 1 Oct, 1862, Chronicling America, Library of Congress, 2023 [406]
  38. ^ Ne-Bah-Quah-Om (Big Dog), The Dakota War of 1862, A Case Study on the Minnesota Dakota War of 1862, William Clements Library, University of Michigan, 909 S. University Ave. Ann Arbor, MI [407]
  39. ^ Protection for Pine County, The Weekly Pioneer and Democrat 05 Sep 1862, p. 4, 2023 [408]
  40. ^ Half an hour with Pierre Bottineau, The Saint Paul Daily Press, Sept. 30, 1862, p.2, Minnesota Digital Newspaper Hub, 2023, MNHS, 345 Kellogg Blvd, St. Paul, MN [409]
  41. ^ From Chippewa Country The Weekly Pioneer and Democrat, Oct. 10, 1862, Minnesota Digital Newspaper Hub, Minnesota Historical Society, 345 Kellogg Blvd, St Paul, MN,[410]
  42. ^ One Drop In A Sea Of Blue, John B. Lundstrom, Minnesota Historical Society Press, 345 Kellogg Blvd, St Paul, MN, 2012, p.198-204
  43. ^ The Hope pioneer, October 23, 1885, p.2 Chronicling America, 2024, Library of Congress [411]
  44. ^ What Roles did Minnesota's Native Chiefs play, Mark Boswell, Minneapolis Tribune, 23, Feb 2024
  45. ^ The Indian Troubles. The St Paul Daily Press, 25 January, 1863, Newspaper Digital Archive, 2023, MNHS, 345 Kellogg Blvd. St. Paul, Mn [412]
  46. ^ Treaty between the United States and the Red lake and Pembina Bands of Chippewas, The Saint Paul Daily Press, March 4, 1864, p.2, Minnesota Digital Newspaper hub, 2023, MNHS, 345 Kellogg Blvd. St. Paul, Mn [413]
  47. ^ From the Indian Expedition, The Saint Paul Daily Press, July 22, 1863, p.1, Minnesota Digital Newspaper Hub, 2023, MNHS, 345 Kellogg Blvd. St. Paul, MN [414]
  48. ^ From St. Paul, Chicago Tribune, Jan 20, 1864 p.1,, 2024, [415]
  49. ^ Pembina the 4th, The Evening Post, Cleveland, Jan 26, 1864 p.2, [416]
  50. ^ Chief Wabanquot, Find a Grave, Cindy K. Coffin, 2024 [417]
  51. ^ The Press and Daily Dakotaian, Nov. 5, 1885, Library of Congress, 2023 [418]
  52. ^ The Hickman Courier, Dec.4, 1885, Library of Congress, 2023 [419]
  53. ^ Hole in the Day, St. Paul Daily Globe, Oct. 31, 1885, p.4, Library of Congress, 2023 [420]
  54. ^ Mr. Hole in the Day, The Indianapolis Journal, Oct 30, 1885, p.4, Library of Congress, 2023 [421]
  55. ^ A young Indian's Romantic History, The Minnesota Farmer, Apr. 23, 1886, Minnesota Newspaper hub, 2023, MNHS, 345 Kellogg Blvd, St Paul, MN, [422]
  56. ^ Civilized, St Paul Daily Globe, Nov. 8, 1887, Minnesota Digital Newspaper hub, 2023, MNHS, 345 Kellogg Blvd, St. Paul, Mn [423]
  57. ^ The Battle of Birch Cooley, Chicago Tribune, Sept. 10, 1862, p.1,, 2023 [424]
  58. ^ Wisconsin’s Native-Americans During the Civil War, ARTROOT'S Racine's Writer-in-Residence, May 24, 2019 [425]
  59. ^ Chippewa Lead-inlaid Black Stone Pipe Bowl, American Indian & Ethnographic Art, 05-12-2012, Skinner Auctions, Boston MA. [426]
  60. ^ Red Pipestone Quarry, The Topeka State Journal, May 08, 1899, p.7, Library of Congress, 2024 [427]
  61. ^ The Sacred Pipestone Quarry The Learned Eagle-Optic, Aug 9, 1901 p.4, Newspaper .com [428]
  62. ^ Sioux Pipestones, The Chronicle, Wilkesboro, North Carolina, Jun 21, 1899, p.2,, 2024, [429]
  63. ^ The Pipestone of Devis Lake, E.E. Woodman, 14 Feb. 1877, Wisconsin Academy of Science, Arts, and Letters, p.251-58, University of Wisconsin, Madison, 2024 [chrome-extension://efaidnbmnnnibpcajpcglclefindmkaj/]
  64. ^ Chippewa, Native American, Pipe Bowl, ca. 1850, black stone with pewter or lead inlay, 2024, Alamy Inc. 49 Flatbush Ave, #130, Brooklyn, NY [430]
  65. ^ Chippewa, Native American, Pipe Bowl, 18th century, stone, 2024, Alamy Inc. 49 Flatbush Ave, #130, Brooklyn, NY [431]
  66. ^ Chippewa, Native American, Pipe Bowl, ca. 1860, steatite with lead inlay, Overall: 3 1/8 × 5 1/4 × 1 1/4 inches, 2024, Alamy Inc. 49 Flatbush Ave, #130, Brooklyn, NY [432]
  67. ^ Chippewa, Native American, Pipe Bowl, ca. 1850, black/brown stone (olivine series, possibly fayalite), 2024, Alamy Inc. 49 Flatbush Ave, #130, Brooklyn, NY]
  68. ^ Pipestone, The Conservative, March 21, 1901, p.8, Chronicling America, 2024, Library of Congress [433]
  69. ^ Great Red Pipestone Quarries, The Minneapolis Journal, Aug. 30, 1902, The Journal Junior, p.2, Image 22 Chronicling America, 2024, Library of Congress [434]
  70. ^ Aysh-ke-bah-ke-ko-zhay (Flat Mouth) Steatite pipe, Leech Lake, Minnesota Chippewa, Smithsonian, National Museum of American Indian, 4th St. SW, Washington, D.C., 2024[435]
  71. ^ Southwestern Chippewa /Ojibwa steatite pipe, Peabody Museum, 11 Divinity Avenue in Cambridge, MS, 2024 [436]
  72. ^ Pipe bowl, Ojibwa, Nelson Atkins Museum of Art, 4525 Oak St, Kansas City, MO, 2024 [437]
  73. ^ Southwestern Chippewa /Ojibwa steatite pipe, Peabody Museum, 11 Divinity Avenue in Cambridge, MS, 2024 [438]
  74. ^ Black steatite Ojibawa/Chippewa Pipe, with lead and catlinite Inlays, Found near Cass Lake Minnesota, 2024, Heartland Artifact Auctions, Inc. 3330 Branchwood Drive Quincy, IL [439]
  75. ^ Lake Winnibigoshish/Leech Lake steatite pipe ca. 1870-1900, Smithsonian, National Museum of American Indian, 4th St. SW, Washington, D.C., 2024 [440]
  76. ^ Smithsonian: Chippewa steatite pipe of Unknown history, Smithsonian, National Museum of American Indian, 4th St. SW, Washington, D.C., 2024[441]
  77. ^ Star Tribune, Aug 04, 1899 p.2,, 2024 [442]
  78. ^ Prospects for the Pipestone Indian School are Excellent, The Minneapolis Journal, Mar 25, 1890 p.2,, 2024 [443]
  79. ^ PITS girls basketball team 1908, Minnesota Digital Library Pipestone County Historical Society, 2024 [444]
  80. ^ Indian Girls' Basketball Team PITS, Seven unidentified girls, Milum, C. A., Minnesota digital Library, Pipestone Historical Society, 2024[445]
  81. ^ Mandolin Club, Pipestone Indian Training School students, Pipestone, Minnesota, Pipestone County Historical Society, 2024 [446]
  82. ^ Pipeston Indian School Closing Remains Unsettled, Argus-Leader, Sioux Falls, SD, Jan 06, 1952, p.10, 2024 [447]
  83. ^ Would Close School at Pipestone, The Albert Lea Tribune, Jan 09, 1952, p.6,, 20024, [448]
  84. ^ Indian School at Pipestone May Continue, Argus-Leader, Sioux Falls, SD, Feb 05, 1953, p.15,, 2024, [449]
  85. ^ Sioux Kickers, Reporter and Farmer, Webster SD, Aug 20, 1891 p.2 [450]
  86. ^ Sioux Indians Protest, Chippewa Herald-Telegram, Aug 18, 1891 p.1 2024 [451]
  87. ^ Chattering young Sioux, The Minneapolis Journal, Mar 28, 1893 p.4, [452]
  88. ^ The Slayton Gazette and Murray County Pioneer, Sept. 6, 1894, Minnesota Digital Newspaper Hub, 2024, MNHS, 345 Kellogg Blvd, St. Paul MN [453]
  89. ^ White Earth News, The Thirteen Towns, Mar, 1, 1895, Fosston, Minnesota, p.2, Minnesota Digital Newspaper Hub, 2024, MNHS, 345 Kellogg Blvd, St. Paul MN [454]
  90. ^ The Slayton gazette and Murray County Pioneer, July 1, 1897, Minnesota Digital Newspaper Hub, 2024, MNHS, 345 Kellogg Blvd, St. Paul MN [455]
  91. ^ Enroute to Pipestone, The Saint Paul Globe Aug. 9, 1897, p.2, Minnesota Digital Newspaper Hub, 2024, MNHS, 345 Kellogg Blvd, St. Paul MN [456]
  92. ^ a b c School News and Records, Pipestone County, Minnesota, Genealogy Trails History Group, 2024 [Chippewa Pipestone indian school genology trails]
  93. ^ The Indian's Red Pipestone, Star Tribune, Jun 14, 1899 p.12,, 2024 [457]
  94. ^ The Indian's Red Pipestone, The Sun, New York, NY, May 21, 1899 p.6, 2024, [458]
  95. ^ Minneapolis Daily Times, Dec 07, 1900 p.7, Newspapers .com, 2024 [459]
  96. ^ Minnesota Wins Many Medals, The Minneapolis Tribune, Dec 06, 1901, p.4, Minnesota Digital Newspaper Hub, 2024, MNHS, 345 Kellogg Blvd, St. Paul MN [460]
  97. ^ The Minneapolis Journal, Nov. 7, 1902, Minnesota Digital Newspaper Hub, 2024, MNHS, 345 Kellogg Blvd, St. Paul MN [461]
  98. ^ Proposals for Net Beef, Argus-Leader, Jul 14, 1904 p.2,, 2024[462]
  99. ^ Miss Julia Roy, Little Falls Herald. Sept. 01, 1905, p.1, Library of Congress, 2024 [463]
  100. ^ Wife of Chippewa Chief dies here, Evening Star, Dec.9, 1934, P. A9, Library of Congress, 2024 [464]
  101. ^ Minneapolis Journal, 16 June, 1906, Library of Congress, 2024
  102. ^ The Sisseton Weekly Standard, Jul 10, 1908, p.7, 2024 [465]
  103. ^ History, Pipestone Indian Training School, Pipestone, Minnesota, 1893-1953, America's Lost Colleges, Paul Batesel, 2024 [466]
  104. ^ image 13/31, (5th row down), Pipestone, Minnesota Native American Training School Photo Archive of Chester E. Sogn, James E. Arsenault & Company, Rare Books, Manuscripts, Maps, Prints Photographs, 10 Old Stage Rd, Arrowsic, ME, 2024 [467]
  105. ^ Indian Schools in Danger of Closing, The Fargo Forum and Daily Republican, Aug.8, 1916, Image 2, Chronicling America, 2024, Library of Congress [468]
  106. ^ Big Indian Game may Come to Willmar, Willmar Tribune, October 14, 1914, p.1, Minnesota Digital Newspaper Hub, 2024, MNHS, 345 Kellogg Blvd, St. Paul MN [469]
  107. ^ The Tomahawk, White Earth Reservation, July 04, 1918, p.3, Library of Congress, 2024 [470]
  108. ^ Enrollment in Pipestone Schools breaks record, Sioux City Journal, Sep 15, 1927, p.3, 2024 [471]
  109. ^ The Indians Went on the Warpath, The Minneapolis Journal, Nov 30, 1930, p.31, Minnesota Digital Newspaper Hub, 2024, MNHS, 345 Kellogg Blvd, St. Paul MN [472]
  110. ^ A New Indian Hospital aa Pipestone Opened, The Redwood Gazette, Sept. 22, 1932, p,2, Library of Congress, 2024 [473]
  111. ^ Junior High Teams Meet Pipestone Indians, Sioux Center News, Sioux Center Iowa, Jan 23, 1941, p.1,, 2024 [474]
  112. ^ Support Stands, Star Tribune, Aug 26, 1948, p.6,, 2024 [475]
  113. ^ Ask Reopening of Pipestone Indian School, The Daily Argus Leader, Sioux Falls, SD, Aug. 8, 1948,, 2024 [476]
  114. ^ Sleepy Eye Herald-Dispatch, Aug. 26, 1948, Minnesota Digital Newspaper Hub, 2024, MNHS, 345 Kellogg Blvd, St. Paul MN [477]
  115. ^ 350 Capacity, The Daily Argus leader, Sioux Falls, SD, Feb. 18, 1949, 2024 [478]
  116. ^ Fight to keep the Indian School and Hospital Begins, The Winona Republican-Herald, Jan 31, 1949, p.5, 2024 [479]
  117. ^ Argus-Leader, Apr 26, 1953 p.42, 2024 [480]
  118. ^ Indian School Fights Closing, The Sioux City Journal, Feb 08, 1953 p.45,, 2024 [481]
  119. ^ Opens Talks, Argus-Leader, Feb 05, 1953 p.15,, 2024, [482]
  120. ^ St. Paul Recorder, May 24, 1940, Minnesota Digital Newspaper Hub, 2024, MNHS, 345 Kellogg Blvd, St. Paul MN [483]
  121. ^ Chief William Madison, Sleepy Eye Herald-Dispatch. Aug. 1, 1950, Minnesota Digital Newspaper Hub, 2024, MNHS, 345 Kellogg Blvd, St. Paul MN, [484]
  122. ^ The Chippewa, Daily Globe, Feb 18, 1883, p.2, Library of Congress, 2024 [485]
  123. ^ Daily Globe, Feb, 19, 1883, p.7, Library of Congress, 2024 [486]
  124. ^ The Chippewa, Daily Globe, Feb 18, 1883, p.2, Library of Congress, 2024 [>
  125. ^ Sovereignty, Sault Ste. Marie Tribe of Chippewa Indians, 523 Ashmun St. Sault Ste. Marie, MI, 2024 [487]
  126. ^ Indian Citizenship Act, Today in History, June 2, Library of Congress, 2024 [488]
  127. ^ Congress, The Oglala Light, Pine Ridge, S.D., Dec. 1, 1913, p.30, Library of Congress, 2024 [489]
  128. ^ Approbation estimates, Bismarck Daily Tribune, Dec. 11, 1915, p. 4, Library of Congress, 2024 [490]
  129. ^ One Indian Agent for Minnesota Chippewa's, The Tomahawk, White Earth December 21, 1916, p.1, Library of Congress, 2024 [491]
  130. ^ Daily globe, February 18, 1883, p.2, Minnesota Digital Newspaper Hub, 2024, MNHS, 345 Kellogg Blvd, St. Paul MN [492]
  131. ^ W.T. Kerr Advocating a Statue for the Chief that prevented a Massacre, Star Tribune, Aug 23, 1925 p.66,, 2024 [493]
  132. ^ Home Remedies of the Frontier, Le Sueur News-Herald, Feb. 16, 1949, Minnesota Digital Newspaper Hub, 2024, MNHS, 345 Kellogg Blvd, St. Paul MN [494]