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Average guy located in Louisville.
![](// | M-BMor is a participant in WikiProject Louisville, an open collaborative effort to coordinate and develop appropriate, comprehensive and well-connected content covering metropolitan Louisville, Kentucky and related subjects in the Wikipedia.
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![](// | This user respects the beliefs and religions of others. |
Username: M-BMor
Project: enwiki
Total edits: 618
Groups: user
Image uploads: 3 (3 cur, 0 old) - image gallery
Distinct pages edited: 105
Edits/page (avg): 5.89
Edits/day (avg): 0.67
Deleted edits: 26
First edit: Aug 14, 2006 8:57 AM
Edits by namespace Namespace Edits %
Article 360 58.25%
Talk 88 14.24%
User 59 9.55%
User talk 52 8.41%
Wikipedia 50 8.09%
Wikipedia talk 1 0.16%
Image 3 0.49%
Template 1 0.16%
Template talk 4 0.65%