

Hay, I'm the Lightningbarer a synical fan of a hell of a lot of things as of late. I'm an artist at Deviantart, Fanartcentral-under the name 'lightningscion' and I've got a personal site ''.

What I'm trying on here


Well, to be honest, I'm here for discussion's mostly. I leave the collating of info to others more talented than me. But as for discussing certain things, I'm all for it, I'm already on memory alpha (yes, I'm a Trekkie). As soon as I can, I'm starting to do some movie reviews on youtube under the username scionlightning, I'll be putting two different styles up, one will be constant movie reviews and the other will be far more serious topics ala Creationism, Scientology, Nationalistic parties, etc etc. Hopefully I'll be able to get to go back and forth with people either on the phone or in replies via video