User:Kweetal nl/sandbox-diff-14.1

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-- cf   IOC species-updates page
-- (NOK = Not OK)

* 1:
* Wikipedia:       Otus_madagascariensis  Torotoroka Scops Owl  wiki-orig: 
* IOC v14.1:     (Grandidier, A, 1867)
* IOC Comment: See Fuchs et al. (2007, 2008) for recognition of species of Comoros scops owls.

* 2: * * Wikipedia:     (Ogilvie-Grant, 1901) Phoeniculus_granti Grant's Wood Hoopoe wiki-orig: '(Ogilvie-Grant, 1901)' * IOC v14.1:     (Neumann, 1903) * IOC Comment: * NOK wikiname NOT the same as inputname: IN: >Phoeniculus granti<  != GOT: >Phoeniculus damarensis<
* 3: * * Wikipedia:     Horizocerus_granti Eastern Dwarf Hornbill wiki-orig: * IOC v14.1:     (Hartert, EJO, 1895) * IOC Comment: Eastern Dwarf Hornbill Horizocerus granti is split from Horizocerus hartlaubi on the basis of differences in plumage and bill morphology (del Hoyo & Collar 2014; HBW/BirdLife; WGAC). English name tentative.
* 4: * * Wikipedia:     Horizocerus_cassini Eastern Long-tailed Hornbill wiki-orig: * IOC v14.1:     (Finsch, 1903) * IOC Comment: Monotypic Horizocerus cassini is split from essentially parapatric Horizocerus albocristatus on the basis of differences in plumage and bill markings (del Hoyo & Collar 2014; HBW/BirdLife).
* 5: * * Wikipedia:     (Linnaeus, 1758) Ceyx_rufidorsa Rufous-backed Dwarf Kingfisher wiki-orig: '(Linnaeus, 1758)' * IOC v14.1:     Strickland, 1847 * IOC Comment: Rufous-backed Dwarf Kingfisher Ceyx rufidorsa is split from Ceyx erithaca. Recent genomic studies convincingly show that Ceyx rufidorsa is not a morph of Ceyx erithaca but rather is a genetically distinct taxon. Further, the polymorphism shown within Ceyx rufidorsa is likely due to an ancient introgression of genes rather than more recent, ongoing hybridization which is limited to a narrow zone where these two species meet in n peninsular Malaysia (Lim et al. 2010; Shakya et al. 2023). * NOK wikiname NOT the same as inputname: IN: >Ceyx rufidorsa<  != GOT: >Ceyx erithaca<
* 6: * * Wikipedia:     (Shaw, 1790) Parvipsitta_pusilla Little Lorikeet wiki-orig: '(Shaw, 1790)' * IOC v14.1:     (Shaw, 1790) * IOC Comment: * NOK wikiname NOT the same as inputname: IN: >Parvipsitta pusilla<  != GOT: >Glossopsitta pusilla<
* 7: * * Wikipedia:     Pitta_abbotti Nicobar Hooded Pitta wiki-orig: * IOC v14.1:     Richmond, 1902 * IOC Comment: Nicobar Hooded Pitta Pitta abbotti is split from the Hooded Pitta complex on the basis of morphological and vocal differences supported by genomic data (Ericson et al. 2019; Rasmussen in litt.; WGAC).
* 8: * * Wikipedia:     Pitta_forsteni Minahasa Hooded Pitta wiki-orig: * IOC v14.1:     (Bonaparte, 1850) * IOC Comment: Minahasa Hooded Pitta P. forsteni is split from the Hooded Pitta complex based on morphological and vocal differences supported by genomic analysis (Ericson et al. 2019; Eaton et al. 2021; WGAC).
* 9: * * Wikipedia:     Pitta_novaeguineae Eastern Hooded Pitta wiki-orig: * IOC v14.1:     Müller, S & Schlegel, 1845 * IOC Comment: Eastern Hooded Pitta P. novaeguineae (including goodfellowi and mefoorana) is split from the Hooded Pitta complex based on morphology and vocalizations supported by genomic analysis (Gregory 2017; Ericson et al. 2019; HBW/BirdLife; WGAC).
* 10: * * Wikipedia:     Pitta_rosenbergii Biak Hooded Pitta wiki-orig: * IOC v14.1:     Schlegel, 1871 * IOC Comment: Biak Hooded Pitta P. rosenbergii is split from the Hooded Pitta complex based on morphology and vocalizations supported by genomic analysis (Gregory 2017; Ericson et al. 2019; HBW/BirdLife; WGAC).
* 11: * * Wikipedia:     (Swainson, 1838) Philemon_yorki Hornbill Friarbird wiki-orig: '(Swainson, 1838)' * IOC v14.1:     Mathews, 1912 * IOC Comment: Species status of Philemon yorki is dubious and awaits results of new studies in progress. May be endemic ne AU species or more likely conspecific with New Guinea/Helmeted Friarbird complex (Sibley & Monroe 1990; Christidis & Boles 2008). H&M 4 lump P. buceroides, P. novaeguineae and P. yorki following Schodde & Mason (1999). * NOK wikiname NOT the same as inputname: IN: >Philemon yorki<  != GOT: >Philemon buceroides<
* 12: * * Wikipedia:     (Hemprich & Ehrenberg, 1828) Telophorus_cruentus Rosy-patched Bushshrike wiki-orig: '(Hemprich & Ehrenberg, 1828)' * IOC v14.1:     (Hemprich & Ehrenberg, 1828) * IOC Comment: * NOK wikiname NOT the same as inputname: IN: >Telophorus cruentus<  != GOT: >Rhodophoneus cruentus<
* 13: * * Wikipedia:     (Hartlaub, 1848) Laniarius_major Tropical Boubou wiki-orig: '(Hartlaub, 1848)' * IOC v14.1:     (Hartlaub, 1848) * IOC Comment: Laniarius major is split from L. aethiopicus (Nguembock et al. 2008). * NOK wikiname NOT the same as inputname: IN: >Laniarius major<  != GOT: >Laniarius aethiopicus<
* 14: * * Wikipedia:     Rhipidura_coultasi White-gorgeted Fantail wiki-orig: * IOC v14.1:     Mayr, 1931 * IOC Comment: White-gorgeted Fantail Rhipidura coultasi is split from Rhipidura cockerelli on the basis of pronounced differences in plumage and vocal differences suggested by the limited material available (Dutson 2011; HBW/BirdLife; WGAC).
* 15: * * Wikipedia:     Rhipidura_ocularis Guadalcanal Fantail wiki-orig: * IOC v14.1:     Mayr, 1931 * IOC Comment: Guadalcanal Fantail Rhipidura ocularis is split from Brown (now Bougainville) Fantail Rhipidura drownei based on pronounced differences in vocalizations and differences in plumage (HBW/BirdLife; WGAC).
* 16: * * Wikipedia:     Marie, 1870 Rhipidura_spilodera Vanuatu Streaked Fantail wiki-orig: 'E. Marie, 1870' * IOC v14.1:     Gray, GR, 1870 * IOC Comment: Vanuatu Streaked Fantail Rhipidura spilodera is split from other species within the Streaked Fantail species complex based on differences in morphology and vocalizations (HBW/BirdLife, WGAC). * NOK wikiname NOT the same as inputname: IN: >Rhipidura spilodera<  != GOT: >Rhipidura verreauxi<
* 17: * * Wikipedia:     Rhipidura_layardi Fiji Streaked Fantail wiki-orig: * IOC v14.1:     Salvadori, 1877 * IOC Comment: Fiji Streaked Fantail Rhipidura layardi (including rufilateralis and erythronota) is split from other species within the Streaked Fantail species complex based on differences in morphology and vocalizations (HBW/BirdLife, WGAC). The three Fijian subspecies may need further splitting into 2 or 3 species pending genomic studies and denser bioacoustic sampling.
* 18: * * Wikipedia:     Rhipidura_semicollaris Supertramp Fantail wiki-orig: * IOC v14.1:     Müller, S, 1843 * IOC Comment: Supertramp Fantail Rhipidura semicollaris (including all subspecies except dryas and streptophora) is split from Arafura Fantail R. dryas on the basis of vocalizations (Eaton et al. 2021; WGAC).
* 19: * * Wikipedia:     Rhipidura_torrida Gilolo Fantail wiki-orig: * IOC v14.1:     Wallace, 1865 * IOC Comment: Gilolo Fantail Rhipidura torrida is split from R. rufifrons based on plumage and voice supported by deep genetic divergence (Eaton et al. 2021; Klicka et al. 2023; WGAC).
* 20: * * Wikipedia:     Rhipidura_louisiadensis Louisiade Fantail wiki-orig: * IOC v14.1:     Hartert, EJO, 1899 * IOC Comment: Louisiade Fantail Rhipidura louisiadensis is split from the Rufous Fantail species complex on the basis of deep genetic divergence supported by differences in plumage and voice (Klicka et al. 2023; WGAC).
* 21: * * Wikipedia:     Rhipidura_melanolaema Santa Cruz Fantail wiki-orig: * IOC v14.1:     Sharpe, 1879 * IOC Comment: Santa Cruz Fantail Rhipidura melanolaema (including agilis and utupuae) is split from the Rufous Fantail species complex on the basis of genetic divergence (only agilis examined) supported by differences in plumage and voice (Klicka et al. 2023; WGAC).
* 22: * * Wikipedia:     Rhipidura_versicolor Micronesian Rufous Fantail wiki-orig: * IOC v14.1:     Hartlaub & Finsch, 1872 * IOC Comment: Micronesian Rufous Fantail Rhipidura versicolor (including uraniae, saipanensis, and mariae) is split from the Rufous Fantail species complex on the basis of deep genetic divergence (only saipanensis examined) supported by differences in plumage and voice (Klicka et al. 2023; WGAC).
* 23: * * Wikipedia:     Rhipidura_rufofronta Solomons Rufous Fantail wiki-orig: * IOC v14.1:     Ramsay, EP, 1879 * IOC Comment: Solomons Rufous Fantail Rhipidura rufofronta (including commoda, granti, brunnea, ugiensis, russata, and kuperi) is split from the Rufous Fantail species complex on the basis of genetic divergence supported by differences in plumage and voice. Further division of this species may be warranted based on the structure of the phylogenetic tree, but require additional studies (Klicka et al. 2023; WGAC).
* 24: * * Wikipedia:     (Quoy & Gaimard, 1832) Quoyornis_georgianus White-breasted Robin wiki-orig: '(Quoy & Gaimard, 1832)' * IOC v14.1:     (Quoy & Gaimard, 1832) * IOC Comment: White-breasted Robin may be more closely related to species of Tregellasia than to species of Eopsaltria (Loynes et al. 2009). Change (9.2) of genus from Eopsaltria to monotypic Quoyornis follows Christidis et al. (2011); H&M 4; HBW. Note change in gender. * NOK wikiname NOT the same as inputname: IN: >Quoyornis georgianus<  != GOT: >Eopsaltria georgiana<
* 25: * * Wikipedia:     (Müller, S, 1836) Ixos_leucogrammicus Cream-striped Bulbul wiki-orig: '(Müller, S, 1836)' * IOC v14.1:     Müller, S, 1836 * IOC Comment: Sister to other members of Hemixos but deeply divergent and with poor support (Shakya & Sheldon 2017). Tentatively placed in Hemixos with reservations. Because this species is a deep lineage without close relatives, tentatively moved to Ixos (14.1) based on some similarities in plumage with other species in that genus, essentially as a placeholder, following WGAC. * NOK wikiname NOT the same as inputname: IN: >Ixos leucogrammicus<  != GOT: >Hemixos leucogrammicus<
* 26: * * Wikipedia:     Riparia_cowani Madagascar Martin wiki-orig: * IOC v14.1:     (Sharpe, 1882) * IOC Comment: Madagascar Martin Riparia cowani is split from Riparia paludicola based on morphology and vocalizations (del Hoyo & Collar 2016; HBW/BirdLife).
* 27: * * Wikipedia:     Atronanus_fuliginosus Forest Swallow wiki-orig: * IOC v14.1:     (Chapin, 1925) * IOC Comment: Forest Swallow is paraphyletic to the remainder of the species in Petrochelidon and forms a separate clade basal to Delichon. Further, its plumage, morphology, and nesting behavior differ from those of other major swallow lineages within the "mud-nester" clade of swallows. Formerly Petrochelidon fuliginosa, a new monotypic genus proposed for it: Atronanus de Silva et al., 2018 is tentatively adopted here but lacks Zoobank registration (L. Raty, in litt.). Note gender.
* 28: * * Wikipedia:     (Smith, A, 1843) Cisticola_emini Rock-loving Cisticola wiki-orig: '(Smith, A, 1843)' * IOC v14.1:     Reichenow, 1892 * IOC Comment: * NOK wikiname NOT the same as inputname: IN: >Cisticola emini<  != GOT: >Cisticola aberrans<
* 29: * * Wikipedia:     (Cassin, 1855) Prinia_melanops Black-faced Prinia wiki-orig: '(Cassin, 1855)' * IOC v14.1:     (Reichenow & Neumann, 1895) * IOC Comment: Black-faced Prinia is usually treated as a subspecies of Banded Prinia P. bairdii; revisit species status. * NOK wikiname NOT the same as inputname: IN: >Prinia melanops<  != GOT: >Prinia bairdii<
* 30: * * Wikipedia:     Paradoxornis_aemodius Great Parrotbill wiki-orig: * IOC v14.1:     (Hodgson, 1841) * IOC Comment: Move Great Parrotbill from the monotypic genus Conostoma to Paradoxornis (Cai et al. 2019).
* 31: * * Wikipedia:     Suthora_ricketti Eye-ringed Parrotbill wiki-orig: * IOC v14.1:     (Rothschild, 1922) * IOC Comment: Eye-ringed Parrotbill Suthora ricketti is split from S. brunnea based on DNA analysis, morphology, and difference in calls (Deignan 1964; Robson 2007; Penhallurick & Robson 2009; Yeung et al. 2011; HBW/BirdLife). This species is frequently called "Yunnan Parrotbill" in other sources (e.g. HBW/BirdLife).
* 32: * * Wikipedia:     Pellorneum_saturatum Glissando Babbler wiki-orig: * IOC v14.1:     (Robinson & Kloss, 1920) * IOC Comment: Add cryptic subspecies saturatum (Eaton et al. 2021). Split Glissando Babbler Pellorneum saturatum from Pellorneum malaccense based on pronounced vocal and genetic differences (Garg et al. 2021; Eaton et al. 2021).
* 33: * * Wikipedia:     Pellorneum_poliogene Leaflitter Babbler wiki-orig: * IOC v14.1:     (Strickland, 1849) * IOC Comment: Includes sordida and feriata (Collar & Robson 2007). Correct species epithet from poliogenis to poliogene to agree with gender of genus. Split Leaflitter Babbler Pellorneum poliogene from Pellorneum malaccense based on pronounced vocal and genetic differences (Garg et al. 2021; Eaton et al. 2021).
* 34: * * Wikipedia:     Pellorneum_macropterum Bornean Swamp Babbler wiki-orig: * IOC v14.1:     (Salvadori, 1868) * IOC Comment: Bornean Swamp Babbler Pellorneum macropterum is split from Malayan Swamp Babbler (formerly Whiet-chested Babbler) P. rostratum based on vocal and genetic differences (Cros et al. 2020; Eaton et al. 2021).
* 35: * * Wikipedia:     (Temminck, 1824) Aplonis_circumscripta Violet-hooded Starling wiki-orig: '(Temminck, 1824)' * IOC v14.1:     (Meyer, AB, 1884) * IOC Comment: Violet-hooded Starling is a relict split from Gill & Wright (2006), recommended by Ben King. * NOK wikiname NOT the same as inputname: IN: >Aplonis circumscripta<  != GOT: >Aplonis metallica<
* 36: * * Wikipedia:     Günther & Newton, A, 1879 Necropsar_rodericanus Rodrigues Starling wiki-orig: 'Günther & Newton, 1879' * IOC v14.1:     Slater, HH, 1879 * IOC Comment:
* 37: * * Wikipedia:     (Cassin, 1857) Bradornis_comitatus Dusky-blue Flycatcher wiki-orig: '(Cassin, 1857)' * IOC v14.1:     (Cassin, 1857) * IOC Comment: Move Dusky-blue Flycatcher from Muscicapa to Bradornis (Voelker et al. 2016; (Zhao M et al. 2023). Note gender. * NOK wikiname NOT the same as inputname: IN: >Bradornis comitatus<  != GOT: >Muscicapa comitata<
* 38: * * Wikipedia:     Dicaeum_keiense Pink-breasted Flowerpecker wiki-orig: * IOC v14.1:     Salvadori, 1874 * IOC Comment: Pink-breasted Flowerpecker Dicaeum keiense (including fulgidum) is split from Mistletoebird Dicaeum hirundinaceum based on significant differences in morphology (Eaton et al. 2021; HBW/BirdLife; WGAC)
* 39: * * Wikipedia:     Dicaeum_cambodianum Cambodian Flowerpecker wiki-orig: * IOC v14.1:     Delacour & Jabouille, 1928 * IOC Comment: Cambodian Flowerpecker Dicaeum cambodianum is split from Fire-breasted Flowerpecker D. ignipectus based on substantial, non-clinal differences in plumage (HBW/BirdLife, WGAC).
* 40: * * Wikipedia:     Dicaeum_beccarii Sumatran Flowerpecker wiki-orig: * IOC v14.1:     Robinson & Kloss, 1916 * IOC Comment: Sumatran Flowerpecker Dicaeum beccarii is split from Fire-breasted Flowerpecker D. ignipectus based on substantial, non-clinal differences in plumage (HBW/BirdLife, WGAC).
* 41: * * Wikipedia:     Dicaeum_luzoniense Fire-throated Flowerpecker wiki-orig: * IOC v14.1:     Ogilvie-Grant, 1894 * IOC Comment: Fire-throated Flowerpecker Dicaeum luzoniense (including bonga and apo) is split from Fire-breasted Flowerpecker D. ignipectus based on substantial, non-clinal differences in plumage (HBW/BirdLife, WGAC).
* 42: * * Wikipedia:     Cinnyris_ornatus Ornate Sunbird wiki-orig: * IOC v14.1:     Lesson, RP, 1827 * IOC Comment: Ornate Sunbird Cinnyris ornatus (including andamanicus, proselius, blanfordi, klossi, rhizophorae, flammaxillaris, and polyclystus) is split from morphologically similar Cinnyris jugularis based on deep mtDNA divergence (Lohman et al. 2010; Marcaigh et al. 2022) and quite different vocalizations (Rheindt in litt).
* 43: * * Wikipedia:     Cinnyris_aurora Palawan Sunbird wiki-orig: * IOC v14.1:     (Tweeddale, 1878) * IOC Comment: Palawan Sunbird Cinnyris aurora is often included in the Garden Sunbird (C. jugularis s.s.) group, but it is split based on distinct difference in breast plumage (WGAC).
* 44: * * Wikipedia:     Cinnyris_frenatus Sahul Sunbird wiki-orig: * IOC v14.1:     (Müller, S, 1843) * IOC Comment: Sahul Sunbird Cinnyris frenatus (including plateni, robustirostris, and flavigastra) is split from Cinnyris jugularis based on distinct differences in plumage and mtDNA divergence (Marcaigh et al. 2022; WGAC).
* 45: * * Wikipedia:     Cinnyris_teysmanni Flores Sea Sunbird wiki-orig: * IOC v14.1:     Büttikofer, 1893 * IOC Comment: Flores Sea Sunbird Cinnyris teysmanni is split from Cinnyris jugularis based on substantial differences in plumage (WGAC).
* 46: * * Wikipedia:     Cinnyris_clementiae South Moluccan Sunbird wiki-orig: * IOC v14.1:     Lesson, RP, 1827 * IOC Comment: South Moluccan Sunbird Cinnyris clementiae (including buruensis and keiensis) is split from Cinnyris jugularis based on substantial differences in plumage (WGAC).
* 47: * * Wikipedia:     Cinnyris_idenburgi Mamberamo Sunbird wiki-orig: * IOC v14.1:     Rand, 1940 * IOC Comment: Mamberamo Sunbird Cinnyris idenburgi is split from Cinnyris jugularis based on substantial differences in plumage (HBW/BirdLife; del Hoyo & Collar 2016; Gregory 2017).
* 48: * * Wikipedia:     Ortygospiza_atricollis Quailfinch wiki-orig: * IOC v14.1:     (Vieillot, 1817) * IOC Comment: Lump O. fuscocrissa and O. gabonensis with O. atricollis following Payne & Sorenson (2007). Change English name of combined species to Quailfinch.
* 49: * * Wikipedia:     Passerella_unalaschcensis Sooty Fox Sparrow wiki-orig: * IOC v14.1:     (Gmelin, JF, 1789) * IOC Comment: See above. Validity of subspecies questionable.
* 50: * * Wikipedia:     Passerella_schistacea Slate-colored Fox Sparrow wiki-orig: * IOC v14.1:     Baird, SF, 1858 * IOC Comment: See above. Validity of subspecies questionable.
* 51: * * Wikipedia:     Passerella_megarhyncha Thick-billed Fox Sparrow wiki-orig: * IOC v14.1:     Baird, SF, 1858 * IOC Comment: Monotypic, including subspecies mariposae, stephensi, monoensis, brevicauda, and fulva (see BNA; Weckstein et al. 2002).
* 52: * * Wikipedia:     Lafresnaye, 1843 Cacicus_microrhynchus Scarlet-rumped Cacique wiki-orig: 'Lafresnaye, 1843' * IOC v14.1:     (Sclater, PL & Salvin, 1865) * IOC Comment: Cacicus microrhynchus was formerly split from C. uropygialis based on differences in vocalizations and morphology (Jaramillo & Burke 1999; Ridgely & Greenfield 2001; Hilty 2003). But the split is closely rejected in SACC 73, NACC 2023-A-8 and by WGAC due to insufficient supporting information. Currently under re-evaluation in SACC 946. * NOK wikiname NOT the same as inputname: IN: >Cacicus microrhynchus<  != GOT: >Cacicus uropygialis<
* 53: * * Wikipedia:     (Linnaeus, 1766) Setophaga_aestiva American Yellow Warbler wiki-orig: '(Linnaeus, 1766)' * IOC v14.1:     (Gmelin, JF, 1789) * IOC Comment: Correct species name of American Yellow Warbler to aestiva, with continued recognition of Mangrove Warbler. * NOK wikiname NOT the same as inputname: IN: >Setophaga aestiva<  != GOT: >Setophaga petechia<
* 54: * * Wikipedia:     (Vieillot, 1822) Piranga_lutea Tooth-billed Tanager wiki-orig: '(Vieillot, 1822)' * IOC v14.1:     (Lesson, RP, 1834) * IOC Comment: Piranga lutea is split from P. hepatica (Ridgely & Greenfield 2001; Burns et al. 2003); SACC needs proposal; revisit English name. * NOK wikiname NOT the same as inputname: IN: >Piranga lutea<  != GOT: >Piranga flava<
* 55: * * Wikipedia:     (Vieillot, 1822) Piranga_hepatica Hepatic Tanager wiki-orig: '(Vieillot, 1822)' * IOC v14.1:     Swainson, 1827 * IOC Comment: * NOK wikiname NOT the same as inputname: IN: >Piranga hepatica<  != GOT: >Piranga flava<
* 56: * * Wikipedia:     (Gmelin, JF, 1789) Dacnis_egregia Yellow-tufted Dacnis wiki-orig: '(Gmelin, JF, 1789)' * IOC v14.1:     Sclater, PL, 1855 * IOC Comment: Dacnis egregia is split from D. lineata (Ridgely et al. 2001); SACC needs more data. * NOK wikiname NOT the same as inputname: IN: >Dacnis egregia<  != GOT: >Dacnis lineata<

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