Kaamyesh Agarwal is an all-rounder when it comes to anything and everything,one of the most dashing men produced in the “RSGK Agarwal” lineage.

Even though him being a buffoon at times,he doesn’t let it reflect on his performance and his face.

He also has gotten trained in Painting, Dancing,Cricket,Badminton,lawn tennis,classical music,Basketball,and multiple musical instruments too.

Him being Extremely humble and cute, Kaamyesh has actually made himself one of the most trustworthy,a dependable friend and a support to all his friends and to whole of his family.

With all the collective power,Kaamyesh can reallty get competitive while he is always groomed well physically and mentally.Except for his Personal power,he is a protector,and a socially aware man,a man who doesn’t think much of status but has strong opinions of his about stature which shows in his strong performance in every field of his.

A sports man by heart,a well equipped broad minded business man,an open book, and a successfully confident and charmingly happy personality is not all but still to an extent Kaamyesh Agarwal for you.