Deleted: Hexahydroxy-2,3-naphthalenedione
editJorge Stolfi/Scratch/Hexahydroxy-2,3-naphthalenedione was deleted for "non-notable compund", even though it is correct and informative. Sigh.
Testing templates
edit{{@@/Test}} = "
(enter User:Jorge Stolfi/@@/Test) (DATE = «1950 November 29») (calling User:Jorge Stolfi/@@/Test2) (enter User:Jorge Stolfi/@@/Test2) (Parameter 1 = «1950 November 29») (Parameter 2 = «YES») (Parameter 3 = «NO») (comparing parameter 1 to «1950-11-29») NO (end of User:Jorge Stolfi/@@/Test2)
(returned frm User:Jorge Stolfi/@@/Test2) [1]
Leftovers from Karatsuba algorithm
editThe exact count for multiplying an n'-digit number by an m-digit number is t(n,m), where t is defined by the recurrence
- t(n,1) = n,
- t(1,m) = m, and
- t(m,n) = t( n/2 , m/2 ) + t( n/2 , m/2 ) + t( n/2 +1, m/2 +1)
with respect to adjacent, subordinate or otherwise controlled or indexed elements within a sentence, or across sentence boundaries: subject, verb, object, determiner, inflection and case, quantification, mood or modality, tense, aspect, etc.
Removed from Pre-Columbian trans-oceanic contact
editMonte Verde
editDiscoveries at Monte Verde in southern Chile are claimed to date from approximately 2,000 years older than Clovis. One scholar has claimed there is some evidence[1] that the Clovis culture bears more resemblance to European than to Siberian cultures.
Transatlantic contact during the Ice Age
editIt has been suggested that resemblances between the Aurignacian culture in Ice Age France and Ice Age Amerindian cultures, can be explained by occasional travel across the Atlantic Ocean. At the time, living conditions and available technology in the area were much like the recent traditional Inuit culture, and there was a continuous ice barrier across the Atlantic Ocean from Scotland or Scandinavia via Iceland and Greenland to North America; it would have been possible for men in Inuit-type boats to make the crossing occasionally, getting food by fishing, and water by melting ice, and hauling out on ice floes each night.
Nationalistic legends
editSuch nationalistic speculation was popular in all the nations of Europe during that time. The Portuguese claimed the Antilles settled by Portuguese monks was really the Indies, and the British claimed America had been settled by the Welsh prince Madoc in the Middle Ages (see below).
Human evolution and the Americas
editAccording to most scientists, the first humanids appeared in the Old World some two hundreds of millions of years after the Americas separated from the other continents. Fossil finds prove that modern Homo sapiens had already spread through all corners of Eurasia several hundred thousand years ago, and entered Australia more than 60,000 ago. In contrast,
Ref on polynesia
editlinguist Kathryn A. Klar of UC Berkeley and archaeologist Terry L. Jones of Cal Poly San Luis Obispo have gained support for the trans-Pacific theory using new evidence and research, published in the journal American Antiquity in July 2005.
Other evidence includes newly-calibrated carbon-14 dating of abalone shells used in a Chumash headdress. Previous datings indicated that the shells were over 2,000 years old, implying that the Chumash had been fishing in deep sea waters before Polynesians allegedly arrived. However, the dating did not take into account varying levels of atmospheric carbon-14. John Johnson, curator of anthropology at the Santa Barbara Museum of Natural History, where the shells are currently stored, recalibrated the dating and found that the shells dated to approximately 600 AD. He announced his finding in April 2005 at an archaeology conference in Salt Lake City, Utah. [2]
Stuff from "scalar" article
editA physical quantity is expressed as the product of a numerical value and a physical unit, not just a number. It does not depend on the unit distance (1 km is the same as 1000 m), although the number depends on the unit. Thus distance does not depend on the length of the base vectors of the coordinate system. Also, other changes of the coordinate system may affect the formula for computing the scalar (for example, the Euclidean formula for distance in terms of coordinates relies on the basis being orthonormal), but not the scalar itself. In this sense, physical distance deviates from the definition of metric in not being just a real number; however it satisfies all other properties. The same applies for other physical quantities which are not dimensionless.
A vector is a physical entity which has a magnitude which is a scalar, but in addition, in contrast with a scalar, has a direction. The components of a vector as such are not scalars, since they change with a change of coordinate system; a scalar field may however for one choice of the coordinate system be equal to a particular component.
A pseudoscalar is a single-valued quantity whose sign depends on the coordinate (like a pseudovector) flips sign under improper rotations. One example is the scalar triple product (see vector), and thus the signed volume. Another example is magnetic charge (as it is mathematically defined, regardless of whether it exists physically).
Hamilton's usage actually describes his quaternion-based notation, which (in modern terms) represented by a scalar, the real part of the quaternion, and vectors by the other three parts. Quaternions are widely used in spacecraft attitude determination and control, because they are not subject to the singularities of Euler angles and have only four components, while a rotation matrix has nine components to represent only three angles.
The Mitanni were a people of Indic origin who ruled a vast kingdom (with a common Hurrian population) in West Asia in the second millennium BC. Mitanni arose near the sources of the Khabur River in Mesopotamia sometime after 1500 BC. It was a feudal state led by a warrior nobility. The kingdom ruled northern Mesopotamia (including Syria) for about 300 years, out of their capital of Washshukanni, (or Wassukkani, or Vasukhani, meaning "a mine of wealth.") Their warriors were called marya, which is the proper Sanskrit term for it.
By approximately 1350 BC, the Mitanni kingdom had weakened, and had become practically dependent on the Hittites, then under the rule of Shuppiluliuma I. Assyria, previously under Mitanni control, was able to assert its independence during the reign of Ashuruballit I in approximately 1330 BC.
They seem to have venerated Vedic deities and their nobility used Indo-Aryan names, and worshipped Indo-Aryan gods. In a treaty between the Hittites and the Mitanni, Indic deities Mitra, Varuna, Indra, and Nasatya (Ashvins) are invoked. A text by a Mitannian named Kikkuli uses words such as aika (eka, one), tera (tri, three), panza (pancha, five), satta (sapta, seven), na (nava, nine), vartana (vartana, round). Another text has babru (babhru, brown), parita (palita, grey), and pinkara (pingala, red). Their chief festival was the celebration of vishuva (solstice) very much like in India. It is not only the kings who had Sanskrit names; a large number of other Sanskrit names have been unearthed in the records from the area.
In 905 the Catholic church wrote about certain women that believed they could fly in the company of the Pagan goddess Diana by means of an illusion induced by Satan, often when sleeping, in the form of a dream. In the 13th Century Sabbaths began to be a motivation for a serious accusation, and in 1335 a tribunal in Toulouse, France mentions one of these gatherings.
Concerning the dates on which the Sabbaths were celebrated there is no agreement among authors. Meanwhile most of them called Sabbath these reunions thinking they used to take place during the night of the Sunday before the time the Christian mass was celebrated, some authors disagreed telling that Satan was less powerful on holy days but this opinion did not prevail. There were, nonetheless, several dates on which authors agreed: February 1 (to some February 2), May 1 (Great Sabbath, Walpurgis Night), August 1, November 1 (Halloween, commencing on October 30's eve), Easter, Christmas, and less, Good Friday, January 1 (day of Jesus' circumcision), June 23 (St. John), December 21 (St. Thomas), and Corpus Christi. It was said that many people attended these Sabbaths, but that minor Sabbaths, called Esbats, were celebrated on no particular date, in isolated places or the house of a member of the group; the Esbats were said to have a lesser number of attendants.
It is interesting the coincidence between the dates of the main Sabbaths and those of the most important pre-Christian Heathen festivals, as well as that Scandinavians, Anglo-Saxons and Druids practised their rites in forests and mountains, what seems to imply the continuity of the ancient religion of those nations more than devil worship; those dates are still commemorated by Neopaganism, Neodruidism and Asatru (see also Wheel of the Year). Indeed, the description of the Esbats seems to coincide with the Pagan and Neopagan Esbats.
There are also intriguing similarities between the presumed Sabbath/Esbat rites and the cerimonies of some spiritualist African religions, such as the Orisha cult of the Yoruba, and of their New World derivatives (Voodoo, Santería, Candomblé, etc.). During these cerimonies — which are held late at night in isolated places — the priests get possessed by spirit-gods (the Orisha), amid convulsions and grimaces; and then perform ritual dances in their honor. Both men and women may be priests, but the head priest is always an elderly woman. The cerimony ends with a ritual banquet with specific foods. Each Orisha who is to be incorporated must be summoned in advance by the sacrifice of an animal and a bird; the blood is poured on the Orisha's icon, certain parts (head, feet, some organs) are offered to the spirit, and the rest is cooked for the banquet. At night, the Orisha must be attracted to the cerimonial court by placing there the things that he likes: his favorite food, color, and instruments — and is favorite live animal. (Coincidentally, the goat seems to be the favorite of many Orishas, and several sacred instruments are sticks or spears decorated with straw bundles.) It is equally important to exclude any food or thing that the Orisha hated.
Could these resemblances be more than coincidences? Historically, a connection is at least possible: the African rituals could have been brought to Europe, e.g., by Roman slaves, and later by the Moors in Spain. Alternatively, since some of these features are also found in the shamanistic rites of Asia, the Sabbath/Esbat could also be remnants of the pre-historic religions of Europe, which may well have been similar to those African cults.
Old Brazilian Portuguese example
editFor example, consider the following sample of formal written Portuguese (FW), as it would be written by any secretary, and its formal spoken version (FS) in the São Paulo dialect and semi-literal English translation (EN):
- FW: O Magnífico Sr. Reitor determinou que cabe aos Srs. Diretores informar a todos os membros da comunidade que o restaurante universitário funcionará por dez dias a partir de 15/jan, e deve abrir novamente após o início das aulas.
- FS: [umag'nifiku se'ɳor rei'tor de'termi'nou ki 'kabi aus se'ɳoris dire'toris infor'mar a'todus us'membrus 'da ko'muni'dadi ki u'restau'rɐnti 'universi'tariu funsiona'ra pur 'dɛz 'dias apar'tir di'kinzi diʒa'neiru i'devi a'brir nova'menti a'pɔis ui'nisiu daz'aulas.]
- EN: "The Magnificent President has determined that it is the duty of the Deans to inform all members of the community that the University cafeteria will open for ten days starting Jan/15, and will open again after the beginning of clsses."
Here is how a Dean could deliver the same message to his colleagues at the faculty meeting, orally, in informal spoken register (IS):
- IS: [u rei'tor mɐn'do us dire'tor avi'za 'todu 'mundu ki u'restau'rɐnti universi'tariu 'vai funsio'na pur 'dɛiz'dia kumesɐndu en'kinzi diʒa'neiru i'devi a'bri di'novu di'pois duko'mesu daiz'aula]
Apart from the supression of formal titles, this examples shows that FS and IS can differ in lexicon ([de'termi'nou] → [mɐn'do], [após]] → [di'pois]), choice of verbal form ([funsiona'ra] → ['vai funsio'na]), loss of final -r in infinitives ([a'brir] → [a'bri], and supression of redundant plurals (['dɛz 'dias] → ['dɛiz'dia]).
Material for Geber
editThe alembic (Anbique) is his great invention, which made easy and systematic the process of distillation. Jabir laid great stress on experimentation and accuracy in his work.
Although known as an alchemist, he did not seem to have seriously pursued the preparation of noble metals as an alchemist; instead he devoted his effort to the development of basic chemical methods and study of mechanisms of chemical reactions in themselves and thus helped evolve chemistry as a science from the legends of alchemy.
A large number of books are included in his corpus. Apart from chemistry, he also contributed to other sciences such as medicine and astronomy.
His religious views and philosophical concepts embodied in the corpus have been criticized but, apart from the question of their authenticity, it is to be emphasized that the major contribution of Jabir lies in the field of chemistry and not in religion.
editFrom [3]:
This theory appears to have originated the search for al-iksir, the elusive elixir that would make this transformation possible — which in European alchemy became known as the philosopher's stone.
In his treatise on the silvering of copper and iron, and in what has become known as “The Discovery of secrets”, Jabir wrote: “You must value and not contradict what is written; remember well how to manage without diminishing or augmenting, take as much as you wish of the stone mixed with its mixture and grind it with some water, mixed with copperas and Sal ammoniac until it becomes black. Then put it very near a very slight heat until it smells like semen. When it has that smell take it away and wash it slowly with some clear water, and then roast it gently until you notice a visible vapour. In this way its water will be driven off, and the stone itself will become light, without losing its essence. Take it off and dip it again into water, powdering it under water, and roast it as before. Its blackness begins to diminish. Take off the stone when it is dry and its water absorbed. Grind it well in some clear water and roast it again. It begins to be green, and then this blackness will disappear. When you see the stone beginning to turn green, be sure you are in the right path. Move it then when it becomes quite green and has the appearance of verdigris. This will show that the process is right, and the stone has lost its Sal ammoniac which would have corrupted it. After powdering it in some water, put it into a vessel well luted with plaster, place it on a gentle fire, and distil off all its water. Be patient and do not be in a hurry to increase the fire which will corrupt it; for you will repent, and your repentance will never be of avail. When you distil off all its water, take it off, and powder it in the same distilled water. Then return it to the vessel, and renew the distillation.
I recommend you to distil it 700 times like the rods of myrtle, and Indian cane. I have not explained this hint in any one of my books, but in this only. I have told you the opinion of philosophers without diminishing or increase, and have not concealed anything from you. When the stone becomes green we call it myrtle, and when it returns to yellow, we give it the name of Indian cane. You must know that it becomes gradually black from the first to the last. It remains quite black from five to ten roastings; then it slowly becomes green, and has the colour completely in 50 or 70 roastings. This is the end. If the stone acquires these qualities, there will be no doubt of its goodness. Its yellow colour begins bye-and-bye to disappear and the stone will completely lose its clearness in 70 roastings. Then the stone will have the same degree as the sun, and similar coloured rays. It will burn, and become ashes. They are the same ashes mentioned in the books of philosophers. If you continue the same process, the ashes will become quite white. This is the fourth sign, which is the sign of perfection. Therefore you must continue to proceed as before without diminishing or increase. Then it is necessary to augment the fire just a little, and do not fear the corruption. If you continue to distil it you must return the distilled water on it, and in every distillation the water diminishes; therefore it is necessary, every ten distillations, to add some clear water to the distilled water with which you pulverize it. If the stone begins to turn white, you must continue the same process until it turns very white. This will be from 500 distillations. If the fire diminish, and the operator be clever, knowing well the quantity of fire, from 450 distillations (the total is 900 distillations), the stone, you may be sure, will have a complete and real whiteness. In this state you may operate for giving copper and iron a coating of silver. You can also operate on melted crystal, and pearls, and many other minerals.”
More more
editFrom Harold P. Gaw's article [Harold P. Gaw, Alpha Alpha ’25 GMA – 1942-46]
He believed the dry or smoky exhalation was converted into sulphur, and the watery one into mercury, and by subsequent combinations metals were formed. The existence of various metals was attributed to the lack of purity at times of the sulphur and mercury, and to their combining in different proportions. If perfectly pure, and combined in the most complete natural equilibrium, then the product is the most perfect of all metals, gold. But defects in purity, different combining powers, and lack of skill on the part of the chemist result in the formation of silver, lead, tin, iron, or copper.
And more
editHarry A. Curtis, Eta The Hexagon (Alpha Xi Sigma magazine) May 1943, vol. 33, no 8 Reprinted in Alpha Xi Sigma pledge manual
Ben Johnson's "The Alchemist" "Will you believe antiquity? records? I'll show you a book, where Moses and his sister, and Solomon have written of the art; Aye, and a treatise penned by Adam- O'the Philosopher's Stone, and in High Dutch- Which proves it was the primitive tongue/