Karate History is multination and multicultural. It spans 5000 years and draws from the Middle East, India, Southeast Asia and China. From karates birthplace in the Ryukyu Islands, it has spread from Japan to the world.




  • 3000 bc Emp Hua'ng Yellow Emperor techniques of kempo, principles of Traditional Chinese medicine. hig 16
  • 3000 bc Ancient Egypt tomb: karate stance drawings on wall. hig 16
  • 3000-2000 bc Babylon karate blocking. hig 16
  • Turkey India cultural exchanges. hig 16
  • Indian Kalarippayattu resembles te. hig 16
  • Okinawan Te 1000 years. sailors from south india. hig 16

Bodhidharma in China


520 Bodhidharma Shao Lin Temple China. hig 17

18 kata (?Shiba Luohan Shou? 18 hands of lotus?) and two sutras:

  • "ekkinkyo" Yì Jīn Jīng exercises and breathing to support long hours of meditation.
  • "senzuikyo" Xi Sui Jing develop mental and spiritual strength.

Tang Dynasty of China


618-90 Tang dynasty. Shao Lin

Ryūkyū Kingdom


1187-1259 Tenshon Dynasty Ryūkyū Kingdom

1322-1429 Sanzan Period Ryūkyū Kingdom Three Mountains. The ruler of Chūzan passed his throne to king Hashi (he received the surname "Shō" from the Ming emperor in 1421, becoming known as Shō Hashi

1340 Okinawa in 3 kingdoms Shuri, Naha Tomari. Ming Dynasty Emp Chu Yuen Cheang. King Satto Ryukyu. hig 18

1368-1644 Ming Dynasty Ming rule saw the construction of a vast navy and a standing army of 1,000,000 troops.

1372 Ryukyu invested as tributary state of China. Chinese delegations until 1866. hig 18

1372 first written mention of kempo King Satto okinawa. hig 17

1392 skilled chinese sent to Kume taught kempo. Okinawan nobles study chinese kempo. Okinwawan settlement in Fukien province. hig 18

1478-1526 Ryūkyū's golden age

1477 new king Shō Shin banned swords. confisgate swords; locked up in castle Shuri. hig 18 two schools of combat: te(nobility) and kobudo(farmers). training in secrecy.

1587–1620 Shō Nei first king of Ryūkyū to be a vassal to the Shimazu clan of Satsuma,

1603 to 1868 Edo period or Tokugawa period

1609 Satsuma Clan Japan invaded Okinawa Shuri. Okiniwa puppet state of Japan. Forced to continue with China. hig 19

1644-1911 Qing Dynasty was the richest empire in the world of 18th century

1683 chinese Wanshu(Wanji) taught kempo in Tomari. Kata is still practiced today. hig 19

1750 Sakagawa began his training as a student of an Okinawan monk Peichin Takahara

1756 chinese Kusanku taught kempo in okinawa. book "Oshima Hikkt" author Tobe Ryoen (1762): first mention of karate in japanese. Kata is still practiced today. hig 19.

1756 chinese Kusanku (1700?-1762)went to Naha wikki

1756 Peichin Takahara recommended that Sakagawa train under Kusanku.

Satunuku Sakugawa aka Kanga Sakukawa wikki

1765 Sakugawa Shungo founder of Shuri-te (Todei Sakugawa) went to china. students: hig 19

Meji Era in Japan


1868: wiki changes name order from japanese family/given to western given/family

1868-1912 Meiji period

1869 Shu Shiwa (1869-1945) born in Fuzhou; Tiger Boxing. hok 27 Uechi Kanbun (1877-1948) 1898-1909 in Fuzhou. hok 27

1874 Japan annexed the Ryukyu island. wikki

1875 Higaonna Kanryo (1853-1916) founder of Naha-te went to Fukien for 15 years. hig?

1879 Ryukyu officailly declared Japanese. Okinwawan people split in loyalty between Japan and China. hig 19

1901 karate introduced into okinawan schools Itosu Anko

1908, Anko Itosu wrote to War Ministery and Education: Ten Precepts ("Tode Jukun") of Karate wikki

Tashō Period in Japan

1921 Funakoshi to Japan.

1912-1926 Tashō period

1921 Funakoshi to japan. demo to minister of education.

Shōwa period in Japan


1926–1989 Shōwa period

Founders of Styles


Geneology of Teachers




  1. ^ Bishop, Mark (1989). Okinawan Karate. pp. 93–94. ISBN 0-7136-5666-2. {{cite book}}: Cite has empty unknown parameter: |1= (help) explanation text