User:Jane023/Paintings in the Musée des Beaux-Arts de Strasbourg

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image Article description inception inventory number catalog code
Portrait of a young woman painting by Raphael and Giulio Romano 1519 MBA 175 56
Adoration of the Shepherds painting by Carlo Crivelli 140s 171 27
Crucifixion of Strasbourg painting by Giotto di Bondone 1320
167 1
The Doubt of Joseph painting by anonymous artist 140s MBA 1482
Judith and Her Maidservant painting by Antonio da Correggio 150s
MBA 252 54
Saint Roch painting by Cima da Conegliano 150s MBA 353 36
Saint Sebastian painting by Cima da Conegliano (Musée des Beaux-Arts de Strasbourg) 150s MBA 254 35
Lot and His Daughters painting by Simon Vouet 1633 1514 143
Cephalus and Procris painting by Paolo Veronese 150s MBA 634 63
Virgin Mary painting by El Greco, Strasbourg 150s 276 92a
The Little Milk-Girl painting by Martin Drolling 17th millenium 1027
Christ on the cross painting by Jean-Jacques Henner 1889 LUX 596
MBA 862
Virgin of Consolation painting by William Bouguereau 1877 RF 190
Orleans, View of the Sainte-Paterne Tower from a Window painting by Jean-Baptiste Camille Corot 180s MBA 1677 38
Paysage du Morvan painting by Jean-Baptiste Camille Corot 180s 957 19
Ville-d'Avray. - Batelier sur l'étang painting by Jean-Baptiste Camille Corot 1860 2003-1-1 1535
Freshness in the morning painting by Jean-Baptiste Camille Corot 1870 MBA 1678 2336
Landscape painting by Hubert Robert (musée des beaux-arts de Strasbourg) 170s MBA 343
View of Santa Maria della Salute, from the entrance of the Great Canal painting by Canaletto (Musée des Beaux-Arts de Strasbourg) 170s 987.1.1 152
Still Life with a Crab painting by Pieter Claesz. 1644 1819 116
Roman Landscape painting by Oswald Achenbach, Musée des Beaux-Arts de Strasbourg 2072
The Five Senses painting by Jacques Linard 1638 MBA 1690
A Couple Walking in the Amsterdam Town Hall painting by Pieter de Hooch 1663 213 199
Bathers in a Cave painting by Claude-Joseph Vernet 1787 MBA 1069
RF 2334
Mountainous Landscape with a Torrent painting by Jacob van Ruisdael 160s MBA 619 176
Two mills painting by Jacob van Ruisdael 160s MBA 265 157
Samson and Delilah painting by Guercino 1654 MBA 316 98
Man of about 55 holding a Roll of Paper in his Right Hand painting by Rembrandt 1650 266 237
368 L
The St Adrian Civic Guard painting by Cornelis Engelsz. 1612 364 131
Madonna and Child with the Milk Soup painting by workshop of Gerard David 1510 MBA 269 209
Madonna Lactans painting after Rogier van der Weyden by Jan Provoost 1510 MBA 268 342
The Dead Lovers painting by anonymous 1469 MBA 1442
The Tower of Babel painting by Marten van Valckenborch 15th century 44.2004.2.10 33
The Game of Cards painting by David Teniers the Younger 1645 MBA 202 116a
A Merry Company with Music and Dancing painting by Jan Steen 1660 MBA 614 586
The Rich Man and Lazarus painting by Gabriel Metsu 1651 214 8
Officers of the Amsterdam guild of gold- and silversmiths in 1627 lost painting by Thomas de Keyser 1627 MBA 212 156
The Myth of Prometheus painting by Piero di Cosimo in the Musée des Beaux-Arts de Strasbourg 150s
MBA 354 40
Luigia Cattaneo-Gentile Portrait painting by Anthony van Dyck 1622 MBA 200 312
Portrait of a Man painting by Jan van Ravesteyn 1636 MBA 210 170
View of Utrecht painting by Aelbert Cuyp 16th century MBA 539 656a
The Visitation painting by Peter Paul Rubens 1611 MBA 198 81
Study of Insects painting by Jan van Kessel the Elder 1660 MBA 1777 69
Stilleben mit Nautiluspokal painting by Willem Kalf 1660 MBA 422 152
Interior of the Oude Kerk in Amsterdam painting by Emanuel de Witte, Musée des Beaux-Arts de Strasbourg 1655 MBA 264 206
Fish market painting by Joachim Beuckelaer (Strasbourg version) 1568 MBA 1960 3
Man of Sorrows painting by Simon Marmion 1480 MBA 513 (a) 22
Virgin in Sorrow painting by Simon Marmion 1480 MBA 513 (b) 23
Socrates, his two Wives, and Alcibiades painting by Reyer van Blommendael 160s MBA 1377 111
Nordic Landscape with a Castle on a Hill painting by Allaert van Everdingen 1660 MBA 560 132
The Blackcurrant Pie painting by Willem Claesz. Heda 1641 MBA 1745 7.6
Woman with a Turban painting by Francesco Cairo 1635 44.987.3.2 100
The Lute Player painting by Giovanni Cariani 150s MBA 236 57
Bust of an angel painting by Filippino Lippi 1495 365 22
Apotheosis of Saint Sebastian painting by Sebastiano Ricci 1725 44.994.1.5 131
Zephyr and Flora painting by Giambattista Tiepolo 170s 44.987.3.9 133
The Deposition painting by Jacopo Tintoretto, Musée des Beaux-Arts de Strasbourg 1580 MBA 290 67
Virgin and Child with two Angels painting by Sandro Botticelli, Musée des Beaux-Arts de Strasbourg 140s MBA 558 21
The beautiful Strasbourgian 1703 painting by Nicolas de Largillière 1703 MBA 2146 164
Portrait of Richelieu painting by Philippe de Champaigne 1642 44.987.2.1
Adam and Eve painting by Maarten van Heemskerck 1550 MBA 1747 (a) 12
Gideon and the Fleece painting by Maarten van Heemskerck 1550 MBA 1747 (b) 11
Buildings and Gardens painting by Paul Vredeman de Vries and Jan Brueghel I 16th century MBA 595 101
Landscape with a view of Rome, as seen from the garden of the Villa Celimontana painting by Frederik de Moucheron 1655 MBA 224 164
Nativity of the Virgin painting by Upper Rhenish Master 140s MBA 1481
Saints Catherine and Mary Magdalene painting by Konrad Witz, Musée de l’Œuvre Notre-Dame 1440 MBA 97
Ambrosius Volmar Keller painting by Hans Baldung 1537 MBA 191 99
Rest on the flight to Egypt painting by Reynaud Levieux 1660 44.2015.1.1
Kupferschmiede painting by Antoine Watteau 17th century 233 4
The Betrothed painting by Lucas van Leyden 1527 MNR 445
Earthly Vanity and Divine Salvation (obverse) painting by Hans Memling 1485
14th century
185 D/E/F 34
Virgin a small Garden painting by anonymous 140s 578
Bathers painting by Michiel Sweerts 1655 MBA 998 88
Triptych of the Nativity painting by Master of the Female Half-Lengths 15th century MBA 366 18
The Procession of the Magi painting by Zanobi Strozzi 1445 MBA 261 18
Sacra conversazione painting by Piero di Cosimo, Musée des Beaux-Arts de Strasbourg 1480 44.981.1.1 38
Adoration of the Child with two Angels painting by Biagio d'Antonio, Musée des Beaux-Arts de Strasbourg 140s MBA 352 20
Triptych painting by Taddeo Gaddi 1330 MBA 451 3
Christ Triumphant over Sin and Death painting by Peter Paul Rubens 1618 MBA 235 82
Vanity painting by Cornelis Norbertus Gysbrechts, Musée des Beaux-Arts de Strasbourg 16th century 44.2004.2.3 62
Virgin in a Garden painting by Master of the Legend of the Magdalen 1470 MBA 1586
RF 2067
Le paradis terrestre painting by Roelant Savery 16th century 44.976.0.16 184
Scenes from the Life of Christ polyptych by Jan Swart van Groningen 1540 44.985.1.1 29, 30, 31, 32
Kitchen Still-Life painting by Cornelis Jacobsz Delff 16th century MBA 1703 125
Catcher's Tackle painting by Johannes Leemans 1668 44.984.1.3 158
Low Tide painting by Simon de Vlieger, Musée des Beaux-Arts de Strasbourg 1652 MBA 434 198
Eve painting by Hendrik Goltzius 1613 MBA 1450 136
Dune landscape painting by Jan Vermeer 16th century MBA 278 195
Mountainous Landscape painting by Gillis d'Hondecoeter 17th century MBA 219 147
The Astronomer And His Wife painting by Gonzales Coques 16th century MBA 580 50
Breakfast with Ham painting by Willem Claesz. Heda 1638 MBA 1653 143
The Painter's Rest painting by Dirck Hals 16th century MBA 1760 141
Conversion of St Clemens painting by Bernardino Fungai 15th century 453.a 14
Saint Clément retrouve sa famille painting by Bernardino Fungai 1500 453.b 15
Five Apostles painting by Allegretto Nuzi 1360 MBA 168 5
Portrait of a Young Man painting by Federico Barocci 150s MBA 1658 83
Portrait of Camilla Spinola Balbi painting by Anonymous, formerly attributed to Carlo Ceresa 1633 MBA 1774 99
Saint Margret and Saint Agnes painting by Bernardo Daddi 15th century MBA 452 4
Madonna and child painting by Bartolomeo degli Erri 1447 MBA 441 25
The Old Water Well painting by Willem Kalf, Musée des Beaux-Arts de Strasbourg 1644 MBA 229 154
Allegory of Vanity and Repentance painting by Cornelis van Haarlem 1616 MBA 1969 121
Portrait of Gustave Doré painting by Carolus-Duran 1877 55.974.0.630
Merwede Tower, Artist Sketching painting by Aelbert Cuyp or follower 16th century MBA 444 74
Jesus and Child St. John kissing painting by anonymous 17th century D.44.990.0.1 5
Saint Laurent couronné par l'Enfant Jésus painting by Claude de Jongh 1634 44.2004.0.6 151
Miss Wardour and Sir Arthur prisoners of the waves painting by Charles Delaye 18th century 44.2010.1.1
Landscape with the death of Roland painting by Achille Etna Michallon 1818 44.2012.1.1
The sun drinks the dew painting by Antoine Chintreuil 1866 MBA 950
The Birds anonymous painting 1619 MBA 1691
View of Rome's surroundings painting by Benjamin Netter 1843 2079
Musicians and Soldiers painting by Valentin de Boulogne 1626 1280
The Clemency of Scipio painting by Nicolas-Guy Brenet 1788 1989
Vertumnus and Pomona in a Garden painting by Caspar Netscher 1681 MBA 470 167
The Shipyard painting by Johann Wilhelm Baur 1635 MBA 1713
Merry Company painting by Jan Miense Molenaer 1630 MBA 454 163
The Crucifixion painting by Master of Verucchio 1340 MBA 122 6
The Virgin surrounded by twelve apostles painting by Master of the Pesaro Crucifix 1380 MBA 1966 8
Virgin and Child with Infant John the Baptist painting by Piero di Cosimo, Musée des Beaux-Arts de Strasbourg 1500 MBA 433 39
The Presentation at the Temple painting by Master of Serumido MBA 455 41
Virgin and child painting by Rocco Marconi 1516 MBA 174 32
Portrait of an unknown Man painting by Jacopo Tintoretto, Musée des Beaux-Arts de Strasbourg 15th century 44.2009.1.11 68
Self-portrait painting by Salvator Rosa 160s 44.987.3.7 109
Landscape with Cottages painting by Jan van Goyen 1644 MBA 220 380
Farm interior with sitting woman painting by anonymous 16th century MNR 587
Rough Sea painting by Jacob van Ruisdael 1665 MBA 571 654a
Still life with table clock and a print by Rembrandt painting by Sebastian Stoskopff 160s MBA 1709
Johann Jacob Fried painting by Theodor Roos 1667 MBA 2194
Portrait of Adam Friedrich Oeser painting by Anton Graff 1776 555
Basket with glasses and a pasty painting by Sebastien Stoskopff 160s MBA 1776
The Five Senses painting by Sebastian Stoskopff 1633 MBA 1695
Agony in the Garden painting by Gerard David 150s MBA 465 6
La Visitation painting by anonymous 15th century MBA 1320 a
The Visitation painting by Marco d'Oggiono 16th century MBA 292 45
An Evening River Landscape with a Ferry painting by Jan van Goyen 1643 MBA 221 1068
Head of the Virgin painting by Giambattista Pittoni at the Strasbourg Museum of Fine Arts 170s 44.2019.2.9
Portrait of a man painting by Hans Baldung 1526 535 91
Holy Family painting by Leonhard Beck 16th century 439
Portrait of a man painting by Hans Brosamer 1520 280
Portrait of Anthony van Dyck pastiche painting after Anthony van Dyck (Strasbourg) 18th century 545 75
Les Espiègles painting by Jean-Frédéric Schall 1798
17th century
MBA 1587
RF 3054
Julie d'Angennes as L'Astrée painting by Claude Deruet 160s 1084
Portrait of a Painter painting by François-André Vincent 1781 44.2011.1.1
Portrait de Monsieur de Courcy painting by Michel-Martin Drölling 1816 D.44.988.04
Joueur de musette painting by Philippe Mercier 1740 MNR 67
Rébecca reçoit d'Eliezer les présents d'Abraham painting by François Boucher 1725 44.985.2.1
Femme au rosier painting by Gustave Brion 1875 405
Landscape painting by Charles-François Daubigny (Strasbourg version) 1875 MBA 1676
Don Juan et la statue du commandeur painting by Alexandre-Evariste Fragonard 180s
Antwerpen. Schiffe auf der Schelde painting by Eugène Boudin 1872
Justice painting by Eustache Le Sueur 1650 44.2018.1.1
Vue d'Antibes painting by François-Louis Français 1894
Landscape with Windmills painting by Georges Michel D.44.976.0.14
Girodet Trioson in his workshop painting by François-Louis Dejuinne 1820 1235
Loue Valley, Stormy Weather painting by Gustave Courbet 1849 1680 98
Heroism of William Tell painting by Jean-Frédéric Schall 1793 1232
Tulips in a Vase painting by Jacques Linard 1639 1441
Neapolitan Herder and a Cow leaving a Cave painting by Jean Barbault 1750 44.2009.2.1
Portrait of the painter Auguste Feyen-Perrin painting by Jean-Jacques Henner 1884 44.982.3.1
The Virtuous Athenian Woman painting by Joseph-Marie Vien 1762 2137
La Frayeur maternelle ou La Fausse Apparence painting by Jean-Frédéric Schall 1798 2283
Maternal fear painting by Jean-Frédéric Schall 1798 2284
Portrait of a Man painting by Louis Frédéric Schutzenberger 1897 D.44.988.0.11
A Hunter Sounding a Horn painting by Louis Frédéric Schutzenberger 1859 516
Portrait de la comtesse Loménie de Brienne painting by Louis Tocqué 1737 1665
Dish with plums and grapefruit painting by Louise Moillon 1632 MBA 1689
Allégorie de la Tempérance painting by Michel Dorigny 44.2008.1.1
Return of the Prodigal Son painting by Michel-Martin Drölling 1806
The Painter and his Model painting by Jean-Alphonse Roehn 18th century 2170
RF 1964 6
Martyrdom of Saint Catherine painting by Simon Vouet 1620 44.2019.1.1
Thésée vainqueur du Minotaure painting by Charles-Édouard Chaise 1791 1392
Le coucher de Desdémone painting by Théodore Chassériau 1849 1430
RF 3875
Kosakenmädchen an Mazeppas Leiche painting by Théodore Chassériau 1851 1428
RF 3899
Sketch of a landscape painting by Théodore Rousseau 1830 1317
The swamp (Le Marais) painting by Théodore Rousseau 1842 MNR 171
Moonlight painting by Philippe-Jacques de Loutherbourg 1777 2312
A View of Llanberis Lake painting by Philippe-Jacques de Loutherbourg 1826
Philander and Clorinda painting by Philippe-Jacques de Loutherbourg 1803 1996
Landscape with the Flight into Egypt painting by Claude Gellée dit Le Lorrain 1639 MBA 275 105
Paysage des bords de la Garonne painting by Hippolyte Pradelles 44.985.3.1
Venus requesting Vulcan to make weapons for Aeneas painting after Anthony van Dyck 1640 MBA 1650 A84
Bernardo de Iriarte painting by Francisco de Goya 1796 MBA 1660 150
Saint Peter and Saint Paul (Ribera) painting by Jusepe de Ribera 1616 MBA 180 86
Cyparissus painting by Jacopo Vignali 160s
44.994.1.8 101
Ingenuity painting by Giuseppe Maria Crespi 160s 44.994.1.1 117
Salvator Mundi painting by Jacopo Negretti aka Palma Vecchio 1520 MBA 585 59
Miraculous Draught of Fish painting by Jacob Jordaens 16th century MBA 618 66
Great Vanity painting by Sebastian Stoskopff 1641 MBA 1249 2.5
Gian Lorenzo Berti portrait painting by Gaspare Traversi 170s MBA 182 128
Landscape with Tobias and the Angel ca. 1670 painting by Salvator Rosa 1670 MBA 182 110
Adam and Eve/Gideon and the Fleece painting by Maarten van Heemskerck 1550 MBA 1747 (b)
MBA 1747 (a)
The Immaculate Conception with Saint Lawrence and Saint Francis of Paola painting by Giovanni Domenico Tiepolo 17th century MBA 435
Rest on the Flight into Egypt painting by Paris Bordone 1530 MBA 176 60
L'Orage painting by Georges Michel 1830 MBA 937
Saint Sebastian and the Angel painting by Carlo Bononi 160s 44.987.3.1 97
Madonna in the Vine Arbour painting by Hans Baldung 1541 MBA 536 237
Glasses in a Basket painting by Sebastian Stoskopff 1643 MBA 1281
Holy Family with Saint John the Baptist and an Angel painting by Sodoma 150s MBA 351 50
Portrait of a Couple painting by Niccolò dell'Abbate 150s 641 76
River Landscape 1642 painting by Salomon van Ruysdael 1642 277 179
Landscape with Animals painting by Philip James de Loutherbourg 1767 1062
Une âme d'artiste portée au Ciel painting by Philippe-Jacques de Loutherbourg 1791 44.2018.1.1
Christ and Mary Magdalene painting by Philippe-Jacques de Loutherbourg 2403
The Little Bridge painting by Gillis Rombouts 16th century MBA 423 174
Interior of a Gothic Church painting by Emmanuel de Witte 1679 1655 207
Undergrowth painting by Gillis van Coninxloo 1597 512 120
Forest Landscape painting by Jan Lagoor 17th century 583 157
Salome with the Head of Saint John Baptist painting by Jean-Daniel Heimlich 1771 44.2005.1.1
Study of a parrot painting by Jean-Baptiste Oudry 1698
Prophet holding a Scroll painting by Luca Signorelli, Musée des Beaux-Arts de Strasbourg 15th century 44.2019.2.12
The Virgin in Prayer painting by Sassoferrato in Strasbourg 16th century 44.2019.2.11
Saint Anthony of Padua holding the Infant Jesus painting by Bernardo Strozzi 1625 44.994.1.7 106
Saint John the Evangelist painting by Marx Reichlich 1502 44.2019.2.10
The Haarlem Damstraat seen from the Spaarne painting by Gerrit Berckheyde 16th century 44.2019.2.1
The Coronation of the Virgin painting by Frans Francken the Younger 16th century 44.2019.2.5
Adoration of the Shepherds painting by Girolamo da Treviso 15th century 44.2019.2.6
Hermit sitting on a rock next to the entrance of a grotto painting by David Teniers the Younger 16th century 44.2019.2.13
Liberation of Saint Peter painting by Peter Neeffs II 16th century 44.2019.2.8
Madonna and Child painting by the Master with the Parrot 44.2009.1.2
Episode of the childhood of Saint John the Baptist painting by Sano di Pietro 1450 44.2009.1.10 12
Saint Charles Borromeo visiting the Poor during the Plague painting by Orazio Borgianni 16th century 44.2019.2.3
Church interior, by day painting by Pieter Neeffs II 1654 208 79
Head of Saint John the Baptist painting by Andrea Vaccaro 1640 44.2009.3.1 108
Holy Family painting by Antonio Vivarini, Musée des Beaux-Arts de Strasbourg 1453 450 26
Adoration of the Magi painting by Bartolomeo Biscaino 1650 1 103
Adoration of the Magi painting by Valerio Castello 1650 1830 104
Young Woman with Earrings and Pearl Necklace Fayum mummy portrait
Christ on the Cross painting by Francesco Trevisani 17th century 44.2019.2.15
Crucifixion of Saint Andrew painting by Francesco Trevisani 17th century 44.2019.2.14
The Pilgrims painting by David Teniers the Younger 160s 570 91
Moses and the Brazen Serpent painting by Jacopo Amigoni 1725 44.990.1.1 130
Saint Catherine of Alexandria and the Angel painting by Francesco Solimena 1698 44.987.3.8 112
The Abduction of Helen painting by Girolamo Genga 1510 490 53
Mucius Scaevola before Lars Porsenna painting by Carlo Innoncenzo Carlone 1720 44.987.3.3 127
Old Woman painting by Bernhard Keil 1665 2295 90
A Middle-Aged Woman painting by Prospero Fontana 1550 639 77
View of Borghetto painting by Hendrik Frans van Lint 1720 1180 72
Italian Landscape, the Palace of the Caesars painting by Hendrik Frans van Lint 1745 44.990.0.3 73
A Workshop of Nuns painting by Alessandro Magnasco 1725 1661 123
Annunciation to the Shepherds painting by Garofalo 1515 274 49
Cincinnatus called up from the Field painting by Sebastiano Ricci 1707 44.994.1.6 132
Santa Cecilia painting by Sassoferrato 17th century 2232 94
Virgin of the Annunciation painting by Paolo de Matteis 17th century 44.2019.2.7
Daniel in the Lions' Den painting by Nicolas Bertin 17th century 44.2019.2.2
The Pandurina Player painting by Giuseppe Maria Crespi 1705 44.994.1.2 119
The Flight into Egypt painting by Giuseppe Maria Crespi 18th century 44.987.3.4 120
Allegory of Music painting by Michele Desubleo 1625 44.2011.2.1 88
Danaë copy after the painting by Titian in the Museo del Prado 17th century 257 175
Christ before Pilatus painting by Wilhelm Stetter 1535 1411
Prayer of the Rich Man and the Poor Man painting by anonymous 1474 118
Sept dignitaires ecclésiastiques painting by the Master of the Drapery Studies 140s 1643 bis
Saint Conrad painting by the Master of the Drapery Studies 140s 98
Arrestation de Saint Jacques le Majeur painting by Master of the Legend of Saint James 140s 1516
Martyrdom of Saint Catherine painting by anonymous 140s 114
Martyrdom of Saint Ursula and the Eleven Thousand Virgins painting by anonymous 140s MBA 113
Standing Saint painting by Hans Baldung 1530 2130.a 226
Saint George painting by Hans Baldung and an assistant 1530 2130.b 227
Portrait of Anna Martoffin painting by Conrad Faber von Kreuznach 1528 1985
Triumph of Galatea painting by Louis de Boullogne 17th century 44.2020.1.1
Landscape with Diana painting by Herri met de Bles 1540 271 25
Boy Bitten by a Crayfish Copy after a lost painting by Caravaggio 150s 1285 85
The Virgin fainting as Christ is carried to his grave painting by Lorenzo Lotto 1545 289 62
Madonna and Child painting by Lorenzo di Credi, Musée des Beaux-Arts de Strasbourg 1490 272 37
A Miracle by Saint Benedict painting by Luca Giordano 1680 44.987.3.6 111
Saint Roch painting by Giambattista Tiepolo 170s 250 134
Mystic Marriage of Saint Catherine of Alexandria painting by Prospero Fontana 150s 2184 78
Portrait of a Donor and his Sons painting by Maarten van Hemskerck 1560 467a 9
Portrait of a Donor and her Daughter painting by Maarten van Heemskerck 1560 MBA 467 (b) 10
Guardhouse painting by Gerbrand van den Eeckhout 1654 MBA 1773 129
Nitpicking painting by Michiel Sweerts 1646
16th century
MNR 494
Portrait of Jacopo Soranzo painting by Giovanni Cariani 1523 256 58
Christ fallen under the Cross painting by Giuseppe Maria Crespi 170s 44.994.1.3 118
Deposition of Christ painting by Simone Peterzano 150s MBA 262 84
Christ on the Cross with Saint Francis of Assisi painting by Alessandro Magnasco 1730 44.993.2.1 122
Portrait of a Humanist painting by Quinten Massijs 16th century 44.2009.1.3
Theorbo Player painting by Pieter Codde 160s 568 118
Portrait of a Man painting by Pieter Codde (pendant of Theorbo Player) 160s 569 117
Portrait of a Woman painting by Jan van Ravesteyn (pendant of Portrait of a Man) 1636 211 171
Saint Ursula painting by Francisco de Zurbarán or his workshop 160s 288 145
Saint Engratia painting by Francisco de Zurbarán or his workshop 160s MBA 287 144
Nativity of the Virgin painting of the Veronese School, between 1400 and 1410 140s 449 16
Resurrected Christ painting by Francesco d'Antonio di Bartolomeo 1430 170 17
Saint Bruno in Prayer painting by Carlo Sellitto 1610 432 107
The Four Elements painting by Jan van Kessel the Elder No/unknown value MBA 209 68
Spring painting by Jacob Grimmer (Strasbourg) 44.2009.1.4
Summer painting by Jacob Grimmer (Strasbourg) 44.2009.1.5
Sleeping Apostles fragment of a larger painting by Justus van Gent 15th century
Peasants on a Path, with a Mill in the Background painting by Jan Brueghel I or his circle 44.2009.1.6
Peasants on a Wagon near a River flowing through a Village painting by Jan Brueghel I or his circle 44.2009.1.7
The Card Players painting by Adriaen van Ostade 1640 565 168
Edge of a Forest with Hunters painting by Frederik de Moucheron 160s 223 165
Elegant Figures in an Interior painting by Christoffel Jacobsz. van der Laemen 1638 MBA 204 71
Church interior, by night painting by Pieter Neeffs II 1654 207 78
Resurrection of Christ painting by Filippo Mazzola 1497 428 28
Francis of Assisi painting by the studio of Peter Paul Rubens 1630 293 83
87 (1)
Floral still life of three roses in a glass vase surrounded by three butterflies, a beetle and a caterpillar painting by Jacob van Es 160s 1876
MNR 397
Allegory of Fortune painting by Anonymous 1520 283 37
Portrait of a Man painting by a follower of Jan van Scorel 1530 D.44.976.0.2 28
Winter Landscape painting by Robert van der Hoecke 17th century 206 64
Virgin on a Moon Crescent painting by the Master of the Berlin Sketchbook 1525 281 20
Saint Anne carrying the Virgin and Child painting by the Master of the Berlin Sketchbook 1525 44.986.1.1 21
Vanity painting by Sebastien Bonnecroy 1641 1824 45
The Nightmare painting by Follower of Hieronymus Bosch 16th century 2020 41
The Raising of Lazarus painting by Jan van de Venne 17th century 134 97
The Mocking of Christ painting by Lippo di Benivieni 1300 169 7
Allegory of Wise Counsel painting by Francesco Zugno 170s 286 135
Holy Family painting by Bartolomeo Montagna 1510 172 29
Virgin and Child painting by Giovanni Antonio da Montonate 150s 259 46
Holy Family painting by Giovanni Speranza 1503 255 30
Landscape painting by Jan Wijnants (Strasbourg) 1667 566 210
Landscape with Shepherds and Cattle painting attributed to David Teniers the Younger 1660 D.44.976.0.5 92
Landschaft mit Jägern und Maultieren painting by Gerrit Adriaenszoon Berckheyde, Musée des Beaux-Arts de Strasbourg 1660 217 106
Landschaft mit Jägern und Bauern painting by Gerrit Adriaenszoon Berckheyde, Musée des Beaux-Arts de Strasbourg 1660 218 107
Saint Peter visits Saint Agatha in her Prison painting by L'Orbetto 1630 44.992.1.1 87
Holy Family with Saint John Baptist painting by Pier Francesco Sacchi 1518 575 48
Holy Family painting by Pellegrino da San Daniele 16th century 249 33
Undergrowth with Mushrooms painting by Paolo Cattamara 17th century 1835 114
Portrait of a Man in a silk Kimono painting by Michiel van Musscher 1696 297 166
Imaginary Rhine Landscape painting by Herman Saftleven 160s 1882
MNR 560
River Landscape painting by Herman Saftleven (Strasbourg) 1651 296 182
Martyrdom of Gerard of Csanád painting by Johann Carl Loth 1677 358 102
Venus and Cupid painting by Anonymous (German active in Italy) 16th century 1867
MNR 16
Christ in the House of Simon the Pharisee painting by Girolamo Muziano 150s 359 81
A Study of Tree Trunks painting by Théodore Rousseau 1833 1701
A Study of Rocks and Trees, Fontainebleau painting by Théodore Rousseau 1829 1702
The Four Elements painting by Sebastian Stoskopff 1633 MBA 2082
Penitent Saint Jerome painting by Marco Basaiti 16th century 173 31
Saint Jerome and the Lion painting by Donato Creti 1700 44.987.3.5 121
Bowl of Strawberries painting by Sebastian Stoskopff 1620 MBA 1396
Saint Philip Neri in Glory among Angels painting by Francesco Conti 170s 44.993.1.1 126
Flowers in a Vase painting by Antonio Ponce 1650 1877
MNR 409
The Deification of Aeneas painting by Jean Restout 1749 977-3-1
Sujet de chasse I painting by Jean-Baptiste Oudry 1742 1668
Sujet de chasse II painting by Jean-Baptiste Oudry 1742 1669
Mater Dolorosa painting by Spanish anonymous 15th century 1829 142
Still Life with a Calf's Head painting by Carlo Magini 18th century 1761 116
The Liberation of Saint Peter painting attributed to Carlo Rosa 16th century 44.2019.2.8
Doubting St Thomas painting by anonymous 15th century 44.2019.2.16
Q105027685 painting by anonymous 16th century 22.976.3.1
David and Bathsheba painting by anonymous 16th century 22.976.3.2
Old Man with a Vanitas Still Life painting by Bartholomäus Hopfer 16th century 2042
Le Christ et la femme adultère painting by anonymous 15th century 238 72
The Washing of the Feet painting by an anonymous Parmigian painter 1520 559 73
Bacchus, Ariane and Venus painting by Domenico Tintoretto, Musée des Beaux-Arts de Strasbourg 16th century MBA 177
Portrait of a Couple painting by workshop of Alessandro Allori 1560 MBA 617 75
Lot and his Daughters painting by anonymous (MBA Strasbourg) 15th century MBA 1595
RF 2291
Portrait of Adéone painting by Martin Drolling 1812 2411
La Cène painting after Leonardo da Vinci (MBA Strasbourg) 16th century MBA 260 159
The Mocking of Christ painting by Francesco Bassano and assistants 16th century 2026 65
The Virgin and Child with Saint Anne ancient copy after Leonardo da Vinci 1600 584 44
Saint John Baptist, Saint Jerome and Saint Francis of Assisi painting by Bartolomeo Passerotti 16th century 44.2004.0.3 80
Italian Landscape painting by Willem de Heusch (Strasbourg) 17th century 225 146
Die Apfelschälerin painting by Esaias Boursse 1672 412 113
Nächtlicher Brand painting by Anthonie van Borssom 1665 226 112
Flussüberquerung painting by Adriaen van de Velde 1656 424 190
Saint Francis of Assisi painting by Olivuccio di Ciccarello 1430 44.976.0.1 11
Virgin and Child painting by anonymous, probably from Tuscany, circa 1360 1360 502 9
Portrait of a Man painting by Antonio di Donnino di Domenico Mazzieri 1520 357 52
The archangel Michael supports the blessed Waltmann, who is being consecrated abbot by Saint Norbert painting by Abraham van Diepenbeeck 16th century 447 52
La Prise de voile de sainte Gertrude et l'incendie de l'abbaye de Nivelles painting by Abraham van Diepenbeeck 1645 270 51
Paysage avec les paysans refoulant Latone painting by Jacques d'Arthois 17th century 291 43
Study of a Landscape with a Muleteer painting by Stefano della Bella 1660 44.2016.1.1 96
Flower Bouquet painting by Pieter Casteels III 18th century 44.2004.0.4 49
Hunting Still Life painting by Michiel D. van Limborch 17th century 2192 159
Retour de chasse. Portrait d'une famille strasbourgeoise painting by Bartholomäus Hopfer 17th century 1934
Johann Adam Schrag painting by Bartholomäus Hopfer 1687 64
Moses saved from the Waters painting by David Vinckboons 1601 1654 197
Crossing the Ford painting by Lambert Doomer 160s 664 126
The Supper at Emaus painting by Aniello Falcone 16th century 44.2019.2.4
Coast scene with war ships and fishermen painting by Willem van de Velde the Younger 16th century 1964 193
Self-Portrait painting by Gabriel-Christophe Guérin 18th century 489
Marine (Strasbourg version) painting by Willem van de Velde the Younger 16th century 582 192
Nature morte de poissons painting by Abraham van Beijeren 16th century 1961 108
Bateaux de pêche sur une mer agitée ; Marine painting by Abraham van Beijeren 16th century 520 109
Mystic Marriage of Saint Catherine of Alexandria painting by Bernardino Zaganelli or by Francesco Zaganelli 150s 251 42
Allegory of Prudence and Astrology painting by Marcello Venusti 150s 258 74
Self-portrait painting by Stefan Faliński 1850 55.974.0.661
Still-Life with Fishes and a Spider Crab painting by Giuseppe Recco 16th century 1662 113
Louis XV offrant la Paix à l'Europe painting by François Lemoyne 1737 1036
Le Supplice de saint André painting by Jean-Baptiste Deshays 1758 44.2002-1-1
Scène biblique painting by Jean-Baptiste Marie Pierre 1755 44.2004.1.1
Edwin von Manteuffel painting by Max Schüler 1883 27
François Christophe Kellermann painting by Lucile Foullon-Vachot 1820 1770
Portrait of a Man painting by Jean-Jacques Sorg 1779 778
Claude de Siffrédy painting by Gérard du Vigeon 1705 1559
Elisabeth Harnister painting by anonymous 1611 1388
Les Croisés devant Jérusalem painting by Théophile Schuler 1845 MBA 402
Le Dimanche après-midi à Oberseebach painting by Théophile Schuler 1863 1462
Vue de la place Gutenberg à Strasbourg painting by George Jones 1827 1789
Le coup de canon painting by Lieve Verschuier 160s 562 196
Landscape with Soldiers painting by Lodewijk de Vadder 17th century 203 96
Portrait of a clean-shaven young man in a cloak trimmed with light fur painting by Lucas Cranach the Elder 1533 1645 FR343
A View of Arnhem painting by Joris van der Haagen 160s 1683 140
Abraham and Melchizedek painting by Bartholomeus Breenbergh 1633 44.976.0.4 114
La famille d’Étienne Livio painting by Monique Daniche 1801 MBA 51
Le Banquet desservi 1621
Ezéchias fait abattre le serpent d’airain painting by Louis-Joseph Le Lorrain 1739 44.2001.1.1
Marine, vue du Havre depuis la mer painting by Philippe-Jacques de Loutherbourg 1810 1139
Scène de patinage à Hyde Park painting after Philippe-Jacques de Loutherbourg 1119
stillife: plums painting by François-Xavier Vispre 1769 MNR 69
still-life-fruit painting by François-Xavier Vispre 1769 MNR 70
Vanité painting by Simon Renard de Saint-André 1665 1246
Cyrus et Darius s'emparent de Babylone painting by Hyacinthe Collin de Vermont 1737 1142
Portrait of Charles Winter painting by Gustave Brion 1850 1637
La Caravane painting by Jules-Édouard Magy 1863 D.44.2008.0.4
Gutenberg inventing the printing press in Strasbourg in 1436 painting by Gabriel Christophe Guérin 1827 44.2001.1.2
Stilleben mit Römer painting by Willem Kalf, Palais des Beaux-Arts de Lille 1660 MBA 85 153
Nature morte au canard painting by Anne Vallayer-Coster 1787 1246
Venus, Juno, Pallas painting by a German Anonymous 17th century 2010-2011-2012
The porridge eater workshop of Jacob Jordaens 16th century 201 67
Rape of the negro girl painting by Christiaen van Couwenbergh 1632 2367 122
Holy Family painting by Rubens (Strasbourg), or by Jan van den Hoecke after Rubens 1632 199 658
The Creation of the Animals painting by Hans Bocksberger (Anonym)(flämisch) (1510-1569) 1535 3338
MNR 366
Das Ballsouper painting by Edgar Degas 1879 MNR 226
Portrait of a boy painting by Anonyme 15th century MNR 358
Flower bouquet in a wooden tub painting after Jan Brueghel the Elder 1600 1970 47
Still Life painting attributed to Jan Willemsz van der Wilde 1627 MNR 427
Maison rustique painting by Egbert van der Poel 16th century MNR 428
Stoning of Saint Stephen painting by Hans Baldung Grien 1522 MBA 315
Annunciation to the Shepherds painting by Jacopo Bassano (Strasbourg) 16th century 178 64
Virgin and Child painting by Piero Pollaiuolo 15th century 443 19
Saint Augustinus with two Donors painting by the Master of the Drapery Studies 140s MBA 1744
L'Écho interrogé 1863 1152
Trompe-l’œil aux rubans 1685 1749
Nature morte en trompe-l’œil 1756 2018
Portrait of a Man painting by Donatien Nonnotte 1747 44.977.2.1
Goblet and Pie painting by Theodor Roos 17th century MBA 1926
Portrait of Edmond About painting by Felix Henri Giacomotti 1858 1457
Death of the Virgin painting by anonymous 150s MBA 1664
Sleeping Venus anonymous painting of the Fontainebleau school, after Titian 1510 5786
MNR 496
The Thunderstorm painting by Gustave Adolphe Kirstein 1872 1378
Landscape painting by Philips Augustijn Immenraet 1666 D.44.976.0.1
RF 1946 36
Portrait of a Lady painting by Édouard Dubufe 1851 MBA 1408
The Beer Drinker painting by Gustave Brion 1858
Près d'Evian au lac de Genève 1883 47
Landscape of Bavaria painting by Carl Rottmann 19th century
The Virgin in Prayer painting by anonymous after Hans Memling 15th millenium 187 17
De Heilige Familie met musicerende engel 16th millenium
Man of Sorrows painting by anonymous after Hans Memling 16th century 186 16
The Water Carrier painting by Charles Monnet 1762
Annunciation to the Shepherds (The Night Camp) painting by Jacopo Bassano and workshop 16th century 179 66
Portement de croix painting by Anonymous (possibly Jan de Beer) 15th century RF 1946 38
Portrait d'homme 16th century RF 1944 23
Portrait d'homme painting by Nicolas de Largillière 17th millenium MI 1142
Femme à une fenêtre painting by Martin Drölling 18th century MI 1051
Joueur de violon à une fenêtre painting by Martin Drölling 18th century MI 1052
Les Eaux douces d'Asie painting by Jean-Baptiste Hilair 1787 RF 2337
Femme à la quenouille painting by Anonyme 16th century RF 1944 14
Deux amours sur des nuages painting by Anonyme 1749 RF 2507
Paysage avec animaux. La Bergère painting by François-Joseph Casanova 17th century INV 3162
MR 1319
Paysage avec animaux. Le berger. painting by François-Joseph Casanova 17th century INV 3163
MR 1318
Le Réveil de Desdémone. Esquisse painting by Théodore Chassériau 1849 RF 3877
Scene of the harem, Moorish woman in bath painting by Théodore Chassériau 1854 RF 3890
MBA 1429
Vase with Flowers painting by Gaspar Peeter Verbruggen the Younger 16th century MI 1345
D 44.2005.1.1
Le Départ des Amazones painting by Claude Deruet 16th century RF 1963 109
Combat des Amazones et des Grecs painting by Claude Deruet 16th century RF 1963 112
Homme à la cruche de grès painting by Anonyme 16th century RF 1944 15
Deux amours enguirlandant de fleurs un casque et une épée painting by Anonyme 17th century RF 2508
Portrait d'enfant painting by Michel-Martin Drolling 1818 RF 1944 5
Tête de jeune garçon (Pierre-Alexandre Wille ?) ; étude painting by Jean-Baptiste Greuze 1755 MI 1072
Nature morte aux fruits painting by Jean Baptiste Siméon Chardin 1758 MI 1039
Combat des Amazones et des Grecs painting by Claude Deruet (Louvre RF 1963 111) 16th century RF 1963 111
Combat des Amazones et des Grecs painting by Claude Deruet (Louvre RF 1963 110) 16th century RF 1963 110
Saint Anne, the Virgin and the Child anonymous Flemish painting 150s 195 35
Portrait of a Man painting attributed to Ambrosius Benson 1540 MBA 190 2
Still Life with pears and a mouse painting by Johannes Bouman 1635
Maria in gebed 1430
Bouquet of flowers painting by Jan van Huijsum 170s 230 150
Game piece with hare, poultry and fruit painting by Christian Wehrlin 17th century 1554
Hunting still-life with hanging hare and birds painting by Jan Vonck 16th millenium 1696 199
Ships near a harbour painting by Bonaventura Peeters (I) 16th century MBA 431 80
Landscape with the temptation of Christ 16th century 44.2004.2.4 102
Waterfall painting by Théophile Schuler 19th century MBA 742
Dead Birds painting by Michael Bechtel 1663 2083
Trompe-l'oeil au messager boiteux painting by Mathias Dominique Jehl 1763 1959
Vanity painting by Hans Memling 1485 185 176.4
Christ with Music-Making Angels painting by Hans Memling 1485 185 176.1
Death painting by Hans Memling 1485 185 176.2
Hell painting by Hans Memling 1485 185 176.3
A skull painting by Hans Memling 1485 185 176.5
An Escutcheon painting by Hans Memling 1485 185 176.6
Martyre de sainte Catherine painting by Master of the Turin Adoration 1500 MBA 446 14
Martyre de sainte Agnès painting by Master of the Turin Adoration 1500 MBA 445 15
Déposition de croix painting by anonymous (MBA 126) 16th century MBA 126 39
Descente de croix painting by anonymous (MBA 188) 15th century MBA 188 94d
The game of "Main Chaude" in the courtyard of a palace painting by Wilhelm Schubert van Ehrenberg and Hieronymus Janssens 1666 44.975.1.6 60
Winter painting by anonymous 17th century MBA 346
Spring painting by anonymous 17th century MBA 347
Summer painting by anonymous 17th century MBA 348
Autumn painting by anonymous 17th century MBA 349
Sainte Madeleine 1460 MBA 1643
Portrait de Madame Rose Schuler-Bachelin 1862 44.2008.0.4
Erwin de Steinbach 19th century MBA 25
Épisode de la guerre de 1814 1870
MBA 1594
Kartenspieler painting by anonymous 18th century 44.994.1.4 124
Benefactor with Bird Cage 1479 MBA 464
Adam and Eve painting by Lucas Cranach the Elder (Strasbourg, destroyed in 1947) 16th century MBA 193 288a
The Crucifixion Painting by Lucas Cranach the Elder (Strasbourg, destroyed in 1947) 1515 MBA 57 61
End of auto-generated list.